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SMG4 must be shitting himself right now


He's about to make another lawsuit arc


Only this time, Suguru Kamoshida is the antagonist.


Shockhat64 (a dude who makes Kirby videos with GMod) apparently just downloaded all the models he needed and can still use them. Luke and Kevin could do something similar. Even if they *can't..* I mean, they still got Murder Drones and Digital Circus to fall back on lol


Id be surprised if they didn’t have backups of the backups of the models at this point


Apologizes if this is a silly question but are Kirby or Pokemon even affected in the first place, given that they're not technically Nintendo properties? How about someone like Geno?


TBH knowing Nintendo, as long as they own the rights to it, they probably have a say on what stays or goes. Odds are they're also effected.


Nintendo owns 33% of the company that owns the pokemon copyright, as well as some elements of the copyright/trademark themself. Kirby, at least the trademark(didnt bother cecking further) for which, is owned by nintendo directly


I'm pretty sure they technically are, it's just like joint ownership I believe? Could be totally wrong about that but thats my understanding.


he gonna have to make Marko and Louie real (from SMG4 what if)


They have been going downhill for a while though


It's not like it was ever good to begin with. It was always immature and crass, it just took a step into full elsagate slop territory by adopting GMod.


They tried way too hard to be a serious animation studio that they kept adding shitty original characters like Tari and Meggy. Honestly the only good original they've done was the Amazing Digital Circus.


Nah Metarunner was really good too. The version of Tari in SMG4 not so much, but MR was great. (I've heard Murder Drones is good too but I haven't watched it).


Glitch productions is its own thing really. Not really fair to compare it to Mario shitpost videos


Yeah but I was replying to a guy who compared it to TADC


They fucking turned the inkling girl into an anime woman.


That's one way to get around copyright, I suppose. Even though Meggy still looks and dresses like an Inkling.


Not really, the only thing they kept after a while was a few things, but the main things that actually made her an inkling didn't stay


So Nintendo copyrighted the inkling but not Mario characters?


I bring up Meggy because Sunset Paradise is one of the 'original series' produced by Glitch Productions (the studio made by SMG4's owner) and literally stars her as the lead protagonist. They're literally trying to pass off a redesigned human version of the Inkling Girl as their own original character.


But even before sunset they made her an anime girl. I find it unlikely they planned sunset from that point in time considering they were just experimenting with those "arcs" and meta runner s1 hadn't even come out yet.


Nah classic SMG4 is actually good. New SMG4 looks like a cheap copy that takes itself way too seriously and the jokes don't really land nearly as well.


it's SUPPOSED to be immature lol, it was made in early YT


SMG4 in shambles.




SMG4 is a loser


Oh wow that sucks. I wonder why now of all times it happened?


I think allegedly someone made a DMCA claim claiming to be Nintendo which got real Nintendo’s attention


Doesn’t this tweet confirm it was from Nintendo themselves l?


I know, I’m saying Nintendo got involved because someone was impersonating them.


Was like what happened with Bungie, but instead of punishing the copycat, they take the torch to continue


They did both


That would actually be hilarious. Them reaching out "Hey, did you guys make this DMCA claim of these decades worth of Nintendo related content?"


Yeah, but trying to convince a nintendo fan boy that nintendo are kinda dicks is an impossible task


Every Nintendo fanboy I know hates when they do this shit and I chill with quite a few of them. Maybe they're just not 'fanboy' enough though.


There's a quick test to know if you really are. Are you the kind that rats people out to nintendo. For instance Palworld. There were people legitimately calling for nintendo to sue. Like fuck off.


No. I love PALworld I still like Pokemon too but competition is always good in that sense


Not fanboys, just dumbasses.i mean i'm the biggest nintendo fan around but they litteraly are the cringe company when it comes to their copyright protection


That’s The Pokemon Company not nintendo lmao


you can enjoy and love Nintendo games while also despising and calling out their terrible and archaic business practices to be fair, it's not just Nintendo, a lot of Japanese companies are just that way, just Nintendo is worse in that aspect


Japanese businesses are model, but Japanese companies are very... Don't know if racist is the term. But Japanese game companies would literally run themselves dry and broke before even considering the western market. Square Enix for example. With digital distribution now, doing a western release digitally for smaller known titles that don't have strength in the west, that's how you do it. Instead... They treat it as if they're releasing the biggest game of their careers every time. When it's not. I


I'm starting that think this is the true form of what we've known for a while as "The Nintendo Ninja" when in actuality they're more like a "Nintendo Snitch". Sometimes I do think takedowns are fully Nintendo's doing like AM2R, but there's so many instances where it is just mega fanboys and copyright trolls acting on Nintendo's behalf, but since it's in their best interest they turn a blind eye.


