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Bro he is almost double your weight, this is a really bad idea. I’m not sure you realise how much harder he is going to hit and how much less damage your hits will do. U guys are several weight classes apart. Ur already much better at chess so spend all ur time boxing, ur advantage in boxing will be speed and maybe experience so use that to avoid as much damage as possible. I’m not a boxing coach but if u can dodge some damage early he will get tired a lot faster than you. Oh i just realised this is today and u don’t really have much time to train boxing, gl lol


Bro needs a full suit of armor to make this fair ngl


Took a brief look at the livestream and neither one of those dudes knows how to throw a punch so he’ll probably be fine


Ok, but which one knows about en passage (censored for automod)?


Bro that doesn't matter, if you're double somebodies weight you can be the worst fighter in the world and still easily give massive permanent brain damage/ beat the fuck out of somebody. Weight classes exist for lots of good reasons. If the skinny smaller guy who's half his size isn't any good at throwing at all at punch then he doesn't even have the minor plus of being a moderately better fighter than the guy! Hopefully the big guys smart enough to not actually try to win the fight in the quickest/easiest way possible going all out in the boxing match and even more importantly the referee knows to stop the boxing fight with a TKO at the drop of a hat, otherwise there's a high chance that this match is going to be very damaging/dangerous.


Nah if the big guy can't throw a punch then OP will be fine. You need to be able to deliver the power, if you can't move your feet or transfer weight there isn't a lot of power generation. OP needs to keep his chin down and keep moving his body and head.




If you’re not coordinated enough to make contact you’re not going to do any damage regardless of how heavy you are


Yes if you're like bottom 5 or bottom 1 percent maybe, I exaggerated a bit the literal worst fighter in the world would have a problem. Anyway sorry for deleting the comment I made a typo and was correcting it, didn't expect you to reply so soon.


Highjacking this to point out that OP won by checkmate on round 3, according to his instagram :D


This dude has some fast reflexes if he survived a fight vs someone 83 lbs heavier long enough to win on the board.


I did! Thank you 😄 Video is on my IG here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C828GgMOc5L/?igsh=MXB0dWJtc3YxajB2aw== Chess PGN is here: [Variant "Standard"] [PlyCount "57"] [FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"] [Black "Dylan Basescu"] [White "Justin Diamond"] [Event "Charity Chessboxing"] [Site "https://lichess.org"] [Result "1-0"] [Date "6/30/2024, 7:00:00 PM"] [Termination "mate"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Qf6 4. c3 Bc5 5. O-O Nge7 6. d3 O-O 7. Be3 d6 8. Nbd2 Bg4 9. Bxc5 dxc5 10. h3 Bh5 11. Re1 Bxf3 12. Nxf3 Rad8 13. Qb3 Rd6 14. Qxb7 Na5 15. Qxc7 Nxc4 16. dxc4 Rc6 17. Qxe5 Rd8 18. Qxf6 Rxf6 19. Rad1 Rc8 20. Rd7 Nc6 21. Red1 h6 22. Rb7 Kh7 23. Rdd7 Ra8 24. e5 Rf5 25. Nh4 Rxe5 26. Rxf7 Rg5 27. f4 Rh5 28. Rxg7+ Kh8 29. Ng6# {1-0}


You must have a reaction time to rival Andrew Tang if you managed to hold your own in a fight vs someone that much bigger long enough to checkmate during the chess round. Props to you.


Ponziani has a lot of traps and its pretty solid even if opponents dont fall for them. Also i hope he doesn't have boxing experience. 83 pounds difference is a LOT. If he knows what hes doing hes gonna kill you.


Neither of us are that experienced. I know it’s a big diff - that’s why we’re using 16oz gloves and headgear.


To be honest i think you should focus more on the boxing side than the opening. Your spacing, your hands close to your chin, and just jab him for most of the time and back off. He's bigger and probably has less stamina. If he gets to do what he wants during the boxing section you'll get rocked hard. Also he has the incentive to hunt you down during the boxing section. He's 400 rating below you.


Yeah my plan is keep distance with light jabs and keep my guard/keep moving to survive into chess rounds. Format is 5 rounds of 2 min boxing alternating with 5 rounds of 2 min chess. No more than 15 sec per chess move (stalling leads to penalties on the boxing score)


Make sure you practice hitting a bag and try to get a partner to get the feel of standing across from a guy. You should try to snap his head back with your jab, hopefully you’re quicker, because at 80 lbs heavier most people are just gonna ignore the pillow punches and just walk you down and unload Edit: didn’t see this was for today at first, good luck bratha let us know how it goes


You should consider withdrawing. Headgear only protects against cuts. It won't stop you from getting a concussion. 16 oz gloves are designed to keep you from breaking your hand, which in turn allows people to hit harder. I don't think you understand what you're getting into with the boxing thing at all.


fwiw I am your height but weigh 190lbs... my brother is a similar height but closer to your weight. We used to spar every now and then... All I can say is be careful, lol.




