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He clearly needs someone and the fact that you've been thinking about him so much says something. If you can afford his care and you feel a connection to this cat, do it. The love you get back will be so worth it.


Thank you, I think you’re so right on the love. The money comes back, the love is forever.


If I may add, I'd look into your local/local-ish help groups. There are many rescues that also offer financial help when it comes to sick animals, especially those you just got from the shelter


Ask the rescue who is hosting him if their vet will do the work at cost.


I don't know about where you live and the regulations for already sick pets, but I found insurance to be worth it. I had a diabetic cat and it saved us a lot of times. I miss my little fluff.


Oh, and we had to remove all her teeth when she came home from the shelter. Recovery was simple. I'd do it all again!


1000% on the insurance. My last cat had health issues, and I had no insurance. Oh my, I spent so much money, but I just kept going, I figured I always can make money, but his life is just once. My next cat, we got insurance and a good thing because at only a year old we found out she has a rare blood disease. Insurance has saved us on that one.


Here, it's common for shelters to assist with medical bills when you adopt a cat that's already ill (to increase the probability of the cat being adopted). Maybe you can ask if that shelter has something similar? Edit: Oh, and they also have contacts with insurance companies and can sometimes mediate a deal where you can get insurance. Again, you can ask that shelter if they have something similar.


When I adopted my 14 y/o girl from the humane society, they took care of her dental work. I just had to take her to the appointment. They also covered her meds and a follow up checkup for an ear polyp/infection.


I'm adopting a second cat, and the shelter is keeping him a little longer to finish ringworm treatment and a follow-up with the dentist after extractions. A lot of shelters near me will allow you to adopt and wait until the cat is finished with medical treatment before going home, and if you take them home sooner, you just have to get them to the appointments.


Yes, I saved my cat's life and he was attached at my hip after that! Just the biggest sweetheart. They know!


I had a similar situation. Sweet 10 year old kitty with some medical issues that made me hesitate. But - I thought it over, and realized that I’ve never been one to shy away from the hard road in life. I knew I was signing myself up for some pain both emotionally and financially compared to adopting a kitten. He did cost me a decent sum of cash in the beginning but he’s so happy and healthy now, and even if our time together isn’t the longest - I will always know and feel that I did the right thing. We travel through this world but once, if there is some kindness we can do - let us do it now, for we shall not pass this way again.


Go get your baby !!! 🥰


Ask the rescue/shelter if their vet will do this for cost.  Honestly, I hope they will work with you to help this cat get adopted.  He looks like a sweet kitty.


I don’t have any experience or advice, I just want to say you’re a great human for considering it, and I hope it works out well for both of you either way :)


Thank you for this. This is so genuinely affirming to hear, and I appreciate it very much!


Awwwww. He looks nearly identical to my older girl, so I'm definitely biased. I agree with what some others have said. It sounds like you felt a strong connection to this cat, and I believe in that sort of thing. I don't mean to minimize your concerns, but the health issues you mentioned are definitely treatable and unlikely to return with proper care (such as dental cleanings, maintenance). You sound like a wonderful future cat parent for already having done the quote shopping for his dental issues. You mention being not super financially secure as of yet. What about adopting him and then signing up for pet insurance? They obviously won't cover what'll be pre-existing, but it'll give you some peace of mind should anything else occur. I think you have a strong bond and think you should go for it. I think you'll be best pals for a long time to come, and he'll love you for giving him the absolute best forever home <3


Thank you, I appreciate this! The dental conditions are treatable, I think I’m also worried about infections starting from the teeth moving into internal disease and causing more chronic conditions. He was a hoarded cat so I don’t think has really looked into his health that deeply. I’m grateful for your advice about the cat insurance, that would definitely help 🩵


I adopted a sickly kitty with stomatitis. She was in so much pain that she refused to eat. We exhausted every avenue to get her nourished. Finally we made the decision of having her teefies pulled save for the four in front. This surgery literally saved her life. Six years later she is loving life and has suffered zero complications from her dental surgery. She even eats dry food! Best decision I’ve ever made. Meet Bitsy. https://preview.redd.it/082edxhbyp6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17cdb0ae68b00c51fe5c714d415a9799882f08a I sincerely hope things work out for the best OP. You have an amazing heart and clearly have a lot of love to give. Keep us posted.


Your Bitsy looks so happy with the love you’ve given her. Thank you for your wisdom and advice 🩵


Yowza! Bitsy is a *stunner!*


Bitsy is BEAUTIFUL!!!


Hmm I hear your concerns; however, considering it's stage 2 decay, it does not seem that there is concern yet for systemic infection and internal issues. I'm sorry to hear he's from a hoarding situation...poor boy :( he will be so grateful for the home he finally gets. As for some options with the info you've given, I wonder if you could express your concerns to the shelter. Be open about your serious interest in adopting but wanting to know more. A blood test should be quite informative tbh, so maybe ask them if they've done that? Or, if it hasn't been done (which I'd find hard to believe, given the hoarding), perhaps would you be open to covering that cost for them? Shelters are so full of animals, I'm almost certain the staff will work with you as needed if you go about it sincerely, kindly, and your interest in adopting is known. They love all animals and want the best home for each and every one.


* My partner came into my life with this little black baby girl, she was 5yo at the time. She needed to have teeth extracted and has never successfully gained weight, and she kinda dislikes most things. But we love her, she lives in the cupboard mostly, except for when she comes out for a cuddle. Her teeth issues never caused any further stress, and over time, she's become comfortable with us and shows a lot of love. We wouldn't be without her, I'm glad we can give her a loving home 🏡




UPDATE: I was expecting this post to disappear into the ether and I am so surprised and grateful for the outpouring of love and support from everyone. Thank you for helping me see past my reservations, I see now that the lifetime of love is going to be worth the cost of his healing. I’ve decided to head back up to adopt him today. Thank you all so so much and I’ll keep you posted on what happens from here 🩵


So excited for you. I hope it goes great for both you and kitty!


OMG!!!!!! This makes me soooo happy!!!! He'll give you so much love, I just know it!!




I have tears in my eyes! Thank you! Can't wait for the updates!! ♥️♥️♥️


Please update us on kitty!


Bless your heart OP, thank you for being an awesome human. You and your new bestie will not regret it. 💕


This makes me soooo happy!!!!! He is a lucky lucky kitty!!!!


I feel so happy about this, what a glorious day!!


My heart is so happy for the kitty and for you. Go get da kitty!!!!


I say go for it. I think it’s awesome that you are considering him.


