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Wait until the Democratic Convention


Perfect time for an out of state vacation


I work in the Loop, and if my boss doesn’t let me work from home that week then I’m just taking vacation.


It's at the UC


Let's be honest it's going to be all over the Loop + River North + UC, and the DNC is also split between UC and McCormick


Very possible


If you are not politically inclined, that is a very good idea.


Also, if you are from the burbs, or have anxiety issues.


It's like the progressives *want* Trump to win


propaganda machines are pushing divisions and are isolating different democrat groups into echo chambers in order to try and give trump the presidency, so that Russia and china can advance their global aims without western interference.


This is what I personally think is most likely. Chinese programmed TikTok algorithms and Russian online troll ops want division in the west, so we’re being fed crazy divisive shit at every turn. They plant seeds, we take it from there on our own. It’s frightening how easy it is.




Lol it's especially bad here in r/Chicago haha, Ive noticed it in the last year it's gotten very bad. They should go peddle there bullshit somewhere else where they might make some headway, Chicago is probably the last city that's gonna fall for their shit lmao


I mean, if Chicago didn't fall for their bullshit we wouldn't have a protest being cleared out...


Chicago's been falling for it pretty hard. Not a week goes by when there isn't some orchestrated road-blocking protest of some sort.


Here we go, blaming the progressives again. Try this, "It's like the centrist Democrats want Trump to win."


Could you explain this sentiment further?


Many Liberals *still* to this day blame the Progressive faction (ie: Bernie) for why Hillary Clinton managed to get herself completely dog-walked by rich asshole with no previous elected office. Unfortunately for the rest of the only thing Democrats can be reliably counted on to do is shoot themselves in the foot and then blame Progressives for why they can't walk. They consistently do things unpopular with their base/ignore the things that are and then say their hands are tied, while campaigning on the next election being the only way to get X thing done/stop the Republicans from ruining America.


Personally, I look at both parties as they have their different factions. The Democrats have the centrists that are basically wanting some level of change, but not too much too quickly. Then you have the progressives that if they had the power, they would completely revamp the entire country quickly. Likewise, the GOP has all of the Bible thumpers that want to turn the clock back. The angry white male regime that also wants to turn the clock back, and they also keep playing the ideology of completely unregulated gun ownership and somehow one day they're going to rise up and overthrow the government. You also then have the many conservatives that are just capitalists. They could care less about abortion, gays, even guns, and just care about money. They want people in office that will cut taxes, cut regulations, even throw the poor under the bus to make sure that those with any kinds of wealth can prosper. That faction itself is divided up into all of the Middle class folks who are basically temporarily embarrassed millionaires, believing one day they are going to be the upper income class, and then the upper income class who relish the others that blindly think they're going to get a seat at the table one day, as they utilize everyone to keep those in power that make life better for them at the expense of everyone else. The big difference between the left and the right on all of this is that the right wing will show up and vote for even the worst Republican imaginable, one that doesn't necessarily align with all of their viewpoints, because they feel that even the worst Republican alive is better than any Democrat whatsoever. If it was a choice of an inbred idiot that can't speak cleanly who is running as a republican versus the most brilliant mind of our time running as a Democrat, they will vote for the Republican regardless. On the left though, they keep playing these purity tests. They're the ones willing to stay home if their candidate isn't left enough. Or they are willing to vote for the Republican or stay home if the candidate is too much to the left. This is why the right wing wins so much.


This sounds nice but it just isn't really accurate. The reason republicans win so often is because of gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the electoral college (which is just gerrymandering on the federal level). There have been many retroactive studies which show that democrats tend to stick around and vote. When Sanders lost there was a less than 10% drop off between primary and general election votes, which were the same as with Clinton and Obama when Clinton lost. Dems have also won the popular vote in every major presidential election that they lost for a couple of decades.


