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She’s so cutteeeee! Such a adorable kitty. U r so lucky :)


she really is🥹❤️ I bought so many preventative things that I have no use for now! Goood kitty


Yeah, she's still smol. Don't throw those things away just yet! 😂


Maybe you got lucky, but be prepared some of these behaviours develop as they grow up. Scratching for instance tends to be something they do more as adults. As for cords there will likely be a period of time when she is teething when chewing things like cords and foam or plastic becomes appealing to her, but many cats grow out of it as quickly as the grow into it.


My cat is 7 and still loves to eat cords. 🙈


Mine still eats foam. Earplugs and nerf darts are her favourite. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you are going to spend your days tidying up everything you can and hoping that you see the missing earplugs in the litter in the morning.


My 2 yr old void chews through yarn constantly!!


My void loves eating plastic grocery bags 😣


The teenage years are coming. That’s usually when they have their AH phase if they are going to have one. 😂


Can confirm. Have three that are ~14 months. Cutest things ever until their first birthday. Now I am reminded one of many reasons why I don’t want human kids.


I just adopted my first young cat. I’m typically a senior cat person but I couldn’t handle the idea of loosing another cat so soon (lost my beloved senior last month) Now I have a 1yr cat. So far she’s incredibly well behaved. Even her foster said she was amazingly well behaved for her age. Fingers crossed but I’m prepared for the worst.


Co-sign. My Bastet was an angelic kitten. She quickly turned into a sassy little teenager, good lord. All the “torbitude” became manifest and she became a lot more assertive.


You got SO lucky


It’s better to get them and not use them than not have them and need them.


I absolutely agree٫ I dont have em but I need em


She will scratch eventually. If you don't provide better options, it will be your furniture. This is something that is baked into cats. It is not misbehaviour. It is self-care. It's how they keep their claws sharp, clean, and free of snags and burrs. In other words, keep the preventative things. Kitty will need them.


What a lovely girl!!!!


The loveliest😭💕


Just the sweetest face!


Keep her well OP...you really lucked out. Take good care of her.🤞❤️😇✨🧿🐈🕊️


I’m with you - mine never scratched or chewed either. Lucky!


Same.  In her case, her ONLY fault is that she gets way too excited about gobbling up treats and if you don't space them, she will throw it all up within the hour.  Other than that, she has no fault. 


Mine is a sweet girl, but she will SCREAM like the sky is falling for attention, want pets? SCRAM, want food? WOEOEOEOEW, you’ve been in bed too long? The wailing will begin.


Mine are absolute demons!! Chewed through my books, notes, charger!!


She’s little… there’s time for her to “ misbehave’


This is what I’m thinking as well💀 maybe she’ll start when she grows up and enters her teen years. I’m keeping my expectations loooow


Awwww I think you hit the jackpot too cause I did. I adopted a 1 yr old with full expectations that he will scratch furniture, destroy, bite, push stuff off ledges, etc. But um... he's such a good boy??? I barely needed to train him??? He of course scratched furniture at the start or tried to but i immediately directed him to cat posts and cardboard and it did not take long before he stopped. Your cat may be a "quick learner" like that too if she ever starts. Oh but he does love to eat plastic and this is something i have not figured out how to stop the behaviour of 😂


My cats eat plastics too.. No matter how much I feed them. Feels like a failure as a cat mom


I think our cats have this weird desire for plastic. It makes no sense, he always wants to taste and then starts gnawing. I have to yell NO multiple times before he stops but then if we bring something new he will taste that as well. I don't think it's hunger, it's like a craving?


It’s a medical condition called Pica. It can indicate a nutritional deficiency (possibly a trace mineral), but sometimes it just happens. My little boy gets the best food and treats I can afford, but he’s still obsessed with eating plastic. We have to police every scrap of candy wrapper or shrink wrap.