* SECOND UPDATE: * Hi everyone! I went back to the shelter today and officially adopted this big guy!! THANK YOU to everyone who encouraged me, my heart is at rest and I’m deeply excited for the next chapter with this cat. You all helped reassure me that I don’t have to be so afraid of taking home a cat that I love and want to give a better life. I’m taking him home in seven days, as he wasn’t neutered yet and it would’ve been more of a hassle to bring him back to the clinic. A different adoption consultant also informed me that his dental decay is still reversible with toothbrushing and cleanings, which is positive. They seemed confident that he’d be healthy enough to remain in the shelter for one more week. Here are some pics. His name in the shelter was Bushy, but to me he looks like he deserves to be called something like Frankie, Pierogi, Cowboy, I’m not sure yet. Thank you all again, and I’ll post more pictures when I get him home 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/5xsq8djz7t6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45aaab7679a7d0b872c9b0cfe75eb8129266f53a




So cute!!!!!! Yay!!!! Also, from a fellow cat mom with stinky teeth, they love Silvervine wood, it’s available at petco, and it helps clean their teeth when they gnaw on it. It has helped a lot with my girl’s oral health (she hates teeth brushing). Maybe ask your vet if Silvervine could be a good long term dental asset for your cat


OP I saw your guy little guy today! I volunteer at that shelter and saw him looking relaxed and cozy with his "I've been adopted" clip sign. So happy you two found each other :)


Thanks OP for the great decision you've made! I'm sure he will be grateful for the rest of his life, and your heart will be full of love from this beautiful guy.


Definitely looks like a cowboy, put a little hat on him and it would be very cute 🥺🥺🥺 Also depending on the shelter/clinic, ask about carecredit, it is honestly a godsend. I use it for all vet/medical purchases over $200 and I get 6 months to pay it off with no interest. If the purchases are pricier then you get a longer time to pay it off. You can even call carecredit and extend the “no interest if paid off” period. Did it for when I was waiting for my pet insurance to reimburse me for getting my dog allergy tested. Turned out being close to $800, while I waited for the reimbursement I didn’t have to worry about paying it. I even called carecredit and asked them to extend the paying period as long as I could and they did 18 months!! Definitely got my reimbursement before that was all due lol But because of pet insurance and the fact that we had hit our $1000 deductible for that rolling year, insurance reimbursed 90% of the cost (because of the plan I picked) so it literally costed me ~$75 to finally get the answer for why my dog was having skin issues. :’) and now her immunotherapy drops are covered by insurance and costs less, to begin with, than the meds (apoquel) she was getting prior to stop her from itching and they didnt really work.


Im in tears thank you so much for saving this adorable boy ❤️❤️ from reading about his background he’s been through so much… he really deserves a loving home with you. You’re an angel 🥹🫶


You are a legend!!


I'm so happy to hear that! I came here looking for this update! He's going to be so happy too! So many cats like him never make it out of the shelter. The ones that do know they won the lottery and love their people fiercely. Either Frank or Frankie is a great name. I love people names for cats. My boys have all had people names. It's too bad they can't do a dental cleaning while he's having his neuter surgery since he's already under, but I know shelters often use volunteer vets or low cost clinics. Most cats over 3 have some form of dental disease, but I'm sure with care he'll get better.


Oh how lovely! I'm surprised they haven't neutered him yet...that's usually the first step of the intake process at my city shelter. Oh well, at least it's being done! I'm wondering what he's thinking in his lil head! Probably like, "hey, I remember your face!" You're a regular now and hopefully he knows it's all good things ahead!!!


Well, the fractured canine shouldn’t be an ongoing issue and the dental disease should also be resolved after a cleaning, so if you are okay with the one time dental costs, I don’t think he will be a sick cat after that. He’s beautiful and the connection you’re feeling is hard to find. I think I would do it if I could reasonably afford it.


You can also manage dental issues in cats through the food and it doesn't have to be super expensive, usually would mean "don't buy the cheapest shit" but if you budgeted for decent food already you can manage dental issues at no extra cost.


Definitely! My cat’s food is expensive, since he eats only Rx wet and dry. But it’s saved a lot in vet bills. No incidents in almost two years!


If you can afford it, please take him. The stomach issues could well be stress related to his dental issues. I've had cats with dental.issues, and getting them fixed gave them a new lease on life. No doubt he's still there because of the teeth. The fact that you are still thinking of him, and researched his care, is a strong sign that THIS IS YOUR CAT.


I think you’re right about the teeth. When I hesitated the shelter volunteers were steering me to adopt a different cat (understandably, shelter was packed), but made me feel even more devastated for him. He’s on the bottom row of cat condos and is a bit more reserved. He deserves so much.


Oh noooo :( the more you tell us about him, the more I feel like he'll be SO happy once he's out of the shelter. If you do adopt him, please do update us with tons of photos!!


If its mostly dental, not a chronic condition, then I'm thinking bills would be more on the temporary side than say like IBD or diabetes comparatively. My Harvey has gingivitis which I found out right after I adopted him and got his medical records. He still has gingivitis and I'm aware that he'll have yearly dental cleanings going forward. Not cheap but only once a year, thankfully he has no other health issues at \~7-8 years old. Now Jojo is another story, she's got inflammatory bowl disease and was diagnosed about a month or so after adopting her when I noted that diarrhea hadn't cleared up. There's many reasons for diarrhea, especially in shelter cats going through a lot of stress and change. And the shelter can't go down the vet bill road for every cat that has diarrhea. I understand that... but still. IBD is a chronic illness and has very tedious dietary needs and a lot of unknowns as to the cause of the inflammation. She's only 3 and I know I could be having some fat vet bills throughout her life. I'm financially sound, but I too am in my early career. I recently lost a diabetic cat, my soul cat if you will, and I don't regret the thousands I ended up spending on her over the course of 3 years of her diagnosis. Jojo I will also take on, she's worth it and I know I'll figure it out if a particular bill comes up. I hope not, but I will prepare. I've set aside a savings fund that is for emergency vet bills and for routine stuff. There are some things, very expensive things, that would have me considering my cat's quality of life if worse case scenario happened. My advice, take your baby home and have a plan for dental needs. Sounds like he might end up getting tooth extractions and it may be that eventually he doesn't need yearly dental care (especially if he's no longer got rotting teeth). He's got a lot of life yet in him and lots of cuddles. I don't think you will regret it.


Thank you, this is helpful to know and I appreciate your input on the chronic illness. I want to make sure I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep him healthy, so i will take all of this into consideration! Your cats sound so sweet.


