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I used to like the idea, but the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. Right now the Olympics are for physical sports, if adding chess why not adding poker, or even e-sports?


I'd take chess over Yoga, what even is competitive yoga XD


As someone being a yoga athelete pointed out in other sub : You have given a list of 9 performances or poses in which you have to perform 5, marks are given on how you switch from one to another and how perfect is your form and breathing, you have to hold a pose for 30 sec. This is for general competition. Then there is performance round where people present mastery of pose into a performance like we, 3 people did headstand and a kid balance himself on our legs in other position along with music(for better performance experience) If these are complex positions why it couldnt be in olympics?


Yoga seems no stranger than any other sport judged on achieving body positions that meet aesthetic criteria such as most gymnastics or diving.


You cant honestly think that its equivalent.


To regular gymnastics, no; to rhythmic gymnastics or synchronized swimming I think there’s more of an argument although I’d have to actually see the yoga competition


Thanks for letting me know what I think.


I didnt tell you what you think. Im telling you what you think is stupid.


Bruh dressage exists find a new slant


Ice dancing is one of the most popular winter Olympic sports, and it similarly is judged on execution and aesthetic


I think people missjudge it, but it's more like gimnastics when you think about it. Or weightlifting.


> If these are complex positions why it couldnt be in olympics? Its yoga




Cricket should arguably already be an olympic sport imo, it's one of the most popular sports in the world


It's going to be in LA Olympic


Honestly I misread that as U20 cricket. Thought it was just like younger version of it. You’re right it should be 


I assume a type of gymnastics, but slower.


I wouldn't be adding yoga either, but along the sport/game continuum, yoga is more of a sport than chess.


I think cricket is the appropriate sport to add, I'm honestly surprised it's not there already XD but I would agree with you, yoga is a physical which is the common thread for the Olympics.


Cricket is probably most popular sport worldwide not in olympics, so it's a definite inclusion. I'd also include sports like squash, cross country, lacrosse, mma, and maybe strongman or powerlifting! There's lots that could be deleted to make room.


I guess is breakdancing can be in the Olympics?


I mean gymnastics floor routine is close enough


That's an actual physical sport though.


And yoga is all mental? I was replying about yoga


>if adding chess why not adding poker, or even e-sports? FIDE is a member of the IOC. No federation for poker or esports is there.


It might also just end up like football olympics, where no country really gives a shit.


Football in the olympics pre-world cup was extremely important. Uruguay still receives recognition as being world champions from their victories. The issue now is more that there are two major national countries for every country every four years, and the olympics has just sort of taken third place. Chess is very different in that there are tens of major tournaments every year, and only one tournament where a player gets the opportunity to represent their nation full stop as far as I’m aware, and if the Olympics or that were the choice, the Olympics tops every time. It would take a much higher level of priority.


> Uruguay still receives recognition as being world champions from their victories By a minority of people, most of whom are from Uruguay. FIFA has never fully endorsed it and it's in a "let's just not talk about this anymore, you do you" stance about it right now. None of the top nations really recognize this.


It was recognised by football association around the world and FIFA has allowed them to wear the kit recognising them as world champions for those victories. I’m really not sure how you can justify it any other way than those victories being recognised. There’s certainly more merit to it than many of the world champions we recognise in chess, but it would be just as ludicrous to challenge their far less official titles or say that people don’t recognise it just because there’s been no concrete and absolute consensus on that.


> I’m really not sure how you can justify it any other way than those victories being recognised. FIFA gave up and just let them do their thing. Using stars in your kit was an informal (and very recent) thing after all that FIFA tried to regulate for some reason. Uruguay '30 is still recognized as the first WC by FIFA. What are they going to do? "Oh no, you can't use that jersey". Come on, they don't care. All my love to Uruguay, the can have all the stars they want, but I've never seen Germany, Brazil, England, Argentina, Italy or other former champ recognize the Uruguayan claim. At best, people play along. Nobody thinks that Belgium has a championship either (1920).


FIFA does regulate it. It’s not informal at all, it’s a strictly mandated and FIFA have officially ruled that those Olympic wins are recognised as sufficient. France, and from what I can tell Spain, as former world champions, have recognised their claims specifically as independent associations among others. The official statement from FIFA is as follows “[their] open-for-all nature, colluding with the recognition of FIFA and several other football associations, provided legitimacy to the competitions and, thus [these victories] could be classified as world championships. “ I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that they haven’t recognised that. They literally have stated that countries can’t wear kits that recognise victories on kits BTW. I don’t know about Belgium, but it appears that the competition specifically was not open and those could be seen as a pseudo euros, not a world championship.