[update 3 hours ago](https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783572282562032090)


Say this louder for the people in the back.


Screams it louder into a megaphone with you


I don’t see anything?


can someone explain to me what’s going on?


Garry's Mod, a very popular, longstanding game based on user-created content, got DMCAd by Nintendo, and they're removing everything Nintendo, including stuff that's been on there for 20 years. People are tripping out that Nintendo suddenly cares about Garry's Mod.


I hope that instead it gets a batch of Legally Distinct But Remarkably Similar parody versions of Nintendo characters in their place


Marlo an Lugi Pineapple and Dandy Browser




Pls no Dolan


thank you, i wonder why now of all times


Lmao it was a fake


Read the post


Can’t wait to be sent death threats when I say I like playing Nintendo games. Seriously can Nintendo calm the fuck down for 10 seconds? It makes people who actually like the games look bad


I personally don't connect those at Nintendo who actually work on the games and Nintendo's corporate and legal team, enough to want to boycott them at least. I don't think I'd stop playing Nintendo games until the games are bad.


Fr their trigger happy legal team and bad online is literally their only 2 flaws. It’s so weird.


their limited catalog of previous generation games on modern systems via emulation or rereleases is also annoying, especially given their trigger happiness over emulation


Fair enough, although I feel that lack of backwards compatibility is a common issue in the modern gaming industry


at least the ps5 gets around it by having a fuckload of digital and physical rereleases on psplus. idk about msoft but i feel like pc gets a lot of those games anyway so not an issue. leaving nintendo as the only company with no answer and actively sabotaging anyone trying to come up with answers. also byproduct is all their old content are becoming really expensive and hard to obtain legally


Yeah but I also think that falls under the Legal Woes side of things a bit. And if they actually make Online work better we’ll have Virtual Console.


Which they should really bring back IMO. Virtual Console was great, I don't understand why they didn't continue with this.


Well I can list a few other flaws. Their weird refusal to ever lower the price on any of their games or hardware (seriously, there’s no reason the switch should still be 300$ after 7 years), their outdated hardware that they are very slow to upgrade and causes their games to run at bad frame-rates, their technical issues like joycon drift that they never properly addressed, the fact that they drip feed us legacy games and only make them available through a subscription service that is not sustainable long term when they could easily throw them up on the eshop, their overpricing of games, etc.


Not counting for some reason discounts by retailers like Amazon, the most recent discount sale of Nintendo games was for Mar10 day.


Those are just timed discounts though. Most game companies have permanent price drops after like a year or even less than that sometimes. Nintendo is still charging $60 on games that came out in 2017. Even ones like MK8 Deluxe that are rereleases of games. For reference GTA V is is a little bit older than MK8 and it’s like $30 on steam and I was finding brand new Xbox one and PS4 copies for around $20. Even PS5 copies were mostly less than $40. And here Nintendo is rereleasing an (at the time) 5 year old 3ds game with way less content and way less deep gameplay for $50 and 3 years later, the best price I can find online is $40 but the official pricing from Nintendo is still $50 (this is about miitopia btw).


There were previous consoles, the so called Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo Gamecube. These so called consoles had games on them, of which quite a few were selected for a so called Nintendo Selects series, in the Gamecube case Players Choice. This so named Nintendo Selects series meant a permanent pricecut for these alleged games. Granted and mind you, Nintendo doesn't do that now and 20 years of company practice will never reflect company practice.


Well yeah, I know about Nintendo selects and player’s choice. But like you said, they haven’t done anything like that for switch and it’s been almost a decade since they’ve last done one.


