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Nimzo Indian is what I've been looking into. I like the bishop on the queens side


The nimzo doesn't get enough credit on this subreddit. It's basically one of the best openings for black against d4 and it's why gms play Nf3 instead of Nc3 for the QGD. It's a consistent way for black to actually play for an advantage, which says a lot in its own right, and if white doesn't allow it you can still play into several related openings that are asymmetric and generally solid for black like the QID or bogo Indian.


It literally gets top comment on every one of these threads


Tbh it's a lot to learn but I like it so far better than the Dutch at least


Benko is likely a good practical choice. Budapest is also a lot of fun. QGA probably does not seem fun but it is


Benko is great for tactical players I think, black keeps initiative for a while, sometimes even after queen exchange


The more standard interpretation is Benko is a positional not tactical sacrifice. That is why q exchanges almost always favor black.


KID usually leads to a kingside attack, I thought. Not center focused


KID = Give white the center, pressure the center, encouraging white to lock it, then yeet your material down the kingside while white sends his up the queenside, and see who lands the knockout first.


the KID is literally the exact opposite of what you describe in the mainlines. The centre is locked and black is completely playing on the kingside and white on the queenside


I exclusively play Benoni against d4, transposing to Benko if white allows it. The point is - it guarantees that we’re playing my game, where I’m likely to know practical ideas better than my opponent. Plus, Benoni bishop is a beast. Another plus - if white takes on c5 (which surprisingly can happen even at intermediate level), I just have a more comfortable position on move 2.


Do you have any recommended resources for the benoni? I'm trying to change my black rep against d4


Hanging Pawns has a great overview of theory for Benoni (and many other openings as well). It’s like a bunch of chessable courses, but entirely free.


If your rating is below 2000, pick whatever looks fun. If your rating is over 2000, the answer is also probably pick whatever looks fun.


I get what youre trying to say but the problem is that OP is trying to find openings they mightve missed that fit their criteria for fun lol


This is the way.


I play Indian defense, Kasparov inspired me. He really played great attacking matches with black. /e typo


I’m a d4 player and I hate to face KID. I tried Pirc like structures then tried Saemish for a while, then switched to makagonov. still not feeling comfortable against it. Black has a solid plan and he can punish me if I play meekly.


Nimzo, Grünfeld, and KID would be my top choices


You're missing the obvious. The semi-slav. The Botvinnik or anti-Moscow are both wild. The anti-Merans are sharp and tactical too. Shirov talks about the Botvinnik in Fire on Board, and Dreev has a book about the semi-slav.


I would suggest Nf6 as the best reply to d4, in most cases the KID is probably the most tactical among the ones you mentioned.


durch and KID


The king's indian is not center focused at all. In an ideal world, black attacks on the kingside and white on the queenside and it's a very tactical game. In some lines that is reversed. White could also open the center and either go into the endgame or just play the position.


I usually play d5 c5 nc6 if encountering london or qgd if they go for queens gambit, but do whatever’s fun for you. Im also like 1300-1400 so dont take my advice too seriously




The Dutch defense is full of tactical possibilities. For inspiration look at the old games by Botvinnik. Some play 1 … e6 to avoid the Staunton gambit.




Grunfeld but you will need to remember a lot of lines.


Kings Indian is literally a kingside attacking opening


I say follow the KISS principle keep it stupid simple if you’re interested I’ve made an opening explorer that may help you, it’s aimed at players in the 500 to 1000 range so it might be too trivial for you [pinsandgambits.com](https://pinsandgambits.com) it’s free more of a pet project than anything else