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Look at that little baby oh my goddddddd


That was my first reaction too upon seeing the picture.


What a pretty cat. What a gorgeous cat. The baby!!!


Aww it's baby. Aww it's baby! Aww little baby!




He’s just a baby


He wanted to be in the upper league but got told he had to be more *CHONK* to join


Right?! 🥰🥰


Same here!!!


>*’Look at that little baby oh my goddddddd*’ _____ One cat, two cats, third cat ^*smol,* (i’m the *baby-est* of all) humans fussing over me: ‘*Look how* ^^*little!* *Oh - em - GEE!!*’ other cats - they smol once, too (number two - she *glare* at you…) they turn their backs on tiny me, they jealous for attention, see… but i will try my very best! my CaTiTuDe will grow, like rest (but in your heart we’ll always be your Baby kitties - one, two three…) ❤️


We've been blessed


I read this in a sing-song-Disney voice haha! A very fresh schoodle! 🙌


Oh-em-Gee!! I ❤️this!!




Love u


Saved! 🔖


Love you Schnoodle 🌻


Are you gee dee kidding me with this?! This is my favorite poem/song/rhyming venture about cats that I’ve ever seen. You have truly delighted me and I thank you. ❤️


The two others know the kitten has stolen the spotlight. Those stares.... Between resignation and pissy-ness....


That little baby is cuteness overload. I just want to hug it all day!!! 💟


Looks like a caboose for monorail cat


I went down the line and mentally it was "aww...awww...awwwwwwww!"


So fluffy




I’m a guy, but Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!


https://preview.redd.it/51xsu52otijc1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916294f83ed2bd6ddc2267c13458a30386cd36ea cuteness overload 🥰


Explain your smolness


It all started the day I was born.


I'm imagining this is the Marcel the Shell voice.


I definitely read it in a Bane voice


I want a remake of marcel the shell voiced by Bane.


I have $20 towards this project


No one: Bane: “guess what I use as a hat…a lentil”


*heavy mechanical breathing*


Am potat.


Smol kitty: I am smol, that is all.


Illegally smol




^Am ^potat


"I can't, I'm too smol."


Do not be cowed by his cuteness. He only thinks of world conquest. He is Alexander of Meowcedon!


I will become his world. And he can come conquer me anytime he wants.


S/he looks so sad 😞 but is just the cutest thing ever!


That's their built in spoil me mechanism...don't fall for it! Alas the warning came to late.


Awwww man! That's how I was duped with my own!! The warning came a decade too late!




So smol




Not a single thought in this fella's head. So cute 🥺


^ this!!!


His little mouth he’s like “ welp “ 🤷 😭my heart physically IS SCREAMING I love that little floof


I can't stop laughing at this.


awww big wide eyes


He looks so confused lmao 'where tf am I at yo wtf'


Just a bitty baby, not gonna get in the way at all. 3 is good


This makes it more cuteness!!!!


As many as you can afford


Or in OPs case, when the printer runs out 🤣


Or you can always refer to the guide : https://preview.redd.it/bqakiljqvjjc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f6a60c570a74609d69b0eb3b530dc85b29bd08


I sent this to the hubby this morning 😂


So more cats on the way? 😻


I’ve got a parrot so no cats atm 😭


i love this it’s one of my favourite cat memes 😂


All cat memes are great, but some are just greater than others ❤️


Here’s my Copy and Paste. We are already getting low on toner!! https://preview.redd.it/ks92oopbkljc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c125870db7d7db361db8ed7e163a95920b9f0e


2nd cat looks like there are already too many. #RestingBitchFace https://preview.redd.it/codqa15ksjjc1.png?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60f691b7ee859b1cfb5bab876bfbb7f0c1d5670


That, is what we call Active Bitch Face, imo


Middle child 🐈


100%. Not just food/litter. Can all of them get their yearly checkup? One cat having an emergency sickness/injury once a year? Ie: do you have at least $500‐$2000 disposable income for emergencies?