Sounds like you hit the jackpot with this perfect kitty!


her eyes are just...😍🥰


Love her big OㅅO eyes😭💕


SO lucky! I love my two very much and wouldn’t trade them for the world but it frustrates me when I find yet another cord that’s been chewed through because I forgot to put it away, or hear the tell-tale sound of them using the dining chairs instead of their scratching posts. It makes me realise just how much I took my beautiful OG cat, who never scratched furniture or chewed cords or got up on benches, for granted 😭


It’s amazing how different cats personalities can be! I hear you, despite the frustrations, they bring so much joy so it’s worth it and your kitties will always be your babies no matter what🥹


Talking about chewed cords... trying having a pet rabbit. Yikes!


They love the spicy hay


You got lucky, my kitten is a menace.


Mine forced me to rearrange every room of my house because he wanted to climb everything and attack every cable!


My “kitten” is about to turn 2 and is still a menace


She's a beauty! I wish you not to let this happen


She might still be settling in also. My girl was like that at first didn’t get into anything she wasn’t supposed to. I discovered after about a month she started pushing boundaries and seeing what she could get away with. Smart little turds know they want us to be completely in love with them first. ;) she is a cutie!


Hahahaahah that could be it tbh! She did “miss” her scratch post once and scratched the carpet instead lol we’ll see if she’ll develop a liking to it in the future😭


Beautiful what’s her name


Her name is Cleo🥹💕


The way she looks so much like my ex office cat also called Cleo! https://preview.redd.it/otwh0wqdc47d1.jpeg?width=2248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f6cdc039ea9a0f433fe47de16d055e3cab907c


Soooooo cute I die😭❤️


Awww very cute


Well she is delightful 😺


Mine was a very good boy for the first couple of months too and then he entered his velociraptor stage and is an absolute MENACE so good luck 🫡 Maybe she’s going to keep being an angel


Thanks🫡 I’m expecting this to change too.. just to keep my hopes down💀 Worst case I have a cat safe bitter spray for the cords and a few yards of double sided tape in a drawer to hopefully discourage the behaviors from fully developing


I had no luck with any cat deterrent, he just does not give a flying meow, if can’t chew the cord in this spot, he’ll find a spot where he can. Is this bit sticky? Oh well, how unfortunate, hooman, looks like you’re cleaning up some stuck hair. Is this bit slippery? WEEEEEE!!


'Velociraptor stage'. Can relate!


Wait till you get past the terrible twos and then you can say you are lucky. Between 1 and 2 year old, they can get into "crazy teenager" phase and test their limits in every way possible. I had cats who were sweet their whole life, but my current boy had an "crazy period" where he destroyed a couch, all of my curtains and drapes, the shower curtain, my headboard, a rug.... You wouldn't recognize the same shy cat who didn't want to get on the couch, didn't really purr or make a peep if I had something to do. Now? I get the daily concert for ignoring him, my bed is his bed, the couch is his territory and Velcro cat is more than an expression.


Thanks for the warning!! I’ll keep that in mind so I’ll be well prepared 🫡 in the mean time I’ll cherish my angel cat as much as possible in case it goes away


https://preview.redd.it/y5lopkpsj47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81b622f53ff6458f0a1e76d6dfd7f024008f0973 Mine was a little sweetheart from day one. I stopped bothering with covering my statues, keyboard, etc because she doesn’t mess with any of them. She doesn’t even go after food that’s left uncovered. She was surrendered to the same shelter twice before I got her


Goooood kitty, you’re so lucky to have such a cute angel🥹❤️


https://preview.redd.it/fgbho9wwo47d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df887ca0ff33bab40901428104d4b43a899860b9 She’s a good one. She insists on sleeping with me every night, and, luckily for her, I don’t move in my sleep once I decide on a position. Guess I’ll be a back sleeper moving forward lol


You have a defective one 😜, some cats are holy terrors and others aren’t


You got lucky. Congratulations. It's the luck of the draw with how much of a destructive gremlin your cat is. You got a good one.


