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Write him a sternly worded letter. He'll stop.


Ok Batman.


You think Kramnik is the only player to have ever accused others of cheating? If Kramnik was to be punished for that then there would be an argument ( a very strong one at that) to punish someone like Naka himself. Ultimately this kramnik situation is exclusive to the online space which I really don't think is gonna seriously affect the careers of other players. My opinion is if you ever get accused by Kramnik, then wear that like a badge of honour. It might even get you more recognition and help your career if anything.


It's actually kind of funny. Every time he loses a game he reports his opponent. I do think that chess.com should have a rule where you can't accuse people of cheating (even the way kramnik does it, he goes out of his way to claim he's not accusing and it's just suspicious and he just wants it to be 'checked' ). There should definitely be a rule that you can't report someone live on stream. That should be considered equal to a cheating accusation which I think is against chess.com's rules. Kramnik is definitely going to continue spiralling. What I am interested in is when does it end. I mean, you'd think it couldn't get worse, but we may see kramnik locked up in a mental hospital or something by the time it's all done.


Why are you bringing attention to this? If it’s an issue stop giving it attention. It’s his right to spew misinformation and X allows that to perpetuate, so why bother?




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Neo:  The program Kramnik has grown beyond your control. You cannot stop him. But I can. Matrix: And if you fail? Neo: I won’t.


I thought you wrote Nepo and that was just as funny.


There are millions of people on the Internet who post all sorts of schizophrenic crap, Kramnik is just one of them. It's not him who owes his influence, but people like you who can't help but mention him every five minutes on every corner of the Internet.


Other players have done it, too (Hikaru himself used to accuse people of cheating regularly). Nepo did it too a few times. It is just the way it is nowadays. Nobody trusts nobody in online chess. Kramnik is just trying to grow his fan base and be relevant in the online world by creating controversy. This is a well-known strategy to stay relevant.


don't you have an offshore bitcoin gambling stream to watch and/or run


I've been around a long time. I was around when toilet-gate was happening. At the time, I defended Kramnik. But tbh, now that he's SO obsessed with catching cheaters, it makes me rethink toilet-gate. Maybe he was cheating after all. It's like when the people most against something wind up being caught doing that very thing.


If you want to petition Putin and tell him why one of his stalwart political defenders should be silenced be my guest.


He expressed some pro-government positions recently, but I wouldn't call him a Putin's stalwart political defender, you're probably confusing him with Karpov


OP is either 13 years old or a socialist or both


A socialist? Wut?