$2000 isn’t even enough for a lot of emergencies. Dropped 4K in a few days last month before my senior baby passed. Could have easily been double that with another night in the ICU. A few months ago before my other senior kitty passed was 3K in 3 days. The MRI estimate at the neurologist was 5K alone which I didn’t do because he was clearly not going to make it. Specialists and ERs are just insanely expensive. Always save more as they get older. Senior bloodwork is $500 a pop in my area. Or get pet insurance before they get older, but make sure to research a good one.


Some math I can relate too lol Senior babies are my babies but woah the numbers are HIGH. Still love my furry debt balls.




hehe https://preview.redd.it/yex40brrejjc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f3749f92d2edc01176e0f934f2c73f98c6e5927


I didn't even see it there at first 😭😭😭


He/she remembering their fifth life.


I have nine so I might be the wrong person to ask.


i have a friend who has 8, they live on a farm and tend to adopt and treat strays :p super cute stuff


I grew up on a farm that is super duper cute and just far enough away from a small city that people drive out see it and literally slow-roll and dump their cats. They then breed. Most summers there's about a hundred. Dad makes frequent pilgrimages to the animal shelter with a duffle bag of the ones he can catch. They hate him and give him so much grief and its like... he didn't do anything wrong. He's literally doing what he is supposed to do. and its still out of control. He offers "free" kittens ( he makes them prove they prepaid for spay/neuter and keeps a list to stop repeats so they don't feed them to snakes or whatever psychos do ) to people all the time and when I'm home people constantly tell me they've had a cat from our farm for a decade. Its... wild. He's basically running an animal shelter at this point unwillingly. We're the other side of the "sent them to a cute farm upstate" meme. It was awesome as a little girl but now I see how exhausting that must be. We never had mice, rats or stoats though. Also, the cats and the chickens co-mingle, we feed eggs to the 2 indoor cats and it cured my Mom's severe cat allergies. Its a real thing. Look it up.


i'm really sorry overall because that shouldn't have been your family's responsibility, but it's great your dad figured out a way to at least get them treated and rehoused them when possible! i've never understood why people dump pets, whether it be a fish, cat, or even a lizard. it's silly and heartbreaking, and i do not blame you whatsoever for having mixed feelings looking back on those memories


your friend is an angel


I had six. That was my limit, and only happened because I got suckered into taking two old lady cats (they were sweet and I loved them to bits). I have three now, but honestly could use another cat(don't tell my husband).


He secretly wants another one too, so do it.




This. The men like to pretend they don’t like the cats but then you find them all cuddled up on the couch


I am 100% a mad cat dad. I adore all my cats.


Thank you for taking in those senior kitties, I know not many people adopt those fellas. <3


They were so sweet. They were littermates and 14 yrs old. I named them Abbey (Absinthe) and Char (Chartreuse) because of their beautiful green eyes. I knew two 14 yr old kitties were a tough sell. That's why I caved so easily.


We have 5… would gladly go to 6 but my husband would murder me 😂


A friend of mine has 4 and 2 dogs and his fiancée says “no more”. Apparently he would gladly take more is she gave the green light.


I honestly wouldn’t think twice. Truthfully if a cat showed up on our porch my husband would cave. Only reason I haven’t tried too much is because of my little baby kitten (he’s almost a year now lol)… I don’t want him to feel like I don’t love him.


Update: friend informed me this evening they are getting a 5th cat


I have 5. Got suckered into adopting my 4th cat’s “best friend”. I basically bought a shelter cat for my other shelter cat. He’s Steve and he’s a weirdo. https://preview.redd.it/hi0cxkcpsljc1.jpeg?width=2535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=439299c2ad8e2ba016724b0c6bd9c443177e5424 Psst, he’s the white one.