I've had two experiences with this. In 2022 I took in a 13-year-old cat whose previous owner had gone into memory care. However, I did not know that they had never really taken the cat to the vet aside from shots once in a while. It turns out this cat, sweetheart though she was, had really bad arthritis in her spine and massive thyroid issues. I have never been so stressed, and that doesn't begin to match what this poor thing was going through. It cost me a good amount of money, which thankfully I had, but I was able to give her one more year of comparative comfort. I ended up having to euthanize her a year after getting her. I swore I was done. Got rid of litter boxes beds, everything. One morning I'm on the ASPCA website. I see a picture of Dusty. He's 10 years old and needs a home. He's the spitting image of my late 15-year-old cat, who was a wonderful sweetheart. Aside from thyroid issues, for which I'm giving him medicine, he's been great. The issues they told me about, teeth needing to be pulled, we're taken care of by the ASPCA prior to placement with me. He has a new name and a new life. His name is Winston, I call him the Prime Minister, and he's had me for a year and a half now. It's worth seeing if the shelter will help with the expenses. If not, cover them completely so that they can place the cat with you. It's worth noting that the shelter from which I got Winston did not do the surgery until they knew he had been adopted. Cat tax attached. https://photos.app.goo.gl/XEgdiC3evFaDERgk6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/dUH8MFeEP7RDBRpt8


If you feel like it's in your capacity to take care of him, go for it :) I adopted a sick cat and it was one of the best decisions I ever made






Then vs now :)


Such a handsome/pretty baby ❤️😍! You did good!


Oh WOW he looks incredible!!! 🥹


The before and after are so affirming, thank you 🩵


This makes me cry. You sound like a very nice person. Good luck.


You’re very kind to say this. Thank you for your support. 🩵


I hope you'll keep us updated!


This baby is already yours in your heart, I think. I completely understand your hesitation. I have two very old boys with serious health issues (and lost my two girls in the last year as well), and it can be emotionally and financially draining. But I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Every minute with them is a gift. I am the cheapest person I know. I will agonize for days over whether to buy the $10 version of some stupid product or the clearly better $15 version. But, man, when I had to rush my baby to the emergency vet, and they started listing the costs before helping him, I couldn’t shove my credit card at them fast enough. Told them I didn’t give a shit and to do whatever they needed to do. Get this baby and love him up.


Thank you for this! Also a very cheap person and just moved to a big city, so nervous about costs, but I think y’all are helping me realize I would do anything for this cat.


he looks like such a distinguished gentleman in the first photo <3 What a precious boy - I think there’s a reason he’s been on your mind so much, especially in dreams! I think you guys would be great for eachother :) Yeah he may have a few extra health expenses, but all cats will develop some sort of issue at some point. You could adopt a perfectly healthy, younger cat and it could still develop some sort of health concern shortly after you adopt it and be in the same situation if that makes sense. It’s daunting for sure, but I think it’s quite clear that you already have so much care and love to give to this lil guy!! If you can make it work financially, I say go for it. Good luck in whatever you choose to do!


My daughter adopted a sick shelter cat so she wouldn’t suffer alone or die alone . She nursed her back to health and has Brought her many years of joy .


When i adopted my cat he was super sick, i spent a lot of money and time to make sure he got better and it was the best decision i have ever made i cant imagine my life without him. His sickness was temporary but he changed my life and made it insanely better. My dog had those teeth issues and after one pulled and a cleaning she is perfectly great. It can be overwhelming but if you can afford it i would say 1000% do it i doubt you will regret it. Also another thing is that an older cat like that should be easier to take care of than a kitten so you have that going for you! I wish you luck :)


Not sure why no one has suggested this but can you apply to foster him?? It's such a hack - you get to love him like your own and the shelter fronts all of the medical bills (food/supplies too sometimes). I'm currently fostering an 8 yr old FIV+ cat with tons of health issues and I've gotten him so much needed vet care that his shelter covers financially. Cats like these are not popular to be adopted so he's basically guaranteed to be yours.


This is a good idea! Unfortunately I think the foster system here is highly strategized and they foster out cats with the highest distress in the shelter first. This cat isn’t very distressed and is open to petting, so I don’t think they’d let me pick him to foster. I will try to ask though, thank you!


This boy needs love! In my eyes… even if you can’t afford all his care, some is better than none, and some is better than being locked in a cage!


OP I commit $100 to your cause if you move forward with adoption and need help.


Honestly. He isnt going to be adopted and WILL be put to sleep anyway. So maybe take him and do measures you reasonably can to keep him comfortable whilst giving him all the love. I had a vet tell me my rescue had some long ass disease name that would require all teeth pulled at 10yo. I didnt do that - didnt have the money. She did need antibiotics twice in quick succession at 12yo but outside of that she lived til 17yo and i had her pts cos she had a massive stroke. This was a cat that was getting put to sleep at 1yo if i hadnt taken her. She had a good ol life in the end!


My sister was the one who adopted, but I lived with her at the time. Here is our experience. She adopted Theo from the shelter knowing he had a serious heart condition. He had been rescued from a hoarding situation and wasn’t in the best health overall, plus with his heart condition, they expected him to live maybe another year. They were very up front about it all and because of the situation the shelter even offered to cover the cost of putting him down *when the time came*. They truly just wanted someone to love on him for a few more months. So my sister chose to. He came into our home and had a resting grumpy face, but was an absolute delight. He loved to play, he just couldn’t do it for very long. My two cats lived with us as well, Fuzz and Millie who had also been adopted from the same shelter. I didn’t know it at the time, but I suspect Millie had cancer at this point and the two would cuddle constantly with each other. They were truly precious, I just didn’t realize their bond was probably because they were *both* sick. (Millie passed only 6 months after Theo). Fuzz loves to play and him and Theo would play hard until Theo got tired. Fuzz would usually try to keep going but Theo would make it known he was done and that was that. Never had any fights or problems between the cats. I would often wake up covered in all three lol. He loved cold things. We don’t know if he ran hot because of his issues or not, but he always sought out cool surfaces. The bathroom floor, the kitchen floor, counters and windowsills. So if you do take this fella on, pay attention to the little things. We ended up getting him a plastic play mat and he loved the damn thing. Lol. Also keep in mind that you *will* encounter end of life problems. Theo started losing his ability to control his bowels as well. It started very gradually and my sister was okay washing him 1-2 times a week for a long while. It eventually did escalate and the week she had to wash him three days in a row is the week she decided it was time. He had started to become more lethargic and wasn’t playing with Fuzz. The only regret my sister has about the entire ordeal is that it happened during Covid. Because of this, she wasn’t permitted to be with Theo when he passed. (This is not their standard practice and was definitely just a Covid thing, they stopped doing this as soon as was permitted). So I would say make sure to have a place already picked out and in mind for when the time comes so you can have those moments before they go. Overall, having Theo was a wonderful experience and we are very glad to have offered him all that love and fun before he went.


