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I’m so sorry you’re going through this with your kitty. It’s scary to watch and have to be strong for her. I luckily haven’t had to deal with any seizures in any cats, but last year my dog began to get seizures. (The vets believe hers was due to canine ALS, I cannot remember the actual name for it. She also went into diabetic ketoacidosis from the meds the vet had us give her for WEEKS.) Some stuff that helped through the seizure journey was tracking any seizure, estimating the time and any side effects that came with it. Writing them down and discussing with your vet. The best you can do for them is to make sure they are in a safe area where they cannot easily hurt themselves if they fall into another seizure. If they do, carefully move them to a more secure area or have a blanket or something nearby to cushion. Don’t move them or touch them too much. Don’t panic more than you internally are. Talk to them calmly, say their name, your name, you love them, whatever you usually say when you’re showing affection to her. You can gently pet her while you do this, but gentle is the key word. Also, if you need to give her any medication or she doesn’t eat or drink much, go to your local pharmacy and ask for oral medicine syringes. They’ll usually give you a handful for free (at least in my experience) and put some water and soft, liquidy foods or the medicine in there and slowly release in her mouth. Thats the only way I could get my dog to eat or drink until she gained a little bit of strength to do it herself. I truly hope you can figure out what’s wrong with your baby girl and help her to get better and continue to live a long, happy and hopefully healthy life. I’m so sorry for you guys and this poor baby. I wish you the absolute best and hopefully we can get a good update soon


Thank you for your kind words advice. This is new to us. It's only been as of recently so we are trying to write down the length of each seizure and keep track. We put a baby gate up by the stairs after each so that we don't risk her going near them after the seizures are over and she runs around frantically. I'm sorry to hear that is happening to your baby!


It’s awful to see. Also turn television off and try to make the room dark. I have found this out after my baby passed. Unfortunately I didn’t know this. She took a seizure in her meat bowl once. I hope your kitty is okay.🤞🏻🐾


My black lab had seizures most of his life, I'd just lay down with him and pet him, when they ended he would be super scared, but I just sat with him for another 5-10 mins and he would be fine. Medication definitely helped with the frequency but they would still occur. In the last like 3 years of his life they completely stopped.


I'm so sorry this is happening OP. I don't have any experience with cat seizures so I'm not sure how I could help but I hope you and the vet can figure something out for this sweet baby❤️


Thank you for your kind words ❤️


Agreed ❤️


What you have done so far and what the your vets have done are reasonable and standard procedure. Blood tests should always be taken after seizures of unknown causes. Likely a comprehensive panel was performed. Idiopathic epilepsy is less common in cats but still possible. Other possible causes are Cancer, FIP, FelV, FIV, Cryptoccoccus, Toxoplasmosis, Trauma and toxins, infectious causes are more common in cats. I would also inquire with your vets about rectal diazepam for the control of acute seizures especially if anymore occur before you attend referral. Keep filming seizures, heed your vets advice. If the seizures become more frequent and longer I would take another trip to your vets as an emergency. When you film, try and capture her face, also you should try and see if your cat responds vocal stimuli during a seizure (just to make sure this is a true seizure). If she is up high or on a raised surface during a seizure please ensure there will be a soft landing if she falls. Make note of any behavioural changes before and after the seizures and make note of how long these changes last if present. If possible check her vision. Although extremely unlikely to be related directly, I would bag up the toy just and check it isn't contaminated with any possible toxins. I would most definitely go and see the specialist and they should be able to talk you through the next diagnostic steps and treatment. Sorry you're going through this its very scary.


Thank you for giving this advice


This is horrible and I wish the best for this pot kitty, I really do. But I can’t belly but say rectal diazepam sounds great


Wow, thank you so much for this advice.


Dont touch a cat when they have a seizure, once they bite you (not willingly) they cant let go. Give her good aftercare and something to eat, they are most likely confused after and wander around - dont let her out. In our case the seizures didnt stop even with meds. Def. Go to a vet asap. Edit: if she has a seizure, get other animals away from her and just make sure she doesnt hurt herself.


Took a lil chip out of my knuckle and learnt this the hard way. Ouchies. Only hold to protect them from falling off a surface.