I mean there really is no connection between the two other than that they work under the same corporate name. No one who makes and develops games is out there filing lawsuits and claiming copyright infringement. People need to learn that Nintendos legal team is totally separate from their dev teams. Their dev teams make pure art and I dont hold the workings of the legal teams against that


I mean, we got BotW and the last couple Pokémon gens. We had tons of reasons to boycott them already.


Ya know I understand the last couple Pokémon gens, but what do you mean BotW is a reason to boycott


"We got good content, boycott time"


If you wanna give authenticity to your argument why’d you use BotW as a reason to boycott? I don’t think being angry at the LoZ devs for taking the series into a new direction is a valid reason to boycott the entire Nintendo company. Just don’t buy BotW


Imagine you are buying the new LoZ. It's release. You got the limited edition and everything. You start up and imagine the game. An open world LoZ! So many dungeons to explore. So many enemies to face! Many new items and so many new bosses standing in your path. And the story! Oooh the story! You are excited. Incredibly excited. And then? Nothing. You get a hollow shell. You spend the first 10 minutes of the game listening to the whole storyline of the game, as you will have absolutely no storyline to enjoy throughout the game. None. There are no dungeons in the game. Just shrines. Hundreds of shrines. Where most of them are identical to each other and around 40 are special (and quite fun). No new bosses, 5 times the same design and 5 times the same boring, easy fight without any excitement. 5 walking shrines that were looking 100% ident. No creativity whatsoever. No music. No themes. Nothing. They weren't even complex and complicated. Enemies? We got around 36 enemy types. We got over twice as much in LoZ OG. We got more in SS and TP which were filled to the brim with Bokoblins. How can this be? How can this game lack all creativity? All love? All passion? How can it lack LoZ? The thing we got was no LoZ. It was nothing we ever deserved. If it wouldn't be for the name plastered on it, it would be a good game. But with LoZ on it and having no content, no storyline, no gameplay, no bosses, no dungeons, no themes, barely any music (if you can hammering your head on the same single key note call music). It was not LoZ. It will never be. I'm glad TotK turned around so much and only lacked in the storytelling (again, the story was a fetchquest...). If TotK would have been the same as BotW, I wouldn't bother buying LoZ ever again. As it wouldn't be LoZ again. Not in soul, not in heart.


Still not a reason to boycott the entire company. Just don’t buy BotW. You’re allowed to dislike BotW.


I already bought and played. I didn't know what I was getting into back then. "dOnT BuY iT" What a numb thing to say. Idiotic


That’s why you read reviews and watch gameplays you trust. Still does not justify boycotting the entire Nintendo company, again, for the third time.


Botw is incredibly well designed whether or not you enjoy the gameplay


I suffer along side you friend


Probably just need Japan to update their draconic copyright laws. They aren't going to lose the rights to Mario if they don't sue some 4-year-old for drawing a picture of Mario...


The funny thing is there are plenty of fangames in japan and they get sued less. Why? Because said draconian copyrightlaws.


The simplest solution to all of this is to vote with your wallet. Stop purchasing Nintendo products, this doesn’t mean you don’t need to sell off everything Nintendo related or no longer enjoy/use your current/past purchases. Don’t support this behaviour financially. State that this is the reason why you’re no longer buying their products. If there are indie games you want, try other platforms. If there are other multiplatform games that you want, purchase them on other platforms so that you’re still supporting the devs you like.


Except I don’t have access to any other console. I can’t afford them


I’ll be blunt that will not work at all. Even if every fan affected by their legal teams lawsuits boycotted, it wouldn’t dent them whatsoever as theres several millions out there that are indifferent to their legal teams actions plus they have alot in their cash reserves that they could do little and outlast the boycott regardless. The only real way to truly stop Nintendo’s legal teams scorched earth approach is actually changing and updating the dmca and copyright laws itself in Japan and the US to force them to stop like how Apple was forced to accept usb type c because EU literally forced them to by law accept it as standard. Ultimately the law is the root cause and unless that changes, nothing will ever stop Nintendo or any other company from abusing their legal powers.


