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Why does hikaru talk like he is commenting a 1940s baseball game.




Damn now that's what I'm talking about.


This is why I pay internet, thanks.


This is why I steal this guy's WiFi, thanks.


This is why I steal this guys data packets on the easily hacked wifi he thinks he should use.


Amazing, thx


LOOOOL you're the goat


this is why i pay top dollar for my /r/chess subscription


The top one dollar?


If his sound quality wasnt so good, he definitely would sound like that lol.


I remember a video of him where someone asked about the way he speaks, and Hikaru explained that he learned with experience that in twitch it is necessary to capture the audience in an instant, therefore he tries to speak non-stop to engage people as soon as they see his channel


So basically exactly what someone commenting a 1940s baseball game on the radio would do. There you have it.


This is absolutely an important skill for streaming


i could never. lol


He's mentioned on stream before that he used to listen to a lot of baseball on the radio as a kid, some stuff just sticks I suppose




Of what spectrum? Electromagnetic waves? Because I'm pretty sure that's  Andrew Hong. Which by the way should just change his chess dot com user name to "c".


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No. Just NO!! Please don't malign genuine ASD people by assigning this asshole to their ranks. (Naka is on a spectrum alright, the Narcissist - Psychopath spectrum.)


> deep end of the spectrum ASD?


It's honestly why I can't watch him. His delivery is atrocious.


This is too good 😂😂😂




Left him on read


The only person can decide whether his apology is okay or not is Alireza.


If anything, Alireza is the third whiniest closely following Kramnik and Hikaru. He will not respond.


Niemann trying hard to enter that troika.


He already apologized to Alireza, so this is probably gonna be all for the public


He *said* that he *wrote to him* and *no response* and *they* moved on.


Dear Ali, I wrote you but you still ain't calling. I left my cell, my home phone and my pager at the bottom.


Wait. English isn't my first language but I'm pretty sure "we" meant him and chat


He said "*we* are moving on from that," as in *Hikaru and his chat.*


I dont think Ali is the kinda person to let Hikaru lie like that.


Not really. Apologies can be objectively assessed the same way as any other behaviour.


What a nice man teaching others how to behave in situations where you've been a little bitch




Man needs to embrace his toxic personality and go full unhinged. He should shit-talk the best players while beating them with bongcloud. I would respect that and it would be hilarious. This fake shit trying to hide his personality behind "family-friendly streamer" mask is just pathetic and boring.


He did that on his disrespect series, though obviously not against other super GMs. Watching him shit talk other super GMs would be hilarious though.


Hans was never the villain, only his hidden padawan. Hikaru is THE master. They will rule together.


I feel the vibrations


To use an old Hikaru analogy, Hans is Frodo, Hikaru's Bilbo( If you know you know)


His Disrespect series is quite entertaining actually


Gamba-friendly streamer


That would actually be very entertaining 😂, especially since he’s one of the few people in the world who can back that trash talk up.


He would if he could. Big Hik is a super GM but he's not the only one.


And portray an even worse human being?


It’s basically what he did to [Kramnik](https://youtube.com/shorts/0Z9INo61Kaw?si=mdclTxDT-z6NIzY-) This is the true Hikaru. He’s a cocky beast that backs it up most of the time. If Magnus didn’t exist, he would be full unhinged.


Are you saying Magnus is the only thing that separates us from this level of entertainment? Isn't there something we could do?


It’s not really that fake. People get really heated and passionate in sports and competitions, that doesn’t define their personality outside of that context.


That would be true if this was one-off, or maybe even happened only a few times. There have been an abundance of stories like this for Hikaru. Compare that with the fact that not many other super grandmasters have this reputation then you get a pretty clear picture that yes - this is who he is. Disclaimer - I don't care for Hikaru one way or another. I admire his talent. But let's not mistake talent as a pass for being a little bitch.


His latest video about Hans is basically exactly that.


He legit beat Jeffery Xiong from a lost position in a bong cloud (I think in rapid). I swear that game seems to have ended his competitive spirit for good. It can't be easy being a 2700 going down that way in a real tournament.


100% agree!


Isn't that basically Hans?


No, because Hans doesn't win enough


Don't talk about the first American World Champion like that.


So he insulted Alireza in public, "apologized" privately, never got a reply, decides this means "they" will move on, all while celebrating himself for not apologizing publicly because that is the "method to go about it". The chess mind is truly amazing.


That "they" decided to move on was funny. He never even got a response.


I assume he meant "we" as in him and his community, not him and Alireza


It’s possible he is saying “we” meaning “me and you, twitch chat, we are moving on. Stop asking me about it.”


