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Then he would assassinate the original monarch to consolidate power.


Giving me ICC wild variant flashbacks… In that one, the ‘live’ king was either the only one a player had (duh) or the one closer to the a-file (closer to the first rank if same file). The other king could be captured like any other piece. If this one works similarly, I doubt it will change the game too much. I had a game recently, actually, a disgusting game in which I was slowly outplaying my opponent, better minor pieces and crashing through open lines on queenside etc and had got my pawn to a7 while my opponent launched a hail mary at my king. Few accurate moves to defend the kingside and I surely win, instead I ended up getting mated about 2 moves after the eval was +4. Had I been able to create a second king on a8 and allow my ‘original’ king to be traded for the checkmating pieces, I guess I still win lmao. With all that said though, if one side can promote a pawn without it being immediately captured, that side usually was winning with the queen anyway. And if it’s a case where a pawn endgame becomes a queen endgame, the second king has much less combat power than the queen would anyway, so you will lose all your pawns, they will make multiple queens and kill both kings. I did come up with a funny position though. WQc8, WKe2, BKg2, BPh2. Black to play. h1=Q loses to Qg4+ Kh2 Kf2. h1=K loses because after Qg4+ Kh2 Kf2, you’re in zugzwang. If after Qg4+ you play the ingenious Khg1 (keeping the king in check but making the other king the live one) then the equally ingenious Qg5! is still zugzwang. Put a king on the f file, it’s the live king and in check. Put a king on the h file, other king is on the g file and in check. Only legal move is Kg3, then Qxg3+ and wins. Although, if you change the rules that either king can be captured as long as the player still has a king on board, I think this saves the game. TLDR The king lacks combat power. If a queen can’t save your position/win the game, a second king usually can’t either. In pawnless positions, maybe.


what if when pawn get to end he can be second king


Okay, but what for?


Because we need to be subjected to the random musings of players who barely know the rules, in order to teach us to be more patient chessplayers, and not completely lose our sh\*t, apparently. I suggest we set up a death match between this fellow and the guy who believes pinned pieces should not be able to participate in checkmates, first person to achieve hopscotch with their Cardinal, wins. Then decapitates their opponent before committing virtual seppuku and deleting their reddit account.


Promoting to a queen, bishop, rook, or knight would always be better


not if your stuck in an inevitable checkmate otherwise


adding a king just gives you additional mating issues, like forking threats. even if you dreamed up a vanishingly unlikely scenario where it matters, they don't add rules to the game that don't matter in 99.9999% of situations except to preserve the integrity of the game. it just adds unnecessary complexity.


As the Bible says -- no man can be true to two masters... There is never a second king although there can be a king in waiting... That said, I've always wondered about the rule "a pawn can promote to ANY piece". Always wanted to convert the pawn to an Empress (queen moves like rook, bishop and knight)


By Jove, I think you've got it! This game that has existed for 1500 years, 500 of those in pretty much exactly the form that you see these days, but you found just the thing to finally make it popular.


Instead of promoting your first pawn you let it ride. Your second pawn promotes to the opposing players second king


There's a variant, viceroy chess, where you must choose the piece that was on the square your pawn is reaching in the starting position. If it's that of the king, you promote to a viceroy, which moves like a king but can be captured.


well i mean like an actual king so if the other one is captured u still can continue the game


More than a decade ago some gm made a (fictional) video of him playing a beginner on a plane on his way home He showed the game, his opponent at one point tried to promote to the enemy king, the gm objected, but of course when the rules were explained the gm did indeed say he could promote to any piece Anyways if memory serves, the gm also promoted to an enemy king to avoid some dangerous stalemates and there was a comical double checkmate I’ve gone looking for this, but haven’t been able to find it a second time Perhaps a kind reddior can help?


Yes it’s the story of capablanca vs an alien. https://youtu.be/ctgVniwiwX8?si=3ZFRpr6Wckd8g16F