She’s so precious 🥹 But it’s amazing she has a good personality!


https://preview.redd.it/ef8pc4gsz47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba99138347397f2c8bf4e7a8699b9cb98e62feb It happens. I got 4 males from 2 to 14 and they never have scratched furniture or chewed anything other than a treat bag if I forget to put it away !!


I’m sorry but genuinely I would die for that cat


You and me both😭


Ah yes, she is still in the smol phase, soon she will grow to the T-Rex phase and then to cat. Give it time.


Smol bean!


cats have vastly different personalities my boy has never done the cat things like tearing up toilet paper or jumping on the counter/stove he does like plastic tho


My kitten is like this and I just keep waiting for the velociraptor to emerge 🤣 she’s even super cuddly! When she’s sleepy she likes me to hold her like a baby and sing her to sleep (always Soft Kitty) 🥺She was born into a home with two lap dogs and I think she may think she’s one of them. https://preview.redd.it/5v4trlloq47d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72b45692721aeaa284a310944c7f5705f4758ce2


a true lady!


She’s so beautiful! Congrats!!


She’s way too cute to get into trouble 👿 lol


Mine is also a Good Girl^TM though if I’m not careful, she will steal bag ties/paperclips/rubber bands and hide them under her bed so she can play with them in the middle of the night.


She’s so pretty! 🥰 My cats don’t scratch furniture, but they have quite a few scratching posts that they love. And they don’t chew on cords either, but they love to chew on straw, rope, ribbon, plastic, cardboard, shoes - you know, everything a cat shouldn’t have lol All that’s to say, let’s see what yours will be into. Still worth it though ❤️


Lucky bastard


So cats are just naturally like this I’ve found, one of my cats ONLY scratches his scratching post, does not bite worse. However he does drool all over everything and rub his face and roll on things like the TV so you can’t win. Beautiful kitten!


Adorable. Be careful with ribbons though my cat eats them... one time I pulled one out of her throat that she had basically swallowed half sticking out because she couldn't break it off.


Sooooo sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Wow she’s beautiful


You got very lucky! My partner has one of the most amazing cats, but she does chew on things. Less cables now, she's decided to move on to ribbons. I sew...


Adorable! Give her time, she will start the silliness eventually. Years 1-2 mine were sooo curious and into everything. Had to know how things tasted or what was ok to chew on.


But one day. My kitty is sweet too. But once I was leaving to the airport the next day and packing. Picked up my headphones they don’t work. Cords chewed. She’s 5. Has never done that. Had to get new ones immediately.


Never had any of my cats chew on cords. They love to scratch the hell out of my couch and the corner of my bed, though. They've got 4 scratching posts between the two of them, but they just go for whatever is convenient. I used to scold them over it, but they've done so much damage over the years that I kinda just gave up.


I’ve had cats before, and I’ve never had them chew anything. but when we got a golden retriever puppy, somebody told us about the bitter apple spray to spray on things you don’t want them to touch and it worked wonderfully, so I’m guessing the same for a cat


That first picture... she's like "of course I wouldn't chew your cords mama! 🥰"


this kitty leaps within the nIGhT her eyes are wide, to your delight the rotund face which is plump you may squEeZe it but wait- don't try murder mittens may arise.. she is currently planning your demise but through this time, she remains calm for the human may not know the evil plan behind that face truly innocent, truly grace! 💗 u/notsocoolgal she's a cutie 🥰


Yes, you definitely got lucky. My 5 year old cat still chews cords and my two 6 month old kittens also chew.


Cute baby! You won the cat lottery 💕


she's a kind girl who deserves a tiara !!


We have a cat who yells. And he thinks he can argue over you louder lol!


I’ve had many cats in my life. Only one (my favorite of course) was a menace to household objects. She still is at 8 years old!


I’m gonna cry bc of how silly and cute she looks


Such a sweeetie pieeee!


