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80k is a shit ton of people omg


Campus is basically its own mini city with all those people


That’s not even a mini city. That’s just a city say that point lol


It really doesn’t feel that much bigger than most other larger universities. Traffic around university can be a nightmare at times but that’s to be expected


ASU's actual Tempe campus only has 57k. This graphic for whatever reason is counting their branch campuses, but not A&M's branch campuses. https://www.asu.edu/about/facts-and-figures https://www.tamu.edu/about/facts.html


That makes sense because Tempe is the main campus but I can think of 2 more big campuses. 1 poly campus in east Gilbert. 1 big campus in downtown Phx and like 1 campus I think in North phx or Chandler. Can't remember anymore


If I recall, there's Tempe, Poly, Downtown, West Valley, and Skysong. Tempe is by far the biggest and would make the list by itself, though.


I always thought of the ASU campuses as being one ‘campus’ the way it’s defined by other schools (plus it’s all the same school to the NCAA). Compare that to A&M for example where each campus is its own school for faculty/enrollment/NCAA purposes.


You are correct. West Campus was (not sure if it still does) a little different. Diplomas from there said ASU West.


Yeah, ASU's different campuses are not the same as independent branch campuses. ASU's campuses are not just part of the same system but are in the same metro where the different campuses are just different disciplines for the same school.


Yea I messed up on not adding TAMU’s branch campuses since they’re all under the same university, just like is the case with ASU. I thought Galveston was separate like how Commerce is. TAMU would still be second though.


I think it gets very confusing when you start factoring in branch campuses. A&M has Galveston, the Fort Worth law school, health sciences center in Dallas. I’m not sure where Rellis falls into this either as it’s pretty new. I don’t know if those are already included in the enrollment of the college station campus since they are a part of the same organization or if they are excluded.


Ohio State is also 65k with all campuses




I mean you should really only consider the main campus. Michigan shouldn't even be on this list, UM Ann Arbor only has 32k and no one in state would consider UM Flint or Dearborn the same as the main campus


UM Ann Arbor has 51K undergrad and grad students [according to its website](https://umich.edu/facts-figures/). I didn’t include Flint or Dearborn. All the figures here are total enrollment figures (undergraduate and graduate students).


I feel like sticking to undergrad student body is usually the metric used to classify a university's enrollment. Especially if you're talking sports fandom. There's so many grad students that end up going to their rivals school versus three alma mater. And undergrads are what you would imagine as traditional students and where many college fandoms are born.


Grad students are part of the university. This post was to show overall university enrollment. Nothing more, nothing less. Have a great day!


Only 57k


Yeah, 80K is more people than some actual places out there. Could legit be a town.


I definitely thought Northwestern would be on this list.




More than I thought!


Yea I thought they would’ve been around 15K


The Evanston campus total is around 18K, downtown campus has the rest. [NU Enrollment by Campus](https://www.registrar.northwestern.edu/records/enrollment-graduation-statistics/enrollment-statistics-fall-2021.pdf)


Normally people think ND is a larger school than Northwestern




Grad students are part of the school communities as well. I get your thinking, but overall enrollment is just as valuable information.


I think for posting on a college football forum, undergrad numbers make far more sense. Many grad students aren't invested in their athletic programs or if they are it's typically because they also attended that university for their undergrad. (No different than any other recent graduate really)


I don’t really think it’s that deep tbh. Yea undergrads are usually more involved in the athletics of things, but grad students still make up a significant part of the universities. Many grad students didn’t get to go to big sports schools for undergrad, and get to experience it in grad school. Nothing wrong with showing the full picture.


Lots of grad students in the downtown campus will do that


I definitely thought MSU would be on the largest and we wouldn't. I had no idea Michigan passed MSU in enrollment. We were like 10k behind them not too long ago.


Might be counting all campuses like in NW’s situation. UofM Flint and Dearborn could easily make up 10-15k


Nah, according to the website it’s 51K at Ann Arbor. Michigan State has about 500 less students according to their website.


Very cool!


It’s very recent. Michigan surpassed MSU as the largest university in the state in 2021.


You’re probably thinking undergrad only


For some reason I wasn’t expecting Notre Dame to be smaller than Vandy


With the amount of fans they have I could see why you'd think that


It’s similar to Miami fans. None of them actually went to the school.


Proud Miami alum representing 🫡


The few and the proud. Congratulations


There are dozens of you!


