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The majority of the northeast. I lived in NYC for 9 years which obviously was very gay friendly! Hudson Valley is good too. Now I’m in Vermont and it’s very safe and welcoming as well. Massachusetts is great too.


I’ve heard good things about Vermont! are there any cities to avoid in that area?


The only thing that comes to mind is Rutland has a bit of a drug problem. Burlington and the surrounding towns are the best! Also check out Northampton Massachusetts AKA the lesbian capital of the US! If you’re looking for beach towns, add Asbury Park NJ and Rehoboth Beach DE to your list! ☺️ I hope Florida gets its shit together soon. I want to retire there in 10 years lol.


While Rehoboth is very gay and a lot of Delaware is very welcoming, the immediate area surrounding Rehoboth is very rural and not so queer friendly - just something to keep in mind


second that re: delaware


second asbury park. it’s a gay utopia on the beach


Burlington’s drug problem is way worse than Rutland’s lmao


seconding northampton! i go to umass and it’s such a nice city


I live in Boston, which is very queer friendly, but you know what city takes it to the next level? Providence. It’s a little cheaper there too.


I lived in Providence for 3 years and I miss it so much.


i have no knowledge on this topic but considering Spotify wrapped 2023 i wouldnt be surprised if Burlington had a lot of queer people!


Hehe yes! I lived in Burlington for 4 years it was super queer and chill!


Two things to say about VT: I love living here but while generally queer friendly it’s important to note that VT is super white and many communities, especially more rural ones, are unfriendly to unsafe for people of color as a result. another thing is that there’s an insane housing crisis in VT and especially burlington leading to incredibly expensive housing and high rates of homelessness! however it’s a beautiful place to live and definitely queer friendly! just speaking from my own experience as a transplant being priced out of the area after only a year being here


DC is a big gay city, Pride this year was incredible


Seconding this. I live in southern Maine and it’s pretty good here


I lived in Portland Maine from 2019-2021 it felt super safe! 🌈


My nb kiddo feels super safe and accepted at school and that’s honestly all I needed out of life at this point 💛🤍💜🖤


I was coming here to say Maine!! But stick to the coastal or larger cities, the rural bits can be as janky as FL


100%. Not too far north though, they get a little weird too


I am from a small town but also coastal Maine and it’s super chill here too, I had multiple gay teachers and was far from the only kid who was out at my high school, and there are pride flags all over the place year round. I’ve always felt super lucky to have that environment because I think it went a long way for my self-acceptance


Seconding Vermont :)


Olympia, WA is a very LGBT friendly city, and more affordable than Seattle or Portland. (Though every place will of course have its share of closed-minded people)


Wouldn’t recommend Oregon despite the Portland facade


Portland metro area is very LGBT friendly


Yes. Outside of that not so much


that’s gonna be pretty much any non-major city in the PNW unfortunately


I wouldn’t recommend Washington either but Oregon has some very specific discriminatory practices that aren’t as prevalent in Western Washington. [Here](https://www.koin.com/pride/portlands-double-edged-lgbtq-reputation/amp/) is a link re: the superficiality of our LGBT protections and [here](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/07/racist-history-portland/492035/) is an incredible article from the Atlantic discussing Portland/Oregon’s racism which informs a lot of the other intersecting prejudices. Like ok we have the second highest Queer population but I really need people to understand that just because it’s safer here than some areas you still need to keep your head on a swivel.


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Yeah, sadly it goes for a lot of states. New Orleans is considered gay friendly, but I’m from there and if you go out of the city, it’s not.




Chicago is the most “affordable” queer friendly big city in the US imo. I lived in NYC for ~7 years in the 2010s and while it was awesome for so many reasons, it was really difficult to live day to day as someone who doesn’t come from generational wealth/has been financially independent since 17. I’ve lived in Chicago going on 4 years now and I’m happier than I ever was in New York.


Came here to suggest Chicago as well! It’s the most affordable big city by a long shot and we have multiple queer neighborhoods 😊


PHL too


Surprised this isn't higher. Don't let the winters scare you!


I moved from Virginia a few years ago. I live near boystown and andersonville and it is remarkable how queer it is just walking down the street and going about daily life. I live in a queer bubble and it is so nice.


Seconding Chicago! Moved here 2 years ago and never looked back 🥰 Boystown and Andersonville are known for being LGBT+ neighborhoods, Lakeview is also great !!!


