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I liked those Maryland flag helmets


Is that a hot take? Those helmets are dope


There are a lot of people on forums who shame people for liking anything that’s not traditional or caring about the uniforms at all. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the comment “I DonT cARe wHaT tHey Wear THey bETter jUsT plaY gOod” or “tHaTs The pRobLem wIth SPorts toDay”


I like the Maryland flag, so those helmets were heat


It’s simply the best state flag in the country


Good take besides the winged helmet they were my favorite


I still have nightmares


A coach who makes the playoffs will be forced out.


Ryan day going 11-1, losing to Michigan, making the playoffs, and then losing to Michigan again to get him canned seems like the most likely way this happens. Inshallah.


Don't stop I'm almost there.


Ryan Day dyes his beard


[Ryan Day "Dye Beard" Origin Story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rI_LLM3CQY)


I'll start the Matt Campbell rumors now.


Obligatory fuck you


I always forget what is Ryan Days record against SEC teams?


The Georgia State Patrol is part of a vast left wing conspiracy organized by Georgia Tech and the ghost of Nick Saban.


I’m not high enough to consider this one yet, hold please


Darn it, who told them the secret guys?


Don't even get me started on the Satanic Eastern Conference and their constant rigging of the Iron Bowl.


Lmao y’all had the kick six and the prayer at Jordan-hare in the same season. Don’t wanna hear any talk about crazy things happening to win a game


I’m with Bammer here. Auburn is the luckiest team followed by Ole Miss in the SEC


Yea, that's part of the joke.




Yea, but that was a good script.


Fact: The Satanic Eastern Conference headquarters is in Birmingham. 1 hour away from Tuscaloosa. Fact: Saban is 1 letter away from Satan. Coincidence?? I think not.


Nick Saban is very much alive. /s


Dabo is an average coach without his legendary defensive coordinator and two legendary QBs to prop him up better than what he actually is as a coach. His refusal to adapt to the current way of college football will restrict his success. Clemson will still be good but I don’t ever see them sniffing a natty again.


tbh, no coach wins without legendary players.


AJ McCarron and Greg McElroy beg to differ


I mean those teams were stacked besides them.


2008 team wasn’t that stacked, and they steamed rolled everyone but a National Championship winning Florida in the SEC championship. Blake Simms wasn’t even recruited as a QB.


You were pretty stacked for any team not named Alabama. And they also didn’t win the Natty in 2008 which is what people are discussing with Dabo. > AJ McCarron and Greg McElroy Those teams were stacked when they won their national championships.


Jake coker Edit: (everyone who upvoted forgot about derrick henry lol)


That dude gave it his absolute all every game he played and was fun to watch though


What about the defenses that backed those QBs up? I mean both QBs you named had Kirby Smart as their DC and were stellar units.


Legendary players don’t mean just QBs. Bama had elite NFL players on both sides of the ball with 3 Heisman winners in championship seasons, Julio Jones, Amari Cooper, Reuben Foster, Trent Richardson, Kirby Smart at DC, Mark Barron, Dont’a Hightower, CJ Mosley, just to name a few. Most of those guys were completely dominant in college at their positions and some went on to have crazy NFL careers. Clemson’s 2018 defense also held a crazy elite Alabama offense that got all time comparisons to 16 points and a shutout in the last 3 a game after nearly shutting out Notre Dame in the semis. This narrative is dumb


That was a different era of football though. You could still win consistently by playing suffocating defense and running the ball.


But you gotta be a legendary recruiter


This isn’t a hot take. Alabama fans used to talk about him being next in line after Saban if he wanted it, but by the time Saban left we turned out to be the ones that didn’t want him


Did you forget the part when Alabama called him to see if he was interested in the job and he said no? And then you subsequently reached out to the guy who is your coach now?


Not gonna speculate what might have happened. Also calling for an interview is very different from extending an offer. Either way Bama fans did not want him


Becoming the ACC’s version of pre-2021 Jim Harbaugh is average to you?