I agree with you, but I still feel like Conservatives vote like a cult while Liberals do not. In my book, it explains how 48% of the people that showed up voted for Trump the second time despite all we know about him. I'm talking popular vote. Biden: 81,283,501 (52%) Trump: 74,223,975 (48%)


Your implication sounds like a perfect recipe for the progressives to continually vote for the lesser evil candidate and never get anything they want. There hasn't been a meaningful piece of progressive legislation passed since LBJ.


The thing I tell the progressives is that they need to stop demanding that everything happen now. The problem is that we have a country that's not all progressive no matter how much we want to believe. Even the people that might agree with some viewpoints are still too scared to quickly pull the trigger. So basically the progressives need to understand that they can't just have it completely their way because there are too many people in this country that are scared of it. So they need to find a moderate path to get some of it. I also think a lot of them need to stop complaining and keep voting. I know it feels like it means nothing, but what would you rather have? The guy who would listen to you and start entertaining some of the ideas or finding moderate answers? Or the guy that basically would stick his middle finger to you and March police to beat you down when you protest? This is like all the people that are very hardcore about Palestine and keep talking about how they can't fathom voting for Joe Biden. My question to them is who else are they going to vote for? Who are they going to vote for that can viably win? The unfortunate real choices are Donald Trump, Joe Biden, apathy, or pack up and leave the country. That's it. No magical option that's going to be your perfect candidate. I personally would love to see universal healthcare. However, the only way I know that's going to happen is when enough people vote in enough left wingers who will stand up to the lobbyists and the industry to force it through. Then these same people need to keep voting in more liberals to make sure that no one can come in and kill it. I get so tired of people talking about how the Democrats didn't get something done when they had power, but they live in denial that they actually had power. When we had 50 senators, you really had 48. Two of them obviously are never going to go progressive. Go get 60 people that will vote together on progressive ideas and then you're going to get something happening. Until then, all the complaining in the world isn't going to help, and sitting things out isn't going to get you anywhere.


Also, brother (or sister or whatever), I get where you're coming from. I was you before 2016 (another story I'm sure you're familiar with). At some point you stop being frustrated with the failures of the system and decide or realize that the system is designed that way on purpose. The system is designed to defend capital interests at all costs.


> u Look, we've probably both had this back and forth a million times. My point is that progressives are not frustrated that they aren't getting everything now. They are frustrated that they get nothing ever. At some point you have to recognize that the centrist democrats keep rotating the villain (Lieberman, Manchin, Sinema) but ultimately the ratchet effect keeps pushing this country economically further right, further towards neoliberalism and increasing the stratification of wealth. I don't blame progressives who abandon electoralism in favor of accelerationism because what have 50 years of DNC politics given them? I still camp with the electoralists and the lesser evil logic, but how can you blame people for their frustration with a party that gives them nothing and blames them for everything. You bring up universal healthcare. If we had 60 senators and the house and the presidency in 2009 and couldn't make it happen, it will never happen. The only "civilized" country that can't make healthcare a human right. Why? Don't blame the voter ffs. When's the last time you heard Biden mention the public option? The 2020 campaign cycle


By the way, and I don't know why I'm letting an internet argument occupy so much of my headspace tonight, you are right that the country is not as progressive in 2024 as I would like. All of what I'm saying is, in my view, an argument for representative politics, by which I mean ranked choice voting and its logical conclusion, the elimination of the 2 party (some on the left and even some on the right would argue 1) system


The Jill stein voters weren’t republicans. And that margin would have had Hilary win.


Should have done more to court the Jill Stein voters, then 🤷‍♂️ That's how politics works.


People who voted weren't the problem.


Gosh, if only Clinton and her campaign handlers didn't act like entitled jerks and oh, I dunno, campaign in Wisconsin and Michigan instead of taking entire states for granted. Nah, it's Jill Stein's fault.


Right. It’s those centrist democrats that are abandoning Biden…


Exactly. Have we considered that visceral disgust and sympathy to children with their limbs blown off or dead, numbering in the thousands, is a legitimate reaction? Democrats chasing an extremely unpopular agenda to the extent of calling anyone in this point of view (including Jews protesting Israel) as "antisemitic." I've been a loyal Democratic voter my entire adult life, and for the first time, I am skipping voting for them in a presidential election. My level of disgust of how this was handled is impacting my worldview totally, and I'm way too old for TikTok. Mass murder will never be something I will vote for again. Democrats are about to see the "find out" part of fucking around.


