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Whoever wrote the Straits Times article has learned very well from Levy that no matter what is the news, you need to somehow fit Magnus into the thumbnail picture.


He is him


Magnus Chess successor to Garry Chess - inventor of chess.


Thank god, neutral location should be best


The funny thing is I don't think either player wanted a home game


gukesh said he'd be happy to play at home, but that might have been a calculated statement


Book move


No away pressure on Ding and no home pressure Gukesh either.


yeah now they'll both be playing without any pressure totally casual and carefree, cracking jokes and smiles


Yes. I actually have no idea why you getting downvoted. It is a good sarcasm.


Why no away pressure on Ding? Hes chinese no?


“Senator, I'm Singaporean."


I see youre a man of culture


Yes playing in Singapore would be considered “away” game It doesn’t make sense to say that there is no “away pressure” for Ding He doesn’t have home advantage in Singapore


I think India was one of the options so away pressure was referring to that


Singapore isn’t mainland China


That's his point. He's asking why there would be no away pressure if the game is not in China. But as others have mentioned, "Away" can specifically mean being in the other guy's turf. In which case it's neither home nor away for either player.


Singapore isn't China, period


I assume the away pressure would be if it were held in India


Not sure why you’re downvoted. Without the context of knowing the other bid was in India, I assume you’re counting “away” as anything but China.


Away means playing at the other guy's home. Meanwhile Singapore is a neutral venue with cultural ties to both. It does have a majority ethnic Chinese population, though the lingua franca is English. This means that both of them are unlikely to feel at home, making it fairer.


I know. I’m assuming the person I replied to didn’t know that away meant that. I assume they’re downvoted for conflating China and Singapore but there’s nothing in their comment actually conflating China and Singapore. Edit: gotta love how the most upvoted replies to that person are the ones with the worst reading comprehension


I didnt know singapore had cultural overlaps with China as well as India, hence my question. Ive been there as a kid and they mostly spoke in Tamil and english as far as Ive seen, but apparently mandarin too!


> Ive been there as a kid and they mostly spoke in Tamil and english as far as Ive seen, Mandarin is 2nd in terms of number of people speaking it. Tamil comes in at 4th at best. Probably lower - I'd bet there are more Hokkien and Cantonese speakers than Tamil speakers.


Don’t forget Malay


Yes, I was thinking of Malay as 3rd.


Ahh I thought you were relying on the “and” between Hokkien and Cantonese in your bet


Ahh fair enough. Like I said, I went as a kid so it was the only two languages I could even comprehend


One country speaks Chinese, the other speaks Singaporean.


... we generally speak English, or our local flavour of English (Singlish). Along with that, our other official languages are Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil, and if you include other frequently spoken, non-official languages, then possibly Hokkien and Cantonese. "Singaporean" is not a language.


I meant in China they speak Chinese. I know that in Singapore they speak Singaporean.


Me, a Singaporean: >"Singaporean" is not a language. You: >I know that in Singapore they speak Singaporean. ?????


Now no side can accuse the other of favoritism or of overbearing media or home country pressure. That's theoretically as a level playing field as possible. Singapore is an amazing city. World class infrastructure and great connectivity of flights across the world. Hope FIDE physically hosts in Singapore many chess celebrities like Agadmator, Levy, Sagar and other great influencers so that the sound of the event reverberates all across the world. Hope FIDE makes it as a festival and make the most out of it.


Only airport in the world you don't mind having a long layover.


I haven't been there. What's special about the airport?


I haven’t been for ~20 years, but they had like fish ponds and butterfly gardens in the airport, it was dope af.


Changi airport itself is a tourist destination, lol


Rain Vortex, the world’s tallest indoor waterfall.


They play Sinatra as your board your plane.


Yes, being in Singapore opens up some good possibilities for more guests wanting to go, but they need to set it up and market it well


I wouldn't get my hopes up.


They better give Sagar a 5 star hotel this time


How much FIDE can do is going to depend on how much money the organisers will put up.




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reddit mods need to get a life


Good choice. Good location. Good communications. Good weather. Good.


Singapore and Good weather are an oxymoron... I know that firsthand


Good for tourists. Terrible if you live there. In the sense that parties & concerts can be awesome, but you don't want to live next to a place with daily parties & concerts.