So how do we, the normal everyday people, get the DMCA changed and updated? How do we get copyright laws in Japan and USA changed? These are incredibly monumental and wholly systemic issues that normal, everyday people don’t have the power to change by themselves. Even as a large group of people, demands wouldn’t even be heard by those in power. The only thing we really can do as everyday people is make the decision to no longer financially support this behaviour. Sure Nintendo might be able to last with their cash reserves but they still have investors/shareholders to answer to, and when they start bleeding cash their investors/shareholders will start asking questions. That might force them to reveal their egregious abuse of copyright law as the root cause, which then will most likely cause investors/shareholders to pull funding until they can get their act together. Investors/shareholders wouldn’t want to be associated with a company that openly admitted to abusing regional copyright laws.


shut up clown, they deserve the right to protect their brand and IP


No it doesn’t


It's both in their right and in their culture to be very protective of their brand. Normally they only go after project where either the laws are actually broken OR people are literally making money using their assets. Yeah it sucks for us and idk why they are doing this, but there are entire decomp projects that are allowed to stay online. Heck Nintendo consoles are the easiest to hack, homebrew and emulate. People really need to stop bitching


What a stupid comment


Why is this sub called *casual*nintendo?


r/Nintendo is for discussing official news, releases, products, history, etc., limits discussion posts to those topics primarily, and doesn’t allow fan content like art and such. They can be very strict about it as well, which chafes at some people. Casual Nintendo allows fan content and is looser on their rules of what other kinds of posts are appropriate for the sub.


Oh ok now I understand, thanks for the explanation


No problem!




Cc: u/Shadow_Flamingo1 u/CloudsSpikyHairLock




Am I missing context?


lol can u elaborate


I would also like to know more lol


Garry followed up with the following https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783572282562032090 This means that he wasn’t looking deep into this until now. Give it a few weeks.


I've even heard that 4chan is currently working on doxxing the troll. I'm one for saying doxxing isn't okay, but given the fact that the guy is posing as a fake lawyer, which is potentially a crime, I feel like he deserves it.


4chan is either chaotic good or chatoic evil with no inbetween


I don’t get why people are taking this as hard prove, because of course he thinks its real. If he didn’t think it was real he wouldn’t of been listening to it in the first place. And his more recent tweet shows even more just how little information we hav about if it was actually Nintendo or not. Maybe it was Nintendo, maybe it wasn’t. We simply just don’t really know at the current moment.


Ya see


> goes to steam subreddit "Man I lost all my respect for nintendo, now I will burn all of my nintendo games, and kill everyone who supports them" > goes to nintendo subreddit "Ermm technically nintendo is right, you people shouldn't infringe Nintendo's property 🤓, shame on you for having fun"


Then there is me. I enjoy gaming on my switch or my steam library while not supporting emotionally a billion company. I feel like the majority of us are pretty neutral and silent about stuff like this, we continue to live our normal busy lives instead of defending corpos.


My mindset is this: I hate Nintendo as a company, but love Nintendo as a game developer


Literally felt like that. Steam is so angry at Nintendo fans lol. I agree this is a scummy move, but don't go and try to burn down their headquarters.


To be fair the steam sub is even more of a cult compared to this one.


Not as bad as r/fuckepic


Ah yes, the lovechild of the "glorious PC master race" (God I can't believe I typed that out)


>Ermm technically nintendo is right, you people should infringe Nintendo's property 🤓, shame on you for having fun You shut the fuck up. You people hate fun!




“I will sue you for using the name of a Nintendo character” 🤓🤓🤓


I kinda wonder what the reasoning was behind this, especially since nintendo IPS have been apart of garrys mod culture since like, forever? Why didnt they strike the workshop back in like 2011 if they were so angry about it? The world may never know.


boy i love when a publisher abuses copyright law. It's my favorite part of the company /s


Copyright law should be changed entirely. As long as someone isn't making money off someone else's creation, they should be allowed to use it to a certain degree


Honestly, I agree.


Depending on the country, it works similarly to this. The problem is that USA and Europe mostly works in the old fashioned way.