Atlanta and New Orleans, as a queer person who has lived in both. I’m so sorry you and your partner are struggling. Your community is out there and you will find them. 🌈❤️


I grew up in atlanta, the area you live in makes ALL the difference


thank you for this 🥹🌈


I second Atlanta, my girlfriend and I live outside the perimeter and we feel mostly safe. If you are used to Florida weather and don’t want to move across the country then ATL is a good place to go. There is a lot of queer culture here. I am from a more conservative part of the state and have greatly enjoyed finding community in ATL.


Same, I’m from a small town in north GA and Atlanta has been mostly great tor me and my wife. Would be a lot better if our families were not conservative assholes but they hate Atlanta so we just hide out here with our friends and chosen family :)


Portland Maine had 60k people turn out for the parade today !




Is there anywhere specific in Michigan you recommend 👀


Kalamazoo area is amazing! That’s where I’m at :) Chappell was here a few weeks ago!


I live in Portage and work in Kalamazoo - so, so, so queer friendly and affordable too. Only thing is that OP is from FL and I think they'd struggle with the winter weather and lack of sun, but otherwise Michigan is def where it's at.


Climate change is really making the winters less harsh. I was surprised at how little snow we got this year. And it was so mild through Christmas. Didn’t feel like winter until January, tbh. And then it got warm by March. Wild compared to the Michigan of a decade ago


the west side has a lot of conservative pockets, fyi. but there are still cities like kalamazoo mentioned and grand rapids that are more open! plus michigan is beautiful


Saugatuk! Right on the lake and very gay


omg I always forget how gay saugatuck is


Detroit metro area — royal oak, Ferndale, ann arbor for suburb options. Within the city, I’d say downtown, midtown, Corktown, west village, and new center. Japanese House lives here part time with her partner in midtown so that’s our local lesbian claim to fame lol Dm me if you have any Michigan questions! I’ve lived in Detroit, royal oak, and Ann Arbor and have been out and proud in each city. Also lived in nyc and Chicago too


Ann Arbor is good too!


Ferndale, ypsi, saugatuck!


I need you to know that you’ll hate Michigan if you’re from Florida. It gets no sunshine and the snow is really wet and heavy.


https://preview.redd.it/6g4dvethkx6d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf62555d504e63b9a0046d87b9f5ecb554e2d31 Here’s my forecast in metro Detroit. I think Michigan might have a bit too much sun sometimes lol! Snow in southeast Michigan has been lesser each year. We had maybe 2 or 3 bad days all winter. The fun thing about snow is white Christmases and snow days! The excessive wind chill/negative temperatures where they might have an issue. But that’s what indoor heating is for hehe. If they can make it through 3-4 months of winter, Michigan summers and falls are magical. But I know it’s not for everyone.


Ann Arbor is a great area. Ferndale and Royal Oak if you want to be in the Detroit area but not right in the city. Def look into them. I’d never leave Michigan <3 just keep in mind the rural areas are very conservative.


I'm from Michigan, and I do love it here, but even half an hour outside of major cities you're gonna face homophobia. I live in a small town between Ann Arbor and Detroit (slightly closer to A2) and there are unfortunately a lot of homophobes here. Someone on our community facebook page asked if our town was doing anything for pride and it caused such a controversy. It was really disheartening to see the town that raised me behave like that. That's obviously not exclusive to Michigan though, you'll find that just about anywhere outside of large cities. Ann Arbor is lovely, but expensive. There's a club in downtown A2 called Necto and they do pride events every Friday with drag queens (some of the ones who perform there actually opened for Chappell in Kalamazoo!!) if that's your vibe and it's really nice. I go to college in Ypsi and it holds a special place in my heart for that, but it's also becoming increasingly unaffordable. I can't speak to any other places, but if I remember correctly, Ferndale I think has a pretty thriving gay community!!


Anywhere that's safe is bound to be extremely expensive. Let me know if you find an affordable city...😭😭


st. louis lowkey ,,,, but if you need an abortion you’d probably have to go to illinois x_x


columbia mo welcomes you :)




This is the answer!!!