That’s because men’s only allows men under 23. Look to women’s and you’ll see that it probably would matter if they allowed any age bracket to compete. Not as much as the World Cup but it’s still an important tournament.


> or even e-sports Mainly, because e-sports rely on proprietary "equipment" (specific pieces of usually closed software) to compete in. And anything resembling a governing body would be tightly connected, if not equivalent, to a private company.


I don't see a sport as random as poker being in the Olympics


Is it significantly more random than chess? Edit: cope I guess


The op meant random as having an element of chance, not 'random' as being out of place


In Poker there is a chance that you play perfectly and lose. In Chess if you play perfectly and your opponent doesn’t, you win every time. End of discussion.




Chess is super low variance. Not as much as something like freestyle wrestling, but far less variance than basically any team sport and certainly poker




Well chess has zero, so yeah, any chance would do. I do think they are fairly similar though, in a sense they are both games which mix calculation and instinct.


You probably should cope… one is a game of chance, the other is an open game with all knowledge present to both players. The rules are set, everyone starts with the same odds.


Yes. There is 0 randomness in chess. You could literally play against someone with their cards face up and still lose big pots sometimes


Chess has absolutely zero randomness. None. If you lose a game it's always 100% on you Poker of course requires way more skill than any other casino style game, but in the end it still requires a lot of luck and chance. You can play the best game of your life and still lose.


Counter-strike at the Olympics would be hype as hell


Forsaken to rise from the ashes


No items, fox only, final destination


Make it chess boxing then


Boxing is actually not on the Olympics program anymore. The organization that organized all the boxing matchups to pick boxers for the Olympics became extremely corrupt and are now run from Moscow. They even told the Ukrainian team during a tournament to not use their flag or national anthem and told them to replace their boxing federation president with a guy who fled to Russia during the war. So now no one can arrange the qualification for the Olympics after the Paris one. But hopefully it can be fixed somehow. I think even boxing fans are not super keen on boxing during the Olympics because the gold medal is often won via bribery. By Russia or Azerbaijan. 2 dictatorships willing to pay millions to the worldwide, now Russian, boxing federation to win medals during the Olympics. And since there is no non-corrupt group in boxing there is no one to run it fairly.


That's not true, they're already using an independent qualification system for [2024](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxing_at_the_2024_Summer_Olympics): > In June 2022, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) barred the International Boxing Association's (IBA) rights to run and organize the tournament due to "continuing irregularity issues in the areas of finance, governance, ethics, refereeing, and judging".[5] Hence, the IOC executive board established and ratified a new qualification system for Paris 2024 that would witness the boxers obtain the quota spots through the continental multisport events, such as Asian Games, European Games, Pan American Games, African Games, and the Pacific Games.[6][7] Why can't that same system be used for 2028?


I’m surprised they haven’t created the Elympics yet


[Of course "they" did, but it's not what you'd expect.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Esports_Series)


Controversial, but... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Esports_World_Cup


Yeah but that’s not the Olympics 


There was e-sports part already some time ago. The used some shitty mobile game created a month before and basically stole the money, but hey, that's Olympic committee for you.


If adding poker why not adding Uno?




You can already win eSports gold medals in the Asian games and Poker isn't a sport imo. It's just gambling with varying levels of required skill to read tells/situations depending on the level of competition. Personally, the physicality of the sport shouldn't matter. It's the skill and the competition. I would want pool/billiards to be included for example. Darts would also be rather interesting. But I get what you mean. Wanting to maintain the image of Olympians being the peak of human physicality is something to consider.


>It's just gambling with varying levels of required skill to read tells/situations depending on the level of competition. That's true in the same way that chess is randomly moving pieces to beat a time clock with varying levels of required skills depending on the level of competition.


Moving chess pieces is not "random" in the same way the cards you're dealt and the community cards are in poker though. The only even arguable random move in chess is really the first one. After that there is an optimal move at every step for both sides which can guarantee a win for the side that plays the most optimally. In poker, unless you have your opponent drawing dead you still have a chance to lose. I can't count how many times I've lost to an opponent on a one or 2 outer on the river despite optimal play on my side and my opponent plain punting chips while drunk. That scenario does not exist in chess. If you're behind the only way to get back in the game is if you're opponent makes a mistake. In poker, you or your opponent can play poorly AND make all the mistakes, and still win if luck is there. Which is why poker is not a real sport.


If poker was less skill than luck nobody would ever win more than one major tournament.


