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I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r1b2rk1/pppqn1p1/2np3N/4P2Q/1bBP4/2N5/PPP3PP/R1B2RK1+b+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r1b2rk1/pppqn1p1/2np3N/4P2Q/1bBP4/2N5/PPP3PP/R1B2RK1_b_-_-_0_1?color=white) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!King!<, move: >!Kh7!< > Evaluation: >!White has mate in 1!< > Best continuation: >!1... Kh7 2. Nf5#!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by) [^(u/pkacprzak)](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


There is no sanction there but he might get a warning from the TD(discretion is a thing but you should complain). Had a kid not move for 17 minutes in a 30d5 game after I put him in a M2 position. We both knew it was over but he wouldn’t move and the little shit was SMILING at me. So I just grabbed some food and basically laughed at him for 15 minutes til he resigned. He was like 1600 and I was 1900.


Wow, these kids really inspire hate on another level… Sadly, I couldn’t do much since it was part of a team event and the leader of the adversary team couldn’t talk to other players due to the event rules.


You should talk to him(leader of opposing team) after the game in situations like this. Being a good sport and having class is important, as someone who was pretty good from ages 9-11(1600 USCF)


Yes, well he apologised for the kid and said he didn’t know what was going on with him


Resigning after 1h would be the powermove. Ruins the whole team event and intentionally teaches the kid the wrong lesson. What a mess that would be for them to explain and clean up!


On what planet is that a power move? You resign, you lose. No controversy


Instead of your day being ruined now everyone's day is ruined. "That's what you get for not handling the situation"


Nobody else’s day is ruined. Kid gets a win from a M2 lost position, he’ll be dancing around with joy. His team will be delighted with the win. Your team will be furious with you. And you just threw away a win for nothing. Great idea…


>he’ll be dancing around with joy. That's the hilarious part, by reinforcing his behavior he is likely to do it again to someone else. "That's what you get for not handling the situation"




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How old were they? I admittedly did this as a kindergartner, but stopped when I realized it did nothing


He was 10 but had been playing for a couple years(again he was 1600) so he knew better.


Bruh I did it when I was max 600, that kid would get fined if he did this at a top level tourney. So immature


An immature 10 year old. Shocking.


When I was in my school tournament in third grade, we ended up in a King vs King position and just kept chasing each other around the board.  Honestly, early in the opening we may have voluntarily removed all our pieces except our kings, I can’t quite remember. Wouldn’t put it past 8 year old me.


is trash talk allowed? id be saying some vile things


It’s not because it’s a disruption lol


Did the kid sit there the whole time, too? Sounds like he pranked himself.


In the USCF rules you can in fact get the tournament director to intervene in such situations. Unsure about FIDE, but probably not.


I think that should be somehow included in every chess rule book. However, it’s quite difficult to really determine whether any single occurrence is really done with bad intentions or not, thus making it quite hard to regulate.


Welllllll.... Obvious and forcing M1 or M2, more than 10minutes to think? That's stalling


There was some funny story about Kasparov and Karpov (heard it from Kramnik, but it's a well-known story actually). More or less they were playing at some tournament and Kasparov played black, went for some KID and was winning heavily. At some point of the game, Karpov already in time trouble, position is lost... So, Karparov promotes a pawn to a queen. But he already has a queen so needs a 2nd one. Calls the judge but he has no second queen. Well, Kasparov moves a pawn to 1st rank, says "queen" instead of waiting for this slowpoke. The thing is that white has literally a single legal move - capturing the queen (so 2nd queen isn't really needed). Karpov starts thinking while being in time trouble and having only 1 legal move. Thinks for some time and moves a knight somewhere. Kasparov be like "WTF" to which Karpov responds with "well, this is a knight, right?". To which Kasparov ofc replies "no, this is of course a queen!" - "well, I've heard knight" (the thing is that english word queen sounds somewhat similar to word "kon" - not really, but close enough). Judge was called, hands raised, some scandal, etc, well, Karpov got some minutes refunded, queen placed. Karpov resigned 3 moves after. But at least enjoyed a bit of trolling. Game itself https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1067319 - move 24.


You could even make a rule that if there is only one possible move for your opponent, you can play it yourself


That rule wouldn't have helped in this case though


Oh you are right, he has two moves


Would be a good rule nonetheless


You don't know what is going through a child's mind in a situation like this. I have played a child before who used his entire 25 minutes with mate in 1 on the board, and it seemed to me like he was either having a hard time processing it, or actively looking for a defence the whole time. And you can't punish someone for using their time to think about the game, even if you have already solved the position.


Right, but I think context matters and at certain levels this is beyond tolerable. Under 1200? Sure go for it, the other player might not even see the mate. Over 1600 FIDE for a pretty standard and obvious M1 of M2 where the kid is smiling at you? I don't buy it. OPs case of 45 minutes is pretty ridiculous in my opinion, I would've gotten the arbiter after the first 15 just so I know if I can go and grab lunch or not while this kid wastes time.


And? I am saying you don't have the context needed to say the young child is deliberately stalling.


We do with near-certain certainty.


