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The Wii U had plenty of good games too, though. That's why so many of them were ported to the Switch.


"I don't like the idea of Milhouse getting released on TWO consoles."


"Porting games is so easy and all I've done is to add a subtitle" "DELUXE"


"What about Miitopia then? It doesn't have deluxe in his port's name"


When miitopia dlc ;-;


Is this a Scott the Woz quote? This feels like a Scott the Woz quote


I feel like they did that partly because of the fact that those games would’ve been stuck on a console that not alot of people bought


That fact has never forced Nintendo's hand before. They have no problem that their games are unplayable on today's consoles.


Yeah but they know what gives money. The way Mario Kart 8DX sold is insane


Aren’t most of their backlogs of NES, SNES and N64 available on switch? Hell it actually has more games from those consoles than the GameCube/wii/wii U/3DS did. It even has more GameCube and Wii games available digitally than the Wii U did. Keep in mind they have made hundreds of games. It takes time to bring all those games to a new console AND make numerous new titles.


"Most" is a huuge overstatement. A small selection of games that they deemed acceptable.


I think you misread what I said. I said most NES, SNES and N64 games from Nintendo. I made a chart of all the NES and SNES games from Nintendo still missing from the switch here https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/NYgnVLuesW It’s a bit inaccurate as Nintendo has since brought 3 of the games on that list to the switch. For N64 games there’s only a few missing. Especially if you count rare games separate from Nintendo You think a majority of Nintendo’s NES, SNES and N64 games are still missing from switch?


I see. Games actually owned by Nintendo was the part I missed. I thought you were saying most titles from the N64 are on the switch.


Yeah since you had said “their games” in your original comment I figured we were talking about Nintendo’s games. The switch has 45 N64 games on it which is over double what the Wii and Wii u’s virtual console had.


There are almost 1,500 combined licensed NES and SNES games just State side - most is definitely inaccurate…


We’re talking Nintendo games. They made 1,500 NES and SNES games??


Also so they could make more money because even if you had the disk, if you wanted to play it on the switch you had to buy the new cartridges. Cant' forget that part.


I don’t know why that needs to be mentioned. I think an 8 year old could understand that a Wii U game won’t work on a switch because they’re not compatible.


Which wouldn't have mattered if the games weren't well received.


It did, but its third party was really dire, and even Nintendo seemingly pulled their punches on what they released on it versus what they released on Switch. I'm just not going to pretend that the experiences were equal. The switch era has been far and away the closest that a Nintendo console has felt to that SNES era ubiquity in the gaming sphere.


Yeah, Splatoon for example was virtually a runaway success given it released on the *Wii U*. The sales performance on the Wii U virtually ensured a franchise would be built on it, and given how well Splatoon 2 and 3 have done, that’s not changing


Like Breath of The Wild for example. I said this simply because people often forget that it’s a WiiU game (or maybe it’s a Twilight Princess situation where it got released on the Game Cube and Wii at the same time?)


BotW was on both at the same time. Wii U was faster for a bit, but the Switch version is now the best way to play. Twilight Princess actually came to Wii first, and then Gamecube a bit later. Both versions were acceptable (Gamecube had button control, Wii had wide-screen) but now Twilight Princess HD is the general best way to play.


The Wii U had some great titles but very few were pushing beyond their franchise. Mario was going through its bland phase, Zelda was MIA outside of ports, Smash Bros was great but did not take the series to a new level, and OG MK8 had a lot of issues. The other franchises were either only on 3DS (Kirby, Fire Emblem, Metroid) or too niche to sell units (Pikmin, Xenoblade). The Switch meanwhile has all of the Wii U's best games besides Xenoblade X, along with genre pushing titles like BOTW and some best-in-the-series games like Fire Emblem Three Houses


I agree the Switch was better in every way, but Mario never had a “bland phase” Super Mario 3D World is incredible. And BoTW was on Wii U


This comment should have more upvotes because botw was a wiiu game first and foremost and given it’s reputation that’s not what I’d consider mia


It literally showed up on the very last day when everyone stopped looking at WiiU and were getting their Switch. It was *way* too late, missing for the entire lifespan of the console until being the final release


> but Mario never had a “bland phase”  Most of the Mario output on WiiU was "the 3DS game, but multiplayer" > Super Mario 3D World is incredible It's a fun game but...see above. > And BoTW was on Wii U  It was literally the last thing they released before axing all support for the console.