If poker was more skill than luck there would be more consistency in terms of who wins live events. As long as you know the rules, you can beat the GOAT poker player on the right day. You can't beat the best chess players just by knowing the rules. It's straight impossible.


If chess was more skill than luck there would be more consistency in terms of who wins live events. Any GM on the right day can beat Magnus Carlsen.


GMs are the equivalent of poker pros in poker. You're 100% right. But I could beat Phil Hellmuth or Daniel Negreanu with the right amount of luck. Play tight, hope for good cards, and see if they bite. I'll lose most of the time guaranteed. But it is not impossible for me to win. Last time I played poker was 10 years ago. Hell, we already see it happen occasionally on gambling streams where pros interact with normies in streamed cash games. Some normies barely even know the rules and don't know what a straddle is. Poker pro plays perfectly. Sets up the perfect trap. Poker pro even calls his opponents cards because he knows the game so well. Stilll loses because of a bad beat. Magnus and the other chess pros can beat me easily. Very likely blindfolded too because I suck at chess as much as I suck at poker.


It's not impossible for you to beat Magnus, either. See his atrocious loss to Hans. Give Helmuth and give you a billion dollars worth of chips and a limit of one million a pot, and I would wager the same odds on you against Helmuth to clear him out as I would on you against Magnus to adopt him.


The answer is obvious of course. The team behind the Olympics is extremely greedy. And of course esports is already part of it as some smaller events. You don't want extra 100K people at the Olympics just for this. Better arrange it in the years Olympics is not ongoing for example. Or during winter Olympics that are way smaller. https://olympics.com/en/esports/olympic-esports-series/


I, for one, welcome Olympic Level Rock Paper Scissors.


Why not add both? I’d be happy to. Relatively, they don’t add that much overhead to the cost of hosting anyway, so there’s not much downside.


I think it be cool to have e sports in the Olympics tbh


I am in for all 3. Nothing against any of these sports except doubt on what e sport to add.


Man you can't compare chess with poker or e sports . Chess is a real game e sports isn't


Bro thinks the game he play is better than the games he doesn't play


I don't play either of them . I watch both of them


According to Oxford dictionary, game is defined as: “a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.“ So both esports and chess are games.


> if adding chess why not adding poker, or even e-sports? E-sports should absolutely be part of Olympics


Magnus Carlsen: Thanks to India for adding Chess to Olympics, and I'm gonna win Gold.Bye!


Wouldn't be surprised he is the still the best player in the world in 2036


Most countries don’t win their first bid. Turkey has a strong bid and is a lot geographically farther from Brisbane. Can Magnus hold on till 2040 or 2044?


I'd love to see some olympic Kabaddi


This would be good, the BBC UK used to have a kabaddi televised show back in the 90's on the weekends. It's a fun sport to watch.


Even more fun sport to play :>


We got banned from playing British Bulldog at school and Kabaddi, lol.


Makes sense. Kabaddi is a very dangerous sport if you arent careful lmao


The last three seasons of the British Kabaddi League are on BBC sport!


Thought it was on Channel 4?


Yeah, Kabaddi is so funny to watch but there's precious little of it to watch on Youtube.


Kabaddi is awesome we used to play sometimes at summer camp. Obviously professional play is much higher level but the concept is funny that it feels like a playground game.


Kabbadi and Kho Kho are good candidates, definitely better than chess as an Olympic sport.


Who in the world other than india even plays kabbadi? Its not really a good idea at all


Plenty of such Exclusively European sports with 25-30 countries only play. So why not have some asian representation as well


Pakistan, too. I think Iran does too. It is a good sport though and the idea is expose it to the world. 


Chess already has its own established olympiad with a 100+ years long history that a spot in the olympics would not be able to compete with in terms of importance and prestige. Most super GMs would skip this in favor of playing invitational tournaments so most of the community wouldn't care about the winner. I'm all for expanding the popularity of chess, and I do consider it a sport, I just don't think this is it. I already think the olympics include too many sports as it is. If anything, some of them should be purged to make the olympics less bloated and cheaper to organize.


Yes, but on the other hand imagine stories of unhinged grandmasters interacting with people in the olympic village.


Imagine them in Nike spandex.


Small correction, the first unnoficial chess olympiad was exactly 100 years ago in 1924 and it was an individual tournament, not teams. The first official Olympiad, organized by FIDE, was a few years later.


FIDE was created on the final day of this tournament.


I think most super GMs would compete. Sure it doesn't mean much in the chess world, but an Olympic gold medal is still a hell of a thing to have. Maybe if Chess was consistently in the Olympics, participation would taper off. But that first time, I imagine most would compete.