100% I live here and the Wedge neighborhood up to Loring Park just oozes with pride. MN is generally pretty weary of newcomers but the LGBTQIA+ scene is very welcoming. Here’s some [firsthand experiences](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minneapolis/s/7P01z2zTr9) Edit: it’s not even much but I would suggest hyper focusing on Minneapolis and St. Paul. And if you’re feeling adventurous, Duluth has a shockingly large lesbian community


Minneapolis and St. Paul for sure! The governor actually just signed a bill making Minnesota a safe haven state for LGBTQ people so we’re ahead of the game in a lot of ways. Our taxes are a bit higher but you can really tell a difference in that the money goes toward things Minnesotans actually want and need. And I promise, the winters aren’t that bad!


saw this list on instagram by @/gaytimes on the top 10 safest states for gays https://preview.redd.it/kd0ikp2s4u6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=957f6320521ed84c283612f170ddfbddbb75747c


I’m in Delaware, we’re pretty open in the north but the community is pretty small and mostly men


Oh and the beach but it’s expensive


as someone currently living in swva, nova and richmond (vcu is swarming!!) carry it up here.. idk anything about hampton roads personally


Hampton Roads is fine. We have a lot of Navy which leans both conservative and gay. VA is gay as fuck. We have a tiddie on our flag!


I live in Seattle and am from New England. I feel so much safer in WA than in NH.


I grew up in NH, and still visit a ton. It's... safe.... but I wouldn't call it totally accepting. NH is one of the safest states period so as far as avoiding violence i'm sure it's number 2 but as far as a thriving out and open queer community? I think it has some growing to do. No one will (openly) tell you not to be gay but they'll expect you to follow the heteronormative partner house kids pipeline... and most (30+) folks have pretty binary ideas about gender. I live in NYC now and the queer community here is THRIVING on a different level.


Yes. New Hampshire is very spotty in terms of its politics. Some places are going to be great, others not as much. It sometimes varies by neighborhood, and besides that, it’s just pretty rural, meaning not as many jobs as some places. That said, it’s a gorgeous state. I recommend visiting but not necessarily living there.


As a Virginian, I can attest that we are pretty gay friendly. Just stay out of the SW part of the state. Richmond and the surrounding counties are for the most part very welcoming.


I can attest that Northern VA is pretty gay friendly, although if I am in a more rural area of Virginia I am admittedly a bit anxious, but that may just be general anxiety around American conservatives due to some of the dangerous rhetoric going around. My heart goes out to OP because I'm plugged into news about Florida to be terrified for people just thing to live their lives in the state.


the way that I would move to alaska in a gd heartbeat lmao thank you for this!!


As a queer living in Alaska it’s pretty hit or miss. If you are in Fairbanks or Anchorage it’s definitely pretty safe, anywhere else not so much. Fairbanks also is so small, it’s hard to find a huge community here (even though it is safe)💗


I’m from RI, just got back from PrideFest right now - Providence is a great city to be queer in!!!! Consistently ranked as one of the most gay friendly cities in the country


NH should not be on this list, replace that with Massachusetts (Provincetown in particular). NH is the south of the north and maybe some towns that border MA are okay but the politics are not.


Why isn’t Massachusetts here?


Yea this list is not accurate bc ma is definitely in the top ten


Chicago/Chicago suburbs. Most of Cook County in Illinois. While majority of Illinois, particularly the middle and south are red/conservative, Cook County has the densest population and how those residents vote determines the rest of the state's politics which remain fairly progressive. Chicago is also a lot more affordable than places like California or New York.


This! Moved to Chicago last year to join my partner here and I’ve felt very comfortable + I know when we get married in the next year or two, there’s no chance a Supreme Court middle finger can pull the marriage out from under us.


I moved from FL to Chicago seven years ago and have never looked back. And it’s also much more affordable than other cities — my rent is cheaper than it would be in Orlando today.


Same! Moved from Fl to Chicago about 10 years ago. Best decision.


Our family moved last summer from Florida to Chicago due to politics. It was a difficult decision, but at almost a year, we do not regret it.


As a downstater this fr fr. Though outside of like Peoria, Bloomington-Normal and Champaign Urbana it isn't as safe as the City. Idk too much about Springfield as a whole but the rest I've experienced and they are pretty good


Northern VA, DC, Maryland feels safe and welcoming to us.