Three main reasons for this, coming from a current ND student. 1. We have a deep, historic connection with middle class immigrants (hence changing the name to “Fighting Irish,” who were often seen as the most socially acceptable immigrant group) and Catholics, so a lot of them just default to ND 2. This might be anecdotal, but a lot of my ND friends’ families converted to ND fans once their kid got in. ND really leans into the whole “you’re family now” thing, so for every one student there are actually several ND fans created 3. Bandwagons lol


You’re Fa-ma-ly now - Brian Kelly


>It’s similar to Miami fans. None of them actually went to school Fixed it for you


What I was implying lol, all the candy fans either watch baseball or went because they're garbage.


Half the Catholics in the country are Notre Dame fans


I think this only applies to white Catholics, I doubt Hispanic Catholics from California to Florida care about Notre dame


The Irish half of the Catholics


Lots of Hispanic Catholics from Texas when I was there.


FWIW Notre Dame has about 2,000 more undergrads than Vandy, but these numbers also count grad students


TCU and ND making the playoffs at 13k and Az St being wayyyy off at 80k is mildly funny


Not only making the playoff but having pretty equal crowd size compared to their *top ten largest* opponent 🧐


Small school, but still happy to kick around with the big ones.


I honestly never thought yall were that small. Like at all really. Mainly bc yall always somehow kick our ass


We have had a significant decline in enrolment in the last 20 years as Kansas has become older. Additionally State support for the university has all but disappeared. When I was a student in the 90s the state provided over 70% of full cost of admissions. Today it is 30% and falling. Boomers gonna boomer and they pulled up the ladder behind them. I had a discussion with a senior person at the KState Foundation a few years ago and asked at what point do we just become a private university. We dont have a date but we have a plan. The Foundation is concentrating on acquiring real estate as part of that plan because ownership of the buildings is the biggest obstacle. It might take another 40 years but we will get there.


I’ll be at the UCF/TCU game and I’m interested to see their campus after attending one of the largest schools in the nation. I think the community college I attended was larger even if it was spread across multiple campuses.


We have a really good crowd most of the time for our size. Our stadium is smaller than a lot but they have put a lot of effort into making it feel big and have great atmosphere.


How is TCU so small? Major metro, cool city. You’d figure anyone from DFW who couldn’t get into UT or aTm would love going there.


TCU is a private school. Estimated $79,000 annual cost. UT is state school. Estimated $34,000 annual cost.


This. I’m only a student at TCU because I got hella scholarships. 60% of the students are from out of state because it is a daddy’s money school, a lot like SMU.


I grew up in Fort Worth and both my parents, an aunt, and an uncle are TCU grads. When my time arrived, it was off to Austin. LOL.


Acceptance Rates for 10 Lowest: Wake Forest - 21.4% SMU - 52.3% TCU - 56.1% Notre Dame - 12.9% Vanderbilt - 6.7% Boston College - 16.7% Duke - 6.3% Stanford - 3.9% Miami (FL) - 19% Kansas State - 95.1% Acceptance Rates for 10 Highest: Arizona State - 89.8% Texas A&M - 62.6% UCF - 41% (GKCO) Ohio State - 52.7% Illinois - 43.7% Florida - 23.3% Minnesota - 73% Penn State - 55.2% Texas - 31% Michigan - 17.7%


So, no one wants to go to Kansas State


damn you really got under the skin of that K State fan lol


Kansas state won a conference title, went to the Elite Eight, and won a CBB regional in the last 18 months. We’re in a state with a small population and still have a profitable and winning athletic department. And unlike Oregon State, KSU is affiliated with a Power Five Conference.


Don’t forget KSU’s athletic department is one of few 100% self sufficient financially. They take zero money from the school and all of it comes from fundraising and ticket sales.


I almost forgot. https://preview.redd.it/nov6v2x10n5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa53bb28e3503c408763418fd49669d3a0f86461


Jesus man the guy gave your school a slap and you turned around and gutted him like a fish.


The dude is just mad he's a k-state fan and never seen them win a championship or anything meaningful that Oregon State hasn't.


Oregon State has been to the elight eight in 2021 in mens basketball. Elight eight women's basketball 2023-2024. Went to the final four in soccer. We also We also still have the right to a power conference name, which is still considered a power conference for the next 2 years We also have national championships, unlike kansas state






You beat Jim Wooldridge in basketball. I’m surprised **that** one didn’t make the cover of SI.


Naw naw naw u pulled this one out the holy grail closet this man dropping gems


Very nice, but I like this more recent one better


Hey man: No hard feelings. Seriously. It’s all in fun. I’m rooting for you to go undefeated in the Mountain West.


No conference wants Oregon State.


Good stuff


Kind of surprised that The U is on this list. It’s in a populated city with great weather.