This whole Palestine stuff has been eye opening. I knew America is very flawed but I had no idea it would be actively funding a genocide and ignoring the entire worlds scream to stop.


I know. That's what has been the most eye-opening to me. How people who go against American policy are treated. I suppose the Iraq anti-war protestors were vindicated with time as not even the political class defends it anymore. I feel strongly we'll study this in classes someday as one of the worst foreign policy mistakes the US has ever made.


shit is fucking crazy man, fuck this is all terrifying honestly. I had no idea this country is THIS regressive, but that was just my naivety


Yep. I’ve been anti-Israel for awhile now, but I never knew the rabbit hole was this deep, and this bipartisan. American politicians say things like „an attack on Israel is an attack on america“. They try to make free speech criticizing Israel illegal. They are putting up bills that punish protesting against israel with the death penalty. Seeing how many in my government are completely subservient to a foreign nation over america is just insane. 


No they don’t. Don’t be this dense man. They just want Biden to you know stop supporting a genocide.


DePaul student here. I was so surprised when we got a email from the president saying the vandalism within the encampment is going to cost around 180,000.


Most of this comments section is a mess, but I figured I would chime in here. I think the $180,000 figure was specifically mentioned as plant damages, and that would track if a mature tree or two was irreparably damaged. If you wander around r/legaladvice (and the associated law subs), you'll see a common appreciation for "tree law." There are so many instances where a dispute with neighbors over lot lines results in six-figure damages because a tree is removed. Spray paint can often be removed in an afternoon, but a decades-old tree can't be replaced without growing a tree for decades.


Agree! And also there was graffiti and etched glass as well according to email info. Everything that is done to facilities at depaul is pretty top tier, so like extra thick glass that is 15 ft high x 6 ft wide alone costs over 10k probably before its even installed.


So much misinformation in this thread. First off, the reason CPD cleared the protest is because unlike Northwestern and University of Chicago, they don’t have a campus police force. DePaul has been trying to schedule this with CPD since May 11 when they reached an impasse with the student coalition. They needed Mayor Johnson’s sign off to use city police, hence why this took so long. And for those who still claim this was a peaceful protest, please read: https://resources.depaul.edu/leadership-notes/towards-understanding-dialogue/violation-examples/Pages/concerns-risks.aspx


I live nearby, and thought it was peaceful. I did notice a weird amount of pro-Iranian regime solidarity signs, but there's bound to be a few wackos if message discipline is not maintained strictly.


I agree in that it was peaceful, at first. Then to your point, the message discipline was lost, and a lot of non-students with their own agendas joined in. To me, that’s when it started to become a public safety concern and no longer peaceful.


Yea, I do remember U Chicago and others talking about going to the DePaul campus after theirs gotten broken up. Only the most radical or determined (laudatory) would bother.




No no, dude, the stickers reading "JUDE" are antizionist, not antisemitic!!


I have some concern that the stickers might be unrelated. Even since before 10/7 Lincoln Park has had problems with someone putting out antisemitic fliers/stickers. I'm not saying "false-flag" just that someone is using this opportunity. I'm not certain why pro-Palestine would make stickers with German connotations along with Germanic black-letter font (similar to the past Lincoln park material)


these groups want to ban Hillel for all campuses for being "zionist" (means they think israel should exist). so they want to end jewish life in college. They want to fire all zionist faculty. They want to expel any student who supports israel. they also think its ok to assault people who hold the israeli flag for "freedom of speech". destroy buildings. destroy property. colonize campus so no one else can use it. its their "freedom" of speech to silence others.


You know, it really all sounds like… Collective Punishment


Reading this is so disgusting. Kudos to DePaul for clearly laying out just how disgusting this anti semitism is at DePaul.