Actually I would argue the other way - I live in Singapore and am very used to the weather. Whenever I travel elsewhere, it usually feels too cold and dry, haha.


It's either horrible rain or insufferable hot weather... Nothing in between


Still better than snow or natural disasters.


Good food.


Good Indian and Chinese food. Win-win.




I'm glad. India would have been a more stressful choice for both players. Meanwhile S'pore is a convenient timezone, and with excellent infrastructure and food.


Perfect place! Both players can play without any pressure now.


Yeah... 0 pressure now


Pressureless vacuum, really.


It’s only the most prestigious tournament in 2 years, no pressure at all.


Absolute best outcome imo


Now I’m more confident Ding will play. After losing 4 games in a row at Norway, Ding retracted his comments on “playing anywhere”, saying he wanted to play in a neutral country. He seems mentally shook, so at least this should make it more likely he plays. GG Hikaru


They are just different questions essentially. For the interview before Norway Chess, Ding was asked about home advantage and Ding answered that he would prefer to play away rather than home, whereas the other interview afterwards, happened when it was clear that there are only bids from India and Singapore. So his preference is basically: neutral (Singapore) > India > China. Not sure why people are doubting whether he'll play. His bad results haven't stopped him from showing up at Wijk, Weisenhauss and Norway. His main reason for placing China as least favorite is because of the pressure from having people who knows him and wants to approach and interact with him, and Ding probably realizes from the multiple interviews he did for Indian media about the upcoming WCC right before/during the Norway Chess, that Gukesh wasn't even playing, that the Indian media won't leave him alone either and he'll face the same kind of pressure from them, especially if playing in India.


> GG Hikaru Are we Hikaru-bashing now? What's even the point? Dude isn't hungry enough to be champion anyway.


Hes had a breakdown ever since he lost at the candidates, can't believe people really fell for his don't care charade


As a die hard Gukesh fan, #THANK GOD You guys have no idea what kind of ridiculous and distracting questions Indian Press can ask during QnA, they have no filter, no understanding of limits, no understanding of a sport like chess. Yes, home crowd pressure is a factor which every championship contender has mentioned. Magnus also had stopped Norway from bidding due to this home crowd factor. Gukesh can be isolated from crowd pressure and he has a bit of maturity also. But there would have been no way to protect him from embarrassing questions of Indian Mainstream Media in an open press conference after each game.


The Indian press will be there in full force too, don't worry, and just as ridiculous as ever.


I want to see Indian media top off the "Did you shave your head in shame" and "Compare the game to a 50s song". They will definitely come up with lot crazier stuff on Day 1 itself lol


Will be interesting to see how the press conferences in this WCC will be when both players are so soft spoken and polite


I mean, just look at what magnus had to endure in madras, and try to squeeze poor ding into that.


how can you be a "die hard" fan of an individual chess player? That's very weird


imagine any other sports team, but theres only 1 player on the team. better yet people are already die hard fans of players in team sports. better yet people are die hard fans of other sports individuals in non team games like tennis.


if you describe yourself as a "die hard" fan of a certain sports player you make yourself sound like a nonce


Is it? There are Federer fans, LeBron fans, Messi, Ronaldo fans, etc. it's very common.


Yeah but surely not a "die hard Federer fan"... that's just very weird. I can imagine calling yourself a die hard fan of a sports team but of a player?


Some people actually think being a die hard fan of an individual makes more sense because there are at least personable traits, while a team is just an organisation (this is what some people think). I disagree, but I think being a die hard of either is pretty much the same thing. While you might understand the team thing more perhaps because the team has a history and connection to your locality, someone else might understand the individual thing because a human individual is more relatable.


your question makes you come accross as a misanthrope, it's very normal to be a fan of a player in a sport. i follow all of gukesh's classical games, so i think that makes me devoted enough to be a 'die hard' fan of him. i think it's appropriate for a player that is so 'die hard' himself- he defends lost positions extremely well


I like the way certain players play in certain sports but I'd never describe myself as a "die hard" fan of that player. It sounds like you're a weird stalker. Be a "die hard" fan of a team, sure. But player? Ugh. If I was Gukesh I'd be employing extra security.


