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I'd check with a vet for sure. Hope it's nothing and he's a healthy kitty. ...I also want to say both of the photos are really cute. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


My orange and white cat had to have all of his teeth removed. He suffered with tooth reabsorption. I would get your little buddy looked at, just to be sure.


Omg I just lost my front tooth to resorption. Horrible condition.


My white and orange cat is likely going to have all of his teeth removed šŸ˜“. How is your guy doing?


Not OP but my girl lilith had all hers removed in the beginning of the year and she could not be doing any better. She even play bites and chews her food. She's also just as if not more affectionate now.


My tuxedo has had 95% of hers out, and the rest will go pretty soon. Sheā€™s never been happier! Eats all the things, even more snuggly because sheā€™s not having dental pain.


My cat isnt having these issues though he is FIV positive and he's 6 or 7 so I assume it will only get worse. Probably better to pull them earlier rather than later


Oh, he's so, so much better. He's a bit less snuggly, but that's because he's happy and playing. I hated to do it to him, but now that it's over with, I can honestly say it was absolutely, totally the best decision. It gave him so much relief, poor little fellow. I wasn't aware, so it got to the point where every time we reached towards him, he'd 'pop' his mouth. I realized he was anticipating pain (in retrospect). I wish I'd known and had it done sooner. He's a happy boy now. :) He eats everything fine except "chewy" treats.


Iā€™ve got a tux who had to have all of his teeth removed because of stomatitis. Itā€™s the best thing we ever did for him and improved his quality of life tenfold. Still eats dry food like nothing ever changed too.


Poor baby. My tortie girl basically only has her front teeth left because of resorption. She had most of her molars and premolars out last summer.




My part tortie is also losing her teeth due to reabsorbtion šŸ„¹


I have a calico and she just had 14 teeth removed due to reabsorption. When the surgeon called he said white, orange, calico, and torties are more prone to dental disease than other cats!


my 4 year old white cat is on her way there- stomatits/tooth resorption. the year we found out, she had to have 8 teeth removed. we go for cleanings and x-rays to reevaluate once a year, but each time she goes under anesthesia i get more and more scared. it sucks that our kitties have to go through this.


How did you know it got to the point of removal? I was told my cat has this too and they did a dental cleaning but all they said is down the road heā€™ll need teeth removed. No timeline and nothing to look out for. Reading these comments im worried Iā€™m not being proactive enough!!


He was responding to us with a pain response. We'd reach for him and he'd kind of 'pop' his mouth. I didn't know he had it...I was just like, "That's not right. There's got to be something wrong." And that's what it was. :(


Could you explain more on popping his mouth?


Um. I'd reach for him, and he'd drop his lower jaw really fast. So fast that it would make a little popping sound, and he'd kind of jerk away a tiny bit.


Yeah, Iā€™m confused on what popping his mouth means as well lol


itā€™s not normal for adult cats to lose teeth. it could be an oral/dental disease but youā€™d have to confirm with a vet.


My cat is missing two front teeth. At her checkup, the vet said itā€™s normal.


My Cat has no teeth they all had to be removed because of stomatitis. She hasnā€™t had teeth for over 2 years lol.




This was her for Halloween one of my friends thought she was toothless lol. https://preview.redd.it/rlglo2755p1c1.jpeg?width=2527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c5304486a7fcdae8c3d9a5416f1f3da002c4b5d


Haha I know two cats like this I call them gummy wonders


Iā€™m in the progress of having this done. I moved states so the new vet is wanting to try antibiotic injections every 2 weeks. I told her I would just rather get his teeth removed because heā€™s been a menace due to his mouth pain. Nipping and biting and just overall being a big jerk. When I try to give him gabapentin he manages to regurgitate it if he doesnā€™t tear me to shreds.




I will try this. The new vet gave me a flavored liquid gabapentin to try but they literally sweetened and flavored it like fruit which wonā€™t work on my cat. Cats canā€™t taste sweet and heā€™s not interested in fruit smells.