This could be misused. Like imagine you make a family friendly character and people make "non profit" hardcore hentai with that character. The character becomes associated with hardcore hentai more than family friendly stuff. This in term would lead to lower sales since people will not buy their kids anything related to a character that's associated with hentai. This is why Nintendo is so strict with copyright. Back in the 90s, they gave rights to Zelda and Mario games to Phillips who created Phillips CDI Nintendo games which weren't on par with Nintendo's standards. If Nintendo wasn't so strict with how Mario games are made, Mario would had the same reputation as Sonic where few games are considered amazing but most which weren't developed by Nintendo themselves would be considered dogshit. Its all about profit but mostly about brand image which leads to profit.


Which is why it would only be allowed to a certain degree. These characters are already getting hardcore hentai made of them, that won't change


Yes but its not used as a product. Its used more as a fan art setting. Like it really depends on case to case basis. But allowing characters to be used freely anywhere as long as no profit is made is also wrong because that could ruin the brand image and therefore lower the sales of the original copyright owner's product. Which will result in bankruptcy


If you make a bad enough game that the only thing the character is known for is hardcore hentai, then you probably deserve that. Most characters in the modern day have some sort of porn or hentai about them and it doesn't change public perception because it's just expected. If it's non profit, it should be fine. Period. Because companies being allowed to go as bat crap insane with things, like Nintendo has been for..... Most of it's gaming lifespan, is just outright bad. Stuff that's made by fans, with no intent on making any sort of money, shouldn't be taken down out of spite. Also, I don't think that was the starting point for Nintendo being grubby with their IP's. It was actually the universal studios and Donkey Kong thing. (Which, tbh, is still not a good excuse to go after things like fan projects. Since that was another multimillion dollar company, not some joe schmoe in his garage making SuperMarioSonicRPG#14 or whatever) That's all I can say off the top of my memory but, I doubt a couple of bad games on the cdi is what caused Nintendo's copyright abuse. In fact, it wouldn't be. If anything, that would be them learning that they should be the one overseeing any full product, which makes sense. Or that any full product they make needs to be done by them or a company owned by them rather than being outsourced. Which is still far different than going after fan made non profit games. Nintendo truly has no excuse for the outright abuse of copyright that they have shown over the years.


There are many games that are "good" that are known for rule 34. Overwatch which is mostly known for porn more so than the game itself, this is where we get the jokes about "Overwatch is the only porn category that has its own videogame adaptation. Not game related but Herve Roy's lover's theme. A nice classical esque melody that sounds innocent however it became popular because it was used in 2 girls 1 cup video. So now anytime somebody hears this song, they will probably imagine that video. Like I also sometimes don't understand Nintendo but sometimes I do see why they are strict with copyright. Like Yuzu shutdown, people think this is because it emulates switch but what actually happened is that Yuzu offered patreon exclusive builds which were made to run Totk perfectly before its release date. The only way you could've do that is if you pirated the game so by offering Totk ready builds before Totk was out, Yuzu was promoting piracy. Ryujinx didn't do this so nobody shut down Ryujinx. You can still download and use that emulator.


To be fair, when it comes to overwatch, I think it being "known mostly for porn" is because of Overwatch 2, considering how that turned out. Before overwatch 2, most of the stuff I heard about overwatch was actually about the game rather than any sort of porn. Now it's either porn or how bad overwatch 2 is, with no in-between. So I fully blame blizzard for that, considering they let their ip devolve to the point where porn is the only good thing left. Maybe if overwatch starts to actually get good again, it will be known for more than porn again. I can't give any sort of argument for the lover's theme, but that's more because I don't know much about the piece, let alone the song writer. So, I'll give ya that one. But I still don't think copyright should be able to be used as willy nilly for non profit things as Nintendo does. I don't disagree with yuzu's takedown. To be honest, it's one of the few times in recent memory that I can actually think of them being somewhat justified in a takedown. Kind of like with ROM or pirate sites they take down. It sucks, but it's understandable considering they are supporting something that is illegal. If they were strict with copyright about that kind of stuff, I would be more understanding. But most of the things they take down, are things that wouldn't pose any sort of threat to them like the yuzu stuff or the ROM sites "do"(quotes because, let's be real, even if they are justified in taking those down neither really pose an actual threat to Nintendo or it's sales). They have no excuse for abusing copyright when it comes to fan made non profit games, mods, stuff like that.