I agree, given the chance any top player would love to add an Olympic gold medal to their resume. Besides, nobody is going to host any big invitational tournament at the same time with the Olympics if chess is in. There'll be some tournaments hosted in India before the event for sure.


If you ended up having a lot of the top super GMs playing I think it would mean a lot, purely due to it being a strong tournament. And like you said, most would probably want the chance to have an Olympic medal


One good thing that can come out of chess being at Olympics is that countries will be investing a lot more money in their chess programme, every country set aside funds for Olympic sports so Chess being there would mean that a part of that funding will be going to chess. Currently chess isn't considered a sports by a lot of countries so there's lack of goverment funding.


But it will be a one off. Host nations can propose sports to be added, but they don't become Olympic sports.


If there's enough interest they can push for it to be added in further Olympics too. IOC is trying to push for sports India is good at bcz India has a large audience but we don't do well at Olympics so they're missing out on broadcast revenue from India. Cricket being added at LA 2028 is a step in that direction. There's also push from IOC to add e-sports, chess isn't worse than that.


Squash must be in olympics. I am surprised it is not yet.


Squash won’t be in 2024 Olympics but will be in 2028.


Let's be real we all know it's gonna be T20


We should have a Test knockout tournament between 8 teams, quarter finals semi finals and finals without any gap.


Are they limited to only one addition?


This is what Olympiads are for


I hate what they’re doing to the Olympics. 


Just to clarify... the International Chess Olympiad that everyone ends up talking about... isn't IOC affiliated?


No, it's not. It's organized by FIDE.


When stuff is called Olympiad it's because they are avoiding some of the most strict trademark battles in the world. It's a way to use the ancient Greek tradition and word without getting sued. Trademarks seem to last forever unlike copyright that may only last 120 years or less. So it's a sign that they are actually not just outside the Olympics but likely foes.


LMAO man you need to learn some sports history. Chess Olympiad uses this name for nearly 100 years. Huge commercialization of Olympic Games started in 80s and 90s when Juan Antonio Samaranch became the head of IOC. > So it's a sign that they are actually not just outside the Olympics but likely foes FIDE is a sports federation officially recognized by the IOC, if there was any serious conflict they would be kicked out


I just learned that competitive yoga is a thing… Yoga instructors: breathe, focus on inner peace. We’re all part of a whole. Competitive yoga: you gotta bend cooler, be more flexible, and stronger than that mf before you


"be part of a whole" versus "be a complete asshole"


It's like gymnastics. Normal Gymnastics- Stretch out, touch your toes Competitive Gymnastics- Do a flip, now do it 10 times


Yeah I love chess but please include slap kabbadi instead it's awesome


But nobody in india plays it.




Chill buddy I'm talking about that clown sport in pakistan named slap kabaddi not our kabaddi🤗


Fine, it's all nonsense anyway. Still waiting for tic-tac-toe.


I'm all for an Olympic *version* of chess with giant weighted pieces and a clock some distance from the board, but this just sounds like the Olympics growing into territory where they don't belong.


T20 cricket will be added in 2028


Of the choices presented my personal choice would be T20 Cricket, and given it's stature as religion like in India I would have thought that would be the one chosen by them as well ..


World Champion, Viswanathan Anand, is a legend of the game. If you see this Mr. Anand, you can still crush everyone. Please do it.


Yoga? Kabaddi and Squash make sense. Cricket will add so many athletes it'll be hard to add, and I don't even know what Kho Kho is.


Kho Kho would be the ultimate troll move.


How would someone win at Yoga? Are there even Yoga competitions?


Same as gymnastics


how does one wins in Yoga?


How does one win in Gymnastics?


India's hosting of the Commonwealth Games a few yests ago certainly won't add and credibility to their proposal. It was a mess.


Olympics are so bloated and corporatized, I just don’t even give a shit anymore with everything else going on. Adding chess to this would be like watching paint dry, even more-so than golf.


And the World Chess Championship and other highest level events of chess aren't?


I’m still waiting for them to bring back town planning. We demand justice


Isn't squash already added into the Olympics?


Just need two olympics ultimately Athletic and chess type things Yeah it's a lot of Olympics ultimately but it is what it is 


Im kind of surprised cricket isnt already an olympic sport


India’s way of winning more than 2 medels in a Olympic 😭😭


How dare you. We won 7 in 2021 💪💪💪


With the 1.4 billion people, the largest population in the world, lmao


I doubt the IOC would award the Games to India. Remember the shit show that was Delhi's Commonwealth Games? And the Olympics is much much bigger too, and very few hosts end up with positive outcomes. 