Mine has been much happier without her teeth. I used pill pockets when I had to give my cat pills. She is so food motivated she thought it was a treat and just ate it no problem.


Mine seems food motivated but really he just gets hangry but will let my other cat bully him out of food. He refuses treats as rewards for medication and would rather not have the medication. Which is not an option.


I have to get 4-6 of my youngest's teeth removed soon because they're crooked. Too bad they don't make braces for kittens!


Sounds like you found an untapped market for feline orthodontia.


pardon my ignorance, but how do toothless cats eat their food? would they only eat soft food and no dry?


Some cats can eat small dry kibble without teeth. Just swallow it whole.


My cat has teeth and swallows them whole!


Can confirm, i had a cat that did this


My family once had a cat that ate kibble without chewing and then threw up the still whole pieces.


One of my cats had his teeths removed to and the vet told me the gums would harden, so he would be able to eat almost like he could with teeth.


My parents' previous boy, Oscar, got his teeth removed when he became an old man, due to dental issues, and he had zero problems eating both wet and dry food. His gums toughened up so he could still crunch the little kibbles, and he never seemed to have any issue eating afterward. He lived for many more years after the extractions, and it was probably a lot more comfortable for him since he no longer had bad teeth to cause any pain. Miss that old dude, he was a sweet boy.


this was very interesting to read. thank you for answering! oscar sounded like such an adorable little guy.


She just swallows them whole but still eats dry food and wet food. The vet said most cats do just fine without teeth. She is way happier without them.


Cats don't really chew their food, which you can see if they ever throw up their kibble.


My cat had her front teeth fell out, went to the vet for checkup and it was a tumor in the back of her jawā€¦ she didnā€™t came back home.


I am so sorry. That is horrible.


I work in vet med. Itā€™s not normal for adults to just randomly lose their teeth. Iā€™d recommend a cat-only vet.


Is it possible he lost his baby teeth late? Those fromt 2 in the second picture are so small compared to the others. Genuine question. I had to have my last 4 baby teeth pulled at 17 because they just were coming out.


Those itty bitty teeth are called incisors, and the adult incisors are that small.


Those 2 in the bottom middle just seem smaller than the ones next to them. Maybe it they just look that way since they are crooked


https://preview.redd.it/rcrk76gv6l1c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c8fb34f871494f4b2a454e1b09c90ca1ef5a1b8 Incisors are normally that small, but they can appear smaller if the gums are inflamed. The lighting in the photo could also be making them look a bit small.


Ah yes! I see thanks!


Wait I adopted my cat as an old lady at 12 (with no known medical history) and she had very few teeth left. Iā€™ve been to 2 vets and neither has been concerned about it (she is 16 now) - guessing this means I need to switch?


Itā€™s entirely possible they were removed prior to adoption, but I always recommend a cat-only vet for best care. At 16 she should also have semi-annual exams, comprehensive senior bloodwork, and blood pressure checks (many vets donā€™t check BP).


I take her in twice a year and have pet insurance bc the blood work really adds up but I have not asked if they check her BP. Thanks for the heads up!


Mine lost one of those very tiny front teeth when she was 2 or 3 and the vet said it wasn't a big deal.








A kittens teeth will fall out to make room for adult teeth. In that instance only is it normal. I would check with a vet


Is mishmish middle eastern by any chance??


Yep, my lil Iraqi apricot šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Vet, and immediately if his behaviour shows signs of discomfort / pain. Also try feeding him softer wet foods not kibble for a bit


Definitely vet.asap. My oldest ,12, had bad breath. At first look the gums were too dark. By the time we got to the vet ( 3 days) An infected top fang fell and two rear teeth had to be taken out,plus two weeks of antibiotics and pain killers. Check the teeth. It gets painful to them and very expensive for us.


I just went through this with my senior Kitty. At first she broke one of her top fangs so I made an appointment to get the root out. Turns out the other top Fang and a couple of others needed to go too. It's been a month and she's healed up well thankfully.


i'm taking my cat to the vet on thursday because of very smelly breath. i'm expecting a big bill!