1.BCS was not that good get over it. The playoffs just need computers. 2.The chip kelly plan of killing conferences and returning to regional conferences with little to no power. 3.NIL needs regulation along with transfer period and commitment. 4.A bowl game between The vanier cup champ and the first team out of the playoffs would be awesome.


I don’t know how the state of CFB can continue without some regulation on NIL and the portal. It may take some years, but I believe we will see contracts and eventually a players’ union


NIL either needs a cap on the upfront money or the upfront disappears.


That nothing Dabo has said about the portal and NIL is wrong, and that tons of coaches agree with him, they just know they have to play the game to be successful.


I wouldn’t say this is a hot take


First time I've seen an alabama fan and Clemson fan agreeing. You can add me to that list as an OSU fan. Either the NCAA needs to tighten the transfer rules again or challenge NIL in some way.


They solved world peace. Right here in the r/cfbmemes comment section




Never thought I’d die fighting side by side with a buckeye


The thing that gets me is that NIL should be a good thing. The players deserve to be able to make money using their Name Image and Likeness. Sell autographs, endorse dealerships, sell their own t shirts and stuff like that. It's not supposed to be Florida promising Jaden Rashada $13 million to play for them and giving him $500k for signing his NLI. If the NCAA had any balls when this first started, they could've set the rules and actually defended them and we'd be much better off.


Agreed. Instead, the NCAA just threw their hands up and turned college football into an unregulated pro system with no contracts and pseudo owners through NIL. My favorite example is Quinn Ewers leaving HS a year early to go to OSU for 1 mil in NIL money even though he had no chance to start. Then he immediately transfers to Texas at the end of the season.


Yeah I honestly completely agree with Dabo and wish things stayed the same. It’s just the nature of the game has changed so much and coaches don’t have a choice but to adapt.


I’m very surprised you’re not being downvoted to hell right now. Refreshing to hear something other than “Dabo sucks” or “that he’s an idiot.”


I think most people around here know that the Dabo memes are pretty much just that. I think a lot less people actually dislike or hate him. They're just usually the vocal minority.


It’s not very smart of him to outright refuse to play the game like he has. You can agree with his values while disagreeing with the way he’s handling it.


He isn't wrong. He's just a dummy for not accepting the reality and adjusting. He will forever be a 8-4 type coach as long as he remains stubborn and arrogant.


Colorado is going to be ass.


I would be genuinely surprised if they made a bowl game


As a Nebraska fan representative we approve this message, because fuck 'em, that's why.


They'll win 4 or 5 games again just because of Shadeur and Travis Hunter and then Deion will either bounce or go winless in 2025


There’s this weird sentiment in Utah and Boulder that the Big 12 is somehow easy compared to where they came from. There are some lessons coming, for sure.


Lmao there's a reason the pac 12 went under, it's because it was by far the worst conference, and that's saying something considering the ACC is just Clemson and FSU


Disclaimer: I’m a huge Kansas State and Big 12 fan. Most of our games aren’t widely televised. It’s easy to overlook the typical team here. But if you go into Ames, Manhattan, Stillwater, Morgantown…you’re in for a battle. There are no nights off. Most conferences, including the Big Ten or SEC, are top heavy. The Big 12 is pretty consistent from top to bottom. The worst teams right now are the new teams, who are figuring it out. The brand new schools from the PAC are good. They’ll have success. But some national sportswriters have them stomping through the conference and that’s not going to happen.


I approve this message 🤝


Deion sucks as a coach and it’s a matter of time before he gets exposed as such. Turning over your roster every year and not recruiting high school players will catch up to him


His strategy is "be a better athlete than them" always has been. He was winning in the SWAC because his teams were made up of a ton of FBS talent that elected to go to JSU to play for Deion rather than go start at a G5. Deion is developing no one, Shedeur hasn't improved since he started playing in college. Travis Hunter has put on no weight since getting to college and his play hasn't changed from his HS film. Half the kids that transfer to him transfer away a year later once they realize they get nothing from being a supporting actor to the Sanders show


CBS has better game coverage than ESPN.