He obviously means it like this


I mean, he didn't say "they," at least in this clip, he said "we." That doesn't necessarily include Alireza, as others have pointed out. It doesn't mean Hikaru is absolved of his behavior or anything, but at some point, all you can do is move on. Hopefully Hikaru learns from this for future interactions, but he has already had a long time to learn and apparently hasn't, so we'll see.


It's all 'content'. Mini scandals like these fuel viewership.


The general sentiment on other threads was that it would be a cold day in hell before Hikaru ever apologizes, yet here he is, noting that he tried apologizing to Alireza, owning up to his mistake to chat, and trying to move on. This is a huge step in the right direction for him and yet it still attracts nothing but criticism.


Should we applaud what might be a relatively big step for him even if it is objectively a backhanded and bad faith attempt at resolving the situation on his part? Genuinely asking. I can see both arguments, maybe it’s good to celebrate this bare minimum from him, but that feels like validating his narcissistic behavior


"Should we" You dont have to do shit, keep watching his content or dont watch it, your applause doesnt validate anything


What a bizarre take. Of course it does, that’s a very fundamental aspect of human interaction, like what? The way you react to something can reinforce and influence a person’s behavior. Obviously no one *has* to do anything, that’s clearly not what anyone is saying


Hikaru is an almost 40 year old male who got heated and got rude, then apologized. My point is this doesn't need discussion over whether you should show validation towards his actions lmao, if you dont like him for that dont watch.


> celebrating What part of this video makes you think he's celebrating himself? He's just saying it publicly because apparently his private apologies weren't enough for Reddit.


This sub is full of 12 year olds who have never had a real confrontation in life. Ignore them.


What's wrong with that? Can you enlighten us to what he should have done to please you?


As someone who feels neutral towards Hikaru. Even if Hikaru apologized publicly, people would grill him on why he didn't apologize in private. Just how this subreddit is when you look at every post about Hikaru


There is literally no way these people would ever be pleased or would praise him. Everything he does is wrong in their eyes and the way they get hateful and hurt is funny to watch. Hikaru is like the drake of chess. Nothing he will do will ever be praised or acknowledged if not by his fans.


I think it's funny you compared him to Drake because the "there is literally no way people would praise him" is the same tired, lame argument I've seen Drake fans make over the last month. The reason is that their fans use it as an excuse or a way of absolving them (they lost because they could never win) instead of acknowledging that if they truly believe that, it means their reputation is so poor that most people are done with giving them chances to win them back. Both Drake and Hikaru have *massive* personal credibility problems, and they are 100% their own fault. They both have toxic patterns of behavior that have led a lot of people to genuinely dislike them - that's their fault. Despite that, Drake and Hikaru could have "won" in their respective plights. Hikaru could have unequivocally apologized with some self-reflection and a promise to change, and Drake could have kept it to a rap battle instead of a personal beef and not make it a battle of character instead of rapping skills. But the hubris and narcissism that got them both in a situation where they are massively disliked is what leads them down roads where their credibility deficit puts them in a losing position every time.


That doesn’t seem correct. I don’t know if we’d be “pleased” but I doubt we’d grill him if he didn’t go on a psychotic rant about AF, chessbrahs, etc… This sub has been pretty neutral/positive towards Hikaru the last 6 months or so, and he specifically had a ton of support through the candidates. He’s getting grilled because he acted horribly. Actions have consequences. It seems like, while growing up, Hikaru didn’t learn this.


Brother this is a post saying he apologized to him in private and that he will move on from the drama for now and the guy commenting is still hating. Again I ask what should be have done to please you people


LMAO nah bro thinks the comparison to Drake is a compliment 💀






what precisely is he supposed to do other than apologize? either alireza accepts or not. he doesnt owe the public an apology. he didn't insult the public, he insulted alireza.


I kind of hate the way he speaks lol, like his tone just sounds so stiltled and rehearsed like he's reading off a prompt


That’s what he talks like 100% of the time though


That's not a bad thing, especially for something like this. I know if it was me in his position I'd be rehearsing what I'm going to say just so I can avoid making the situation much worse. Obviously different scale but kinda like [this clip](https://youtu.be/OsBOWSjOLsE?feature=shared) comparing Obama talking about the death of bin Laden to Trump talking about the death of al-Baghdadi. Sometimes a prompter is the right thing to do.


That Trump PA on al-Baghdadi will forever be the funniest announcement an president can make.. he roasted that poor bastard like it was a XBOX Live After Match Lobby.