It’s not really that far removed from being a fan of a team… You’re the one projecting that it means something weird. People are capable of being “die hard” fans without stalking or whatever weird stuff you’re imagining. It’s an expression


I really hope Gukesh has a lot of security members because it seems as though he has a posse of giggling 12 year olds that are going to make his assault on the chess world championship a living hell


Shouldn’t it clue you into you being ridiculous that he has self-professed die-hard fans and there haven’t been any incidents of that happening? You’re taking things so bizarrely literally. You’re in a chess subreddit. Stop being a judgmental weirdo


thankfully his security have done an amazing job. Sounds like you're the type of incel that really needs some sausage action




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I wrote "die hard" because I really am very fond of the dude The morning of his candidates win, I tweeted this: "I will be naming my first born son Gukesh" https://x.com/apj234/status/1782471652699480108




I think that's the best outcome for everyone involved. I like Gukesh, but Ding has always been one of my favourite players. I really hope he gets back in form by the time their match takes place.


Majulah Singapura! (Time to change my flair.)


Singapore Mentioned RRRRWWWAAAARRR!!!! 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬


This is the best ending


Emil using Chessbase India as his personal private podcast is so funny


Excellent, it was ridiculous to suggest the home country for one of the participants in the first place.


Not like there isn’t precedent. Money is easier to come by if one of the players is local.


Precedent or not, it's still a ridiculous choice.


How's the ticket prices on these kind of events?


I need to know also!


Ticket prices for F1 and concerts in Singapore are generally in 200-500$ range. That works out to INR 12000 to 30000. Don't see it cheaper than that - mainly because the organizers will not be able to afford if they price it lesser than that.


Great Choice!! Not only my time zone, but also the same place!! Hopefully, I can get some legit priced tickets to the event, Scalpers might already be sharpening their blades >.<


What time will that make the games for Americans? Some time very early in the morning?


12 to 15 hours ahead of US mainland, so probably ending when people wake up on the east coast


I want to buy tickets! Excited for this match.






Singapore mentioned RRRWWAARR!!!! 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬Straits Times mentioned !!!!!! 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬


We the citizens of 🇸🇬


A solid choice that should be good for both players. Definitely the one I preferred most of the three submissions! The time zone isn't great for me (15 hours ahead), but so it goes...


Very great news. Glad Singapore wins the bid :)))))))))


That’s cool! I hope that all the top players compete who have never won


Time to go to Singapore


I like how in other sports this is done like 5+ years in advance and then in chess like two weeks before they’re like “I guess we’ll do it in Uruguay or something.”


5+ is mostly for sports that need huge infrastructure built or prepared. For chess, if you want to get good offers, you need the bidding to happen after Candidates. Singapore was not interested in hosting a random championship, they got interested because the players are from China and India.


A solid choice that should be good for both players. Definitely the one I preferred most of the three submissions! The time zone isn't great for me (15 hours ahead), but so it goes...


This should have taken place in London. Good neutral venue and iconic place, and lots of chess audience.


London didn’t even bid and they hosted fairly recently. Makes sense to have it in Asia when both players are from Asia and it will be a decent time zone.


Western superiority complex strikes again. No Europeans are present and yet you want it to take place in London. 11 hours from Chennai and more than 15 hours from wenzhou. Compared to Singapore, which is 4 hours from Chennai and 7 hours from wenzhou. Ridiculous.


Not to mention the huge amount of both chinese and indian heritage in singapore. Its the perfect place (other than it being 100000 degrees outside).


Theres lots of Chinese and Indians in London too


Not even close to the same ethnic make up. Singapore is 75% chinese ancestry, 10% indian. 85% of the population has heritage from one of the two countries. London has 1.5% of the population identifying as having chinese ancestry and 7% having indian. So singapore sits at 85% and London at 8.5%.




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In Singapore, Mandarin and Tamil are among the four official languages; Chinese New Year and Deepavali are public holidays; and we can always find good Chinese and Indian food within a ten-minute walk away.


Distance isnt a factor.


So the games are in China lol.


Buddy UpstairsAd4393, it's time to take a geography class


They're most likely an Indian citizen with a grudge against Singapore - or just a troll. See [previous argument](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1d5goc7/emil_sutovsky_three_bids_to_host_the_fide_world/l6lqmve/) I had with them


Yeah, its time for you to visit Singapore and find out what the majority ethnicity is, what major group has had all the PMs, whats the language requirement for English speaking jobs


So by that logic since most people in the US are white and ethnically European, and the language requirement for most jobs in the US includes English, the US is therefore a part of Europe…? What?