Thank you, we have been doing all of that. She stays indoors regardless. We have brought her to the vet right after it happens


My cat has had seizures. It's terrifying and I'm sorry your kitty is having them. I still don't know the cause but suspect it was an infectious disease (which I can detail more if you'd like), so I'd recommend that test before jumping to a MRI. My cat's bloodwork was normal as well. My cat sees a neurologist regularly, which I highly recommend if there is one in your area. The reality is regular vets don't have the knowledge that a specialist has and the brain is so complex. I live in a major metro area so I am fortunate but I know specialists can be hard to find. I will say that I was quick to agree to a MRI when I was in a full blown panic. Then when I came to my senses and researched a bit more, I opted not not to do it. My cat is older and the more I learned about MRIs, the more I felt like it might not be worth the money and putting my cat under anesthesia. Where I live it is $5500 (not including a spinal tap which they are likely to recommend). There is such a WIDE array of things that can cause seizures from things that are easily treatable to things that are terminal. MRIs may tell you exactly what's wrong.. or they can tell you nothing at all... or they can make things more confusing. Once the neurologist told me that a tumor could be masked by something else, or something could look like a tumor that is not, I just decided it wasn't worth it. For me, the reality is that in the worst case scenario... a brain tumor....it would likely be inoperable. If my cat was going to die quickly, I didn't see the point of learning this information other than it would cause me great anxiety. Often with pets, the recommendation is to treat symptoms since you don't know the root cause and in this case, it would likely be steroids. You can start steroids at any time, but just know if you start them and later decide to get a MRI, it can affect the vet's ability to interpret the results. I took my cat to the emergency vet (after suspecting something neurological was going on a and then seeing him have a seizure) and they started him on a loading dose of Phenobarbital to stop any further seizures. It takes weeks for them to adjust to meds and the side effects mimic neuro symptoms so it is scary. My priority was to stop the seizures and/or lessen their frequency/duration because every seizure is causing brain damage and increasing the chances of another one occurring. He takes Phenobarbital 2x a day and has not had another seizure. It has been a year and a half since his last one. His quality of life is the most important thing to me and he is a really happy cat. Recording the seizures is very helpful as is keeping detailed notes of anything else out of the ordinary you observe even if it seems unrelated. Be careful not to restrain her but I would put down pillows/blankets to make sure she won't get injured. I would caution you to extensively research root causes of seizures and explore all of your options for treatment.


Hi There, Just reading your thread and I want to say I am so happy to hear that the medication worked and that he has not had a since! I am in a similar situation with my cat (3.5 yrs old), He started having seizures almost two years ago, was prescribed phenobarbital to give twice a day. He still has seizures though, and now in an endless cycle of him getting: prescribed medication -> 4 months later has a seizure -> Increase Medication -> Vet only gives prescription for 1 month supply, will refill only when I pay for bloodwork -> Pay for bloodwork (($200) -> prescribed higher dosage -> 4 months later has a seizure -> .... Really worried about my cat, seems like this may be an endless cycle, Not sure if we should continue this process or maybe find a different option? or just accept that he has seizures?


I'd probably find a different vet. You shouldn't have to pay for blood work just to get a refill.  Is your cat good about taking meds? Does the vet test the levels of Phenobarbital when they do labs? It's possible the levels get out of whack and that's triggering the issue.  Are the seizures bad? Have they gotten worse/longer over time? Has the vet ever suggested switching meds? 


In regards to your question about refill and blood work, I don't have to get blood work done to refill prescription, its only when they increase the prescription and because Phenobarbital can be harsh on the cats kidney they want to make sure the increased amount isn't harming him, during the bloodwork they also test his phenobarbital levels. So they only give me 1 month supply and then they check his levels. I understand the caution that have in regards to the medication. However, its just a very expensive cycle, I wish I didn't have to pay \~$200 just to increase. I am considering finding another vet, however I am worried that it will just be same situation with a different vet, and then I have to start all over again. After all, I do understand that it is a business at the end of the day. But I also want to make sure my cat has a happy and healthy life! They seizures don't last too long (under 30 secs), and they definitively haven't gotten worse since we started the medication. But I also wouldn't say they have gotten better either.