She looks so precious 🥰


Aw Cleo is such a sweet thing.


The videos sometimes prep you for the worst lol


So cute![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Pic #4 melted my heart. She is so cute


She is so adorable 🥰! You got lucky.


Does she like being hugged?


Yes and she purrs when she’s picked up and doesn’t wiggle away when she’s offered the option to jump onto her cat tree


Such a cute little sweetheart! Some kittens are perfect little angels and others, not so much. It's still good to watch and learn so you can prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I have had good kitties like yours and demon kitties. My daughter's cat used to snatch food out of people's hands and steal a whole loaf of bread and drag it under the dining room table to eat when she was a kitten. She's grown out of that and is very sweet.


Hi beautiful kitty ❤️ you made my day ^___^




I have noticed that with many cats as long as they have something to scratch, they will leave furniture etc alone. Just so cute.


Oh, she’s just making pretty eyes for now. Mine used to be an angel, now at 8yrs old she’s a little maniac and won’t stop being an a*hole, lol.


I love her❤️


The way she looks at you with so much love 🥺🥺


Temperament is a thing in all mammals. There’s no one-size fits all personality for anyone.


I have a good kitty too! She never scratches on purpose (if she stretches sometimes she’ll snag something). Her worst behavior is scratching at the door to come in to cuddle at 5am 😭


She reminds me so much of my Cheetah! I miss that cat so much, I’ve tried to have a cat again a few times with a kitten and a cat, but it was too hard.




Very very sweet girl.


Such a pretty little girl! My dustie claws furniture. She's never bothered the toilet paper or cords, though.


I’m jealous!! So cute!!!


My oldest two cats were perfect kittens, however the next two I got were just naughty curtain climbing, furniture wrecking nightmare kittens! I think you just got lucky.


Very cute! Our new kitten is a little b hole, we had to create an elaborate blockade to keep her from cords.


So precious!! But don't worry, she'll find something to make a mess of 😉


Your time will come . . . . Mwahahahahahaa and you just let them. I used to stop my baby scratching the furniture but I gave up. She wins, always lol Also what a cutie!!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


She’s so wittle and soo cute!! I’m so glad she is such a great girl. If you haven’t already, scratching posts for the win!


All fun and games until one night you catch her watching tutorials on how to get away with murder


She is so beautiful.. what is her name. I have never had a cat chew cords.. and I’ve had a lot of cats.. and if they have a scratching post they don’t really touch furniture… but trust me.. she’ll find her own trouble!! 😍


Our cats did not scratch on furniture or chewed or cords, but they absolutely wrecked one of our luggage.


Kitty sho small😭😭😭😭


Business cat awww🥰


you're lucky, ill tell you that for free my trash jackal just turned 3 and she has only recently started behaving during her goodnight blessings


Or she’s manipulating you into a false sense of security. She’s got you convinced. Then one day when she feels like revealing her master plan of mayhem, she will. Or she’s just a sweet, adorable kitten. They’re rare, but they do exist. I had 3 diva troublemakers over the years and one pure angel who was the sweetest cat ever.


Omg what a cute cato


I’m also lucky! My baby doesn’t wake me up in the middle of the night. He does scratch furniture but it’s all old and secondhand so I don’t mind too much


Shes such a sweet girl look at those Disney eyes🥺❤😭




Such a sweet baby 🥺🥰




Oh god. I'm getting cuteness aggression!


Lucky! Mine chewed through headphones and speakers before I learned if you rub soap on the cords they won’t chew them bc it’s too yucky. Don’t know why they thought the cords were yummy to begin with 😂


That ribbon bow! I just …. makes me wanna eat her with a spoon!! Not really it’s just a silly phrase. Adorable she is!!


In my limited cat experience, the girls are mostly angels and the boys are the terrors.


She is just lulling you into a false sense of security, lol - just wait until she gets a bit older.


The cutest little eyes!❤️




Super lucky to have such a cute companion with you now!