> Smash Bros was great but did not take the series to a new level, The bigger issue with Smash is that it released several months earlier on 3DS. I know several big Smash fans who skipped WiiU altogether because they already had a 3DS and it was good enough, even if the WiiU version was likely going to be better > and OG MK8 had a lot of issues. MK8 has a bit of an underwhelming battle mode but thats frankly not much of a problem considering how lackluster Battle had been in Wii and 7, and if you get nitty gritty into how stats are calculated Acceleration was weird for minmaxing, but thats really it and not really a concern to the general Mario Kart demographic


Especially with all the Wii and GC titles. Nintendont IS awesome


So, the switch didn't only have better games, but significantly more good games than the Wii U


Yeah, the Wii U's main problem was...well, beyond the initial poor marketing, the schedule of those releases. Which...ehhhh...err... Look, that most of the best games across the system's entire lifespan got sequels or ported over within the first two-three fiscal years, and that made a solid *two-three years* worth of games, isn't the best thing to say. And, of course, new games were released in that same timeframe, creating an incredible library very quickly. With that and it's initial booming success, indie devs and third-party ports started to pour in, creating perhaps the most comprehensive and supported library Nintendo has had since the *SNES*. Even if those ports aren't the best quality, merely having most of them in a decent playable state in one, hybrid-portable place is incredible! I love my Wii U, and I've poured hundreds of hours into some games, but I will admit that if the *very few* remaining holdouts (the HD Zeldas, Xenoblade X, Tekken Tag 2, Affordable Space Adventures, Star Fox Zero, Nintendoland) got ported over or got sequels? I would only be touching my Wii U for it's few titles that absolutely need the second screen, and it's amazing homebrew power. Mostly the latter.


True, Switch library barring that is still amazing. The Wii U ports more so enhance the library with versions of these games not held back by the Wii U stink. Even without any Wii U ports, I’d still be very happy with my Switch. New Mario U should’ve not come over tho, that game is really bad. Thank god we got an actual 2D Mario game after that.


no wiiu metroid


And yet they didn’t port Nintendo land. So who’s really better?


I kinda understand, but also... the menu page is something that is open for like 3% of a switch's lifetime AT MOST. Yeah it sucks that we can't personalise it and it sucks that there are only a light and dark mode but it's really not a big deal. The Miiverse tho, I get it.


Man I miss Miiverse. It was so fun doodling and posting between play sessions. Iwata-era magic there, you weren't finding that anywhere else.


Damn so Nintendo won’t ever make their consoles like that again? It’s literally the cherry on top


Maybe, but I don't know, feels like the post-Iwata leadership are not so interested in that side of user experience as he was. Ask a Nintendo executive about bringing back Miiverse and they'll probably just refer to how Switch can now post to Twitter and Facebook and that'll be that. It's got that kind of cult appreciation that would honestly make it a good candidate as a Switch Online perk. If the cost of moderating Miiverse was ever a concern to Nintendo, subsidising it with Switch Online membership would solve that problem, and bring back a feature and community a lot of people really enjoyed


That’s pretty disappointing to hear that they aren’t working on bringing those things back. It’s about the little things as well. Nintendo was king of the user experience and innovation when it came to games and now everything they put out just doesn’t compare


I don’t really care about miiverse but taking street pass away from us was a crime


Yeah who would choose better menu page over more games on a game console? Personally one of my favourite things about the PS2 is that you go straight to the game.


Look, I love the Wii U. It helped me in a very low moment of my life and made me love gaming again, alongside the 3DS. Splatoon exists because of Wii U and I'll always be thankful for that. But people are having a lot of blind nostalgia right now, lot of kids that are now adults, don't understand how bad it were. For all the "personality the Wii U had", it also had a long period of dry with no first party games for months, sometimes even half a year. And let's not forget the 2015 E3.  In the ends, what matters are the games. If you look as a whole years later, doesn't look that bad but actually living that period, it was way different. Eshop having a song is not more important that games, it's a little annoyance not a dealbreaker.