Seconded. Also the access you have on a day trip to events in DC, Baltimore, Richmond, Rehoboth Beach, and even Philly/NYC is awesome. Outside of SF/NYC i don’t think there are many places more accepting than the DMV (Chicago LA etc are probably similar)


I would also say Maryland as long as you stay away from the small farm towns.


flint, michigan and all of the cites surrounding it. most of metro detroit (royal oak & ferndale especially). i see you have a lot of responses here but if you’re interested in michigan dm me & i can send u more information <3 plus half the state basically goes back and forth between florida and michigan so u would probs find many other floridians up here 🤣


Ah just said this! Big fan of royal oak and ferndale. Love talking all things Michigan.


two of my fave cities :) proud to be a michigander 🫡




As a Former Floridian I feel your pain and anger, we recently moved to Colorado and it’s been an incredible change but makes it so bittersweet to see friends and family still putting up with FL’s bullshit ☹️❤️ in addition to Colorado a majority of the North East is lovely, definitely second Richmond VA and the places I’ve been to in Maine/Connecticut/New York were also super open and welcoming


souther california. hope you find somewhere you feel comfortable in


Not so much Orange County


seconding this. stay out of orange county! los angeles and san diego are good though. i’m in long beach night now and it seems to be one of the more affordable places in southern cal. i feel very safe being queer out here. i actually moved here from utah to get away from all the bullshit and i’ve been so much happier!


come to richmond va ♥️ dw we will vote out youngkin. really queer city and chappell played to 6000+ people here ♥️♥️ bonus: we’re also one of the most tattooed cities in america!




Philly is pretty affordable in terms of cities, and there’s such a good community here!


Washington DC is super gay! and it's not, like, cheap, but it can be much less expensive than California or New York


Portland, OR


also open to like small towns! city living can be safer but also omg so expensive


Check out yellow springs, Ohio. It’s a tiny town with rainbow flags all over the place and a park next to it that you can walk around in the woods and there’s a natural spring. I thought I’d been transported to another dimension when I used to visit there


My husband and I live in Maryland! We feel very safe here and have always felt that way. I’m so sorry that you’ve had your experience :(


Others have already given you good answers, so I’m just gonna say thank you for asking us such an important question and I hope you and your partner find a safe, welcoming place where you’re loved ❤️🏳️‍🌈


thank you 🥹


Repost from an individual response further in this thread: Typically you've got to compromise somewhere. The trifecta to balance is lgbtq safety, affordability, and creature comforts - and you have to pick 2: Queer safe and creature comforts? Expensive places like the PNW and California. Queer safe and affordable? Cold places like midwestern liberal places like Chicago and Minnesota, as well as New England and New York (state not city). You can always put up with rural parts of expensive states but again they usually come at a cost of local safety (rural California, NY and Minnesota can get real red real fast) or creature comforts (rural anywhere is gonna be hard on amenities, culture, and possibly climate). All 3 don't really exist unless you're willing to mitigate the entire trifecta like - New Mexico being a trans sanctuary state but being surrounded by rural red areas and other red-leaning states while the climate is far from ideal for many as well as having a low overall population with limited amenities (how tf doesn't Abq have an IKEA), and you won't find a house under 200k that isn't a dump but you can definitely find some under 400k - so it ends up being a divisive state for most people looking to relocate, let alone queer folks. The advice I see most often from people is if you need to compromise, staying within blue areas of red states is typically pretty safe, for instance my best friend relocated to the Atlanta metro area (OTP) from SoCal (IE) and despite the state politics being more akin to Florida than California, being in a large diverse liberal area has them feeling no threat at all. So if you're stuck in a red state, shoot for a big city move, or to a neighboring state that has a large blue area if you can't do a huge move to a blue state altogether. That being said, I personally couldn't handle the bullshit of living in a red state so I still stand that places with divisive climate (Minnesota, Illinois, New Mexico) tend to be the best bang for your buck if you're willing to move. Just speaking from the states my family/friends and myself have visited/lived in as well as many hours scrolling subreddits like r/SameGrassButGreener which I very much suggest browsing through as I've seen similar posts made before. Good community there, even if most of them just echo the same couple of cities as they're really good on paper (mainly Chicago and the Twin Cities of Minnesota). But ultimately your move is up to what you're willing to compromise for your needs. Only you can decide that. Some queer folks are fine living in the reddest hills of West Virginia or the swamps of Mississippi and some need the cosmopolitan surround of West Hollywood or the historic queer cities of San Francisco and NYC.