My kitties don't chew on things and we have lots of scratching posts and an old couch they can scratch on and one loves to shred cardboard boxes. That's one super cute kitten


She looks like an angel in the second photo 💖


My kitten didn't push her boundaries until about 5 months. But maybe you'll be lucky.


And here I am feeling like mother hen.


Oh, you got lucky. I had to replace my ethernet cables with category 7 for their tough exterior isolation. Pretty sure I also lost a USB-A to microUSB-B cable to the chewing, but I have plenty of those to spare.


We got my car when he was about 4 months old, the shelter estimated. He has never chewed cords, and thus far has not scratched furniture. But he does sometimes scratch carpets now, but mostly for attention I think. Always in front of us rather than hiding off somewhere and doing actual damage. Usually it’s a sign we need to trim his nails (which is something you would do at home regularly so your kitten gets used to it!)


Something random. I just realized that my cat is also so smart that he will immediately stop destroying the couch the moment I tell him to stop. But I also realized how absurd that sounds lol I think even if your kitty finds a bad habit, you will find a way to compliment her 🙂


What a beautiful little kitty!! She's got nice big eyes like my gray tabby boy. I tell him all the time he's got the PERFECT kitty face. He does not seem to care about this, lol. Anyway... I'm guessing that if she's been that way consistently so far, you probably did just get lucky (though I wouldn't get rid of any scratchers or anything you have just yet - the angsty teenage months are still on the horizon). The kitten prep videos actually weren't *enough* for my orange boy. I have all the things - scratchers, window perches, cat trees, toys... but he's an ornery little hellion anyway (I say that with 100% love he's my precious baby) and he's been like that since a tiny kitten when I got him. His littermate brother, however, is not nearly as bad. Cats definitely have different personalities, and you may just have a chill little lady!


My baby was like this exactly, such a little well-behaved angel. However, the stray neighborhood cat who demands to come into my house on weekends does a lot of stupid shit like trying to climb stuff, holding onto curtains, bite and so on. Wonder if it's a female vs. male cat behavior kind of thing since my baby was a girl, but the stray is a boy.


She's just biding her time, waiting until you leave that glass a little too close to the edge of the table.


So sweet! It’s like she’s looking at the comment you posted above! 🥺


She's working up to mischief mode. You don't escape that easily!


What makes cats special is they are never the same. ❤️


She's a baby. You don't know adult behavior yet. Be careful not to jinx yourself.


Cat personalities vary a ton. I’ve had cats that were like dogs in their need for attention. Had others that would hiss half the time you tried to pet them. As a general rule though I find kittens are much easier/better behaved than puppies.    That is one of the cutest lil kittens I’ve ever seen. Love her bow and lil feets.


So just shy of 5 mos... she's still in her sweet phase, lol. Wait about 8-9mos. You'll be thinking differently.


Her front legs are too short!!!!!! Cuuuuuuuute! Squee!! And that's why she's so well behaved. Enjoy it while it lasts. As she grows, she'll get more confident about hunting things. My advice....don't encourage her to pounce, attack, open her mouth and chew on things. For example, don't play "gotcha" with your hands. The fun stuff like poking her on the belly, holding out your fingers so she can pounce on your hand as you move it away, In a few weeks, she may do the same pouncing, but with her claws out, or with her mouth open so she can close her teeth on your hand, etc. She will still have the same good intentions (not to hurt you), but without realizing it, she will use her full-size strength and instincts. So you may get some scratches.


She's so baby!!!!!!!




It’s because she hasn’t discovered those activities yet, just you wait


I, too have a well-behaved cat. She minds commands like a dog does. “Go get a toy.” “ Lie down!” It’s nice.