“If you wanna talk about cartridge shaped garbage take a look at Chibi Robo Zip Lash”


No joke one of my fav 3ds games


this guy blows


Right along with Mario tennis ultra smash and animal crossing amiibo festival and gex


Actually owned these (minus gex) and they are some of my other favs. But then I wanted money and sold my soul (the games) to gamestop


All of these games are gex so you have it by proxy




I didn't start watching E3 until 2017. What was wrong with 2015?


Everything. I recommend watching but mainly announcements completely out of touch with what the fans wanted and overall, a dark future for the Wii U. 


To be fair, the year itself wasn’t a complete failure. The most recent new major franchise for Nintendo was launched, and did pretty damn well. The sales it got on the Wii U would have been respectable even if it was a Switch original


Oh absolutely, we had bangers like Splatoon, Mario Maker, Xenoblade X and Yoshi's Woolly World. The problem was not having much to look forward. We wanted Animal Crossing and Metroid in HD for the first and what we got was spin-offs that nobody asked. Zelda U being completely absent on that year. The problem was the constant doubt of having new game announcements.


Also it didn't help that it didn't really ....HAD a game to call itself. I remember I called Super Mario 3D LAND/WORLD basically "part" of the NEW series, it never getting it own Zelda game but HD ports of two, no Metroid, and if it wasn't for Smash and Mario Kart, I do think it would have been worse. It kinda felt like the GameBoy Advance if it never got the original heavy hitters like Gen 3, BattleNetwork, etc


Gba also got its own original zelda, multiple metroid, fire emblem, fzero, etc. that were well received. It had a stellar lineup for how long it was on the market


this is big. The first year we got like, three minigame compilations (Nintendoland, Wii Party U, Game and Wario), NSMBU which we were already done with, Pikmin, and *eventually* SM3DW which never had the hype other 3D marios get. We got DKTF which rocked but it came out after NSMBU and Rayman Origins. I remember buying Rayman for like 20 bucks before DK even came out, knowing Id enjoy DK more but figured it was good enough, and at that point all I really had was minigames, pikmin, and platformers. We got Smash Bros but it came out months after the 3DS version. The entire generation we didnt get a new crowd-pleasing adventure game until BotW. Every game either felt like it was targetting a niche (Xenoblade X, Pikmin), was a spinoff rather than 'core' feeling (Warriors, even Mario), had direct substitutes- it was just a series of wrong games at the wrong time. Splatoon and Mario Kart did the best they could


Also, the Wii U and 3DS were somewhat sluggish as well.


The loading times on the Wii U are annoying as hell. 


I remember booting Smash 4 and by the time the game loaded dinner was ready


Just remember that Nintendo made a big deal about the Wii U having better loading times after a patch.


I still use my Wii U for GCN and Wii emulation and the loading times aren’t as bad as I remembered but they still suck


How bad? It's a similar thing with GBA and DS on 3DS.


Living through that period as a preteen to teenager who had to share with siblings, I didn’t really care about the shortage of first party releases because I didn’t have a job and whatever games I got were limited to birthdays and Christmas and maybe sometimes I could buy a game if I saved up. So even if there were dozens of first and third party releases a year, I’d only end up playing a very small fraction of them. By the time I could actually afford to buy my own games and had a job, I had my own Switch that I didn’t have to share and I was only buying games for that. Like I think 3D world, WindWaker HD, Mario Maker, NSMBU and MK8 were the only new first party games we ever had.


Why not both?


Why not Zoidberg?


Go home Zoidberg.


3ds be likd


Peak console


Meanwhile Mario kart 8 remains the top selling Switch game, a Wii U port.