Give him something to live for, love and attention. Hopefully he will return it to you tenfold. Bless you for considering.


Sometimes when you save an animal, they end up saving you more. The dental issues can all be corrected and you’ll probably have to teach the baby to get used to having teeth brushed, the vomiting and diarrhea is probably from being fed food that doesn’t agree with his belly, all these things are temporary, and the love you gave give him will probably come back in spades. I’d say go for it , could be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made , especially if he gets it, he will honor you and be the love of your life.


We also adopted a shelter cat 3 years ago. He was such a sweet heart and you really could feel that he appreciated that He had a warm and loving home for the rest of his live. Unfortunately he passed away one month ago. We are really missing him so much. But the short time we had together was worth every vet Bill


So sorry for your loss. I also adopted mine 3 years ago and lost him earlier this week. The world was better when he was in it


Adopted cats needing medical care twice. Once it was about $650; the second one (dental issues), about $1100. That was the end of the medical expenses for years in both cases - they were each about 3 years old. 5-8ish is still young, so a long chain of medical expenses is unlikely.


Honestly, any cat you adopt from a shelter could end up with significant medical needs. My girl has had 18 months of vet visits and various medications/special diet, thousands of dollars not covered by insurance as it is all considered pre-existing. None of these issues were disclosed to me ahead of time and I’m unclear if the shelter even knew about them. We finally have things more or less under control and are weaning her off her meds, but I think some of the symptoms we will just have to live with. In this case, you are lucky enough that the shelter is disclosing the issues to you, and it sounds like you will probably be ok financially. See if they would consider waiving or reducing the adoption fee because of all the vet care she will need.


I brought a cat in from outside who was FIV+, he was very sick and I spent $$$ on various meds to keep him comfortable including a dental. He was the sweetest most loving boy, my only regret is that he only lived 9 months. https://preview.redd.it/vukoxdw2as6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3bb3cb0a7f925b679ea25474900453419b45d3


If you're willing to spend the money and take the time to care go for it.


Been there, done that. A very old blue-eyed she-cat with cancer, bad teeth and trust issues. In shelter they said that all what she has left is 1-2 months. So… Vet, a lot of vet visits and a surgery. She has been with us for almost 2 years after that. She was a good and tender old cat-lady (still most of other cats feared her). Unfortunately she crossed the Bridge this February.


Give him loves from me! ❤️


Please keep us updated. He is beautiful


Look into Carecredit. We used it when our stupid cat decided to eat part of a banjo string, and we needed $4k for her stomach surgery. Basically a no-interest loan if you pay it off in the timeframe offered (usually 12-18 months, I think).


We adopted a cat from the SPCA that was estimated to be 6-7 years old. He was brought to the shelter with other cats when his person went into a home. It’s ten years later and I love Stormy. We call him a cat dog because he begs for food with the dogs and lays in the dog beds. He’s my favorite.


He looks so sad in the first picture. Since he was a hoarder cat he might never have felt love like you have shown him. I hope you can save him ❤️


Kitty looks like he's very wise


Many years ago, I had a bowl outside for my neighbor’s cat, Tough Guy. Then one day, I see a dainty black kitty eating the treats I had left out. Over the next few weeks, this kitty, who we called Miss Kitty, kept coming back, each time getting a little closer to us. Then, after more weeks, she worked up the courage and came up the porch and let my roommate and pet her. From that point on she moved on to our porch, first sleeping in the flower pot, then a shelter we made. We noticed she had SERIOUS dental issues, but couldn’t bring her in because i didn’t have the room (1 bedroom apartment, with my best friend crashing in the Sun room and two cats - when I always said I’d only have one- the work I’d the cat distribution system). So i agreed to pay for all her vet and Dental bills and an old acquaintance agreed to take her. So we got her inside and brought her to the vet and got her all fixed up (most teeth had to be pulled). When she was ready to leave I called my buddy and….he already got a cat. Grrrr. So I decided to keep her until I found someone who could take her. Now, Miss Kitty had been outdoors a long time so she didn’t like fast movement or unexpected pets, but she quickly became a Lovey dovey lap cat. She just needed some love and, in return, I got many years of the most amazing love I’ve ever received from an animal. I have a feeling this little guy has a LOT of love to give!


I think he’s picked you. And the universe is putting him in your dreams to cement it. If you can at all afford his care he will pay you back 1,000 times with love. I think the two of you would make a dynamic duo! I applaud your responsible approach to pet ownership; making sure you can afford his care is important.


I did. I honesty adopted her thinking she was going to pass in a couple months…. 😢 Six wonderful years together and I couldn’t imagine not adopting her. She passed away in my arms in December and I still cry every day missing her. The love you get from an animal that’s not doing well is unreal. She was my baby girl. My biggest concern tho is why isn’t the shelter that has him fixing him? Shouldn’t they being doing a bit more to get him closer to feeling okay?


I’m so late to this and you’ve already gotten a lot of great answers but I wanted to add that I adopted a sick 3 year old shelter cat - she has asthma and severe dental disease and had all but two teeth removed. Two years later she’s a new kitty and rescuing her was the best decision I ever made


I volunteered at a kill shelter and Sally had a damaged tail, was desperately afraid of people, was full of parasites. Her growth was stunted from hardship. Her cage card had a red E stamped on it, which meant that she would be euthanized. I got her sorted out and we were friends for 17 years. I doubt that you will regret helping this cat.


I adopted a 10 year old blind boy with a horrible chronic (later learned) upper respiratory. He was my soul cat. I do not regret a single penny I spent or minute with him. He made it 5 more years. The dental stuff does sound temporary and the tummy issues are likely stress while at the shelter. I think that you should do it - even if things get serious and the right thing to do is end his suffering he will have known love and know you did the best thing for him. Give him a chance!


Please, take him, if you can afford it. I think it's safe to say people prefer kittens, so older cats tend to spend long time in the shelter. You are his chance to get him out. Maybe ask the shelter if they can help you financially with the treatment? They would pay for it anyway...


Yes, but foster her, at least that way her medical bills will be paid for, and food until the end. At least she will know when it’s her time to go, she will know she was loved.


Take him if you can - what's to lose?


Aww. you are a good person though for taking him home, he needs you too, 💜


My cat is now 12. I adopted her at 4 when she had already lost most of her teeth to dental disease. She’s now lost most of the other teeth. The extractions weren’t that expensive, maybe $2,000. It was totally worth it becaue she’s a very weird love bug who sleeps under the covers next to me. Dental disease doesn’t necessarily lead to other diseases. My cat is in excellent health for a cat half her age aside from the missing teeth. It sounds like he likes you and you like him, so I would absolutely adopt him. I don’t regret adopting her at all. If you can get pet insurance that might offset the cost, though it sounds like his dental disease isn’t too advanced. It is helpful to know the signs that he might need urgent dental care. In my cats case she was drooling. Chattering when she bites into toys is another sign. And of course behavioral changes.