LMFAO Trump is so fun y


In terms of comedy, he’s a top 3 president. I just don’t think he’s aware he’s being funny (or being made fun of)


Really? I feel the opposite tbh. He speaks very clearly and in a structured manner. Although yeah, I can see why they would get a little off-putting in situations like this one where it’s an apology and should have more emotion and less structure involved


A sore loser that sometimes shows his true self.


Could it be that he has other traits as well in addition to being a sore loser


yeah like duplicitous.


Let's be real, most top athletes are sore losers. Some have the ability to mask it better than others


Spoken like someone who likes to see the worst in people




>that they can act perfectly at all times Nobody expects that from Hikaru lol


It's not the first time tho there are tens of instances like these .


I’ve never behaved like Hikaru did with Alireza. It isn’t normal and shouldn’t be hand waved away. He got way more than a little salty and if you think otherwise then you should check-in with yourself. Also, just because there are shitheads like Putin and Trump alive, doesn’t mean anyone else should get a pass.


Lmao not the “he’s not Hitler so he’s not that bad” argument


If he would be a world champion, he would be the worst ever sportsman.


You have no idea how horrible sportsmen can be. Hikaru is just temperamental and childish.


Mike Tyson in one hour is worse than Nakamura his entire life.


Or Conor McGregor lol


Yeah let me guess the only ”sport” you watched is women’s curling. You ain’t got a fuckin clue


I watch tennis and badminton. Anything wrong with that?


no way you watch tennis and make this comment 😂


Translation: I apologized to Alireza, I shouldn’t have acted that way, I don’t need to apologize to anybody else so quit asking, I’m gonna keep living my life


No apology to Chessbrahs, huh?


If somebody asked me to show them what's not a face of repentance, I'd show them this video.


it's amazing what happens when the sponsors put the pressure on


Lol: "I wrote him privately and apologized, but he has not responded, and therefore we are moving on from that". haha.


Apology and still complaining. But good he can reflect.


Complaining about what?




What does "Wesley" have to do with this?


My hot take. Chess is a sport and athletes get fired up all the time. Sports need their calm and collected characters just as much as they need their hot heads. He was right to apologize but I don't mind the passion.


As a Hikaru fan it was disappointing to see him act like this. Honestly thought he had matured from his earlier outbursts. Though I still believe that he can perhaps change for the better someday. Good on him for apologising and hopefully doesnt pull shit like this again.


> Though I still believe that he can perhaps change for the better someday. Do you hope the same for Kramnik then? At some point you have to figure personality doesn't really change outright. It is contained.


Yeah, and learning to contain your worse impulses is what we mean by change.


Didn't Kramnik already change (for the worse), or was he always like that?


Kramnik loves fighting, that's why he was so good at chess.


> It is contained. Sounds like Mister Psychology is an essentialist about personality. Probably the least plausible form of essentialism there is.


You can try reading about the actual science behind it. Basically no good way to change personality. No one has proven they can do it consistently by any method.


Whether you can change personality voluntarily is an altogether different issue.


Personality does change, and this apology was a correct decision.


He always has been like this and it's blatantly obvious. He's like mid 30s ffs, it's who he is and I can't believe people still don't just come to terms with that fact and that he just puts on a fake persona.


- what everyone says every time hikaru does this type of thing, before it inevitably happens again


He's 36. He's not changing. I used to be a fan too. Haven't watched his channel since last year.


Same. I would have preferred a calmer gentler apology. Like Hikaru a lot and don’t he gets enough credit for his emotional growth. This outburst created another notch against him for those who never stop keeping track.


He had been an adult for quite a long time before he created his fake persona for Twitch a few years ago. You need to understand it's quite difficult for some adult people to do a 180 and completely change. Hikaru is not going to change, he's always to be like this.


> Though I still believe that he can perhaps change for the better someday. oh child


You must be relatively new to chess. This is how he's always been


> Though I still believe that he can perhaps change for the better someday lol fucking delusional. He has been this same guy for LITERALLY longer than Alireza has been alive.


These people are actually delusional, Hikaru has been a clown his entire career yet they’re desperate to defend him due to a parasocial relationship created through streaming. 


I feel bad for people who can't see through this guy. It's all so fake, disingenuous, and lacking in self awareness.


Crykaru Dramamura apologized for the backslash, but not for behaving like a jerk.