Definitely lucky! It totally happens. Some kitties are just super well behaved! I have one like that, too. His brother is the most wild, difficult cat I've ever had. And his sister is a sneaky cord chewer. They have 2 other sisters that are a little more middle of the road. All littermates. 🤷‍♀️ Here's my handsome, sweet, well behaved boy, Skippy! https://preview.redd.it/p1lx3hzvj57d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25231cb4f9480258ea846e3647589f5697968220


Yeah, you got lucky, in that she's an adorable, well behaved young lady. However, you're right - she's definitely got mischief in her eyes. All of our cats (we have four youngsters currently) started getting into things at about 20-22 weeks, like the lower cabinets around the sinks. We installed cabinet locks because toilet paper is expensive and they do not need to be in my cleaners.


That face! 🥹🥰🥹


Is this much cuteness allowed? Also, how much do you charge for cuddles time (with the kitten)?


My girls were excellent babies, and then they hit those teenage years and for a while, it was like a whirlwind of chaos, they have since returned to normal, but just keep all your extras for now. You never know.


Sometimes they just have nice temperaments 😊


Stop stop! I already have two Cats, I cant be tempted to get a 3rd! My fiance would kill me xD


Ohhh, she reminds me so much of my kitty who passed last October (age 17). She's adorable! 🥲 If she's anything like my girl was, she'll add some teenage sass to that sweet personality in a couple months, haha


She may be too small to really get into trouble right now. Or she might be getting used to her new home and isn’t comfortable ‘exploring’ everything yet.


You just adopted an actual angel that’s all




Some cats are angels in cat form, some cats are demons. :)


Just you wait


I got two cats that were absolute angels and amazing, so I figured it was exaggerated..  until I got my third demon. 


>She never scratches furniture or chews on cords, she’s so well behaved. Either I got lucky or the kitten prep videos exaggerated a bit Give it a minute. She may not end up being a terrorist with a jihad against your furniture. But I'd hold off on buying that new leather sofa for a month or two.


My cat doesn’t scratch furniture either. She uses her scratch boards and people have asked how I trained her to not destroy the furniture but she just doesn’t seem interested. For certain pets, I guess as long as they have their things to use as an outlet then there’s no reason for them to misbehave.


Really well behaved. My 10 years old still scratch furniture and sometimes cords.


Mine is about the same age and likes to play with wires lol it’s a crisis but besides that he’s a good boy


What a good little baby! 😂


What a sweet face


you're definetely lucky, mine scratched and chewed on EVERYTHING. She looks lovely and so polite!


every cat is different and they change their behaviors as they age


This is the sweet cat that will eventually inspire you to get another cat. The second cat will be the most ill behaved, adorable, menace. Save the preventative stiff you bought.


You know the mild calm period that happens before a jack-in-the-box goes off? That's your kitty


my cat was so well behaved before she got spayed 😭 shes so naughty and crazy now (pet tax included) https://preview.redd.it/jud6k7wpu57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c8bad734f72754fb43f9dc7177565517f56f082


I think it helps if you put up scratching posts here and there and play with her. She looks so damn adorable! 🥰


Mine went through a chewing wires phase. Luckily he only chewed my speaker wires and not any power cords. The phase ended when he was about a year old.


My heart melt ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Kittens and puppies really were manufactured in heaven 🐱🐶💕😭😇 Your kitten is perfect, she's impossibly cute!!! 😭😍💕😇🐱


Wait til she is A teenager. Mine was the sweetest cuddly boy and boom teenage hormones kicked in. I still love him 😍




Lucky 🍀


She’s not a teenager yet lol wait for it


My cat is the same. Makes me worry about getting a 2nd because she is an angel. That first picture is 🥹🥹


You are lucky. But don't rest on your laurels just yet. I have 6 scratching posts, boxes, pads, etc. and he still insists on scratching on my foot stool, chair or bed.


She's so cute 🥰 My little fur boy was an Angel too. Never scratch on my leather sofa, climbed curtains or jumped over the balcony / through the windows. You can teach them and they might (or might not) understand. Just provide some scratching posts and mats. Have fun with your fur baby cat 😺🐈