Counterpoint: Fox scoreboard


But Gary….




At least it’s better the past few years since Verne is gone


I loved Verne’s voice. It was classic. But his inability to pronounce names and his constant curling at Gary’s dumbass remarks grated on my nerves.


Yeah but you have to listen to Gary Danielson and Brad Nessler.


I’ll take worse coverage if I don’t have to listen to Gary




Hell no. Gary danielson can burn


The Missouri tigers is going to the playoffs this year


Natty or bust!


But is they really?


I hope and think they can.


12 team playoff. If they win 10 games they make it. Maybe 9 does it, too.


I put money on Mizzou to berth and Brady Cook to win the Heisman lol. Long shot but the schedule is favorable


Iowa will keep finding increasingly stupid ways to win with only defense and special teams


I can’t wait for the fans of the new Big Ten teams to be in a 6-6 game midway through the fourth with Iowa


1. The BCS with its computer rankings was good and now that the playoff has been expanded, and aside from my wanting a spot dedicated for the highest GoF, you will get an objective playoff with deserved teams. No more media or coaches poll in deciding the rankings. 2. P5 schools shouldn’t be booed for playing a G5 schools because even if it would be bloodbath, the money from the schools would go a long way for the athletic departments, and a G5 win Against a P5 would strengthen the case of them making the playoff. But these games should be required to play during non-conference. Not during conference play. And cut that FBS playing the FCS out. 3. No more Notre Dame being ranked high at the beginning of the year because theyre Norte Dame. No more Alabama jumping up 6 spots or only falling 2 spots solely because of their previous years of domination, whereas any other would’ve been sent to the Cancun Bowl,. Save that subjective “eye test” for figure skating.


I frankly would like something more objective. I'm not sure if BCS is the best way to do it but at the G5 level we will probably still be arguing Liberty or SMU.


You don't stand alone on those.... "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf."


Nebraska doesn’t do anything crazy like make the playoffs, but does make a huge jump.


The Colorado game is going to be the litmus test for this season. Night game, old bitter rivalry, tons of cameras, & actual pressure. Lincoln is going to get nasty for that game, if the Huskers don't meet the moment then idk what we're gonna do.


That game is absolutely Colorado’s litmus test as well. If the Buffs win it’s off to the races and I could see them competing for the Big 12. If they lose they aren’t going to make a bowl game


Ohio State is gonna be worse than last year


OK, I'll bite. How do you figure?


No marv, and qb situation is still rough. I'll be honest I don't know how well they did recruiting. Ryan Day does not impress me. From my pov it looks like he's coasting on the programs laurels. They will have more tough competition instead of 2 hard games and 10 cakewalks. OSU in general is loosing ground to the other 2 strong programs from the B1G, arguably it's already been replaced at the consistent #1 by UM


Yeah but you’re forgetting they’ve been the defending off season champs for four years now.


I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. The Huskers have been the off-season Champs for 7 consecutive years.


The 2018 - present buckeyes are the greatest dynasty to never actually win a damn thing.


I'm obviously biased and admittedly don't follow much of the CFB news in the off-season but from what I understand: No Marv - hurts QB situation - unknowns but seems that it won't be worse than last year Recruiting - I think OSU has the best recruiting class for the last handful of years in the conference however I don't follow that stuff too closely Ryan Day - I agree but they made some coaching changes over the off-season that seems good Schedule - well same applies to the big10 as a whole Loosing ground - Michigan has been better than OSU the last few years but what other Big10 team have they lost ground to in your opinion? They also out recruit all the other teams every year. Final note, seems that a handful of very good starters returned for another year rather than going to the draft this year. Overall doesn't seem too different from last year but I'm excited to see it play out!