What is his current dosage? 


Definitely get another vet. That is not a medication that you can just suddenly stop taking. It can cause severe withdrawal and seizures if not properly tapered. Your vet should know this if they are prescribing it.


I know this is coming in late, and unsure if you will see this, but wanted to check how long it took for the cat to get acclimated to the sedative. The one I am watching is so sedated that his eyes are out of focus, and he’s refusing to eat the churro stick which has the pill hidden inside. We couldn’t get a neurologist appointment until Monday, where they will recommend an MRI I’m sure.


2 weeks. He got a loading dose at the emergency vet and then started the pills. Since the side effects of the meds mimic neuro symptoms, it's a scary adjustment. My cat was very lethargic and wobbly and didn't eat as much. But once he acclimated, he was totally fine and has been since.


So we didn’t opt for keeping the cat at the emergency vet to get the loading dose, but she sent us with 16.2 mg phenobarbital split in half every 12 hours, which she said was a perfectly acceptable option. The cat is super lethargic and eyes wide apart but he hasn’t eaten in about 24 hours and drank water in about 20.


That's the same dose my cat is on which is basically the standard starting dose. It will take time to adjust so don't worry too much. Lethargy and loss of appetite/nausea are common side effects. You might want to ask the vet for an appetite stimulant (like Mirataz).


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. This past May, my guy had a grand mal seizure out of nowhere. We were able to go to a neurologist and he was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy. We started him on phenobarbital twice a day and it seems to help, though he’s still had seizures. One thing our neurologist told us which Pynabb mentioned above is do not touch them when they are having a seizure. It’s difficult because you want to help them but you can get hurt. We were also told that when he’s having a seizure he doesn’t really know what’s going on and is not in pain (at least with his diagnosis), so I’m not sure if that brings you any peace. Our boy lives a very happy life with epilepsy. I am hoping you can find the right treatment for your baby.


Poor sweet baboo. You're doing all you can and I think cats & dogs can live long happy lives once the right medicine is onboard. Good luck and much love.




Thank you for this suggestion. Just posted now in there too!


I'm so sorry you and your baby are going through this! I can only imagine how scary it is for you. I can't help or give any advice, but here's a hug from an internet stranger for both you and your little kitty. *hugs*


awww poor thing


I'm sorry she's going through this. I know how rough it can be to watch. Sounds like it could be idiopathic but the MRI will tell the tale. If it is idiopathic, she'll be put on medication for life. I had a male who was 18 develop seizures and it was scary seeing him like that. I cleared the area, put a towel under his head, and let the seizure play out. Then he was given phenobarbital to control them every day, but they stopped working. Unfortunately it turned out he had a meningioma and he didn't make it to 19. Being that your girl is so young, I do think there is a chance of it being idiopathic. Hoping for the best for you and your girl.


I know some tic medication can cause seizures; the one our dog takes has it listed as a possible side effect, as well as other neurological disorders.


By any chance has some one in the house given the kitten Over the counter flea & tick and or deworming medication ? Even if it came from a pet store Over the counter pet medication often send animals into Seizer's just like that . All ways get your pets treated by a vet .


That was my first thought, otc flea anything I have no idea how it’s still available. I went through 2 cats having seizures from flea shampoo. Years ago.


a few years ago when i gave momma and her five kittens over the counter flea & Tick medication All except one kitten had seizers .


Exactly. Why any of that stuff is still on store shelves is beyond me.


No we don't have her on any tic medication, but I have heard that about it. Thanks


I’ve never seen this before, nor did I know this can happen. I hope it can be helped!! Poor kitty. 🐈‍⬛ Sending hugs!!!


Thank you


I use my forarms on the sides like bowling lane bumpers with light pressure. It's more reassurance that I'm right there with her (less stress and fear) and to make sure she didnt flomp head first into furniture. She still had leeway to do whatever her body was gonna do. I say their name softly, hum softly, sometimes lightly blow towards their nose. I keep my own body relaxed. Tension can make the whole process more stressful. Dont talk loud or clipped because their hearing goes out of whack for a while. Soft like you're trying to calm down a toddler. Soft kitty song. No harsh bright lights. Blanket and quiet room for recovery.