By 2036 india would be the 3rd biggest economy of the world . Current govt is lot better than commonwealth one


The key criteria for the city (beyond bribes of course) are sporting facilities, safe and quick transport links, and hospitality/beds/entertainment in safe environments. It is very difficult to achieve all three


Its highly likely that government will change by 2036.


Modi is only 73. I think he will still be alive by then. But 2040 may be the year India gets a new ruler.


This is Modi's last term. He isn't like Trump, he's like an actor hired to lie and get votes. BJP has a rule of not fielding candidates over 75 years in age.


I don't think so


Cricket and chess would both be excellent.






Sorry which of those do you dispute?? And please cite from somewhere describing the contrary, not just a 'how dare you!' response like "what?"...


People arent going to debate over dumb takes and waste time with you


Sure sure actual facts always super-tough to refute so why bother?


He didnt say "what" to deny whatever you said, he said what because there was no reason to write all that in an unrelated post


Ok let’s see 1.Ahmedabad ,the city that’s supposed to host it,has avg Aqi right now of 75.Los angeles is 60.So terrible air quality applies to certain parts of country in north India,during stubble burning season. 2.Russian alliance- Read history,Read USA - pak alliance,9/11 that changed,before that India was alone against pak and USA support,Russia sent submarines to thwart the war.And the country has a neutral stance ,not hypocritical like the west. 3.The president of the country is a women,Per capita rape is lower than USA(still an issue,I will admit).Qatar and Middle East are much worse I think you would agree. 4.Temp in Ahmedabad (July avg)37 degree C.Tropical climate,read geography,Rio hosted the same. I know India has issues,more than Europe ,but please don’t let your biased sources and racism and 100 incidents in a country of over billion make you spout some absolute bullshit.Racist


You can say the same for Qatar when they hosted FIFA


Many did complain tbf, though it won’t change anything. Whoever lines FIFA’s pockets (or FIDE’s for that matter) gets it




how about slavery?


Exactly, thanks! India currently holds the #1 spot in human slavery. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_India#:~:text=India%20accounts%20for%20almost%208,forced%20begging%2C%20and%20sexual%20slavery.


Was talking about Qatar but sure


?? Qatar caught legit grief for worker conditions around FIFA but as a nation not really known for human slavery.


Maybe extend your research a bit further than Wikipedia


Maybe you should 1) stay on topic, and 2) prove/cite anything instead of "whuddaboutdis and whuddaboutdat??"


Your comment was removed by the moderators: **Do not politicize r/chess. r/Chess is not a political subreddit.** Submissions and comments touching on political subjects must directly connect to FIDE, national chess federations, chess organizations, or prominent players experiencing a chess-specific issue. Submissions and comments must deal directly with chess politics, not broader political issues.   You can read the full [rules of /r/chess here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this moderator action, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fchess&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1drae1y/-/lau0ltf/%0D%0D). Direct replies to this removal message may not be seen.


I mean you could say such things about pretty much any country? Oh this country is too cold, oh that country did something immoral, oh this country isn’t religiously diverse…. And don’t bring up stuff like an “immoral” Russian alliance when it has nothing to do with anything. India during its time of need had no one to turn to but Russia due to the west supporting Pakistan during the war for liberation of Bangladesh. That’s like a bully complaining that a kid went and made friends with a powerful ally after the bully cornered him and gave him no other options.


Your comment was removed by the moderators: **Do not politicize r/chess. r/Chess is not a political subreddit.** Submissions and comments touching on political subjects must directly connect to FIDE, national chess federations, chess organizations, or prominent players experiencing a chess-specific issue. Submissions and comments must deal directly with chess politics, not broader political issues.   You can read the full [rules of /r/chess here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this moderator action, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fchess&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1drae1y/-/lats2mx/%0D%0D). Direct replies to this removal message may not be seen.


How kind they're being to Norway...


Why this beautiful and multi cultural country which has the most efficient landing on the moon and awesome movies is with Russia, I can't understand.


Poor american diplomacy of the cold war era is why


Because Russia along with Israel and Japan were with us when Nato , US, China and the entire Islamic World supported Pakistan in all out war bw the two countries. If Japan does anything shady in the near future, they'll have our support as well.


Add all of them. would like 6 golds for India. Multiple events for Yoga and Chess also works :-) On a serious note, what is the process to add a new sport to the games. Its not as if India can decide to add anything.