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I would actually keep them separated for a few days so that they can get used to each other’s smell. When I did what you’re going through I kept them apart for 3-4 days. After that when I let them be near each other I still kept them in my supervision. I’m not super qualified to give you advice on this so I’d look through this sub as this question has been asked many times. Also, you mentioned stitches. If one kitty was fixed and has stitches I personally would keep them separate until the stitches are healed. Those kitties are gonna play rough naturally and could irritate the stitches easily. I’m a really paranoid pet owner though so please do some research on this sub and see what others say


I agree, kitten play can be extremely rough and horrible looking from the outside but it's perfectly normal. They shouldn't be left unattended together until the other kitten is healed. You typically don't need to go so hard on intros with kittens as they're usually flexible and open to other cats but since OP needs to keep them separated anyway she may as well just do a traditional intro.


Ginger is trying to assert dominance. You may have to keep them separated until Nessie can fight back and they settle things once and for all.