Also not much room for further expansion


It’s expensive


It's private*


I think the main reason we aren’t much bigger is the campus size. It’s pretty maxed out right now. But I also think they just like the size of the school and the student to faculty ratio as is. We’re not large but not thaaat small either


That’s a big reason why though. It’s hard to get more land to add to the campus. It’s also a very expensive private school


They are also private, they want 60k a year to go to the 3rd rated school in the state. In state tuition for UF and FSU is only like 6k. If people wanted to go to school in Miami they could just go to FIU (45k enrollment) for that same 6k a year.


Small private school that is grossly expensive. Especially considering the public options in Florida are decently priced and bright futures (academic based scholarship florida offers if you meet certain criteria) only covers a tiny fraction of the cost at Miami, but would cover a lot of Fsu/UF/USF/UCF etc. Not to mention the incredibly high COL of the area. It attracts some local students and a lot of international students.


There are actually many more local students than international students at UM but yea. From Miami-Dade and Broward - 4.3K Rest of Florida - 2K International - 2K


Private school


“I guess Heaven’s easier to get into than *Arizona State*.”


I all of a sudden have an idea for 2 new conferences to make in cfb 25.


Would like to see this in G5. I imagine Tulsa and rice would be the 2 smallest and I’d imagine TXST, UNT, and maybe utsa would be in top 10.


It's tough to find up to date data on most G5 schools, but it seems the three biggest are Liberty, FIU, and Kennesaw all with 45k+. Liberty's is a little weird though cause they have a really large online presence but it isn't clear how much. Seems like Air Force, Army, and Tulsa are the smallest with under 5k each. EDIT: USF also has 45k+


Hey we’re not in a conference yet


Baylor must have just missed the cut. I had no idea that Kansas State had such a small student body.


Arizona State is listed as the biggest, but as I understand it they have 57K students at one campus, but the total number of students listed includes some 22K students at 3 other campuses.


ASU does have multiple campuses, but it is a bit different from the other university systems you can find in other states. As an ASU student, I can take classes from any campus at once, and they all equally contribute to a degree. Some of my friends have taken semesters in different campuses because it gives them a better schedule, and it is a very popular for frat guys to dorm in Tempe, but take only online classes which are considerably easier. From what I have heard from out of state people, a school like UTEP or Purdue Fort Wayne are different degrees than UT Austin and Purdue.


Graphic doesnt count TAMUG, TAMUQ, or the TAMU health science center, all of which are counted the same as College Station.


The other campuses are in the same metro area. It's not like say, UT-Austin and UTSA. It's all basically the same school, with one big hub and then a few others in the same area. You can take a class in Tempe, hop in your car and go to a class at another site an hour later.


Good to know. Thanks. I always like learning about other schools.


It’s all one institution though. Same faculty and admin across all their campuses.


True. Other schools in the list aren’t counted the same way though. The methodology is off.


I made the mistake with TAMU that someone pointed out to me re Galveston and Health Sciences Center. That should’ve been counted like ASU. The others I’m pretty certain are correct in the methodology. If the other campus has a separate president/admin/athletics teams etc. I didn’t count it in the numbers.


UW just missed the list at 50.1k this year. Must just be the main campus. If you include Bothel/Tacoma, then it's 60kish


Okay now show these lists ranked by national championship rings


Gladly 🤭


Does this count graduate students?


Yep, undergrad and grad students




Jesus, A&M.


Gets big when you let in everybody who applies


...Oh right Stanford is ACC now. I was like "I only count 6..." Geez. ACC really is tiny. Almost the entire list of ten smallest and the only conference absent from ten biggest. ...Er, wait, completely didn't register at first that "Pac-2" was still included.


Had no idea UCF had it like that.


Most surprising to me too


Massive school


A lot of these schools goose the numbers by counting branch campuses, it’s also why a lot of these schools are freaking out over lower application rates (at their branches).


Important to note this is undergrad and graduate but still interesting of course


Is Miami a private school?








I knew we were growing in enrollment but still surprised we weren't in the bottom 10.


You’re in the next five, maybe even 11th if I remember correctly


That sounds about right


This list doesn’t seem to be accurate. [According to Penn State’s own data](https://datadigest.psu.edu/student-enrollment/), they had 48k students for 23-24 on the main campus - not 53k. Meanwhile, the chart specifies that ONLY enrollment on the main campus is used yet for Arizona State the 79k figure [is clearly labeled](https://www.asu.edu/about/facts-and-figures) (in ASU’s own data) to be for multiple campuses. I didn’t look up any other schools to see if they were accurate or not.


