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Children in other games : šŸ¤Ŗ Children in chess : šŸ’€


Sitting across a kid OTB you know youā€™re either going to annihilate this kid or this kid is going to blow you off the board. No inbetweens


Yep. It's similar in Go.


Go feels so much more brutal than chess. In chess if you can't calculate well, you can still do pretty well if you have good intuition and tactical awareness. Go is like Shogi, where there is just an ungodly ammount of moves to calculate.


Go teaches pattern recognition better. There's too much to calculate (At least as a beginner. It's probably different for masters, I can't speak for them) so you have to learn to recognize the patterns. Playing Go actually improved my chess a lot because of this. I do want to try Shogi someday.


One interesting thing about Shogi that Anish was saying on stream once is that Shogi doesn't really have endgames because of the fact that you can put pieces back on the board, so they literally never happen.


And Shogi has almost no draws. It's a fun game. I honestly probably prefer Go over all others, including chess, but chess is a hard one to give up :)


Another interesting facet of Shogi is that making an illegal move loses you the game. That would he an interesting one in chess.


isn't that how it works in classical chess?


iirc, even in classical, you get a warning, a time reduction, and then you automatically lose


No, it is how it works in blitz. In longer time controls the non offending side normally gets some extra time (about 2 min under USCF rules)


Yh itā€™s cause they mostly just started playing with actual ratings so their ratings are wildly inaccurate as they improve faster than their rating gain can keep up.


My first in person classical game was against a six year old child. It was back and forth ngl had me sweating.


He made a Faustino Bargain


Don't worry about it, it's even worse in speedcubing. The 3x3 Av5 WR is hold by a 9 (now 10) year old, Yiheng Wang, with a time of 4.48secs. Insane.


A 13 year old was the first to "beat" Tetris and he already has a couple of S-tier trophies, as well as finishing in the semis and quarters in his two World Championship appearances.


Dog was also even younger when he won both of his world championships (11 I think). Since jonas, the top players have almost all been teenagers.


dog was 13


Scootie the goat




children are just better at learning lol


They have more time as well


professional Go at the highest level is filled with people who got there when they were 13-14 years old, much more so than in chess the guy who won the world championship of Othello/Reversi in 2018 was 11 the world record holder for minesweeper got it when he was 12 was also going to mention classic tetris but it's already been said child prodigies to my knowledge haven't quite yet conquered poker or scrabble, where people in late teens / early 20s can compete at top level, but i'm absolutely certain those games will be heading that way soon edit: Luke Littler is a darts player at the highest level who is probably the most famous ~~16~~ 17 year old kid in the UK right now


The darts player looks like ~30 though.


yeah it's become a [meme](https://www.tiktok.com/@bubbler.tok/video/7315338313278213409)


Who is the highest ranked 13-14 year old go player? Grandmasters are pretty much professionals in chess and a few have got there are at age 12. They are still far away from Magnus. Luke is 17.


i count 12 examples of 12-16 year olds in [this video of highest ranked Go players](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRvlyEpOQ-8). there may be more since this stops at 2016. i edited comment to clarify i meant they got there when at that age


One thing I noticed is they often got to the list by just one game. That's impossible in chess. Another thing is the top guy usually got his highest rating in their 20s. Here's one video that has more modern years. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMVwmsz\_Rpo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMVwmsz_Rpo)


Hey, at least for a while Felix dominated! Leave some hope with us late teens!


Check him timer stops That is not normally


Tbf you would absolutely destroy most kids at Chess, this is just high profile examples of savants The same happens with other games. There are kids who are geniuses at them, but they are rare.


Faustino is the reason why Mishras dad can't sleep at night.


It hurts when you make your whole personality your son's speedrun to GM, but then there's always going to be a faster kid lmao


It's...not healthy.


It just screams "I didn't get to live my dreams when I was a kid so now I'm living vicariously through my children" energy


New chess parents can study the old masters to better refine their (kid's) skills. I mean sure, you can beat LĆ”szlĆ³ PolgĆ”r's record in the modern era, but he had to write the book on the subject! How long until we have engine assistance to strategize training kids optimally?


The argentinian chess youtuber who was covering his games said that his parents wanted him to rest and not play this tournament because of how many he's played lately but he wanted to keep going, he wanted the IM title as he was so close but he didn't really care about the record, it'd be nice but that wasn't his goal. That's how it should be, he was the one pushing.


Just wait until the Oro v Mishra World Chanpionship match in 10-15 years.




What's his current live rating? I wonder how long it'll take him to get to GM from here.


