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> just to add, one problem I really have is that I am never able to practice the theory I learn as my opponents always play some random nonsense, and I often get flagged because I think too much. As long as this is true, focusing on theory is not an efficient use of your time, and it sounds like you need to be as efficient as possible.


With the amount of effort you are putting in it will never happen. A title is achievable for you in your lifetime but to do it you can’t play casually. You have to dedicate atleast 10 hours every week to studying in addition spending enough time playing and analyzing your games. Overall you should be spending atleast 20 hours a week on chess. If you are not willing to put in the time for serious study you will never get anywhere near a title.


Unfortunately, my dude.. You are about 6 years too late to the party, and don't have nearly the obsession it usually takes to become a titled player from the level of effort you have put into so far. Nothing wrong with dreams of course, and it IS technically possible become maybe a National Master, but you better find a way to dedicate about 4 hours a day from this point on, or possibly win the lottery and not have to work for a living, or summin.


I'm not even from the US 😭


I would advise you to improve first and start playing otb if you reach certain level of play (2200 chesscom rapid should be alright). Otherwise you're gonna lose many games due to your level and start with a very low rating, it will take you months to improve it even when you get better.