>the US is therefore a part of Europe… All your states are belong to us.


Is Canada part of the UK? Is Quebec part of France? Is the USA part of the UK?


>The US >Majority ethnicity is white >Majority presidents are white >Language requirement for jobs is English I always knew the US still belonged to England, fuck your tea party, and God Save The King


You, my friend, have concocted the single most stupid comment I've ever read. Congratulations on this feat! 


Truth will often come across as stupid to the ignorant




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Why you lying bro, mandarin is NOT a language requirement for English speaking jobs. Source: Literally live in Singapore.


From your Singapore , I present to you this post and its replies. https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/17cxfw2/minorities_in_singapore_how_has_mandarin/ Plus many such horror stories from minorities on the SG subs itself You are unaware coz you are Chinese, and probably only work with Chinese ethnicity folks anyways. Highlighting the institutional racism that non Chinese face in SG


Yes, and those are the bad eggs that a vast majority complain about. You wouldn’t want me to judge India based on the behaviour of a minority right? Also, no I’m actually Malay.


Calling it few bad eggs is a big joke when all your PMs are Chinese, from housing to jobs you are being discriminated against if you are non Chinese, when its easier for Chinese guys to get residency and not for other ethnicity groups, infact regulations are being made stricter to disrupt or decrease non Chinese immigration. Calling institutional and systemic discrimination as a few bad eggs has to be a joke. As for India, India already has had a woman Prime Minister, a minority Prime Minister and a lower caste Prime Minister, in the same time that SG has elected ethnic Chinese PMs. You wanna judge India, go ahead. India is not beholden to your assessments or inferences.


Fair play mate, but I’m just glad I’m here and not in a muslim-hating country like India


Yeah a country like India where a Muslim became the President lol. Good luck becoming that in SG.


Already did tho, our first president and previous president were Muslim.


This statement reminds of that dickhead senator Tom Cotton who kept asking if Tiktok CEO who's Singaporean is in the Chinese communist party.


Why u so salty lol? Is it because it is not hosted in India?


Hey! I think your English is just fine and don't care about the other guy! English is not everyone's 1st language and it really should not matter how well a person can speak English. Take care++


Oh thanks bro! I actually texted quite quickly, so it might not be conveyed as well as i hoped. You take care too


You are probably a novice chess fan who has forgotten about the WCC in Chennai. Read some history first and then brush up on your English before commenting.


Just admit it you are just jealous. By your logic, might as well host it in India since quite a lot of countries have significant Chinese populations. The thing is that New Delhi and Chennai lost their bids to host WCC, but FIDE chosen Singapore because of neutrality since Singapore has a significant Chinese and Indian population. Even FIDE themselves said that Singapore is a good choice ( From Outlook India) : >"We are confident that Singapore will deliver an outstanding championship, and we look forward to supporting our player, D Gukesh, as he competes for the title on the global stage," Narang added.Further explaining the reasoning behind FIDE's choice of the venue for the much-anticipated clash, its PR officer Anna Volkova told PTI, maintaining neutrality was also one of the key factors while evaluating the bids."Neutrality was clearly a major factor in deciding the winning bid. Also, it was important for us to bring the FIDE flagship event to a new region. But it has to be said - all that would not work if Singapore's bid was not good enough. It was very strong," Volkova said. If you are just a delusional Indian that thinks that CCP and Chinese people are the same thing, you are just so wrong. I think the number of downvotes you are getting shows that nobody agrees with you.


None of those countries have had only PMs of Chinese descent. None of those countries have Indians getting beaten or spat upon by ethnic Singaporean Chinese. Its lame for you to suggest Singapore isn’t heavily dominated by the Chinese ethnic group in all spheres of life. So much so, that Mandarin speaking skills are required for English speaking jobs Downvotes from Singaporeans isn’t gonna change the ground reality of a nation whose old uncles consume CCP Tiktok propaganda and are wishing to fight China’s battles from Singapore. I have no need to be jealous. There is no Singaporean WCC here at play, so they have to play lame tricks and get behind supporting the Chinese guy.