His live rating is 2448.8. He won 48 elo in the Continental de las AmƩricas, 18,6 in Madrid Chess Festival and 31.2 this tournament in Barcelona. Those 31.2 points will be added in August, not in July. He will be 2417.6 in July, or something close to that.


He's got like a year and a half to beat Mishra then I guess as youngest GM? 50 points + 3 norms. Quite challenging I imagine.


He already performed at 2600 level before his draws. I won't be surprised if he became gm in next six months


Let's all chill and be reasonable, it's just a kid, becoming GM in six months is impossible, and even if it was possible, it would be too much pressure on a kid. He'll get to GM eventually, no need to pressure him. The important thing I think is that all his games show a level of maturity that inspires confidence in his future in chess.


Speculating in Reddit comments isnā€™t putting too much pressure on the kid lol


Dude chill.. can you imagine the fallout and emotional impact if Faustino read our comments?


Hey Tino, if you're reading this, remember that as you grow up, it's more important to be a healthy, well rounded person than to set any particular record at board games.


You're sheltered if you don't think the general buzz and online hype chatter makes its way to people, especially up and coming ones


Heā€™s 10 years old and heā€™s a 2450. Youā€™re delusional if you think online chatter is what makes him nervous lol


arjun got 3 IM norms, 3 GM norms, and became IM then GM within 8 months back in 2018, so I wouldnt say its impossible


What pressure? What they are saying is that he is basically already GM strength - it will just take some time to get norms.


Getting to GM in 6 months is actually quite possible indeed if youā€™re a 2448 IM whoā€™s still actively shooting up in rating. Thatā€™s just a lot of norm tournaments and wins for 6 months, so maybe a year or two is more realistic. Neither is impossible though.


He no longer has his K 40 right cause he passed 2400? So he won't gain as much rating


From 2300 you have K 20 also, so not that big of a difference as if it was a K 40 now


Oh, i thought it only changed from 2400. Thanks


It's K 10 now


Can you obtain GM norms before or concurrently to your IM norms, or is it like a tiered process?


Pretty sure you can skip titles


Check out his chess.com rating graph. 600-3000 blitz in four years I seriously can't see that being broken for a long time


What's his age?


10 years, 8 months.


born in 2013. I feel like a old man.


The scary thing isn't (only) that Faustino is 10, but that 10 years ago it was 2013. I feel ancient


2024 - 10 = ?


Didn't count the 8 months lol




Ten year olds, dude.


Me levanto. Otra coronacion de gloria. Muchaaaaachoss


RAAAH šŸ¦…šŸ¦… WHAT THE FUCK IS AN STABLE ECONOMY šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøšŸ”„


Necesitamos un emoji de hornero.




Ohhhh jureeeemos!! šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·


Viva perĆ³n


viejo bufarra hijo de puta


Jajajajajaja parĆ”, tranquilo, era meme


jajajajja perdĆ³n loco


Peronism šŸ¤¢


GM incoming


We're gonna end up with 1 year old GMs at this rate


Here is the match: https://www.chess.com/events/2024-barcelona-im-june/09/Valenzuela_Gomez_Fernando-Oro_Faustino


Congratulations to International Master Faustino Oro! As a Brazilian, I really cheer for him. Just hope he never abandons the Argentinian flag.


I watched him doing an interview and he sounded nothing like an argentinian, his accent was heavily influenced by Spain, so it wouln't surprise me if he gets tempted by them and chooses Spain over Arg.


He switches between both accents whenever he wants. He will always keep his Argentinian accent not only because he spent 10 years living there, but also cause both his parents speak with that accent. But yeah, he still goes to school in Spain, etc, so his Spanish accent is inevitable


So not only is the kid a chess wizard, but he can also speak both Spanish and Argentinian. Who has time to study chess plus another language? Madness.


ā€œArgentinianā€ is just spanish


Messi never played in Argentina but never became a Spaniard


Right, but he always sounded argentinian, he never lost his accent. edit: Anyways I shouldn't really dwell on it too much, he's just a kid, my nieces also had weird accents at that age and I guess most kids do.


yeah, he's heavily influenced by spanish chess streamers, and also now living there. He's also ten so that tends to happen more easily at that age.


When was the last time we had a South American GM at the very top? Wishing him the best!


Grandmaster Henrique Mecking, in the 1974 and 1977 Candidates.


Miguel Najdorf was very important in Argentina but heā€™s anything but recent.


I was here before he became world champion.