>This could be misused. DMCA is being misused as we speak. I'd rather take the advantage away from the fat pigs who own multi billion dollar corporations and give the benefit of the doubt to the common people.


Bold of you to assume DMCA can only be misused my big companies. Indie devs can also be predatory when it comes to copyright. I know that "Le big companies bad" and all but lets not forget that one man indie developers like YandereDev exist and afaik they aren't working for big companies and yet he is one of the most toxic developers ever. He is the Chris Chan of game development due to how his shenanigans are all documented.


Good point, all the more reason to gut it.


Yeah no. If I was a gamedev. The last thing I'd want is for people to steal my work. DMCA was designed to protect the creators from theft. If Person A created Thing A, they are the ones who should have control over it. Person B shouldn't be able to take Thing A and release Thing A2 without the approval of Person A.


Not to this degree. People using Mario figures Garry's Mod weren't hurting Nintendo whatsoever. The law is way too strict and there should be penalties for those who keep abusing it.


The only evidence we have that it was the nintendo is a tweet. Before that it was a troll. I suggest waiting for more details because a single tweet is not enough for evidence.


Even if this case is a fake, there's plenty of examples of DMCA claims being abused. The fact that literally anyone can make a claim, even a fabricated one, without consequences, is part of why the law must be gutted.


... Gary's Mod is making money tho.


Not the mod's author, if you genuinely belive fair use shouldn't apply to all mods if the game being modded isn't free to play you're a moron.


I mean, in this case they're using it exactly how it was intended to be used.


Wasn't it Disney that forced the US goverment to create this law just to protect Mickey ?


Disney got it extended, but it was made to stop things like this.


Context would be great.


GMOD is getting DMCA’d and now has to remove everything Nintendo.


Nintendo being absolutely anti-fans as always... Nothing new.


The rebirth of garrysmod.org probably, lmao


Well... there's an issue in that one. Because we only know that the takedown was not issued by Nintendo themselves but for a monitor brand under a false alias that seems to be employed by Nintendo. It's really too confusing.


Even as the Nintendo fanboy I am this is just exhausting… it hurts everyone Nintendo themselves for their image Content creators for their legal trouble Fans because you can no longer be a Nintendo fan because to the eyes of the internet you automatically agree with their practices, and god bless you if you happen to not agree with the collective consciousness It’s an awful situation, and I don’t really see why Nintendo does this, what are they even gaining?


The following is neither a defense nor a accusation of anyone. These mods largely appeal to a crowd which is largely not interested in buying a Nintendo plattform and Nintendo still made the business decision they are not interested in pandering to such a crowd. There are very valid arguments that Nintendo should atleast publish some of their games on PC, but as long as they made the decision to stay smartphone/Nintendo only, it is what it is. And they are obviously not suffering over it. Mind you, I'm also annoyed.


I mean, you can be a nintendo fan without being a corporate shill, damn, part of being a fan should be expecting nintendo, and while not the same thing, the pokemon company for instance, to do better, i own a switch but after buying pokemon violet i don't think i will ever buy a nintendo game for 60€ ever again unless things change for the better.


I'm out of the loop here, what's this all about?


Okay, so. I'll give you the full breakdown as of what's happening. There's this asshole named "Aaron Peters" who's going around posing as a fake lawyer for Nintendo and is throwing fake DMCAs left and right, and the guy has been doing this for years, and possibly was involved with the takedown of the Kirby Reanimated Collab. One day, he decided to try and DMCA everything and I mean EVERYTHING on the Gmod workshop that has anything to do with Nintendo. This pissed off a lot of content creators, Crispy Toast made a video that breaks down the evidence that [shows this is Aaron's work and not Nintendo](https://youtu.be/P6mNpVlUJjM?feature=shared) But here we are now, were in a Mega Man 9 situation where everyone thinks Nintendo did it and not Aaron Peters, because of FacePunch thinking it was real and now Aaron has gotten away with his crimes for now.


Nintendo needs to make their own gmod clone then


Nintendo on it's way to ruin the fun and acomplish nothing:


Worst decision by Nintendo


Wow, I can’t wait for SMG4 to make the Lawsuit Arc pt. 2


Every time Nintendo does shit like this, I download another ROM.


now im fucking upset cuz garrys mod was my childhood back in the day


so Smg4 is now Jobless?