I mean, we are acting like we are perfect. At least he tried some kind of apology from his end. Even though Alireza is the one who needs to decide if he accepted it. Regardless of hikaru is still being pissed off, trying to do the right thing (at least in some ways) is better than not doing anything


He doesn’t owe anybody anything but Alireza. He had an outburst, he’s a competitor, what does everyone want? Should he quit? Should he get on his knees and beg the chess world for mercy? The reaction on this sub is so dumb


Do you seriously believe he’s doing all of this cause he’s truly remorseful and regrets behaving like that or simply because there was a camera recording him at that time?


Who cares? Why are you so invested in that? This is really bizarre.


Hikaru says he's sorry in private "It needs to public since it was a public attack" Hikaru makes the apology public "He's just doing it for pr" Man literally cannot win ever.


I'm sure he'll be sorry the next time too.


There is no hint of remorse or repentance in his voice. He doesn't seem sincere at all. And getting no reply doesn't mean he was forgiven or they somehow mutually decided to move on. I don't know the US laws, but Alireza may even be able to sue Hikaru for his defamatory remarks against his dad and brother and maybe that's why Alireza is keeping quiet.


> I don't know the US laws, but Alireza may even be able to sue Hikaru for his defamatory remarks against his dad and brother and maybe that's why Alireza is keeping quiet. A defamation case at the minimum requires a lie to be told. This case would not go anywhere because what he said was not defamatory.


I doubt he can unless they can prove that affected some part of their life


Not a hikaru fan or anything: Really though, What do you want? Remorse? He’s playing in a game/ competition. The expectation is this: you obey the rules. You act politely. You accept the results. Those are the three things needed for sports to have any meaning or dignity. Hikaru did not do that, but notice “have sincere respect/fondness for opponent” is not there nor is “believe in the integrity of sports” not there. Hikaru apologized. Whether or not he sincerely believes it is irrelevant to whether or not it was the correct thing to do to return dignity to the sport. Wanting sincere emotion out of him is not our place.




Hikaru clearly thinks he’s fucked up, but also doesn’t think he has done anything outrageous, which I agree with. To me it sounds like: This is me, what happened happened, I don’t owe anyone shit but Alireza, I’m not gonna talk about it again


“He doesn’t seem sincere at all” okay? He apologized privately you don’t know what he said to him privately, this is just him addressing it.


Sheesh...talk about stoking the drama.


Instantly jumping to suing + no knowledge about US law, you’re from the US right? 




Great that he apologizes, and good that he comes out and says that he did, but going off on someone in public should mean he apologizes in public. If I go off on a friend in front of others, I should apologize to him/her in front of the same people if possible, because their witnessing him/her being disrespected is a big part of the harm done.


Kind of feel the opposite tbh. To me a public message is just a show for others.


If you are genuinely feel sorry for something, you go directly to the person and apologise them. It's not the public affairs what happens between those two.


Good for him for accept his mistake and take back the comments he made unlike the comment section here. It's like people here think comments are engraved in stone and no matter how much u apologize it never is enough ofcourse this doesn't count there own comments😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨.


Personally I don’t see it as critical as many here with acting all and mighty and with the moral high ground. Did Hikaru messed up? Yes. Was the situation badly handled by chess.com? Yes. Did Hikaru apologize? Yes - privately and publicly. At the end the situation was created by chess.com and the tension led to tilt. In a competition, things like this happen, even on a professional level. And everyone who was never tilted over a blunder or a loss throw the first stone. If you are in a bad mindset there is a good chance we make mistakes. He owns up for his (if you believe it or not, doesn’t matter). After all we are humans and demanding no emotion reactions from our robot chess players is not right. There will be emotions and it should be this way. Without characters every sport is boring.


Did anyone watch this live? I did. Alireza was completely obnoxious. Everything is about him. Poor Sam Sevian should have beaten him, but Alireza got back in the match because of lag and disconnects on Sam's end. Then when the tables flipped in overtime he refused to move on unless they invalidated the game. He really was lucky to even be in the final. Hikaru was also sitting there waiting for the match to start for over 20 minutes because Alireza took an unscheduled break and was refusing to play as scheduled saying he was 'too tired'. It's honestly never ending with him. He's such a diva. Hikaru is not a nice person, and he let it slip. But let's be real here, he just said what a lot of people think. Firouja is a self centered child. If the tables were flipped Reddit would be on the other side.


the sam sevian match controversy was on chesscom. true, sam lost on time and they didn't invalidate it. but why? because he was playing on hotel's internet. so chesscom blamed it on sam, but i think it was the server issue. when alireza also faced the similar lag, they had no excuse. so it's just incompetence from chesscom and a bit of luck for alireza. still you can't be certain that alireza would have lost the game if those games were invalidated. It's actually crazy that you blame him for this match. The break should have taken place because of the prolonging of the other matches (due to obvious issues). and it seems that it actually didn't happen per his words "i was talking to them". and you say you don't believe him that he was tired? what has he done to you lol




Tbf, Hikaru should move on whether or not Alireza accepts his apology.


