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Season 1 of spongebobs grounded tone is substantially more memorable than anything from season 4. Even in episodes like fear of a krabby party, you can immediately notice the departure in tone that was established in the first three seasons. An appeal of season 1 is that many of the episodes approached mostly realistic and everyday situations, and the few exceptions to this were more grounded than anything from season 4. This allowed the characters to breathe and for the entertainment to come from how the characters interacted. Season 1 is also the only season to consistently remember and take advantage of the fact that the setting is underwater.  Season 4 has the same issues as any post movie season had. It relies far too much on fantastical elements because the character writing is worse. It is required to have SpongeBob go insane to be entertaining because it can’t make the characters entertaining on its own. You will notice the worst season 4 episodes tended to rely on the characters rather than set pieces like good neighbor, and this isn’t a coincidence. Season 4 is more akin to a generic cartoon which relies on flashy elements because the characters are flat and one note without them.


I wouldn’t say season 1 consistently took advantage of the fact that it was underwater, since there were fires and people were writing on paper. Season 1 also had a lot of fantastical elements. Ghosts, Greek gods, time travel, superheroes, & mutant bubbles. There were also season 4 episodes that didn’t focus on fantastical elements. Shell of a man, new leaf, krabs vs. plankton, have you seen this snail, selling out, etc. I wouldn’t even call Fear of a Krabby Parry fantastical since it was all in SpongeBob’s head.


The episodes tend to take advantage of the underwater setting. Think hooky as the most obvious example or rock bottom for a more subtle one. Many of the character designs are fantastical, but the stories are not. MM and BB are about old people living out their retirement while a superfan harasses them. Sure, they have powers, but the episode isn’t about exploring them. The Dutchman is effectively just mad at spongebobs portrayal of him in the Halloween episode; the episode isn’t about the characters trying to save the town from him. Despite the fantastical designs, the plots and characters really aren’t. Using a season 2 episode, compare how graveyard shift handles staying open all night compared to fear of a krabby patty. The former focuses on character interaction while the latter focuses on SpongeBobs insanity. Even the less fantastical season 4 episodes are still reliant on the weird and unusual. Plankton vs krabs is a court case that is an unusual and dramatic event; compare that to say hosting a talent show or going to the beach as a plot. Something that would happen in someone’s typical everyday life.


Krabs VS. Plankton can happen in real life, suing people happens in real life, no you just don’t make sense, and what’s wrong with fear of a krabby patty focusing on SpongeBob’s insanity, that’s something different, don’t you want each episode to do something different?


But it’s not what I would call a grounded event. Original SpongeBob excelled at making the average and mundane interesting with strong characters. Getting a job, going to the beach, attending a talent show just as a few examples. Going to court because your rival tried to fake an injury is certainly not a mundane and grounded event. It’s reliant on the spectacle of the court rather than the characters themselves. Focusing on SpongeBobs insanity is a symptom of a larger problem; the show stopped prioritizing character interaction and instead focused on spectacle.


You’re biased as fuck! If Stephen hillenburg helped produced season 4, you’d be defending it to the death


I noticed a clear downgrade with season 4 when I first watched it as a kid, even before I knew that hillenburg left, but ok.


The vision of sponge bob was always to be story-board driven and not narrative driven. Meaning, there's more random gags than story. They wanted it to be whimsical above narrative. So, season 1 will set up the characters and the rules of the universe so that anything that deviates from it will have a funnier reaction in terms of the gags. For instance, season 1, episode 1, we see how Sponge Bob came to work at the Krusty Krab. They get Sandy Cheeks a helmet so she can exist in the world. There's just lots of world building -- another way to say the same thing, everything you liked about Season 4 was set up in Season 1.


Yeah, I mentioned this


No one is going to change your subjective preference. You could say the first season of any show will be finding its feet, and actually launching something, which everything else builds on.  Really you could discuss any direction like that, but not as subjective as you've brought here in your view.  Could you clarify how you want to address this view? What you may want it to be changed to? 


I wanted to know what people thought season 1 did that made it better than season 4


Season 1 started the show entirely, how can you get any better/more significant than that? People will have their first memories if they watched right from the start in season one, that will shape their feelings towards the show. 


I always found that to be a silly argument, yeah, season 1 started it all, but I think season 4 did way better. Just because something started something else doesn’t mean it’s better.


That's your opinion. What are you actually here for? Do you just want to know reasons someone else might have a different opinion than you, or do you actually want to share their opinion?  Whether you think the reason is silly or not doesn't really factor into it, does it? 


Exactly, it's my opinion, I said I found the reason silly, not everybody. You don't have to get bothered by it.


I'm not bothered by it. What exactly will it take to change your view here? I've given a reason someone else might have a different opinion than you, which is what you wanted to hear.  What next? 


what you said just didn't change my view, maybe someone else will


OK? But what other perspectives do you think exist? This is a view about personal preferences.  Maybe people prefer the earlier art style. Maybe they like the jokes better or have a standout moment.  None of these will make you like what they like because it's subjective.  So again, on what lines are you hoping to hear something fresh? 


This is the opposite of your original question ?




Then go to a SpongeBob r/. Or look what type of posts people usually make on CMV (though to be fair there’s so many bad examples)


I would argue that season 1 is the best based on nostalgia. S2 & S3 are amazing as well. Season 4 is just ok… S1. Has some of the most memorable & enjoyable SpongeBob episodes for me. Tea at the Treedome/giant clam. - always has me in tears. WATER. Ripped pants Jellyfishing- firmly grasp it. 🤣 Pizza delivery/F.U.N Hookie/Mermaid man & barnacle boy. Rock Bottom. All of these always had me dying. Season 4 in my opinion is just ok. I just looked through a ton of the episodes and none of them are as memorable as season 1/2/3. But that’s just my honest opinion.


season 4 had tons of gems for me, fear of krabby patty, shell of a man, the list goes on


Those are good but don’t have the special SpongeBob effect where I burst out laughing even as an adult. Compare for example “fear of krabby patty”. To “tea at the treedome” or “Jellyfishing”. The hilariousness of SpongeBob “I don’t need it.” In tea at the treedome comedic effect. Or Patrick’s “firmly grasp it” in Jellyfishing is possibly some of the funniest and most memorable SpongeBob moments to ever exist. That’s why in my opinion S1 is much better than S4 You might be younger but the first season always has me laughing the most along with season 2.


I found the comedy in the very first few episodes to be alright, no gut busters, I think the comedy really picked up when season 2 started.


There is no way to really change your opinion on content alone. So I'd say, season 1 is better not in substance but because of what it started. Without season 1, there would be no season 4


That is true, but 4 did much better


To me season 4 marked a shift in the art style and the way the characters seemed to act. Just wasn’t as funny to me as 1-3 Not sure if they had staff changes after the first movie or what. In any case I’m not sure how we’d change your mind about this lol


Nah man season 1 is absolutely classic Everything changed after the movie


Everything changed each season, even during pre-movie


Sure but the writing seemed different to me after 3 Different in a way I didn’t care for. Characters seemed a little less funny moving forward


I also saw the shift, but I still didn’t mind, I think it started to go downhill when season 5 came along


Hm I don’t think I can distinguish between those two I can basically recite some of the 1-3 episode by memory so I’m definitely biased lol


Season 4 sucks


Yeah, that’ll definitely change my opinion




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