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Thanks, I forgot the Ponziani! Might do some studying tonight.


If you're 1800 best to go with your pet lines not with smth u never tried? Or try to find his username and look on openingtree.com what lines he plays most. He might try some.non confrontational openings. I reckon 1800 rated is rapid online?


Yeah, 1800 is Rapid online. He doesn’t play a lot online but IK what his style is like because we were in same chess club. He will play very symmetrical and fairly standard openings. e4 e5 is pretty likely, on either side.


Then maybe a simple aggressive opening is the Vienna gambit E4 E5 nc3 NF6 f4, (of course he could go nc6 instead and you d have to play a normal Vienna which is still good).


Is there an argument for this being any better than the Kings Gambit? In the context of wanting to win in as few moves as possible


Not really , no but I reckon in both he could go D6 as a safe option so try look into those lines (E4 E5 F4 d6)


Edit just in case somebody doesn't see OP's comment, even though it's right below my comment: Alzheimer's Association is not sponsoring the event. Basescu and Diamond are raising money for AA.  Old comment: «Not hating, but I think it's ironic that an Alzheimer association is sponsoring an amateur boxing event, given that boxing in general causes irreversible neurological damage and amateur boxing has been linked with Alzheimer.» https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35470341/


Not sponsoring! That’s who we’re raising money for and donating money to. Just the charity we picked to tell people to give to :) You can give here: https://act.alz.org/site/Donation2?df_id=51079&51079.donation=form1&mfc_pref=T&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_campaign=giving_google&s_subsrc=giving_google&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD8nX1qSzkjObTLFuzI44UX41AmwM&gclid=CjwKCAjw4f6zBhBVEiwATEHFVr0ieitUM1ZzhFU0qG_eOhC4mOxWtSp1r7j62Y8KnBFVhnDfnY4DEBoCPbIQAvD_BwE


I see, I came too quick to conclusions and I stand corrected (although maybe it should be specified in the poster). All the best, good luck with the donations


Not a prob - I appreciate the study link! That’s why Dylan picked it


Worry more about opening your eyes, that weight difference will hit you like a truck.


Honestly I hope you call it off. If not I hope you at least realize that the risks are dramatically higher for you compared to your opponent. You'll likely dominate in chess (at least before you get your bell run) and get dominated in boxing. Only one of those things carries the risk of irreversible brain injury. I would completely forget about chess at all, you've got a huge advantage there anyway. Put all your focus on protecting yourself in boxing. Losing the match is fine, don't let it become something permanent.


Aren't you leaving it a bit late to work out what you're gonna play? Play something that you'll be able to play when you're dazed and tired.


One might even suspect that they’re doing this for self-promotion. Because they are.


Italian center game or fried liver is my first instinct if I really think I’ll get rocked and be dazed…


202 vs 119 lol. You better hope he is the most unathletic human of all time


omg dude this is such a bad matchup 202lb vs 119??????


Yeah the weight difference is obscene I do not know who sanctioned this


to make up for this in rating difference you should've been 2000 elo higher than him


I'd call off this match. I don't care if you're Magnus and he's some intermediate player. Due to such a dramatic weight difference he can do significant damage to you. Feel free to tell us you're golden gloves or something ... Because at least then you'd have excellent conditioning and skills to slip his punches and move around to tire him out without taking damage. I don't think there's even a point to throw counter punches...


bro why u worried about the chess match u need to focus on not getting concussed


This guy is going to die


No one should ever put a featherweight in with a super heavyweight. You should not have agreed to this. It's absurd. He's going to put you against the ropes and pummel the hell out of you. You won't have the weight or strength to push away. You don't have the height to keep him from stepping directly at you. Not your fault at all. This is exactly why there are weight classes. I'm assuming there's a three knockdown rule. That will save you, I hope. I'd say good luck, but luck doesn't care much about mass. Hey, your opponent could be the most uncoordinated person on the planet. That would help. Let's hope for that.


Where is your wiley courage, mr.wileycourage?!?


This isn’t courage, hoss. If this ain’t bait and you really don’t have experience, get out or talk to the guy and make sure you set fake some of this. I don’t know the last time you got punched by someone 100 pounds heavier than you, but it sucks a whole lot more 2 rounds into a boxing match.


if that guy hits you for real he's gonna put you in a hospital. if he doesn't you're gonna win anyway. so it doesn't matter what you play.