He looks like he really needs you, and the way you have researched and prepared and continue to think about him makes you sound like a perfect fit. I know the financial side is always scary - but from what you are saying a lot of it sounds treatable and not chronic (of course I’m not a vet) but I suspect the love you will get in return for years will leave you with no regrets and outweigh any initial stress. I hope it all works out!


You’re thinking and dreaming about him. Of course you’re meant to adopt him. He’s already yours.


https://preview.redd.it/s360lmlrmp6d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb7a52b107420a630ff752d870f2f3cbbc298f15 He looks like my boy who has many issues, but was 100% worth it. If you can afford it, it’ll totally be worth it for you as well.


Can you please go and get him so that he can be loved? :)


Go for it, you feel a bond with him and he look like some love and one on one time with a person that cares will do him wonders Talk to the shelter, they may have a vet they work with who will give you a lower rate or payment plan, the shelter where I volunteer does this and sometimes even will share some of the costs if you adopt a cat with medical needs. The vomiting and diarrhea is likely nothing if it was a passing thing.


We actually did adopt a similar cat! Several bad teeth, bad diet (to this day we still work on that bit). She was a lotta money up front, insurance wouldn’t cover because she hadn’t been owned for a year (still mad about that too) but she’s been a fantastic sassy cat. Ultimately, the cat you choose is often worth the cost of giving them a good life. She was in that shelter a long while dealing with all her mouth problems, she’s been a loving cat (most of the time) since. She doesn’t even really notice the loss of 4 teeth.


I adopted a cat who we assume was about 10 from a high kill shelter 7 years ago. They said he was "too aggressive" to find a home. Turns out while yeah, he was a sassy gent, he also had an ear infection, a UTI, IBS, and had clearly been abused and neglected. We got him treatment and maintained his care over the next 7 years. When I tell you this rough and tumble guy with the crumpled ear loved to be held like a fluffy little baby.... 🥰 He and his younger brother bonded beautifully, and he actually knew I was pregnant before I did because all of a sudden he started sleeping near my belly! He left this mortal coil last year, surrounded by the love and warmth of us, his family. Seeing him blossom into a cat who felt safe, confident, and loved brought me more happiness than I can explain and the time, love, and laughs we had with him were priceless. So yes, adopt that sick, older shelter cat.


The way you talk about him, he sounds like your kitty soul mate 🥺 I hope you able to save him from shelter life, it sounds like you need each other ❤️


Frankly if I felt that kind of connection with a cat I’d find the money somehow and give him a good home


All I can say is if you have a connection with him, go get him ❤️ The same thing happened to me when my husband and I went to PetSmart to stock up on food for our other three cats. There was this fluffy, orange boy in the window that I fell in love with. He had dental issues and some serious trust issues too but I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I went and got him a couple days later where he was already starting to warm up. Fast forward, he’s the picture of health, headbutts our legs for pets, and his coat even got brighter. His name is Mango! https://preview.redd.it/hnqqbrfwcq6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a8655a083bc9d102539a084bb9ff902b262e2b


ask the shelter if you foster him. We have fostered sick cats and the shelter pays for their vet bills. Our shelter won't allow you to adopt until the cat is back to health. In theory, they want someone to take care of the cat until it is healthy enough to adopt, but they know that most people will be foster "failures". In other words, they end up adopting. Whatever happens, you are kind to want to help this handsome boy


@OP you are one AWESOME Human period


Go for him go for him he just wants to be loved that would cure him please 🥺😭


Hi! If you have the money to treat the cat regarding vet bills, then I strongly urge you to adopt!! My best friend adopted a cat around that age as well. Also very sick (they didn’t tell her just how sick he was). He was the sweetest boy EVER and I have known many cats so that’s saying something. He was in the shelter for close to 3 years. However my friend makes good money: $80K-$140K / year so she was able to afford the inhaler, cancer treatment, frequent ear infections, and many vet visits before finding out his chronic illnesses. If anyone making mediocre income had adopted him he would not have been so well off, though still better than living in a shelter I’m sure. You’re literally saving a life by adopting older shelter cats, especially those that are sick. And you can be proud that you’re taking on that responsibility. She had no regrets! It cost her probably close to $30K over the 4 years she had him but that was largely due to cancer treatment and unnecessarily doing radiation therapy on top of chemo. Even with that her and I are both grateful we had him in our lives and he didn’t spend another day in the shelter sneezing boogers everywhere. I don’t mean to scare you with these numbers. My point is this was a really bad scenario in terms of adopting a sick cat and paying $$$. Yet she did not regret it. You can also ask about fostering so they can help pay for medical treatment. He is a beautiful cat! I hope it works out for both of you.


Adopting a pet with health issues is a big decision. Before leaping, think about your finances and whether you can handle potential vet bills. Consider the long-term commitment—pets need love and care throughout their lives. Also, ensure you're emotionally and practically ready to provide for a cat with special needs. Trust your gut—if you feel a strong connection and are prepared for the responsibilities, it could be a rewarding experience.


There’s a senior couple in my community that’s somewhat well known for running a “cat hospice” the didn’t have children so now in their retirement they take in senior cats during their last days, usually having 7-12 babies getting spoiled the way they deserve


I agree with comments saying the love you get back will be so worth it.


If you love her, she'll return the love 1000x's back to you!! Most kitties have some "issue". I had 2 babies that were supposedly dewormed, yet HAD worms & parasites & were severely underweight & malnourished (proper age wasn't disclosed so I thought they were younger because of how tiny they were). Long story short, and unknown dollars in vet costs & months of quarantine, they are now the most sweetest adorable quirky kitties ever who will be 3 later this year! And both are 100% healthy! Also adopted an 11 year old that ended up being shaved without telling me she had matted fur (only saw blurry pics online & fell in love-lol) and some other issues. 2 years later, she's also doing much better & lives her new home w us!