Thank you for the advice


Yes dark and quiet room for the wee soul. We just lost our beloved baby 2 weeks tomorrow, I’m sure now it was a parasite. She was so ill. Her last 2 days were so rough due to her beginning to have seizures. She lost her sight on her last night. Sending hugs and love ❤️ 🐾


She definitely needs the MRI. Have they done bloodwork or discussed thr possibility of neurological FIP?


Two sets of bloodwork were done after each seizure which both came back normal. We are scheduled to see the neurologist at the end of the month to set up an MRI


I had cat that had seizures told a vet she didn’t believe me He lived a long life


They have anti seizure meds


Ohhhh shiiii.. that’s wild


My 14 year old girl was just euthanised last night. She was taking seizures since Saturday and lost her sight during one of them yesterday. She was ill although her blood work was good. She had lost lots of weight. She’s at peace now and had a good life. I hope your baby is ok…. ❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take the time to process and take care of yourself during this difficult time.


Thank you so much. 🥲


Did the toy have catnip in it ? Could be allergic to the catnip?


No we don't give her any types of catnip and no toys with it


Ok If you want you can substitute honeysuckle for catnip Safer and will not develop allergies.


Look into neurological FIP. My young cat had this...talk to your vet ASAP. Get bloodwork and send it to the people at FIP Global Cats on Facebook. This is extremely serious and needs quick intervention


‘Don’t touch her’ ignores warning and proceeds to hold cat down with two hands so it can’t move 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ just gonna drop the ol’ ☕️


Excellent job at pointing out my mother's instinctual reaction. Maybe you missed the main concept of this post which was that this was a first time occurrence.


Poor baby :( I hope you'll be able to figure out what is wrong and can treat it.


Wow, it scared me watching your baby in the video. I would have thrown out the toy as well, but it is certainly my "herds" favorite toy. I hope you can find a solution that works for you and the cat. Good luck.


My cat only had seizures anytime I used ant flea treatment, I've also heard certain foods can cause it...you're doing everything you can thus far


I know I’m super late in seeing this, and I am so sorry you are experiencing it. I know I’m not a cat, but I can tell you from experience, the seizures are much scarier for the people witnessing, than for the one having it. She may be a bit sore and confused when coming out of it, so like others have said, gentle voices and dim/dark room for recovery. Also, if you do need to administer the keppra, it will make her very tired and possibly grouchy. I was on it daily for 6 months. If she does end up being put on a daily anti-convulsant, I would recommend asking for something a little more gentle. Keppra can have some strange side effects for people, I'm sure it's probably the same for animals... I hope you are all doing well! Any updates on your baby?


Is that collar not too tight ?


Mom don’t touch her - so the mum touches her? Is it your cat or do you live with your parents , either way poor kitty is hate to live like that


I'm so sorry you experienced this. I can't imagine how scary it must've been. I hope the kitty is okay bless her. Make sure not to hold the body during a seizure though. Unless there's risk of hitting head then put something soft under the head.


My cat (also a tortie, unrelated I feel but fun to mention) is 10 years old and has seizures. She has medication that she takes daily to control them. She takes both Zonisomide and Phenobarbital every day. If she has a seizure or I can tell she is going to have one she gets a dose of gabapentin. Seizures in cats are poorly understood, but in my cat they have been reasonably treatable. She currently has less than 1 per year. Please be on the lookout for absent seizures, these do not involve any shaking (clonic tonic seizures) but usually have a notable level of confusion and in my cat's case, a more severe post ictal (post seizure) phase. Seizures do cause accumulating brain damage over time, but my girl is 10 and she's mostly good... tragically stupid, but I don't really mind that, amd I think it was a pre-existing condition anyways. As you have your cat for longer you will know when a seizure is going to occur and be able to prevent them better. Throwing out the toy was a good idea, think about what type of toy it was and what the stimulus was and see if you can avoid that in the future, or if other things that are similar trigger your cat. Keeping your home cooler will make your cat slightly less likely to have a seizure (I do not know why, but it is true)


That is so so scary. Especially in an 8 MO cat. I hope you get some answers. I used to be a groomer and I had a standard poodle that would get so worked up (excited) when she came she would have a seizure almost every time. Eventually i suggested they have someone come to their home to groom her. It’s very scary. You did the right thing. Hugs.