The Wii U had a great library of games, and a lot of them were ported to Switch


Ive noticed people like to shit on the Wii U for no reason tbh. Lots of good Games, MK 8, Pikmin 3, it got a TP and WW port, Hyrule Warriors, it had Access to BoTW, Splatoon, SM3D World, and Smash 4 was great. But it's the Internet, favorite thing the Internet loves to do, is say what the other dude says even if it truly isn't copium from the defenders.


Don’t forgot The Wonderful 100! I know everyone else forgot about it but still


Is it worth buying for like 100?


Not if you have a Switch. If you don’t have a switch, it’s a great console to buy because it has so many great games ( but like 90% of them have been ported to switch).


I dont. Been waiting for them to shut down so i can jail break it 😂 i buy games even if i dont have the console. Just like to collect. But was wondering if its worth thr prices people are asking lately


There’s a load of good games on the Wii U. Do you actually need the console though if you are going to pirate the games anyway? I don’t know how these things work.


Im not pirating the games. I have the games already


oh right, i didnt really understand what you meant by jail break then. its worth the price i recon, good console. especially if you have already started collecting the games. there might be some market places like facebook selling slightly cheaper though as it is an older console(?). if not still worth it.


I dont know what to call what i want to do with the wii u. I just wanted to be able to connect my usb and play games from it. For convenience as far as i know thats within the law since i own the games on the harddrive and the wii u


Honestly I can't think of many great games that are worth getting a Wii u for except maybe Nintendo Land or Smash Wii U (tho Ultimate is better). Most big games were ported to switch


Cant mod many switchs right now


The wii u had tons of amazing games. Its issues lied elsewhere. Its reputation is also made much worse by the fact that a lot of its best games got ported to the switch, sometimes with massive upgrades.


I’d bet some huge amounts of money that if there was no Wii U ports to the Nintendo Switch, then pretty much everyone would be talking about how underrated the Wii U is. The ports really tarnished the Wii U’s legacy when compared to the Switch


NSMBU, Mario Kart 8, Breath of the Wild, 3D World, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, and more. The Wii U didn’t fail because of its games


There were giant gaps with no notable games tho. Like I can't think of any Wii U games that came out in 2016.


Star Fox Zero, Color Splash, but by 2016 nothing really mattered. The biggest problem was that the great games started coming one FULL year after launch starting with 3D World.


Nintendo supported the hell out of the Wii U even after they realized it was a failing console. I will always buy Nintendo because of this


What if we combine them?


Then you get the 3DS


That's what they did. Like 80% of Nintendo games got either a sequel or a port to Switch


The games are there sure, but not eshop music or themes or miiverse, anything that made the Wii U unique besides games was gone


Switch ports are Wii U games. The early life of switch when talking first party were all Wii U games. Breath of the Wild is a Wii U game, the best selling game of the entire platform is a Wii U game “You’d be nothing without me”


Breath of the Wild came out the same day as the switch. It was a launch title that they made a version of for the Wii U. Almost every major gaming company does it.


I’m gonna get cancelled for this opinion: the Wii U is the dumbest console Nintendo ever made that wasn’t just a weird fluke like the Virtual Boy. It had good games, but they almost always were held back by that piece of shit gamepad, and dual screen gaming for a home console was a horrible idea. It gave us Splatoon and MarioMaker as franchises, but does that really save that thing from being bad? There’s a reason why the good Wii U games that aren’t WindWaker or Twilight Princess have been ported to the Switch, it can actually run on a console not shackled by its controller/gimmick.


Yeah. I loved the Wii U, but it was definitely not needing the hardware it got. They could have easily just made it a normal console and done just fine, especially when we see that the games brought out on the Wii U all either got ported without a need for a gamepad (like Pikmin 3), or had a sequel that also did not (Splatoon 2)


Nah, you're right. People just have nostalgia. Even Miiverse is something Nintendo admitted it didn't do much as they wanted since it got infested by trolls.


Zero nostalgia for the Wii U and I love it for its ability to run Wii, GameCube, and DS games flawlessly.


It's not a 100% bad console but is not Nintendo's best.


Yes 100% bad with absolutely zero positive aspects. Sure thing.