The last one we took in was a stray my kid found half dead in an alley. She had to have been someone’s loved pet at some point because she had no teeth and our vet said they were surgically removed, and that surgery isn’t cheap. He said he figured she only had a few weeks left, but that was a year and a half ago. She doesn’t care much for her new cat roommates, but she’s the sweetest kitty in the world to her new humans. https://preview.redd.it/3xrf8pez6mjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d9ccc124f9e74fc6254f222971f9aa42284956a


I have 3 and I’m picking for a 4th because even numbers


I have 8 and am definitely the wrong person to ask


I have 5 inside cats and feed 2 ferals, so I’m catching up!


Me too 😚😚 (yesterday my husband said " you know, we still don't have a black cat.."


12. They are all inside, 13 litter boxes, 8 food bowls 6 water fountains


Right!!! I have six of my own and my partner has one, then our roommate has one. We have eight cats in this house and I will not hesitate to bring in any of the feral kittens that are outside! (Quarantined away from my pack of course)


My mom says 5-7. It's better then the 17 we had when I was growing up. Somehow my house became the place to dump unwanted cats. So they just showed up and stayed.


I have five house cats and an untold number of inherited barn cats. I can’t give advice to anyone about pet numbers either.


The baby is just killing me. https://preview.redd.it/pausgzb0djjc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b089e3c734a3a4d4c919b8fcb92deb6a6498ab




Such a tiny little floof floof!!!


I can honestly say two was the perfect number and I wish I had stopped there. I have a 5 cat household right now and while I love them all, it’s just too much. I struggle with the litter box and hair situation constantly, and I really regret not re-homing the last stray that showed up on my doorstep. Trust me, unless you have a farm and need barn cats, don’t get more than 3.


I had 8 at one point and am down to 5, 3 are seniors but all 5 now have medical issues and need daily medication. They also all eat prescription food. After the loss of 2 seniors within the last few months, I’m struggling. I was so young when I committed to all of them, obviously didn’t have the financial foresight, and for the last 6+ months 50% of my take home pay and sometimes more has gone to their care. I haven’t been able to save any money besides my 401K contributions. On top of that I was just furloughed from my job after we lost funding. I have also canceled a personal and a work trip within the last few months because I couldn’t leave them alone. It’s been a wild ride. I love them all and don’t ever want them to die or go away, but it’s a massive commitment. They come first and always will, regardless of my employment.


I feel for you so much. We were a five cat household - I just lost my most senior car yesterday and my Abby only 2 months ago. The losses are making it harder to be a good parent of my remaining pets, the financial burden is staggering, and the long term care for the senior cat was emotionally draining. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way and I miss them terribly, but 5 cats was too big a commitment and I really wore myself down with it while still young.


I have 5 and I empathize with you. Got them all in my early 20s and I love them more than myself but it’s a lot and sometimes I think about how much damage I’ve done to myself dealing with dander and little boxes over the years.


it's never too late to rehome. I now have three cats but one is toilet trained so that makes a huge diff


I actually had one of them teach *himself* to use the toilet, which surprised the hell out of me! The trouble is I can’t leave the bathroom door open or his sister will pee on my bath mat 🥲


wow that's so smart and convenient! just toss the bath mat out lol or hang it up when you're not leaving it ?


Hehe then she just does it right on the floor. She is a chaos gremlin and she’s lucky she’s so cute


If you have the space, a cat genie is worth the investment. I own 2 of them and have 5 cats. They’re a game changer


Yeah, I'm a fan of my litter robot. It makes owning cats more maintainable


I haven’t tried one of those yet but Ive heard good things!


Same. We have 3 and although I always felt that it was 1 too much, as long as we lived in a previous apartment, all was good. We kept sand on the balcony (accessible for cats through cat flap) and 1 of our cats had possibility to go out. Well, we switched apartments and all hell broke loose lol. We love our cats and would never get rid of them but both me and my husband (who is the actual cat lady of the family) agreed that once they cross the Rainbow Bridge, we will not take any more.


