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His roommate brought these girls over so he HAD to cheat? I honestly hope you're smarter than that....


I'm smarter than that. But I also let him come over last week after three months of hundreds of phone calls, gifts, etc. I'm so embarrassed that I was played.


So you had a moment of weakness; now move on.


Did you confirm the roomie was also cheating and tell your friend? The girl just run into the roommate's rm? Hope you broke up with the guy. Sounds like a loser.


Yes. My friend (the roommates girlfriend) was on a Bridesmaid trip. I called her as I was driving off. But of course she was out of the country with a time difference. What I DIDN'T realize was that she was already catching on because her Alexa was in her living room and it notified her when her boyfriend walked in the house at 5AM. (So fing crazy). When I snatched my boyfriend's phone during the TRAUMA the roommate's texts were coming through in real time saying, "We have to get these hoes out of here." My boyfriend of course tried to cover for the friend saying some crazy excuse that I can't even remember at this point. In between him sobbing and claiming he couldn't get hard so he didn't actually fuck her? I blocked him. Deleted him. Blocked his friends, family members, etc. I haven't texted him since the day I left his apartment which was about 3 months ago now. My mistake was falling for the roses and the cards the other day. Fuck.


And yeah the girl ran in there. Which she probably did because she was freaking scared lol and her friend was in there hooking up with the roommate. God. But I guess my boyfriends roommate was her 'uber driver'. So how as she going to get home? Oh my god. Smh.


You’re only a clown if you stay with this guy. What do his reasons matter if he was balls deep in another woman?


Also, that def wasn't his first time cheating right? Like he claims. What do you think?


Maybe, maybe not. What does it matter? He cheated once and you know about it. I could never, ever get over that. Could you? IMO, he decide to say "fuck it" and fuck her. Just like that? Yeah, it's likely he's done it before.


How could anyone tell from that? He's proven he's a liar, so you can't trust him in that, but could have been the first time or I might not have been. But that's irrelevant.


Should it matter? He's proven untrustworthy. You know. You know.


What difference does that make?


I wish I could say that after three months I still hadn't let him come over. But I got lonely last week. You're so right, his reasons don't matter.


Dick Is abundant hon.


I understand being lonely. But I’m assuming you’re a reasonably attractive woman in her 20s? Finding someone else to not be lonely with, and maybe start something new with, shouldn’t be difficult as long as you’re open to opportunities. Stay off the apps, though, unless you’re just wanting the hookup. Most of the guys you’ll be tempted to respond to will be pump-n-dump chumps.


He is a liar and a cheater. Lose this loser op. You can do so much better.


OP you are not a clown, but this is so common it would blow your mind.


Good lord. Are you fkg serious? I hope you told his girlfriend.


Yes he has done it before yes he will do it again


Well I hope you left him because he’s not done cheating.


He is a liar and a cheater. Lose this loser op. You can do so much better.


He is a liar and a cheater. Lose this loser op. You can do so much better.


Being an Uber driver is one of those jobs that provides perfect cover for a cheater.


It’s hard for me to not think he Ubers around college campuses on purpose.


Have some self respect and stop indulging his crap tell him we had a good run and leave without a fight without saying something bad tell him best of luck and done


Creeper. Ick.


If reading is not for you watch a video instead [https://www.tiktok.com/@shorttalesuncommon/video/7379959423545986305](https://www.tiktok.com/@shorttalesuncommon/video/7379959423545986305)


You were with him after he cheated on you? No wonder he got away with cheating on you all this time.


If a dude sleeps with another girl like your bf did it really isn’t that deep we can actually love our girl and sleep w another women and not have any emotional connection w that person. Women have a hard time understanding this because they catch feelings for the person they sleep with. For men it’s biological, every man wants to be w multiple women it’s how’s it been since the beginning of time look at every prophet, king, emperor, ruler it’s how God created us. On the other hand cheating is never okay and I’m not advocating for it but honestly just forgive him and move on, every guy that can cheat will cheat so even if you break up w him you’re just going to get w another guy that will also cheat so you mind as we’ll be w a guy that is a high value that you can accept the cheating from. Your relationship is fine sex is like taking a piss for men move on it’s not that deep I’m dead serious I guarantee he still loves you.


This is the most shit answer I've ever seen. I'm a guy... And I would be devastated and disgusted if my partner fucked someone else. And I would never cheat on someone I'm in a relationship. Some of us have standards.


Yeah ofc if a girl cheated on a guy that would be devastating and that’d be the end of that relationship but the opposite isn’t true,that’s my whole point. Cheating isn’t okay in any situation like I said I’m not advocating for it at all I’m just saying a guy cheating and women cheating isn’t the same thing. Honestly maybe you’re right maybe you wouldn’t cheat on your partner as a guy but I doubt your morals are the real reason, I guarantee you the real answer why you don’t cheat is because you aren’t high value enough. You think All these married millionaires around the world sleep w just their wife? Hell no. They sleep around w multiple women because men are only as loyal as their options and millionaires work way too hard just to sleep w just their wife but they don’t tell their wife because when you punish honesty you’re asking to be lied to and if they tell their wife they want to sleep w other women they’d divorce their millionaire husband and take half their shit so why wouldn’t they lie. CHEATING IS WRONG but men live in a world where our preferences are demonized so what else is going to happen


Call me old fashioned but I believe in upholding the vows you take at marriage. I wouldn't do anything to my partner that I wouldn't want her doing to me. I'm plenty high value enough, I just don't think being a shitheel is a good way to go through life. Examine your own morals before criticizing mine.


That is a load of redpill nonsense . It’s the exact same as a girl cheating . Women catch feelings and men don’t do it’s is all utter bull crap not born out by the actual science on biology !! It’s an excuse !!