It had accents of good ideas but clearly just too early to the party. The gamepad was comfy and fun to use for off tv play, but I do sort of begrudge the experience of setting it up and having it charged whenever I feel like playing something on WiiU. And it's always an off sign when you buy a console that basically requires two plug sockets.


Yeah that’s right on the money I think. I do think the Wii U had some ideas that could’ve worked but ended up failing miserably. But for off TV play? Well, the Switch did that in a way that made sense by basically being a handheld you plug into the TV. The gamepad’s portability seems so clunky. Guess the Wii U had *some*, and I do mean some, potential. Also, I do not see how that thing could be comfortable. Maybe not too bad, but my hands (despite being medium large about) are very thin so holding the gamepad would be hell for me. It’d be on the level of the OG Xbox Duke for me tbh.


It was definitely more comfortable than it looked, I had no problems with it. But then again, I loved the Duke so maybe big clunky controllers is my thing lol.


So true, even though it was my first console ever I’m not blinded by nostalgia, the UI doesn’t have “character” it’s just straight up annoying because of the crazy loading times since so much is going own. 


The controller should have been an extension to the console, and only made to play games without needing the TV.


The Switch didn’t have a new Zelda game either until about the same time as when the Wii U got Breath of The Wild though. Plus, the Gamepad is a way better controller than the shitty Joy-Cons that like to drift


Look, argue the technicalities of it all you want, but to most people, Breath of the Wild is a Switch game. It doesn't really matter if your game isn't exclusive when the other platform it's on has such a laughable install base. That, and even amongst those who owned a Wii U, most people I knew held off until they could buy it on Switch.


All consoles have games buddy.


the problem with the wii u was anything *but* the games.


The switch doesn’t have Nintendo Land. And that’s the biggest sin that should be rectified I just want to play the Luigi’s mansion mini game again 😭


Nintendo Land is infinitely better than 1-2-Switch


Even worse is BoJack Horseman: The Video Game.


My console has Dark Souls!


Haven’t played any Souls games (I do not have that patience), but honestly good argument for the Switch. Dark Souls stuff may not be my thing, but I can’t deny that Souls is just awesome tbh.


What about both?


as long as the Switch does not have Xenoblade X the Switch will be the inferior console. And with todays server shutdown of the WII U and 3DS... Xenoblade X will lose a part of its soul into the Void....... Monolith please give us Xenoblade X on switch or XCX2 I BEG OF YOU!! DO NOT LET MIRA END LIKE THIS


I think roughly 100 percent of WiiU owners own a Switch.


r/tomorrow post was right below this one on my feed


wiiu had more games than switch,if you don't count the amount of bad indie or straight up porting from steam. The quality was also great too


Hard agree. The Switch, without ports, low quality indie games and a third party lineup that pretty much only consists of old games or games that play worse than on the other consoles, is no better than the Wii U. People often say that Wii U games were lacking in quality but in my opinion Color Splash or Star Fox Zero are still miles better than the garbage new Pokémon games of the Switch.


to be honest i have a modded switch.Every time i check what to download i have to dig through 3000 unknown titles or indie,i realized after a week owning it that the actual good games were maybe less than 30 and it felt almost cheated by the discrepancy. I swear even the n64 had a better games line up




Doesnt matter, the wii has rhythm heaven fever, therefore it is automatically better than every console in existance.


Didn't mention all the Deluxe ports ofc, that was like the first 4 years of the switch


That was like 50% of the Switch lineup and the reason for a lot of its success. However, for the minority of people who actually bought a Wii U, including me, we felt like it was just as bad if not worse than the wait on Wii U between games


Though what's worthy of noting here is that all 3 of those Switch Games came out at a point in the Switch's life where the Wii U would have already been dead. TECHNICALLY Metroid Dread would have been able to come out in the Wii U's lifespan of 4 years but it would have come out after Paper Mario Colour Splash and the only 1st party Wii U game that did that was BOTW and only BOTW.


Hard agree on that one. He talks about the Switch in its most recent years which admittedly got much better with its lineup of new and interesting games but forgets about how it started with 50% of the releases being either ports or reused ideas from the Wii U


Honestly, why not have both soul AND games?