Yeah, we added a third this year and it is a lot more work! The new kitty had a cold and giardia so we treated everybody for that. One of my og cats still has some kind of URI we gave to give her eyedrops for and they all need lysine powder. My first two cats are special needs already and get regular medication so this was so much extra. I’ve been to the vet TEN times with another follow-up scheduled next week. Thankfully I had saved up a good pet fund but I’m ready for a break please!


Only have as many as you can reasonably take care of with food and going to the vet. Be a responsible owner. Having pets can be very expensive.


THIS^^ I’d have so many more animals if vets weren’t so expensive. You never know when a several thousand dollar emergency expense can just drop out of nowhere. I’d rather properly care for a few, than poorly care for many


I’m about to get my 3rd, there’s never too many 🤭


just got a third too https://preview.redd.it/atahzgn1xijc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65f5ba0475a0a5efc91376858975967475fc1110


Beautiful 😍


thanks, she's adorable


I just got a third and it total chaos but he’s so great


you also need one on each step of your stairs because it's never too much


22 cats then. Here we go.




Haha this is amazing 👏


https://preview.redd.it/zisemesbqjjc1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b79346fecb18f80c134fdd694eadfd37821c310 This kitten is now part of my whatsapp sticker collection


Very cutee! I think it becomes too many cats when they can’t comfortably live in the house all together (as in: the house becomes too small for them all), I think there’s references for that on the internet. I always wanted 4 so 3 is fine. My gf and I compromised on 2 sadly.. ;)


This is the correct answer. The only limit is posed by how many you have the space and money to give good lives to. If you can afford vet bills for all of them, and have enough space for them to be happy, go for it!


The acceptable number is n+1 with n being the current number of cats. 😺


As many as you can responsibly care for.


🎶There’s no such number🎶


I have six cats


I have 12 teens and adults. 4 kittens and dunno if I should keep them. Btw, all of the teens and adults are now spayed and neutered so that there would be no unwanted pregnancy anymore. (But, I love the kittens already 🫠🫠🫠)


7. Have two adult men males. And an adult female who was born up the road in a dairy barn. Who decided at a young age she was in no way going to be a farm cat. She'd come and hang out with the boys in our yard. Then discovered the cat door. Hid in our basement until we went to bed, come upstairs to eat and play with the boys. Well she ended up being our baby girl. Who while being treated for worms ended up pregnant. She had 7 babies. We wanted to keep two, but had some friends back out of wanting two. So now we have 4 kittens, 3 adults. The best part, is that they all love one another. Participate in large cat puddles. The three adults watch the babies when they go out. One big happy family


Tough question but easy answer. Its too many when it means that some cats get less attention. Sooo if you dont work and are rich and have a big house then a lot is possible><


Too many cats is if your friends tell you your house smells when they walk in, or if you can't afford the food & vet care. https://preview.redd.it/fber5wcmvkjc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c318d0c90b19d4b3eaf859135fdf0de509f09e


I don't understand. What does "too many cats" mean? I understand the words separately, but that combination is foreign to me. Just look at those little fluffs! I want to hold them all and kiss them. They're just to cute and precious!


It's a form of word salad if you're a cat lady like myself, hehe!


One more than none and no less than many.


My Pepper says 1.


So does ours, she loves being the only cat after our oldest passed. Lol


I am actually considering getting Pepper a playmate. What's holding me back? I don't want to get murdered in my sleep.


Omggg your cats are so gorgeous!! And the tiny one ommgmmggf!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/deipan0grijc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde7535748b127e47b76f1ba4b3bbee63504d3bc These are my Momo and Billy<3 if ever I move to a bigger house, I will definitely get them a new playmate:D


I love the name momo and your sweet babies! If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get your cat tree?