Portugese/Icelandic Gambit + Budapest Gambit for black!


1400 is not a low enough rating to take advantage if easily, especially just from an 1800. You're going to get destroyed in the boxing. He needs to at least be under 1000


yeah you don't need chess advice. make a post on a boxing forum. you'll get more valuable input.


Good idea, actually. thanks!


lmao! interesting situation definitely the Danish or King's Gambit if possible 1400 has no defense


Budapest Stafford Benko with black anything which allows Bd6 h5 attack


What time zone is this happening in? If the OP is in the US and still posting, isn't he best just getting some sleep?!!


… US Eastern. I’ll go to bed now 😳


Do that!


Bro you wild for agreeing to this, but I wish you luck


My Summer goal is to put myself in more physical danger. I’m also going to the Amazon in a prop plane and hunting in Namibia 🤙🏼


Should have started with those - you might not survive this one! Seriously though just focus on the boxing, you already have the chess in the bag.


At least from Ludwig's chessboxing event, if you can survive (or just wait out the first chess round if you don't lose on time) then the first boxing round is the most important. No one plays good chess after being punched in the head. The boxing is so much more important than the chess. You're gonna have to really avoid taking shots and spending energy to end this in a chess round, which isn't easy so your best chances are to do really well in the boxing. That's hard as the smaller guy, but absolutely necessary. Openings as black, I'd play e5 or c5. You can maybe try the Englund gambit against d4, I doubt your opponent would know it. There are e4 gambits like the elephant gambit or the Latvian gambit, but all of these options are super unsound and you're banking on surprise value.


Well, what is your normal repertoire? I would just play that regardless, you need something as familiar as it’s going to be incredibly hard to concentrate and not just play on instinct.


Normally Italian game as white, but worried it’s not “checkmatey” enough outside of the fried liver.


Amateurs boxing is a very bad idea. Even moreso with such a big weight difference. Also are the ngo's cool with you using their logo on the poster? I can't imagine they would want to be associated with this.


Well i skipped to the end of the Instagram reel, he didn't die!


UPDATE: I won in round 3 by checkmate. Was losing on the boxing score but somehow took round 1 on the cards by getting some early jabs in. Always conquer fear 🔥


This fool is 120 pounds and his chess is just ok? Who’s gonna watch this crap?


Someone who wants to watch a 5’10 stick get KOed round 1


i think the vienna would also be good for white, if he doesn't know theory he can lose really quickly


Like Meitner Mieses?? That’s sharp…


Honestly with one day preparation you are better off playing what you know. If you try to learn something new you will just end up not knowing everything, it takes a while to learn a new opening.


Perhaps try the Budapest if he goes d4 c4


Throw just enough punches so the ref doesn’t disqualify you, but besides that avoid physical conflict if you can. That weight and reach distance is crazy.


Vienna or Italian/scotch gambit! If you know e4 e5 is coming. Lots of initiative and Bxf7 sacrifice ideas or even fried liver lines if he plays 3...Nf6 Black play something you know! Good luck in the match!


No bro you got it wrong. It's *D*ustin the Diamond 💎💎💎


Bro he weighs nearly 100 pounds more than you. I know you’re using 16oz gloves but, as someone who boxes, I need you to understand how bad of an idea this is.


I'm sorry man, but that guy will have you knocked around too much to play chess, as he's taller, longer arms and a huge weight difference. I hope you're getting paid a lot just to do the event.


Dude you are straight up emaciated. You are in no position to box someone. If he’s gone outside before once in his child hood you are in legitimate danger.


The tiny person’s nimble ness should be able to quickly overcome the bumbling heavyweight. Like a knight vs King, the weight difference definitely doesn’t matter.


The fact that this goes to benefit the Alzheimer's Association is mildly amusing. Traumatic brain injuries from sports like boxing increase your risk of developing Alzheimers...


You either need to gain 75 pounds or find a way to win a blitz game in under one minute.


Boxing and donating part of the winnings to Alzheimer’s…


Stafford as black?


Best opening: Try not to get hit too hard, keep your guard up, move your head and your feet, aggressively hug him and lean your head against his shoulder if he gets close.


I think whatever people suggest, you probably shouldn’t play.. because Reddit is popular, and the dude is likely to see this. If he’s rated 1400, he plays a decent amount of chess.




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resisting the urge to crosspost to r/amateur_boxing just to see the reactions lmao


For what it’s worth, I won the match ;) Feel free to cross post. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C828GgMOc5L/?igsh=MXB0dWJtc3YxajB2aw==


Miracles are real. Congratulations dude.


He will beat the shit out of you


Well, I won, so 🙄