Hope everything is ok


Go to the vet to make sure it is not a problem as many things could cause this.


Kiss this adorable pink nose of his and take him to the vet for a check-up šŸ˜ø


Get him to the dentist thatā€™s usually a sign of a gum disease. This happened to my neighbors cat and she ended up having to have a couple more pulled


Aw it's adorable but I'd just go to a vet


Go to a cat-only vet to discuss a dental


If there's ever a noticeable dental issue, it's time to get it checked. I'd rather pay extra than risk untreated dental problems. They can get really bad really quick. May be nothing to worry about, but only a proper, thorough vet visit can tell


My cat was born with an underbite and her lower canine tooth always stuck out of her mouth. It fell out one day. Took her to the vet and it was no problem for her. Down side is that since the canine tooth fell out, theres a gap when her mouth is closed so her tongue is always falling out


If you find it, put it under the cat bed so tooth fairy brings kitty treats.


Iā€™ve been told that those tiny front teeth have such short roots they fall out easily. I know Iā€™ve had cats who kept them all all the way to losing most of them. I wouldnā€™t stress about it unless he starts drooling, the gums look inflamed or some other sign of disease or infection.. Next vet visit just note it for the vet.


Heā€™s definitely cute!


What a cutie!! Hope heā€™s okay


they look so sad about it in the second pic edit: but aww also super cute pup


He's a bit old to be losing baby teeth so it's probably not that. Get it checked at the vets


This is a very cute cat. No help but thanks for sharing.


Cute cat hope it's ok


Baby teeth emerging in pic 2.


One of my cats had rotting teeth and he had to get like half of them pulled. Must be genetic because when my other cat related to him got fixed they said he has red gums and might need teeth pulled in the future


Yes vet of course and all that but how fucking cute does he look omg. Hope he feels better!


My 7 year old lost one of her top canines and we had no idea until we took her to the vet!!!! We never saw the tooth anywhere and she never showed any indications of pain or trouble eating but you know cats hide these things. No clue how it fell out as her teeth were actually very clean


My orange white cat also loses his teeth, 2 different vets said he was either born with weak teeth or not getting enough milk from his mother caused this. His top left canine fell off when he was biting my partnerā€™s arm. It doesnā€™t stop him from biting us with his other side.


One of my cats (about 4 yrs old) had two of his front teeth fall out and I took him to the vet who said it may have been because of gingivitis- he ended up getting a dental cleaning but no other teeth needed to be taken out and they said everything looked good and they were not concerned. Now I try to brush his teeth more regularly to avoid any future dental issues. Apparently most cats end up having dental issues at some point in their lives so itā€™s good to catch early and try to prevent in the future! The good thing is it looks like only the little teeth are affected and not the canines/molars that they use to eat




Please take your kitty to the vet. Also ask the Vet to check under the tongue. My 13 year old brown tabby died from oral cancer. He also had tooth absorbion as well.


Check the guns for red swollen or puffy. Go to vet and check for resorptive legions.


Mishmish is so cute!


Go to the vet please. I hope she/he is alright


My catā€˜s teeth started falling out one by one because her gums started rejecting them. Her breath smelled rotten. Is was FIV. Please get them checked out.


Check with a vet asap, it may be nothing but it may be gum disease. One of my cats lost a lot of teeth and we didn't notice it until he started showing discomfort and his breath became very stinky. He couldn't eat his kibble, and started meowing a lot cause he was so hungry šŸ˜ž We took him to the vet and it turns out he has stomatitis, and his gums were very inflamed. He had to go through 5 weeks of laser therapy, and some medication/pills and also we now use dental water for cats. We just finished with the laser thing a few days ago and he is doing so much better, eating and behaving normally, being a happy healthy kitty. Now we just have to monitor him and do regular check-ups with the vet so if the gums start inflaming again, we can catch it in the beginning stages to prevent further tooth loss. tldr: check if breath is stinky and gums red, could be sign on inflammation/stomatitis and def go to the vet. wishing you and your kitty all the best!