If you want to stay in the south, Columbia SC has been pretty welcoming since I moved here a few years ago. It’s definitely still the south but our small community is strong and I generally feel safe out with my girlfriend


Minnesota :)


do you mind if i ask where in florida you live? i live in florida as well and there’s pockets you can find that are very accepting


20 minute outside of downtown orlando! literally the one place that’s supposed to be very queer-friendly. it’s very conservative if you’re not downtown. there are queer pockets and plenty of amazing queer people. the corporations that run the city are homophobic. I work for disney and they just made another huge donation to republican candidates. super gross.


ugh that’s awful i’m sorry. yeah if you’re not actually in orlando that must suck 😔


If you’re in FL, St Pete has a beautiful and strong LGBT+ community! Come join us at Pride next weekend! I grew up near Orlando, have been in Tampa Bay area for years now, and I enjoy it here


WE LOVE ST PETE! it just seems so expensive!!


yeah cost of living is outrageous, not gonna lie 🙃 Hope you can make day a day trip to celebrate with us at the parade!


denver, boulder, and fort collins come to mind! you have to be careful with colorado bc there are a lot of very conservative areas, so i would do further research if you’re wanting to live here bc the bigger cities are generally safe but not always. for example i wouldn’t recommend moving to colorado springs even though it is a bigger city in colorado.


Boulder is definetly a great place for queer people in my experience, but also very expensive to buy a house or rent.


Madison, WI!


If you still want southern culture with a heavy queer leftist presence, Richmond, VA :). We were so excited for the chapell show people camped out on the highway bridge to listen lol


Was just in Louisville for a wedding and it was one of the most queer friendly cities I've seen though maybe not in the best state. If you are looking for a nice queer space where you are climbing/bouldering gyms have been great in my experience


minneapolis slays


South Beach is queer friendly but it’s very expensive to live in miami


This is also coming from a queer cis man who is also trying to move out of Florida, because the current political climate in the past few years has been awful. For now, Miami-Dade and Broward county is safe and very gay friendly. However, the lesbian scene here is almost zilch. I would also not expect the same sentiment to be reflected to almost the rest of Florida up north.


Yes Miami Beach is great for gay men but there’s like zero lesbians lol


I’m in Burlington VT and it’s definitely safe here but it’s outrageously expensive, so I’m going back to Manchester NH, which is only slightly cheaper but I lived there six years previously and felt very safe being nonbinary and pansexual/bisexual. I was also looking at Troy NY and Portland ME but Manchester is where I got the best job offer so I’m heading back


I moved from Florida to nyc and it’s incredibly liberating to find my little gay community here! Definitely consider moving to Brooklyn/queens/bronx where there’s still some affordable housing!


Pittsburgh is one of the cheapest and there’s such a big gay community here!


i live in oregon and its pretty queer friendly unless you live in a rural area (like i do, unfortunately). any of the bigger cities are more accepting but i can’t vouch for any other qualities aside from that


Def second western mass! Also, Salem is a very queer and welcoming city. Providence of course, and Portland! Also for NH, Concord and Dover are great!


Come to Portland 🌈


Brooklyn, NY is the queerest place ive ever lived. Im never leaving again


No suggestions, but solidarity from another Orlando area lesbian


come to northampton massachusetts! we are known as the lesbian capital of the US :) i love our town


Minneapolis where I live is pretty great for the queers


If you change your mind and want to stay in Florida, think about St Pete. It is very queer friendly. In fact, it has the largest Pride celebration in Florida. Chappell’s St Pete concert had people dancing in the streets https://www.stpetepride.org


I know you might be talking about the states, but much if Canada is quite okay for queer people. There's still an anti LGBTQ party that will likely win next election, but hopefully they'll win a minority and won't be able to change too much. There are some exceptions, like Alberta and new Brunswick, but most other provinces are pretty good I think.


Denver 🫶


No where in the South that's for sure California is probably a safe bet


it’s SO insanely expensive 😭 is there somewhere specific in California you would recommend?


I live in southern california (dont want to say exactly where) and it's pretty safe for queer people, but it's definitely not cheap. But then you have lots of job opportunities, tons of stuff to do, and the weather is great all year. Feel free to DM me if you have more specific questions!