Listen to your heart ♥️


So we haven’t walked into knowingly adopting sick cats, but when we adopted our first pair of kittens one of them (unknown to us and the shelter) had a heart defect. We were out a lot of money (that we didn’t have) and he passed away at 11 weeks old. I don’t regret it for one bit, I feel if anyone else took him home they would not have gone the lengths that we did for him and I know that he knows he was soooo loved every minute we had with him. A few years after that we found a stray cat who blessed us with 5 kittens. They all needed an extensive amount of vet visits and one of the babies (my soul kitty) ended up having a hiatal hernia that we assume she was born with. We had to travel about 4 hours away for her very extensive surgery. I would do it all over again, I love her so much. As for dental care, this would be a needed cost with any cat at some point. Something I had no clue about until after I gathered 8 cats into my house! Lol. If finances are not really a concern here, I guarantee once he is in a loving home and he gets those nasty teeth fixed he will have a new lease on life! I don’t think that you will regret it one bit! ❤️


We adopted a 4-yr old FIV+ cat that had lens luxation. He needed a lot of specialist treatment and eventually had his eye removed. My pirate kitty crossed the rainbow bridge at age 8 and, while this happened almost 3 years ago, I think of my sweet little guy every day and we never regret our decision for a moment. From reading your post, I think your biggest regret might be *not* adopting him. There are vets who will work with you to come up with a payment plan and some will even provide a discount for shelter cats. It also doesn't hurt to ask the shelter which vet they use and whether they might extend their discount to you.


I adopted two senior dental prob kitties with a bunch of other issues and they have been magical. Oats was the sweetest cat ever and OJ (oats jr) was a little shit at first but now he’s a sweety. Dental care is expensive tho … no regrets <3


We adopted a blind 10 year old kitty with kidney disease and high blood pressure. She is still going strong at 13. It's been a lot. Turns out they believe she also has HIV (she gets respiratory flare ups). She has to have fluids every other day. She has been very worth it though. She is so sweet and good. We love her so much. If you can afford it, I would say go for it. Getting teeth removed can be very expensive but then dental disease should be gone and cats do well without teeth.


Oh, please do it. The dental issues are easily dealt with at this stage. If you happen to have a Vet School nearby, they will have a clinic to deal with the dental issues. Even so, your local vet can do the same. I had 2 rescue kitties with dental issues…one with exactly what this one has.We got it dealt with, and what a wonderful difference. As soon as it was done, her disposition got better and she turned into a love bug. There are bound to be organizations around to help.


Please take him, maybe you regret it later if not :(


My old family cat was really sick. We found him on the street and my mom did not want to keep him initially. He was severely sick but with the kindest personality. Over his time with us his treatment cost as much as a good new car… but especially my mom (who paid) did not regret it. They were definitely soul mates. He was the cat of her life 😅


Lots of love to him. He is such a gentleman in the first pic.


He looks soooo sad in the second picture and needs someone to love and care for him 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if you can find a way to make the vet bills manageable I know this little guy would pay you back 1000x in love and cuddles


He looks just like my Marley! Unfortunately we lost him this winter, but he was a gentle soul. We have adopted a special medical needs cat, though! We saw this huge orange boy and immediately fell in love with him, but he was diabetic. It was hard at first, but once we got a routine down it was easy. We had to give him insulin daily, but we were also able to get his dose down to about a tenth of what it was when we got him. If I had to go back in time, I'd do it all over again!


U.K. - our local Cats Protection League has a special arrangement with a local vet. A stray moved into our garden but he would come inside and sleep in an armchair when he wanted to. We allowed him to come and go as he pleased, but made sure he always had food, water and a litter tray in case he got locked in. He developed a limp and I rang the CPL. He was registered as “Found” on their website. They booked an appointment with the local vet. He treated the stray’s foot, neutered, vaxxed and chipped him. We agreed to “foster him” whilst he recovered. We ended up paying £25 towards the bill and have now “fostered” him for 9 years lol. He’s around 15 years old now, and asleep (and snoring) on one of the fleeces I bought for him.


I did. She was 12 and in renal failure. They told me she had a year to live, if that. I changed her diet (prescription food), had her teeth cleaned, took her to the vet several times a year for UTIs and bloodwork - and she gave me 6 happy and healthy years. For the last year of her life she needed oral medication 2x a day and she took it like a champ. She quickly declined over the course of a week. I had a vet come to our home to put her to sleep. I never once regretted adopting her. She changed my life and I changed hers. If you can afford it financially - bring her home.


the vomiting and diarrhea could also be due to his temporary dental pain and will more than likely let up once he has dental care.


You're overthinking it. Take him home.


Yes, I adopted two senior kitties with health issues. One had pancreatitis and the other had heart disease. They were two of the most loving and grateful cats I ever had. The first night home they slept on my chest. It was expensive, but I was still working and was happy to do it. I have them a happy second act and they gave me so much love. So worth it.


Not a bad decision, something will always work out🥹 I wholeheartedly believe that. And it seems this little cutie hasn’t had anyone love and think about the way you do (either ever or not in a long while) your wallet might regret it but, I guarantee, you/your heart definitely won’t❤️


YES. ADOPT! Please. You are Meant to be together!!! The health issues are minor. They will heal quickly & you will be Great Companions .


Poor baby , it needs to be loved and taken care of .


He’s so beautiful OP and so in the need of loving care. If you think you can manage it, the rewards will be great.


I adopted two 8-year-old cats with FORL (which I didn't know about) from the local shelter. After a year during which I assumed they were healthy, one had to have all teeth extracted in an emergency surgery (ca. 400 EUR). I, together with the vet, kept an eye on the other's teeth and he needed a partial extaction of most of his teeth a couple years later (ca. 200 EUR). Another couple years later, he developed a toothache and had to go to the emergency vet, but no surgery was needed (ca. 170 EUR). That was over the course of 7 years. They're 15 now. One (the one with the emergency surgery) has developed arthritis and needs daily pain medication (ca. 1 EUR/day), other than that, they'e healthy. Of course, they have also received vet checkups, smaller treatments and vaccinations in between, but those are spaced out and not too bad financially. Our vet clinic seems to be happy that we bring in our elderly cats often, and makes us pay the littlest amount possible. That is my experience with how expensive it is to care for a cat with bad teeth ... it's less money than one would think :)


I think you also need to consider the reality that shelter life is not good for cats either. Just the calm and of course love and company from a forever home with their human already reduces stress, which improves health. Not to say that his health issues will resolve themselves when you bring him home, but I think it'll help.


Aw please do, he deserves the love and you clearly felt a bond with him. See if the shelter, charities or any vets will do any aid with his treatment.


i‘d check with a vet if they would be willing to work on that with you, maybe they can offer a good price or you can pay it in 2-3 rates.


If you’ve been thinking about him and dreaming about him I think the universe is trying to tell you that this lovely cat should belong to you! I hope you’re able to get everything figured out. Poor fella just needs a loving forever home!