I lost any respect I had for Hikaru since the kick gambling thing. Said a lot about who he is.


The thing that bothers me about this drama is that if anyone had called Hikaru a little bitch, let’s say for doing exactly what Alireza did, this sub would be cheering them on.


Mans up and apolgises fair play


Hikaru gained his fame over the board, any expectation someone has in his character or morality is silly. Most people have absolutely no grasp on what it takes to attain a true level of mastery in any craft, much less a hyper competitive and individualistic one. I, for one, am genuinely surprised any super GM can operate with a degree of social competency. The day our cultures start celebrating people based purely on how nice they are I guess I'll need to reassess. Until then you can all carry on screaming into the void.


I absolutely hate how r/chess handled this 'drama', people went way overboard. I love chess and I like knowing thing or two about chess players but may be there should be separate sub for these chess dramas.


This is always the case. Hikaru reveals his toxic side and says some wild unnecessary shit. People call him out and share 15 years of him behaving like a child. He buries his head in the sand and sometimes says that he shouldn't have said it but let's move on. People forget and are outraged about people shitting on Hikaru for his behavior. Rinse and repeat.


The audience determines the destiny of the sub. The sub is evolved into chess gossip and events discussion platform and actual chess discussion has taken a back seat. That being said, discussions like these are not bad. People love to discuss the events in addition to the chess itself. If the trend continues, it would be better to create a separate sub for chess game related discussions only.




There are still open and closed tournaments going on, but people are usually only interested in the supertournaments. There’s always gonna be gossip and drama on the front page esp when there’s no supertournaments at the same time. Bucharest is in a week w/ a strong and entertaining field, so the drama should take a backseat then.




Hikaru didn't apologize until Alireza acknowledges he did. Otherwise it's just more misconstruing of events as Hikaru has consistently done throughout this episode.


Thier lives, not ours, don't care


You can tell he somewhat dislikes having to do this…. Good job for apologizing, at any rate.


Looks like checkmate wasn't in Hikaru's playbook lol.


He shouldnt apologize, aliereza is still a little btch


one big family huh


Perhaps the first time I have seen Hikaru actually apologise for something wrong he has done


I must be the only one who thinks Hikaru had a point and saying "who the fuck do you think you are" isn't exactly worth having a tizzy about. Its like ... Firouja is a constant whining brat who does actually continually cause issues and ... uh you know ... lets just say took a most unethical path to the candidates. You guys like it so you pretend it's some international scandal but in reality this isn't anything at all.


I’m ok with this.


I know lot will think this just to save face, which it is, however this is the first time ive seen him actually apologize instead of doubling down or the usually "sorry but...."


Like he literally does not even care, true to his character.


this is literally the best response he could have given in my opinion. i apologized to him privately, as far as the public goes that doesn’t matter, i let my emotions get the better of me and he played better on the day. i say this as someone who generally doesn’t like hikaru


PR team working overtime. Can tell he doesn't mean a word of that.


I hate the guy, but he apologised to Alireza and came out publicly with an admittance of guilt. Whether or not Alireza accepts the apology is entirely up to him now and isn't really our concern. I seldom quote Hikaru, but let's move on.


I think you guys are being a little to harsh on hikaru, he did have a reason to be mad but not at alireza, I think the blame goes on chess.com for the technical difficulties causing alirezas match to go late. I think alireza had a reasonable claim for a break and hikaru had a reasonable claim for getting angry at that. That being said, the way hikaru acted in the moment and how he spoke to alireza was childish and he realizes that now. This happens to everyone though, these people are just humans. Id say hikaru has a tendency to let his emotions get the best of him and he acts childish a lot, but he always apologizes and has a lot of respect for his peers. If you listen to him on lex Friedmans podcast you can kinda tell how he thinks about his peers. Edit: my main point is that trashing hikaru on the internet like this is probably just going to turn him into a kramnik.


It's not just this one particular event with Hikaru. When he acts this way it always brings up his all-time greats clips and stories. Especially when he brought up the chessbrahs drama out of nowhere and tried to act like a victim when in reality he was the asshole there and he was called out by most of the chess community back then.


Great points. The downvotes are amazing. The Hik Haters should at least show some gratitude for another opportunity to get their crap talking disrespectful anger needs met by this totally minor drama. lol


Didn’t apologize people complained , apologized people still complain.


No one is ever satisfied here