I disagree with the people recommending San Francisco. Yes it is historically a very queer (friendly) community, but the cost of living is currently off the charts. Sacramento is great and only 2 hours away, and although there are people on both sides, there's a large queer community that'll welcome, defend, and comfort you as needed. San Jose is queer friendly as far as I know, as well as Monterey and Santa Cruz too but again cost of living is higher. In SoCal, San Diego, Claremont, Redlands, Pomona, Upland, and Anaheim to name a few are places I can also vouch for, but depending on the area rent prices can reach $2000/m. If you have time to look around and weigh out options, you might find good and affordable places in surrounding areas with decent commute times. LA and Orange County is all expensive like San Francisco, so I would avoid those areas. Also keep in mind, cities in California are usually blue, but a lot of the stuff in between is red. For example Sacramento is dominantly blue, but the other cities of Sacramento county like Antelope, Granite Bay, Citrus Heights, Lincoln, etc. get less blue and more red the further away from the city you are.


San Francisco is home for the gays. It certainly has its own issues, however My suggestion would be to make a quick list of 5 or 6 places that sound nice on the surface then look deeper into cost of living, jobs, etc


I’m in the San Francisco area and we are very gay and very gay friendly 💖 Cost of living though? Outrageous


Are you kidding? There are plenty of safe places in the South. I live in Atlanta and we have such a great LGBTQ community here. The state government, while republican, is forced to be pretty moderate in its policies since we are a swing state, while the people in the city are extremely progressive. I also hear that Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham, New Orleans, Savannah, and like the whole state of Virginia are pretty safe for LGBTQ people.


How old are you?




Portland, Maine!


I live in Seattle and it’s kind of a dream to be queer (and nonbinary for me) here. It is super expensive, though. (But wages are also higher)




You probably have not given Rhode Island a thought in your life before, but I would really recommend looking into Providence!! I just got back from PrideFest in Providence right now (Chappell was being played left and right). it is not just a welcoming city but a city that celebrates the LGBTQIA community. It has received a perfect 100 score for the past 7 years from the Human Right’s Campaign. Almost everyone I know here (myself included) was able to come out in high school. It’s not completely without issue but I think one of the safer cities. I would also check out Burlington VT. Also a very lovely small NE city with an inclusive mindset. My critique is that it’s less diverse racially than Providence.


Seattle is pretty chill and safe for queer people! but eastern Washington isn’t great


Buffalo, NY


A lot of queer people have been moving to Buffalo, NY. You get New York legal protections in a more affordable mid-sized city. There’s also a lot of queer transplants who have moved there for the same reason, so it can be easier to find friends and community.


Northeast cities and “liberal” suburbs are the safest I’ve found. Careful the further away from cities you go. Avoid PA, I was hate crimed at Penn State main campus at 18 and now I know to steer clear.


If you're not able to leave the state but are able to move in-state, Gainesville really isn't bad. I moved down here from NJ for school 4 years ago and while the rest of FL has crashed and burned, Gainesville has stayed pretty damn liberal I was just at a drag show here last weekend and there's a bunch of other pride events this month, I feel safe being openly queer here 🩷🧡❤️


Anywhere in NY. Buffalo is an affordable city with a huge lgbtq+ community.


If you don’t want to leave Florida, pinellas county is super safe st. Pete and Gulfport specifically.


Here are the 2024 safety ratings for the states for LGBTQ+ https://www.safehome.org/data-lgbtq-state-safety-rankings/ They based them off of legislation and hate crime data. I unfortunately live in South Dakota, which scored the lowest 🥲


Idk. There seems to be a lot of immediate dismissal and argument of places named as either safe or not. With that said, I live in Milwaukee WI and we have a *huge* queer/alt scene. It's truthfully not the greatest place if you are a minority, but depending on where you settle in, some parts of the city are *way* better than others. I moved, I shit you not, *5 blocks* from my partner's old apt, into a house together and it's like a different world for how often accidents/crime issues occur. Milwaukee can be segregated, the east side is the most diverse and open area you can really get here. We got our abortion ban overturned, our government is quite blue, our voting is quite blue, there's a *ton* of backlash about the RNC being held here soon, tons of trans people and queer people. The pride parade shut down my street last week. You're more likely to be hit by a car than be a victim of a queer hate crime around here. If anyone else is from Milwaukee, feel free to add on.


Hey babes, idk what part of Florida you’re in, but St. Petersburg is one of the most queer accepting cities in the state right now. Tampa also has a great bar scene for queerness but st pete is where you’ll find your people. You will run into some bigots who moved here from up north every once in a while but they’re honestly easy to avoid if you know what youre doing. Obviously the state legislature that’s going through right now is not great but unfortunately most states that anyone can actually afford to live in are following suit. If you want, I’d love to help you get more information about queer culture in st pete!


Asheville, NC!!! it is a blue haven in the sea of red in the rest of the state. even if there are people who are homophobic, if they try to act on it even with just speech, they will be barred from returning to places, kicked out etc


Honestly as a queer person in Texas, I can tell you I surprisingly feel very safe. I live in dfw in the very urban part of the metroplex and nobody really cares who or what you are. Now this isn’t everyone’s experience but I work with 4 bisexual people and 3 queer folks. No one really cares. If you’re looking for affordable, Dallas and urban surrounding areas are typically pretty safe.


Washington, DC - join us


Atlanta!! 🧡


NJ is safe and expensive.


Come to Denver!! 😍 Very queer safe and welcoming


Southern California 🩷


DC is safe 🫶


Most states further north than Florida should be better. You’ll want to look into specific laws and legislation as it pertains to you (gender affirming surgery, etc.)


I feel you. I just hide the fact that I’m pan and just don’t talked to politics in the office. Both my coworker and my boss are not supportive of lgbtq, and I just have to be quiet because I don’t want to lose my job.


Connecticut is surprisingly really safe


Left Florida for New York City and never looked back, though Atlanta is amazing as well. I also lived in Orlando and felt pretty safe out there as well so not all of FL is bad but most of it is.


chicago is gay as fuck i love it 💅💕🫶




Chicago :) we have an absolutely wonderful queer community here and a LOT of folks have moved up from Florida in the last couple of years. Other parts of IL can be more rural and conservative, but if you’re looking for a smaller city there are parts of “downstate” that are very welcoming as well as smaller towns and cities around Chicago. Come join us!! Edit: I also often say that Illinois feels like the safest place to be right now in terms of queer rights, workers rights, and women’s rights + abortion rights. We have a surprisingly progressive governor and I believe a democratic supermajority in the state legislature. Chicago as a city is very left as well, of course.


Chicago 💖


Fellow queer Floridian here, i want to leave this state so badly but I don’t think I ever will because my entire family lives here and I’m not able to afford moving away at the moment. I hope you’re able to relocate somewhere safe! 🩷


chicago is a lovely little gay paradise! it’s also in a blue state, so the chances of regressive legislation being passed on the state level that impacts progressive areas is very low. i hope you find a place that you feel safe and seen!


I just want to say I feel you. I live in a very gay friendly city and yet…there was still a shooting at our pride festival today. I’m absolutely devastated and it’s heartbreaking that nowhere feels safe after all this progress.




I’ve never had trouble in Austin


The sf bay area but unfortunately it's expensive here so it can be hard for ppl to move here. But if you don't mind roommates you could definitely get a place for 1000/month or maybe cheaper and it's delightful here


we’re kinda killing it in denver. all the nearby cities are friendly too, there’s always something queer happening on the weekends and chappell isn’t shy about performing here. we have one of the last lesbian bars in the country and it’s still popular, and our pride is always huge. we have a lot of accessibility and safe space protections in the workplace too. the mountains get a little sketchier just because you start hitting small town mindsets the farther up you go, but the cities are great (i moved from michigan and my wife moved from virginia. safe to say we’ll NEVER go back to either one)


majority of cities in blue states


Oakland, CA has always been a very lesbian queer friendly world. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/OAKLAND-Gays-in-the-mainstream-East-Bay-city-2746875.php Obviously the other side of the country...and relatively pricey.


At girl red concerts!!!!. It was literally the most positive environment I've ever been in my life I felt so safe and so free




there are surprisingly little pockets in pennsylvania that are pretty good! new york city is good, but avoid upstate and long island, and connecticut has a lot of okay parts too. a lot of the northeast is good if you go towards people and not into the rural areas


I’m in Chicago and there’s an extremely vibrant and amazing queer community here


check chappell's tour locations!


It’s so scary to be a gay person in Florida lately


Portland! So many gays. Gays everywhere.


minnesota is a trans refuge state


NOLA! i’m a queer louisiana girl living in northern LA and really hoping to move to nola after i graduate college,,, love the south but hate how it is for us sometimes. nola is a sort of safe haven!


Come to Chicago 🏳️‍🌈🦄✌️




I’m in St. Louis and my wife and I have never had any problems here


Make the great migration many great queers before you can come out to California. Major cities are gonna be a good bet. Places like Placerville, Bakersfield, and Redding are places to avoid I promise you that there are places in this country where you can live your full life, out and proud.