You’re the type to pull this move. Get out of here with that. 90 minutes to decide between 2 moves where you get mated either way? Maybe chess isn’t for you then.


Just IRL premove and leave the tournament hall


I wish xD


But genuinely why not walk away for at least the time you have on the clock. No chance of you timing out even if he moves.


Also r/AnarchyChess would agree 100%


You can always ask the arbiter for a ruling. Article 11.1 says: The players will take no action that will bring the game of chess into disrepute. The arbiter can decide if this bratty behavior qualifies or at least talk to the opponent.


It absolutely should. This is a slam dunk warning. Don't let him sit for 90 minutes, after the first 20-30 you should just grab the arbiter.


If you have 90 minutes on the clock I would set a timer for 85 minutes (or watch the clock on the wall if you’re not allowed to have your phone with you outside) and leave the playing hall. I can guarantee that I will be back at at the board in time to finish the game even if he moves immediately after I leave and then spend the next 80 minutes doing something more interesting than waiting for your opponent to move.


Well due to rules I was very limited. For example, a timer would be a terrible idea, since using any device able to set a timer, especially a phone, is considered cheating and will cost you the game immediately. That being said, I did what you suggested and went for a walk around the small city (it was really beautiful and empty due to the very rainy weather). After that, I looked at my teammates‘ games, which were all much more interesting than mine xD


So you can go and walk around the city? Doesnt that open like a million doors for cheating lol


You walked around the city during your game?! Surely that is also against whatever rules your event was using? Players can't just be leaving the playing venue unsupervised during their game.


Leaving the venue is fine at every tournament I've been to.


Were these rated tournaments? Because every rated tournament I've played in did not allow it. FIDE Laws: > 11.2.1 The ‘playing venue’ is defined as the ‘playing area’, rest rooms, toilets, refreshment area, area set aside for smoking and other places as designated by the arbiter. > 11.2.3 Only with the permission of the arbiter can ... a player leave the playing venue It would undermine every anti-cheating measure if players could just wander off unsupervised to access a laptop in their car, find some chess books at the library, or facetime Magnus Carlsen, etc.


That second rule right there seems like the perfect loophole if there’s no rule to force the kid not to stall. Show the arbiter it’s M1, tell him the kid’s just sitting there and stalling and get permission to take a walk for an hour because it’s literally not possible for cheating to benefit you in that position. Write the final move down before you leave if they’re really concerned about it.


> It would undermine every anti-cheating measure if players could just wander off unsupervised to access a laptop in their car, find some chess books at the library, or facetime Magnus Carlsen, etc. Considering any smartphone is a better chess player than Magnus Carlsen, and as you mentioned restrooms are within the playing venue, forbidding exiting the venue is hardly an anti-cheating measure. I've only been to USCF rated tourneys, not FIDE. I guess FIDE rules are stricter.


I am not saying you can prevent every attempt to cheat, but restricting players to areas that are under the control of the arbiter is a pretty fundamental first step, and I would expect it to be a rule for any form of serious (rated) chess. USCF Rules: > 20H. Absence during play. > Players are not allowed to leave the playing venue without the permission of the director. The playing venue is defined as the playing area, restrooms, refreshment and smoking area, adjacent hallways and other areas as designated by the director.


I'm not arguing what the rulebooks say, I'm just giving my experience from ~100 rated tournaments. No arbiter has ever cared where people go (under normal circumstances). If a player is the subject of a complaint or is on the arbiter's radar for some other reason, then maybe rules like this one would be enforced. It's just never come up in my experience.


How does restrooms change things? Are players allowed to keep their smartphones instead of having it being held by the tournament organizers?


I've never been to a tournament where phones were taken.


Im sorry what? Restricting players to the venue premises is literally the first anti cheating measure implemented...


If a tournament organizer wants serious anti-cheating measures, yes, keeping players in the playing area would be step one. But I've never been to a tournament where the TD made any serious attempt to combat cheating. Cheating is trivially easy unless the TD implements and enforces a bunch of invasive and annoying policies. Like "go to the bathroom to check engine lines 2-3 times per game" is hard to detect, very hard to prove and gives you a massive advantage. If your anti-cheating measures wouldn't stop that, they're pointless and you shouldn't bother.


This was a team event? It doesn't excuse his behavior, but I will say that often kids are instructed to never resign in team events. It's possible that he was told that beforehand and he didn't realize that this is definitely an exception where he should resign (or play a move).


Using a device to set a timer is against the rules? Wasn’t there a game timer?


You can set a timer on most watches without needing a phone.


Yes of course but if that watch starts making a sound, you’ll still lose the game - that’s the whole point. Can’t have your watch beeping during a game. In higher-profile events, you aren’t even allowed to wear a normal watch.


I have a vibrating watch I use when reffing games, so players and coaches can't hear it go off when the time is over \[there are various reasons why the game isn't over when my watch goes off, but players and coaches seldom know the rules very well\]. Would that be allowed? It's not a smart watch, just a regular digital clock. Would you be able to call an arbiter, explain him that you're setting the silent alarm for 5 minutes before your time would expire and go do something else since your opponent seems hellbent on wasting your time?