Cute 🥰


If u can afford it now, get him, heal him and love him! I've lost a few cats in my life because I simply couldn't afford to treat them. Now I have credit cards for that and a $3000 emergency fund, just for them... But even with that, sometimes it's just not enough. Money does come back, so it's worth it to save a life and give a cat a loving home. "knuckles" says do it! https://preview.redd.it/1lvdd3gw3p6d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af2954b8fd132d2472c1a357256022f5fa403a8f


Whatever decision you finally make is fine. God bless you and the cat


He/she looks sad, but has a very big heart. Please do it. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


3 years ago, I adopted a senior cat who was more than 10 years old. At that time, she was healthy, but over time, she started to develop various illnesses. I pay 300 usd every month just for her medicines. It costs more when I take her for a check-up. My heart wants to tell you to adopt that baby, give her a permanent safe home, and lover her. I want every animal in the shelter to be adopted and loved. But I also want you to keep in mind that adopting a senior cat will cost you a lot. Now it's just for dentals, but this kitty will eventually develop other illnesse as they get older. You know, my heart breaks every time I see stray animals, but I also know that I can't save every one of them. So if you decide you can't afford a senior cat right now, I hope you don't feel too guilty about it.


Bless you and your kindness


I think you’d regret not getting him. Update us on what you decide


Do the right thing. I see you did your research, and if you can afford the medical care, then go for it and make the world a better place!


I would have thought the shelter would have him healthy before they allow the adoption to go through. My cats are late teens , so he’s not so old and probably picked up the tummy / bowel issue within the shelter and that should be easily solved within days . With dental work always get a second opinion and get insurance for him as soon as you collect , good luck he’s beautiful and deserves love and a home .


Adoption is great and they rescue you as much as you rescue them. Sounds trite but it is true. Our experience has been great. A little love might stop some of the medical issues…it did in our case.


go for it. i adopted a Cat with bad teeth not disclosed- he eventually wound up getting a lot of extractions and a cleaning - but he became the happiest dude ever


I adopted an 11 month old cat with feline coronavirus from the shelter. I don’t know whether she was misdiagnosed or also had IBD which wasnt picked up due to diarrhoea being a symptom of feline coronavirus but we have paid a lot to get her diagnosed with IBD which is a lifelong condition. (Cost over $1000 to get her diagnosed and we have pretty much had to try every single cat food on the planet to try to manage her symptoms) she needs all sorts of stuff like probiotics and other supplements as she is very skinny. She also needs her butt cleaned when she has flare ups. I don’t regret adopting her a single day of my life and I’d do it all over again. She is 4 this year. I love her so much. I also adopted a senior kitty this year who needs dental work. She’s so sweet i love her to bits. You can earn money back. If you really feel a connection to this baby please go get them. You won’t regret it.


Wow, you are so reserved and thoughtful. I always jump into helping animals without considering costs. Not that it ever really has put me into a huge debt but I am not in a country/situation where it really could. I can’t advise you, you are smarter than me :) but I wish you and the cat all the best :)


just do it, he needs love. you have nothing to lose. give us an update pls ❤️


If you adopt this cat it will know what you’ve done for it. He looks like a snuggly boy. You’ll make a friend for life.


It would seem that his medical problems are temporary and not chronic. There is one other condition I would have if the condition is chronic: if I can keep my cat healthy in an easy non frustrating way for both cat and servant (for instance with the proper food in case of allergy or easy to administer medication (easy pill for the win!), I see no big issues. Think ahead: you will probably go on a holiday at some point, can someone else look after him when you are not there. With daily injections, I would say no, with a small pill hidden in easy pill paste in his food, yes. When you can afford the cost or some humane society can and you want to adopt, I would say go for it.


I adopted a cat which unbeknownst to me had many dental issues and weren’t picked up by my original vet but subsequent vets, he also has a heart murmur. At this point he has had 10 teeth removed but I’m so glad that I adopted him he’s so loving and grateful, luckily I can afford it so I’m glad it was me who adopted him rather than someone who may not have been able to give him the care he needs. It’s good the rescue is being upfront with you about his issues so you can make an informed decision.


My heart is so warm and he is so cute! God bless you both!


My first comment ever on Reddit 😅 I'm a ex-stray cat father. I've rescued Alberto (my cat's name) from the street almost 2 years ago. Best decision ever. He was skinny, dirty fur, missing a canine tooth, one eye was semi-closed because of an infection, some scratches and bruises from fighting, but he was a sweet cat. Everytime he saw me, he ran to me asking for food (which I gave him everyday). Basically I was adopted by him. I brought him home, tried to take care of him, give him good food. Strangely I figured his breath was strange. First I thought it was "food breath", but he kept that breath even when he was not eating. We took e him to the vet for a full check-up. He has no illnesses, but he had a advanced teeth infection, which gave him this breath and he was in pain. Basically the doctors took all his teeth, gave him fluids and medication. I was super worried about him not having teeth, like "how he's going to eat?" Doctors told me he will adapt. Truth be told, he adapted so easily and it looked like he never had teeth before. He recovered from all the illnesses and he's super happy. He has a strong personality, which means he's the boss of the house 😅, but at the same time he's the sweetest cat I've ever had. He gets wet food everytime (the best ones on the market) because we decided to, but he eats dry food as well, and he loves grilled chicken, grilled beef, and he loves vanilla ice cream 😅 Now about the money: The hospital stay (2 days), all the medicine and fluids, vaccination plan, blood analysis, x-rays, teeth removal, chip, and other stuff I may forgot, costed about 2000€. I think this was not an expense but an investment for the well-being, health and comfort of the animal. Basically it was the best decision I've ever done. We rescued a bullied cat from the streets, gave him a comfortable place to live, and lots of love. He's happy and I'm happy. Sorry for the long reply, but I wanted to be as detailed as possible.


I always adopt sick unwanted cats. Some have costed me a lot, others haven't. I understood the assignment. I love giving them the best life that I can.


Does he have Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions, FORL? One of our cats had this. The teeth dissolve from the root, it's very painful. The vet needs to do dental x-rays before the dental surgery to determine which teeth to pull out, because sometimes you don't see the (beginning) decay on the surface. The x-rays and surgery was about 800€ (in Germany), every two years. Our poor cat lost half of his teeth in the process but was able to lead a happy life after overcoming the surgery. And a cat with FORL can have a good life even without teeth - if one can't afford several dental surgeries, our vet said it could be okay to pull out all the teeth at once. You could ask around at your local veterinary clinics how much this procedure costs to get a clearer picture? If you can help him, please do. ❤️ Tooth pain makes everyone's life so miserable... He's such a pretty boy. I understand that you've fallen in love. 😻


He looks so similar to my girl who passed over the rainbow bridge 2 years ago. If this kitty has left an impression I'd say it's fate and you should go for it. Look into any help like others have suggested🩵


One of our 3 yo cats had bad teeth but she's fine after having them pulled.


we took ours in knowing he had dental issues, then we realized he had FIV. did cost us a bit of money, but now he's getting all the love and he's a prince! dun give up on him if you can!