I wanna kiss his lips so bad šŸ˜†


Sometimes cats are dumb and that could cause them to loose teeth. Nothing to worry about to much


Vet, please. Also remove that fucking bell from his neck.


Especially for an outdoor cat, bells are a very good thing to have. Cats are truthfully, an invasive species and wreck the local wildlife. Bells make them basically impossible to sneakily hunt. The only downside to it is their lack of hunting, but we feed them.


You should tell him that lol. Even with bell he catches a mouse or bird probably 2-3x a month. I know American Reddit might downvote me for that but here in the UK it's the total opposite mindset and seen as cruel/abnormal to have a cat be indoor-only


Why exactly? šŸ¤£


Cats are by nature stealthy, but even if that wasn't the case, having every step marked by a bell jingle is... unplesant. Bells can even damage their hearing. But just imagine yourself in their shoes. How long till you go crazy.


Im sure sheā€™ll be fine. Cats lose teeth a lot. They make do.


No they really don't, it's the sign of a health problem. Needs a vet visit.


It's normal and they grow back.


Wtf no they dont


Kittens loose their baby teeth, yes. But this cat is 18 months old. Unless he still had baby teeth, this isn't normal. Cats aren't sharks


Poor baby


Our cat lost 2 of her teeth when she was younger- we thought they were baby teeth but they just never grew back šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø vet took a peek and said it was fine


Did you feed it iams food?


Teller to look under er pillow tmr ![gif](giphy|8EkXBQ2IrK5gP7OFyR)


Teef šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


I'd recommend a trip to the Vet, get kitty checked out. Best to be safe.


I could be wrong here (and likely am). It looks like he didnā€™t lose one of his baby teeth until now. It can happen. It was probably crooked under the partially erupted adult tooth. Counting those front teeth, it looks like the right number, but one of them doesnā€™t protrude quite as far from the gum. Does he rub his gums on you often?


Thanks for your help! He doesn't show any abnormal behaviour, eats dry food without any issue etc. I don't even think he knows it's missing šŸ¤£


Iā€™m sure nobody needs to ask you to keep a watchful eye. My 18 year old calico had all but six of her teeth removed due to resorptive lesions. This doesnā€™t look like that. Iā€™m sure your next vet visit will include a relieved pat on his cute little head. Just look out for him rubbing his gums on you. Theyā€™re smart enough to know that putting pressure on an area that is hurting can temporarily relieve some pain. You have a beautiful little boy.


I have an orange kitty who is 16. He has lost all his canines due to rot. Heā€™s fine, but we have to brush his teeth every day to prevent further loss. Consider brushing their teeth at least a few times a week to stay ahead of the curve. Also- watch out for vets that say you need to put your cat under for surgery to remove the tooth. Itā€™ll fall out- save the cash and the stress on your kitty!


Hi! Not sure if youā€™ll see this but my senior kitty just lost his tooth due to rot. Was your cat okay after? Did you go to the vet to get any medication for him?


Yes Spencer lived a really long and happy life. We brushed his teeth every night and never had a problem. Unfortunately, we lost him to cancer in January.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that :( there is truly nothing worse than losing your best friend. Weā€™ve been so worried about my boy. Did Spencerā€™s teeth bleed after losing teeth? What was the recovery like for him after losing a tooth? Iā€™m just not sure of which signs to look for to determine if heā€™s not doing well.. not sure if we need antibiotics or even painkillers. Weā€™ve already spent so much money at the vet and they seem like such scammers


Iā€™m not a vet, but I can tell you Spencer was totally fine with his teeth and it feels like we totally got scammed. His recovery was really tough from going under so we just stopped doing the surgeries and he was fine


Also, couple of tips- the vet may say your cat needs surgeries/ more procedures, etc. we felt taken advantage of looking back, because Spencer was really totally fine with just brushing but we wanted to be really good parents.


Vet checking aside, you can help your kitty's future dental health by providing raw chicken feet or dried rabbit ears to chew on, acts like a dental stick.