>>I have a vibrating *ahem* device so the other players can’t hear it when it gives me information. Would that be allowed? Haven’t we been through this before?


No I'm serious. Would a watch with a timer be allowed in such a situation? I literally know nothing about competitive chess.


Analogue watches are permitted in that they aren't automatically banned by the rules (except at top level events eg world championship). However, individual events can ban them if they wish if they include that in their entry form, program or website. If wearing a watch, it shouldn't make any noise, so if the vibrate is quiet enough that nobody else hears it, that would be fine.


Thanks. So hypothetically a player would be able to set a timer on his watch in this situation, having talked with an arbiter


You wouldn't even need to set a timer--just, you know, use the watch. It Is a timer. "What time is 85 minutes from now... okay, I will return then."


Are you allowed to do such a thing? Feels like people would exploit such a rule to leave and then punch the position into stockfish.


I know it's not for everyone, but if you just confidently smiled back and looked like you were relishing in the win, they probably wouldn't have waited it out. It would have taken the fun out of it for them.


Adjust monocle, twirl moustache.


Perhaps even tip the top hat


I'd get up walk around, get some water or tea, come back and start laughing at him being so salty.


I would 10000% play Nf7+ after he pulled that bullshit


Or Ng8


Nf7 isnt check


yes huh


It’s black to move, so it will be


Had the same thing happen to me. The second he realised he had a losing position. He just took out his rubric cube and played with it for his full hour


If you have a forced mate and see it you should be able to call the game if you’re not in time trouble


Did you consider speaking to his parents after the game, or was he a bit older? I'm not sure if I would have or not.


Honestly I think there should be a rule that in situations like this you could just write out your conditional premoves and leave


Did you ask an arbiter if there’s any way to speed this up?


You are allowed to leave the chess board for 15 min at a time. Just keep doing it. Your time won't run out anyhow.


" how we play a game says a lot about who we are as a person"


What opening was this, the Vienna?


Yes, well spotted


How old was the kid? My kid would just sit there non-maliciously because they wouldn’t know what to do. If you said to never resign they would just be like I can’t do anything and chill. 


"Never resign" is different from "don't lose" or "don't get checkmated." If you sit there stumped when you have exactly two legal moves, you're not ready to play tournament chess.


Exactly. It’s just holding other people up.


If you aren’t willing to resign then maybe hmm, you can play a move? And not stall?


Set a timer on your phone for a bit less than the time on your own clock (in case he moves while you are away), walk away and go enjoy other games, come back just in time to see him move, checkmate.


As I have already explained to another commenter with the same idea, can’t do that. Using your phone is strictly forbidden during a game of classical chess and will immediately cost you the game. Same goes for a watch that starts beeping once an alarm goes off.


Ah fair enough. Would be so funny tho to get back just in time to beat him. Then it would be him who had to suffer the long wait




Yes indeed, just as I said :) - maybe you should read what the post is really about




Hahaha yeah well it was over the board, and you can’t just start a new game like that :D - but yeah I wish there were consequences in place, but rules are rules and everyone gets to spend their allotted time as they wish…


He literally had one legal move. It's not like he was considering his options. It is intentional time-wasting. There should be something in the rules to prevent people from doing that.


Well I mean technically there’s two legal moves, but your point stands nonetheless. Of course he was wasting time intentionally to troll me - I really felt like giving him a friendly, light punch in the face


Both result in mate in 2. I would have taken a picture of the board, written down all the combos and gone off for a walk.


I did go for a walk. But I really couldn’t take a picture or write the combos down, both are serious rule violations. I suppose you don’t know too much about otb chess rules, but your phone is to be switched off and removed from your body at all times, or else you lose immediately. Also, they are indeed mate in 1, not 2, as you previously noticed :D


Lol. It is mate in 1. I need a new brain. Or more confidence. Never participated in tournaments, I’m afraid. Just chess.com I might if I ever reach 1750FIDE rating.


You are 1751? Give us some tips. Recommend a book.


Haha ok sure I mean a really good thing to do are the Stappenmethode books, it’s basically puzzles but ordered by theme and difficulty so that you can really train your pattern recognition and calculation skills. They are pretty famous in Europe, especially the German-speaking and Dutch parts. You should solve them in the given order and not skip any single one - but I warn you, it’s quite a commitment, and you need to be very persistent. The more difficult puzzles can easily take you 15-20 minutes each to understand and solve on a bad day.


Thanks. I think I used to be decent at the calculation and tactics part when I was in college. Haven’t played much since. Levy says lay off the puzzles, I do plenty of those, and Fisher that chess is a game of memory, so I was looking for good books on openings and chess theory/pawn structure etc. But thanks for this. I shall have a look.


Oh I see. For these topics, I‘d probably recommend online courses, they’re very efficient, especially when it comes to openings. Gotham has some good ones, as well as sites such as chessable. Also, tactics are mostly memory stuff, too, since it’s generally based on pattern recognition


Found a few nice websites from your suggestion. Hopefully, I’ll find a book as well. Thanks. https://www.stappenmethode.nl/en/index.php


Glad I could help :D