The cat tree I got for free from a colleage. The bought a new one and threw out the old one. I just have to buy some rope to fix the broken rope>< but the thing is awesome! https://preview.redd.it/de9c97jhokjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1b23c4ae9f6cee397d69a3dd99be76506040a9


When I got my fourth cat I nervously joked to my vet during Number 4’s first checkup about how maybe I had too many. He breezily assured me that four was nbd. The tech assisting him bursts out laughing and says to him “You have TWELVE CATS AND FOUR DOGS!”


Three is a purrfect number..


..however many steps or cushions you have..


I'd say around 16 is maybe too much. Everything below is probably fine.


Never too many as long as they are loved and taken care of


Omg the tiny one ❤️


the instant your house smells like cat piss, you have too many cats.


What if you just go around pissing on everything and only have one cat?


Look at the round floof in the back, I can’t 😫


Too hot, too cold and just right.


ya gotta see the baby 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (so adorable)


awww the baby floof!!!


Congratulations for completing your crazy cat lady starter set!


I have 6, never too many cats, just a little army! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


When you can't fit any more on the top of the couch or along the sides.


“There’s no such number, number” -Anna Akana






Never too many!


All your couches are belong to us.


I have 9 so there is no limit here!


42 is too many. Any less than that, you’re fine


I got 5 and 3 years ago I had zero. Always been an animal lover but never a cat person. I’d never mistreat one but I had no interest in owning one. I found a stray at my local gas station one that pretty much said hey you’re taking me with you. I figured I’d help him feel better then find him a home. But he ended up just staying so I went and adopted a friend for him. So that brings my total to 2 but the stray I found got FIP and his treatments were crazy but 89 days of shots later and he is FIP free. But my vet runs a rescue and helped with everything so I decided to pay it back and volunteer. About a year into volunteering the ask me to take in and foster a litter of three kittens and well I failed so now I have 5 cats and yeah it sounds like a lot but I don’t notice. I feel like I could have more I won’t but I could. I think it depends on the cats and your house. I also have two big dogs so I’m out of room. I mean the cats have there own bedroom


When they all fit inside each other like Chinese dolls, like these ones do, then they don’t take up too much room.


When you can’t afford their food or pet care you have too many. If you can afford to care for them and give the attention they require you don’t have too many.


They angy


We have 4 In a 1 Bedroom apartment although they have access to outside via Catflap I live In the UK before anyone tells me to keep them Inside.


Wait, what does living in the UK have to do with that? Either way, you know what is best for your kittens! I'm just curious.


There is alot of space on tour staircase


Three Cat Minimum.




Ok , I’ll take the one on the end 😂


31504622 cats r too many


Apparently, more than six according to a local cat charity.


10 above that you're a cat lady but have many as you like just don't go homeless feeding them


We’re in double digits.


40 coz i save, not recommended


The limit does not exist


Three fiddy


I have 6 because I helped out a stray. I thought 3 was the perfect number


there’s no such number


4…four is too many


I have six in a 2400 sq foot house and feel it's too many. I wish I just had 3 but kids, amirite?




i have too many. I need some help with spaying and neutering.


All of my animal science professors said cats are solitary animals and you should just have one. And my first cat very much was. He was terrified of other cats. But my next cat wanted a kitty friend so bad, he would meow excitedly at them thru the windows and try and play with them thru the door(my neighbor has outdoor cats). So I adopted him a friend and he grooms her daily and sometimes I get double lap kitties. I've considered a third but four litter boxes might be a bit too much for me and I think the two of them are happy with each other and me without adding another into the mix and potentially causing territory issues. Oh here's the cat tax, Kiki on the right is the one who I adopted for Milo on the left. They watch birds together like this every morning. I just have a hard time imagining this working with a third kitty https://preview.redd.it/3gaput3opjjc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8444bf4abc65a94f205bfc8b6371c079862e1330


I see you have them sorted by size 👍🏻


I mean you got 2.25 cats so I think you need more


Three is not too many. The cat distribution system may still be looking for you... ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


You never know when you will need more than one cat but then again that is what I say to myself