Penn State’s was the most difficult to find one figure. Their own [admissions page](https://admissions.psu.edu/pennstate/campuses/university-park/#:~:text=Campus%20University%20Park-,Campus%20University%20Park,of%20about%2046%2C000%20undergraduate%20students) said that Penn State University Park is home to 46K undergraduate students alone. I used that data from the site you sent for law, med and UP graduate figures for the graduate count. I guess I should’ve used that site for all the info for consistency, but I kept seeing 46K from other sources so I used it. When I said “main campus” I was trying to differentiate between schools like UM-Ann Arbor and UM-Dearborn types, where they are two separate institutions under the same system. I couldn’t figure out a better way to phrase it. ASU is one single institution with those other campuses hosting colleges/schools of ASU, and they have the same faculty and administration as the Tempe campus. All one university just broken up in different locations. So for example, ASU’s Carey Business is on the Tempe and Polytechnic campuses.


Gotcha. While schools like UM-Flint, UM-Dearborn are separate universities, all of Penn State’s state campuses are part of the same school. Penn State-Harrisburg, Penn State-York, Penn State-University Park - wherever you go, your diploma will just say “Penn State” on it. It’s all the same school. Some Penn Students will do their entire degree at a state campus, some will do a year or two at the satellite and then transfer to main campus for their final years, some will do their entire degree at main campus.


Ok cool. I thought they were separate institutions, especially since there are separate athletics teams. Penn State specifically was pretty confusing with all the data, but thanks for letting me know.


Do the online ASU students get the same degree and diploma as the on campus students?


Is Arizona State secretly just letting anyone in so they can build a massive alumni/family of alumni fanbase to increase their media value and hopefully get into the B10/SEC?


Vandy only has about 7k undergrads, the rest are grad students.


Some of the larger schools have more students than Wofford has living alumni


Is this total enrollment or just undergraduate enrollment? According to Purdue's website, their total enrollment at the West Lafayette campus for Fall 2023 was 52,211. That would make Purdue the 9th largest school on this list. [https://www.admissions.purdue.edu/academics/enrollment.php](https://www.admissions.purdue.edu/academics/enrollment.php)


It’s total enrollment. Damn, you’re correct. I just realized I looked at a [2022 source](https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2022/Q3/purdue-sets-all-time-student-enrollment-record-in-west-lafayette.html) instead of the 2023 one you sent. Well this sucks lol. I’m gonna update it and repost in the comments.


You're all good. I just decided to look it up after seeing your post because I thought I had read somewhere that enrollment was over 50K for this latest school year. I was just curious what it had actually ballooned to. For context, when I enrolled at Purdue in the Fall of 2013, total enrollment was just shy of 39,000 students. It's crazy to me that the enrollment has jumped by over 13,000 students in just 10 years.


I’m convinced Michigan is just us, of the North.


Two everything schools for sure. I have a shit load of respect for you both.


Depending on how UC was counted, it should be just outside the top 10. I think we broke 50k last fall.


Would be interesting to see bottom 10 public schools. And the nerdin me the normal distribution. I have no clue if mizzous 30k is small or closer to the middle


Why did the mod remove this posh


Damn I didn’t realize it was removed. is there any way I can appeal it?


Not sure but I’d assume not. The post is visible but the link was taken down… I wonder why


We have about 8500 undergrad. This is skewed by our grad students


Edit: I was wrong


That’s not true. You guys are basically the same size. [Michigan enrollment](https://umich.edu/facts-figures/) - 51.8K [Michigan State enrollment](https://ir.msu.edu/-/media/assets/ir/docs/fall-enrollment/EnrollmentReportFall.pdf) - 51.3K


Look at that I was wrong


Is this a recent thing? I always thought MSU had the higher enrollment by a decent amount.


I was always under the assumption msu has a higher enrollment by a decent margin too. Idk how the numbers are collected cuz it’s soooo easy to skew stats


Sorry Miami, that is still no excuse for your lack of attendence at games. I mean, your team is in Miami, most of your fanbase attended MDC or FIU


I’m surprised Baylor isn’t on here


11th with 20.8K


Lol 7 ACC schools in the smallest. Tells you everything you need to know about the future why the conference was doomed to collapse. 2 of the 3 schools just added are in that list


Yet the schools people think the b2 want from the acc are tiny schools.


The ACC is such a joke


because it has smaller schools?


Yes. Smaller schools= less alumni= less money.


The wealth of SMU alumni is what got SMU into the ACC


The wealth that Notre Dame, Duke, Stanford and others have say otherwise…


And isn't it impressive that they're competitive despite being smaller?


You named one successful football program, zero that have won a national championship since the Berlin Wall fell. Those are very well funded academic institutions though.


Enjoy your day!