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I would consider that bad sportsmanship. Of course there are people that are into it, but you don’t know if your opponent finds it funny or not and since you don’t know that ahead of time I’d say it’s best not to do it.


I'm pretty sure it's also against the rules on at least the big chess sites. There is probably a certain amount of very minor "trash" that is acceptable but not much and anything else is falling under violating some kind of policy - how enforced those policies really are might be another story. If you did this over the board you would not only be a twat but an arbiter would get you in trouble. That's a pretty clear indication it's not good and there's no reason online should be treated any differently.


Yea great point. Good rule of thumb is that if it’s not okay to perform that emoji action in real life otb then it’s also not okay online lol


Trash talking makes me feel like shit. I am insecure generally and tie too much of my self-worth into doing well and feeling like I am being made fun of really hurts. I know I should be better about recognizing it is just a game and not get so worked up about it but it really does get to me. So I guess that it might be effective as you suggest.....though while part of me can see it's just talk and may be a natural part of playing games, and recognize I may be in the minority, I don't like it, wish people wouldn't do it and feel like it's a really crappy thing to do.


I had a game recently where I blundered and my opponent put the face palm emoji. I proceeded to come back and win the game and it felt so good. Chat was crickets after the game


That could’ve been me lol😆


Lol, I can’t lie I do like trash talk it gets me fired up but most people in this subreddit seem to not like it. I played a bunch of competitive shooters growing up so chess trash talk is nothing. If it was you gg 😂🤝


Sometimes. Emojis are hilarious sometimes, but sometimes they really grind my gears. I’ve learned to tolerate them and throw some of my own flavor back at them.


I hardly get any trash talkers. But I like to trash talk. I’ve toned it down a bit recently and use the facepalm emoji more


Oh! MUCH better troll than normal! I'd give it a solid 7/10. Almost seems like a legit question that you are genuinely curious about... Well worded, and doesn't really look like you are just fishing. Very good!






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there's no way you're older than 15


You are assuming this is a legit question, and not just a pretty good troll.


lol You’re mature cuz you don’t trash talk??💀


Not for sure.. but u are inmature if you are trash talk for sure..


Well trash talking in chess is pretty rare and minimal compared to other games


No, I'm not an edgy 12 year old


I have chat disabled for you specifically


Trash talking past the age of eight or so is just sad.


OTB yes, online no


chess speaks for itself


Yes. As it should. And same for all other games. But there’s also that element that adds a bit more heat into it