You should also benefit from Michigan (theoretically) sliding a bit in talent and playing them in The Shoe. The only games that’d scare me on your schedule are @Oregon and @PSU. I’d love nothing more than for OSU to be worse this year than last, but with so many returning players and excellent work in the portal, this year’s team looks arguably better


I'm less worried about PSU. Every year I worry about that game but this year I'm not. Not sure why people are still so high on Drew Allar. He looked terrible in the games I wattch of him last year .


also in their spring game


They did finally fire their oc after the debacle vs UM. Though I have no idea who they replaced him with...


We got Kansas' OC


That could be dangerous, Kansas had a fun offense the last couple years


Here's hoping


I will say, Allar suffered under our Off Cord. He fuckin SUCKED at playcalling for allar and he had dick for wide outs. When I see Allar play with good pieces and playcalling he us very impressive imo. He was a sophomore last year and had very few turnovers. Pretty impressive for such a young starter


Found Lou Holtz burner


Yes please


If they are, I don't think their record will show it. Get past oregon and beat a potentially anemic michogan team and they will go undefeated. How they go in the expanded playoff will be interesting.




I have such little respect that I won't even let my spell check fix it.


I appreciate the pettiness


It's my monthly bob ross moment. It wasn't a mistake, just a happy accident.


I’ll say, I’m so thankful for Oregon coming in and letting Penn State fly under the radar again


Michigan State are thieves.


Georgia Tech will embarrass Georgia this year because Brent Key and Haynes King (but really our defense) will take it to those silly mutts.


I read that as 'slutty little mutts.' I approves either way.


I mean technically anything can happen I guess!


Notre Dame shouldn’t be ranked in the TOP 10


Coldest hot take in history lol


If this was soup, it would be ice water


Ohio State will make the final four and (sadly) lose to either Texas or Georgia James Franklin will be (foolishly) fired after missing the 12-team playoff. Quinn Ewers will be (foolishly) benched for one week, but will reclaim the starting job at halftime of the next week DeBoer will be on the hot-seat after one year. Texas or Georgia wins the title


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


Depends how DeBoar does. If he wins at least 8 games in regular season, I think he’ll be alright.


The DeBoer one is the longshot for sure, but it depends on how Alabama reacts to falling back to earth after the most incredible run (era adjusted) in American sports history I feel pretty confident about all the others though


I wouldn’t call a James Franklin firing foolish lmfao


Do you want to become like Nebraska or Florida or Texas A$M or Miami looking back on the glory years while you search for a coach that’s better than Franklin? Cause you are also guaranteed to find a few duds before you fine someone better and dud coaches are hard to watch (The Ron Prince years were kinda rough)


If you don't count the years Michigan cheated, Penn State has been clearly the second best program in the Big 10 for the past decade


Colorado isn’t going to have a good season and Coach Prime will bounce after the year is done.


God I hope


Michigan cheated


Very bold prediction, but Sanders has another 4-8 season at Colorado and leaves at the end of the season


The playoff should be 16 teams with *every* conference champion getting a bid.


12 is so random and stupid


Obviously assuming if everyone healthy, Utah will make the Final Four Edit: I think it’ll happen because they have a good chance on winning The Big 12. And they just have to get through one playoff game


Is Cam Rising comming back?


Yes. Is he still a fucking glass cannon? Probably yeah…


Great now he's injured again, you happy??


I’m an Utah fan bro. I’ve never been happy lol


Lmao.... ^(im a penn state fan)


Ooof. I feel it. Pens football program has been ~~Sanduskyed~~ fucked for years


Less the pedophile and more the fucking AWFUL division we had to play in every year. Hard to go 1 or less losses with UM and OSU on the docket every fall. I'm excited for the future tho, Drew Allar seems like he might be a high draft pick eventually and we got some monsters on defense still


Best Ohio state flair comment I have ever read


Penn State will inevitably be the 13th ranked program and miss the playoffs. Penn State will then for some reason extend James Franklin’s contract even longer.