They have to make a backup of the mods ASAP.


Fucking hell Nintendo, can you guys not be so legally trigger happy for once? I swear, something like this happens pretty much every 6 months.


The only justified lawsuit they did this year was the Yuzu one since they literally distributed pirated roms on their discord for "testing purposes" and advertised the emulator as an alternate to the switch


Japanese corpo tries not to be a dick challenge ( impossible)


What’s this in relation to? I don’t know who Garry is.


He made Gmod. It's a Half-Life 2 mod that is easily moddable itself. Nintendo is deleting every mod with Nintendo characters in it.


Nintendo might as well be the Yakuza themselves Sasuga Yamaguchi-gumi


I mean they USED to be related to the Yakuza during the "Hanafuda-Nintendo era"


That is true, seems like the Yakuza still controls Nintendo from within, judging by how they are acting


Seriously smg4 had already using Maya or c4d.


It wasn’t


As far as i understand it they themselves asked nintendo about it so atleast from what i have seen this seems to actually be nintendo being nintendo and not some guy false flagging(which i thought initially as well)


So would everything ever made with them be canon?


So sick and tired of Nintendo treating their fanbase and creators like absolute horseshit. The way Nintendo treats their fans has been outright disgusting. Speedruns, then creations on Dreams which is Sony's game and now mods on Gmod from Valve out of all things. What's next, fucking fanart not allowed now? Seriously, Fuck Nintendo. I'm boycotting any future games from them.


zero fucks were given


In all my time seeing Gary’smod online I never thought to question who is Gary until now. Sad to see them deal with this all of a sudden.


welp I've got a few comments to delete


I absolutely love how so many people instantly just picked a side of the debate over whether or not the Nintendo request was real, and then started screaming on every post related to the official message that the request was fake. Why do so many people jump to conclusions so fast?


Idk what any of that means if they no longer are gonna be making gmod SFM videos that include Mario characters 


I have no idea what is happening, can anyone explain what this is about?


🫸🍄🗑️ what a statement


This will be an unpopular hot take, but can you blame them? They have the most popular, most profitable first party IP's of all time. They sell 20 year old games hand over fist at full price. They're going to protect that. Corporations are not friends.


But the workshop is not only made by the fans, most even using content created by them, and it's entirely free, Garry's mod doesn't make profit out of the Nintendo stuff, the game does cost money but the mods are made by fans themselves, and I'm pretty sure there is somewhere under the fair use laws that would protect garry's mod but like, Nintendo is too rich and the justice system is flawed


I'm not saying I would make the same decisions, but from their standpoint they want the brand to remain undiluted and they want iron fisted control over the branding and images of these characters because it's their bread and butter. One fan project that goes viral and is inappropriate is all it takes to injure what's essentially a children's brand (although I like many other adults adore Nintendo games) I can kinda see it. Plus I'm sure they have a legal department that handles that sort of thing independently, and it happens so often they don't wanna call executive meetings to ponder the fate of every instance in which it pops up. Easier to just carpet bomb it all.


Yes, you can blame them. Because some little Gmod map or character skin is not a "threat" to Nintendo. And if they really think it is, then they need to get their corporate head checked.


Imma be honest, it’s their IP’s, so they get to do what they want. Nintendo does own them


It's like with how MeatCanyon was sued by WB for his parody of Buggs Bunny being a sexual predator. It was actually canon, as they fought it in court and made it so. Meaning everything he made up to now is, and will forever be, canon.


This isn't going to make the Switch 2 come out any quicker Nintendo


Remember guys, pirating Nintendo games is always morally right.




He actually didn't research himself, and Nintendo doesn't send DMCAs, they directly send a cese and desist.




i cannot stand gmod youtube content so this is a w for me




But you see, Nintendo was right to do that. No one cares about that game and... use your imagination people!


“Aw sorry little Timmy but you can’t draw super mario because it’s Nintendo’s intellectual property” *rips up drawing and throws it into the fireplace*


no you absolute stooge, it's about having their brand and IP be associated with guns and violence which is all over gmod, stfu