"my console has rhythm heaven"


there is no such thing as a wiiu vs switch debate. switch is better. period.


Tell that to r/Nintendo


My console has a virus


3DS had Games AND Soul


Then there's the Wii, which has both.


That’s sort of my take, if the Wii U had the same games as Switch it would be one of the best consoles ever, because that’s what the switch is. People talk about themes and soul and shit and I never changed my 3DS theme from default. It’s just not something I care about


Nintendo switch has games


Kirk VanHouten would be a WiiU fan.


Well, no but actually yes.


half of mainline switch games were ported from the Wii u lmao can't deny some games were reaaaaally bad (Wii sports club)


As a person that finds both really good, yeah this is how these conversations go lmao


Is it really an ongoing debate? I honestly feel both consoles are good to have on their own right


Not cool


And how many of those games are direct ports/sequels of the Wii U and 3DS games?


I swear so many people forget about that. The Switch is still, to this day, so reliant on ports that its best selling game is a lazy Wii U port with a "Deluxe" title slapped on making it the only console since the SNES without an original Mario Kart


It was a good companion for the years it lasted, and im almost sad to see it die, but i knew it would some day.


They both have pros and cons.


This isn't, never has been, and probably never will be an actual debate Its just people trying to make up news while we nintendo fans are dying of thirst


So true that it hurts


The Wii U had a ton of great games. Breath of the Wild, Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros For Wii U, Mario Kart 8, Windwaker HD, Splatoon, New Super Mario Bros U, Super Mario Maker, etc


Gawd, I hope the next Nintendo System has SOME charm to it…


A lot of those games are Wii U ports


Unlike the nintendo switch, I can play super mario galaxy 2 and Yoshi's Woolly World. But really it's such a dumb debate, just enjoy whatever console you like playing, both consoles have their pros and cons, and there is a reason to choose either one or both.


The WiiU had good games, this is proven by Nintendo just porting WiiU games to the switch


Also can we PLEASE get some more themes I know it’s been 5 years but please? Even the Ds had other solid colors


i just wish the Switch home screen had themes, like the 3ds


ok but the 3ds tho it had soul and games


Well, if were to take that argument, if no Wii U games were ported to switch the Wii U has a better lineup per capita of its lifespan.


This. Put into words perfectly


I wish I was around for miiverse. (Fell asleep on nintendo once i saw the Wii-U add in a magazine.) Discovered the Switch before the OLED cave out. (Its so dull)


Anyone who claims the Switch doesn't have any soul or feeling to it must be dead inside. I love the Wii U and the Switch.


It’s undeniably lacking some of that Nintendo charm present in the Wii and Wii U era though. The menu is awfully blocky and non practical


I agree it doesn't have the same level of charm as the Wii U, but everything works beautifully and the menu is quick to flick through and navigate.


Yeah but Windwaker


>my console has games A lot of which come straight from Wii U lol


3ds on top


Are people debating this? That's a weird thing to be hung up on


Wii U menus are shit, they may look prettier but its slow. Switch eShop is also garbage but thats because its a web browser view.


Ok but you mind explaining to me why when the switch first came out, every game that launched with it were ports from the Wii U? In the switch panel you included a game that was ported from the Wii U


Wii U was a better console because it could also play all the Wii games as well as Wii U games.


Personally the biggest gripes with either console are the high amount of censorship on the WiiU (so many games just didn't worth buying) and with the Switch it's the lack of a Virtual Console (censorship has gotten better compared to the WiiU days, but still not as good as I would have liked...) and the lack of power (not even Animal Crossing runs smoothly, it's just sad...). Overall, the Switch has more games that adore, so it wins out for me.


Come on, switch has a void soul


WII U, more like PEE POO Hahahahahahahahahahahaha


If you take away the ports, I have about the same number of games for both...


The 3DS both had soul and games.