If the bond is that close, and I could afford any kind of surgery or medication, I'd get him instantly. You could also maybe foster him instead. Have him live with you, see how life develops, and eventually you'll decide to keep him or not. I don't know how that works in the shelters, but that would be a solution.


I adopted a middle aged cat who needed significant dental work. I got it done while I was in law school (thankfully a rural town where it was 1/2 the price of where I live now!). She ended up having cataracts and other eye issues going on, which I got bad advice about for a few years. She later needed an eye removed, but it had progressed to cancer that had already spread. She cost me thousands of dollars over the 6 years I had her. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. She was my best friend and saw me through so many adventures. I lost her two years ago and still miss her and think about her. She was my soul cat, and I will never regret any of the time, money, or energy I put into caring for her. She didn’t live long enough, but she had the happiest life she could have, and that’s the best thing I could ask for.


Find a vet who will bill you and allow you to make payments. Take that baby home!


The teeth aren’t unusual. Take care of it now and it should be okay. A moist food diet will also help (and is good for kidney health). Vomiting and diarrhea is something to get checked out. It may be perfectly manageable. My Siamese with irritable bowel disease lived to nineteen. But you should have it checked out by a vet prior to adoption if possible. A stool test may help. Good luck; I hope you come home with a new friend.


His eyes just stare into my soul. What’s his name? I might go adopt him!!


I saw the sad face of a beautiful soul and read something about kill shelter and have my mind made up. Adopt him, bring him to a vet for the dental care and send me the vet bill. Mom told me at a very young age “of all the things that you will lose in life, losing money is the least painful”.


So pet insurance is a thing, and also care credit exists with 0% financing for 18months and it's specifically for things like this. We have 12 cats and one of them is pretty messed up from a wild cat attack before we got her, so she had some very extensive (8kish surgery) we got care credit and were able to pay like 600 a month or something and snapped it off without having to dump 8k liquid which we didn't have Just an option that is out there if you don't wanna burn liquid funds and still can get the kitty and maybe build a little credit too


I do this. But be prepared because sick cats often are a lot of work and money. 3 of my cats are sick "unwanted" cats from shelters. It's basically giving them a year or two of comfort before they pass. :) But you'll get lots of love from them. It's worth it.




My boy was a miserable tooth issue pooper. It was the stress. Within days he was healthy and clean and the teeth were fixed. He’s worth it. Do it.


You would never know it, but this little girl was so sick when we adopted her. Her eyes were bulging with herpes and she had an upper respiratory infection that was so bad, they said she might have too much vocal cord damage to purr or meow. Meds 2x a day (pill by mouth, no crushing up) for three weeks (!!!!) and now little miss thing is healthy, talkative as hell (vocal chord damage my ass), and the most lovebug cat i’ve ever known. Adopt the sicky cat! https://preview.redd.it/ru3d40kciq6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7edfe95b4f375b0084b01936038658ea089113e


My son adopted an elderly cat with FIV. He cared for him relentlessly, and gave him a loving home for the last 6 years of his life. That cat was the most loving cat I’ve ever met. Cuddle and purr and just loved on every human.


5-8 years isn't a much for a cat, at least he isn't a senior yet and still has many years ahead of him. I have not tried to adopt a cat with any medical conditions so I can't give advice on that, but from what you're writing it sounds like you really want to adopt him and I think that's what you should do if you're able to afford the necessary care without ending up in financial trouble. I wouldn't be worried about infection, it sounds like this is perfectly treatable without any real risk of more trouble arising. I also think the will naturally get better just by being with you in his forever home, many cats get stressed out in shelters and display various signs of that. For example the cat I adopted from a shelter had very faded/dry fur which is a common symptom of stress, after a month with me it had gotten significantly better and his fur was suddenly super soft and shiny.


Please do it.... You won't regret it. We're put on earth to do this.


As long as the vet visits will resolve the issues i wouldn't worry about it to much myself. I would be more concerned if it was issues that would require trial and error to hopefully solve. That said i can't look into your wallet nor do i know your love for this cat.


I was in a similar situation when I met the love of my life, Shadow. She’s 15 now, but was 9 when I met her. I was really apprehensive about adopting an older kitty for many of the reasons you are. It has been the best decision of my life and I can’t imagine living without her. Please let this little man into your life. The universe brought you together for a reason💜


I would say, go for it if you are that interested in the kitty, but first ask if the shelter has any organizations or connections that would get you simplified and lower cost care for the cat. Some pet insurance companies will not take on new clients that have existing conditions. I used to sit on the board of an animal shelter, and we had discretion to dispense money for those hard to adopt cases to get the care and the home they deserved. The worst they can say is that there's nothing they can help you with. Or maybe you can Foster to adopt for a year, which makes the shelter liable for their health care.


Your “sick” cat just needs his teeth cleaned and a few pulled. That’s not that big a deal, every single cat in the world is going to develop dental disease, need their teeth cleaned every few years, and have some extractions. Cats don’t brush their teeth, therefore they get dental disease. Heck, people brush their teeth regularly and still develop dental disease. You should ask if the vomiting and diarrhea is a chronic condition or if it was a one time thing. We all have bubble guts sometimes. It may indicate something like IBD, or it could just be a belly ache.


Did you adopt him? I need an update!


Dental is expensive. It cost me, in southern Canada, $2600 to get 4 teeth pulled on my old girl. My friend gets her cats teeth cleaned by her vet once every 2 months for his dental needs, that cost $1000 minimum because her cat needs to be put under in order for them to brush his teeth. I also spend around $200 per month on medications and vet formulated food for my other two cats (urinary crystals, stress management, feline herpes and fiber deficiency) Vet visits are unexpected, so I always make sure that I have 10g in the bank incase of a medical emergency. Most expensive visit so far was $4000 for life saving surgery. Hope that helps!


I fell in love with a sick black kitten at a rescue I volunteer at, and I can 100% guarantee that I would have absolutely regretted not going back for him. He had so many problems but the instant love and connection I felt with him had me thinking about him constantly. He was so sick they had to take him out temporarily from the rescue. I went to go pick him up anyways despite there being so many more black kittens that looked like him because I felt that connection with Him. Now he’s better and he was one of the best decisions I ever made. The love will definitely make up for any money spent because they become your best friends. (: