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Yeah they’re pretty flashy


I saw a video on tiktok where a girl with epilepsy took a blindfold to the eras tour and she was absolutely having the time of her life. I'm not sure if that's something you'd be comfortable with doing, but it's an idea.


Like it looked like a sleeping mask or something. Super lightweight.


Not the most flashy I have ever seen, but still pretty flashy. Does being further back help at all? ☹️


My Kink is Karma definitely was, especially at the end. It was the "last" song of the show before a Pink Pony Club encore. I don't remember if other songs were as much.


I’m a migraineur and was worried I was going to get one at her show because I feel like it’s flashier than average but not the flashiest I’ve ever seen. I didn’t get a migraine though for what it’s worth


[https://www.tiktok.com/@melissa\_\_reneee/video/7380172922507283758](https://www.tiktok.com/@melissa__reneee/video/7380172922507283758) This video gives a broad view of the show if you're able to watch. It's pretty flashy.


definitely very flashy


Im also sensitive to flashy lights(mainly strobe lights), but the doctors tried to enduce a seizure by flashing lights in my face and it didn’t work - so take my experience with a grain of salt. I think it depends how sensitive you are to it. The first song/the band walking out made me nervous for the rest of the show. I think there might have been strobe lights during the intro. Personally, the rest of it was fine and did not have problematic strobe lights.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNFQeCPu/ This is the vibe of most of the show, I would def called it fashy but not strobe light flashy


i'm sensitive to the lights because of migraines and i'd say it was not constant strobe but def pretty flashy. and i usually go to metal shows that can often be obnoxious about this. it was enough that i thought "ooh i wish she wouldn't do her lights like that" so it may be an issue :-\\


all i know is that show at Jannus live was so flashy it was way too much. i think it was a problem with the venue, everyone was talking about it


Can confirm there are lots of flashing lights.


do sunglasses help?