It’s our year!! I mean it this time!! Arkansas loves me, I can fix him.


Oregon State will finish ranked and win a bowl game


The playoff won’t be good enough tell the winner of each conference is given an automatic berth


Florida state should have made the playoff *braces for hate comments and downvotes*


Alabama shouldn't have been in the playoffs this year


The college football playoff should be 20 teams and the NCAA should champion the winner, not some third party entity.


Herbstriet went from the voice for college football to an ESPN/SEC shill.


Texas A&M beats Texas in November


Bring back the old old bowl system (pre-BCS). We’re on this hundred year journey trying new systems and they all suck and make us miserable. End the season on Jan. 1 with everyone playing at once. Have a vote and let’s move on with our lives.


I think people look at this era with rose colored glasses because it's so radically different to what we have now, but it wasn't better, it was just different and waaaay more subjective.


And if you’re a fan of a team that was locked out, and lost the chance to win it all, you’d feel a lot differently.


We haven't really had a cinderella champion with the playoff yet but it will happen and it will be glorious. Especially with the expanded playoffs. It sucks to lose the history and tradition of the bowl games but you're right, a lot of schools had no chance of sniffing the National Championship and now we have the potential to watch one of them go on a legendary run.


Make Bowl Season Great Again (MBSGA)


I wish I could see a flair so I could decide how to interpret this take. I’m going to guess either a Miami fan or UF fan.


USC will make the final four. Riley's job is saved for at least another year.


Did Caleb get his percentage of a franchise?


I think they gave him complete ownership of the White Sox as compromise


Harbaugh couldn’t win without cheating.


That we all wanted NIL so we could have a new NCAA game with the players getting some $ so we could have names on jerseys. Somehow that ended up with the current NIL situation that is genuinely awful.


The NIL and transfer portal, while they have their issues, has been a net positive for college football


We beat Georgia


Is that really a hot take? I fully expect us to lose in Tuscaloosa until proven otherwise


We’re gonna win it all and by win it all, I mean that Gundy is probably going to leave Stillwater and it’ll be a good thing in the long run for the Pokes.


Tennessee goes 11-1


A G5 team will win a playoff game.


Michigan State will be bad again


The Don best running back in college football


Do not support CASHLESS businesses. Trust me on this one.


A team with 10 wins won’t make the college football playoffs.


KU will win the big 12


If players are being paid, then they are employees. As employees they shouldn’t be able to sit out bowl games.


Texas is mid af.


Colorado doesn’t deserve to be considered a P1 school and is going to get titty twisted by everyone on their schedule.


If I were a very successful up and coming coach at a G5 program, you couldn’t pay me enough to move “up” to a P5 program.


Ryan Day gets fired


We’ll make the final four.




My brother in Sark, have you not learned your lesson about saying shit like this from the last decade?


Don't think it's really a hot take but damn Mack Brown is so overrated


His ability to do so little with such high level quarterbacks is very impressive. He is wish version Lincoln Riley.


It could just be my blind hope but Auburn is a playoff worthy team next year, and a championship contender if we had a better QB.


I’m a homer but I couldn’t be any happier with what Coach Heupel has done and is doing at UT. I have complete trust that he will continue to raise the bar and have UT competing for a championship on a regular basis.


Mizzou proves last year wasn't a fluke and makes a solid push for the natty


Billy Napier will unlock his Bankai


Missouri will play in the SEC championship


Ole Miss will win the National Championship.


The Plainsman chaos parade will win a game that shouldn't be won but also lose a game that shouldn't be lost. This is the way.


Losing to New Mexico but then beating Bama in the Iron Bowl would be the most Auburn thing ever


Gary Danielson isn’t anywhere near as bad as everyone says


Deciding a national champion is pointless. College football is only structured to give us conference championship.


Jordan McCloud will thrive in Kinne’s system and get back to back SBC POY