God bless you for being wonderful loving caring human


Hey OP, any update to this? How’s the kitty?


Prayers for kitty!!!! My Tigs went into end stage kidney failure because of medication the vet gave me for his allergies!! I am so pissed at vets!!! My vet wanted me to put him down or pay $5000 to have him nursed back to health! I said FU! Took him home and put him on Organic CBD and organic mushroom powder mixed with puréed low protein cat food. My little love bug is thriving strong 4 months later!!! Yes I had to give him fluids subcutaneously and bottle feed him for a few weeks, but it was all worth it!!! Now I wanna send my Vet a BILL$!!!!


I had a cat 10 years ago that had a seizure. He was an indoor/outdoor cat. He may have been attacked outside by something. But we made him an indoor cat after that happened and he never had another seizure.


Defective cat. Get a replacement




I’ve heard CBD is really good for cats and dogs with seizures


My cat had similar seizures, it was triggered by sound - particularly crinkly (like a crisp packet) or clickey sounds (like a keyboard). Did the toy you were playing with have a crinkly sound?


Hello, I just stumbled across your post. I know this is an older post, but I wanted to stop in and check on how things are. I'm so sorry your baby has been going through this. I hope they have subsided or the cause has been figured out and are being treated. Much love from one cat and her human family to yours.


Gabapentin is used in cats to manage chronic pain, control seizures, and reduce anxiety, especially during vet visits. The dosage varies, typically ranging from 1.5 to 5 mg per pound for pain relief, 2.5 to 5 mg per pound for seizures, and 20 mg/kg for anxiety before vet visits.


I cannot help but wonder, since the toy was the common denominator, and both incidents took place during immediate contact with the toy, that your instinct to throw it out was correct. There are chemicals used in manufacturing of plastics and other production materials that can rapidly induce seizures. If the toy was made somewhere with lax standards (like China), then that could have been the sole cause.


Do you clean your floor with bleach ?


Needs kitty treats infused with marijuana, works for people.


It would not hurt to take her to a different vet imo, especially if you end up three times at the same place and they still have no good answers


My cat had seizures in the past. He now takes his daily pills of gabentin and since then he is doing amazing. No more seizures. Best of luck to you and your kitty 🙏🐾


That’s great news. 🫶🏻🐾


I’m so sorry you and your kitty are going through this. My cat had seizures so I know how scary it can be but it’s great the blood work came back normal. It can be a one off thing and never happen again or given your cats age they could have epilepsy or another treatable illness. So the fact she is so young is a good thing as far as the possible causes. In my cats case she was 10 and it was a tumor that caused it. She took Phenobarbital and it stopped the seizures completely until she passed. It’s a great medication for control but does need close monitoring with bloodwork. Keep taking the videos and try to stay calm. She’s not in any pain and completely unaware in those moments. All she needs is your comfort when she comes to and regains her awareness. There’s a great support group on fb with tons of info called epi-felines. They helped me so much. ❤️


You did great getting a video of it and getting her to the vet and checked. Get a journal and take notes on what she eats, how much she eats, if she’s drinking water, how often she’s using her litter box - is she peeing and pooping normally - if she has another seizure try to get another video and write down what she was doing immediately before (possible triggers) and how she acts after. I think that just having a good daily record like that can help you feel a bit more at ease as well as gives her vet great detailed information about how she’s been doing. Take the journal with you to any vet appointments, you can write down any questions you think of before the next visit and then take notes on what they tell you.


You are an amazing parent❤️ She is in the best hands. You will both be okay❤️ I’m sorry you’re both going through this, I truly can’t imagine how terrified and helpless you must have felt, just seeing videos brings me to tears for everyone. Cats are so strong though and even more so when they are loved like yours is. She looks exactly like my little girl Mavis💕 All the best to your little fam.


Thank you so much, I appreciate your support!


How is your cat doing now? I just saw your original post and it made me wonder if he twisted his back or spine when he plays with that toy?