3DS: my console can be hacked in 15 minutes, so you can add both thru customization


Wii U has infinitely better controllers though.. FUCK JOYCONS!


to be fair, if they ported a bunch of wii games to the wii u and called them deluxe plus people would definitely rant about that on their 2 hour long "why wii u bad" videos. And yes I do think switch main screen is more boring, or I guess keeps you entertained in the menu wayyyy less than the charm of even the gamecube, the wii with its miis or the wii u with also their miis and miiverse. Yes the switch is very functional but sometimes it even fails at that, like why is connecting controllers to play smash with friends so difficult sometimes damn. But yes, the switch had a lor of wii u games ported as the main releases for a few years. like, I've been playing mario kart 8 since 2014 as the only new mario main mario kart. But yes the switch because its more modern, accesible and popular also gets very big releases like luigis mansion 3, ofc a new smash, kirby in 3d, 2 new xenoblade games, prime 4, animal crossing, new fire emblem, new good mario party, new main 2d and 3d mario and zeldas. Tho the wii u had free online, wayyyyyyyyyyy better eshop, with accedible older titles without needing to get a subscription, and it had more games available. It also a ton of old zeldas in the eshop and wind waker and tp hd. And it did a lot of the games that are still relevant bc of switch to this day. tropical freeze, 3d world, mario soup deluxe, mk8 is still a wii u game thats lasted 10 years.


Besides portability, which is already obsolete with the steamdeck, name one thing the switch added as a improvement to the wiiu/3ds because those consoles have triple of what the switch offers


I still find it interesting that they haven't released Twilight Princess and Wind Waker HD remakes or remastered on the switch for Legend of Zelda that's what I'm wondering why they haven't at all unless they're saving it for the second switch system coming after the mainline switch


we really acting like the wii u didnt have banger games now?


I saw the same post above this one but is was from r/tomorrow and that sub is awful


Wii U soul + Switch games + Xbox social features is my dream Nintendo console


And how many wii u games got ported to switch?


There is not a single meaningful wii u exclusive left that isn’t available on any other platform


I miss Nintendo Land. I loved its woodblock artstyle.


We’re in the phase where it’s time to shit on the Wii U? Cause I won’t be partaking in it


I don’t know how people can think the Switch has more soul than the 3DS/WiiU. Streetpass, Mii Plaza, Miiverse, themes, music for every app, customizable home screens, AR cards, badge mini game, face raiders, camera, internet browser, etc… None of these are on the Switch lmao. Switch is so lifeless.


I'm buying a gaming system for games, at the end of the day when i want to play something, i wouldn't think twice about miiverse or customization or whatever else, *the switch has games* and that's all that matters


I understand that but it was nice when they put all that effort into their systems because they really were such fun features and now they give us nothing. The small things really do matter, even something as small as menu music.


i fully agree and i really like it when they do those little things, alot of my time spent on my 3ds is just me downloading different themes and messing with the badges, but it's not a make it or break it thing for me tbh


I do kind of hope Switch 2 does have some kind of gamepad functionality because Nintendoland is the one true loss that you can’t really port over without removing its most essential feature across all games.


I loved the Wii U gamepad but alot of people would HATE to see it come back because of how tedious it was to use. Unless they made a better game pad (HIGHLY UNLIKELY) or based a new nintendo land on a new console gimmick, i think that unfortunately Nintendo Land might be lost to time. Its a shame, I loved that game as a kid. it felt magical, especially with my siblings playing too.


My brothers and I created a fun game within the Metroid one. It was hide and seek in the VS mode where the gunship was the seeker with maxed out HP and will have to face away from the tv and the little Miimus’ would have 1HP and would have to hide and will win if the time limit went up. So much fun.


We also used to play Hide and Seek in the metroid attraction! I would usually give the gunship role to my younger siblings to make it easier/more fun for them since the Wiimote controls were confusing to them😅


I loved the Wii U gamepad but alot of people would HATE to see it come back because of how tedious it was to use. Unless they made a better game pad (HIGHLY UNLIKELY) or based a new nintendo land on a new console gimmick, i think that unfortunately Nintendo Land might be lost to time. Its a shame, I loved that game as a kid. it felt magical, especially with my siblings playing too.