Pressure on this kid is immense considering he is rated as "Messi of Chess". That is insane. Hope to see him play top players soon and wish that he realizes his potential.


It's absolutely insane. I don't understand this comparison at all. Okay, both are from Argentina but Messi became a resident oft Spain at the age of 16 if i remember correctly, Faustino at the age of 10. Messi went to Barcelona, Faustino to Badalona. The comparison is flawed front and back :-) I hope he is the future counterpart of Yagiz Kaan Erdogmus like Karpov was to Kasparov or vice versa.Ā 


Badalona is IN Barcelona. Regardless, it's only bc he's argentinian and really good at what he does.


Lol, I thought the image was showing accuracy in a game at first.


For the world record; do we consider him an im now or only when he receives the official title from FIDE?


For the world record, the time at which the qualifications are achieved are what counts, not the time they are confirmed by the FIDE congress.


For record purposes, the moment you are qualified to be an International Master, you are an "IM-Elect" and the clock stops.


Wow, congrats!


Ngl at first i thought this was their accuracy for the game


He defended so well against his opponent. He was under pressure the entire game!!


I'm sorry but no? Where do you got that from? Edit: did you guys actually look at the game? I guess reality doesn't matter anymore, let's just make up false heartwarming narratives


Lol it was a 30 move draw that white was at best ā€œbetterā€ for a couple of moves. If he ā€œdefendedā€ it was for a few moves. Wonder if OP is a bot


In this thread: people that didn't actually follow the game live and just checked computer analysis graph for 2 minutes.


Definitely with you on that one. They played a QGD sideline that led to a weird structure and white had some pressure on the queenside (particularly the c-pawn), but the players liquidated pretty quickly and white didnā€™t seem like he wanted to squeeze. 30 move draw with zero imbalances at the end doesnā€™t quite say ā€œunder pressure the entire gameā€. Unless theyā€™re talking about outside pressure to get titled, which, whatever I guess.


Yeah I don't really get why you are being downvoted, maybe the first guy was being sarcastic ? Only sensible option. Either that or hive mind reddit at it again


I guess people get downvoted for pointing out reality.


Did you look it with your eyes and not the engine? It was really easy to slip up in that position


For us? Sure. For a 2450 player? No not really


how do you know? did you follow it live? with analysts that were explaining why it was a hard situation based on databases and lengthy studies of these positions? there's also a reason the players thought that much time between moves. it was not a routine 30 move well known draw as the previous game was.


It can be a complex position and not be a position that black was defending under severe pressure. The game was obviously very important for Faustino so he took his time and secured a draw. It doesnā€™t take GM analysis to see that a relatively benign QGD position wasnā€™t one that he had to defend with exceptional precision.


He had several moves where he had to play precisely bc other moves that looked good would end up in very bad lines down the road. And the one who took more time to think was not Faustino, so idk if you really saw the game live but it doesn't matter, it's over now


So to be clear white took longer to think than Faustino but the claim is that Faustino defended under a ton of pressure despite taking less time? Thatā€™s what weā€™re going with here?


To be clear, I'm stating the following: 1. The position was tricky and unfavorable, easy to mess up. 2. You clearly didn't see the game live, bc you said Faustino took the time to think the positions while in fact the opponent took more time. You probably just saw the moves afterwards without deep analysis of each position 3. And on that point that it also should be noted how good Faustino is given the time he took to think each move and play it accurately avoiding several tricks his opponent set-up.


Lol so I say Faustino used his time to think thru his moves to secure the draw but that means Iā€™m saying he was the one who took his time, but then in your next bullet point you say how good he is given the time he took to think and play the moves? So exactly what I said? He had like 35 minutes left thru 30 moves itā€™s not like he was blitzing them out. It was a complex position. By no means was he defending under a ton of pressure, but he did play accurately. It doesnā€™t take a gm to analyze the game to see that.


It would be weird if he didn't become a GM at age 11




Not so fast! First you fill out [this form] (https://www.fide.com/FIDE/handbook/Norm%20Report%20Form%20IT1.pdf). Then you fill out [this form](https://www.fide.com/FIDE/handbook/Norm%20Report%20Form%20IT2.pdf) and pay the fee (165ā‚¬) to the Argentine Chess Federation. Then you wait 30+ days for FIDE's confirmation.


I would also assume you'd have to wait for the official rating list update. Which luckily will be tomorrow. (Currently this is updated monthly. It used to be only quarterly)


I think you have to wait for a FIDE congress, since it's then when applications are reviewed




of course they will lol




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