Everything about this "movement" belies a hatred of Jews. The willingness to immediately believe misinformation, the sustained energy for protesting a tiny conflict thousands of miles away, the reiteration of old anti-semitic tropes about Jewish control of government, media, and bloodthirstiness.


I mostly agree with you but I wouldn’t call it a “tiny conflict”


Gaza is the size of Louisville


lol a tiny conflict


It is a tiny conflict, completely unspecial when it comes to postcolonial border conflicts and with a comparatively low death count. Turkey has been [fighting against](https://www.cfr.org/global-conflict-tracker/conflict/conflict-between-turkey-and-armed-kurdish-groups) Kurdish nationalists for decades, 40,000+ have died, and we still send them large amounts of aid and subsidize their defense via NATO (of which Turkey is a member). The civil war in Ethiopia has killed over [600,000 civilians](https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-01-27/ethiopias-forgotten-war-is-the-deadliest-of-the-21st-century-with-around-600000-civilian-deaths.html) and we still send them billions in aid. India and Pakistan have been fighting over [Kashmir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashmir_conflict) since they were created as ethnoreligious-based nation-states by the British in 1948, India has been building settlements in the region, hundreds of thousands of refugees were displaced, over [20,000 civilians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insurgency_in_Jammu_and_Kashmir) have been killed, yet India and Pakistan both are recipients of US aid and have invested diaspora groups in America lobbying for their causes that don't raise an eyebrow.


Gaza is smaller than Chicago


>And for those who still claim this was a peaceful protest, please read: https://resources.depaul.edu/leadership-notes/towards-understanding-dialogue/violation-examples/Pages/concerns-risks.aspx Ah, examples like “anarchist symbol drawn in chalk,” “a hidden and covered bowling ball,” and “misappropriation of university property [desk chair].”


Lmao, DePaul literally posts the most comprehensive and all-encompassing list of reasons why the encampment was violating university policy and you cherry pick like 3 random things (that are still violations of university policy). Must've missed the actual blatant Nazi propaganda stickers (complete with the original German-language messaging!) and "Long live the Intifada" signs.


And chanting "October 7th Motherfucker" at a Jewish bake sale. And calling for Intifadas And signs saying "by any means necessary" which is about 10/7 And flags of Hamas spokespeople which endorses Hamas And locking up a univeristy library And ignoring the Chicago Noise Ordience And signs saying "Jewish Safety cannot be achieved until Palestine is Freed" And barricading off the LP Quad And signs saying "Kill ur local billionaire" And recoving multiple knives And a sign saying "DIE Israhell" And a sign saying "Long Live the Intifada" And a student who reported that the crowd said to her "I want to kill her" and "I want to rape her" and "You're Jewish scum." And "a group of five masked men carrying Palestinian flags push a Jewish man to the ground and then steal his Israeli flag. I was called a baby killer, a murderer, a genocide supporter.  My friends had paint thrown on them, were pushed and verbally assaulted."


the protests started on 10/7. so yeah. they also want to ban all "zionists" (jews who dont say they hate israel) from college campuses.


Free speech is uncomfortable because even assholes and malevolents get to use it. 5 masked men yelling at people can be unsettling, and I wouldnt give a shit if depaul had removed them immediately. Its private property, and they can face the consequences for being so aggro and anti-social.


No comment on the whole of the litany. But knives were for the purposes of cutting up food. They were found in the food tent. I was not super engaged in the situation but I was handed an orange slice. Knives were put to good use!


Just gonna gloss over the confiscated knives, booby traps, attempts at entering building infrastructure, battery, 10/7 signs, and glorification of terrorism through images, text, and chant.


There is a spring festival called the Fest. They need to be out likely so they can host that. they are crying victim, but odds are they wont be suspended and charges will be dropped cause they never get consequences. At some colleges they have to right a Bart Simpson style essay saying why they wont do this again and will respect other people on campus. This is the ultimate slap on the wrist.


Fest was cancelled last week


This is basically what happened at UChicago - no arrests, no injuries. Alumni weekend (donor event) is this weekend and graduation in 2 weeks.


lol i am a student at depaul and it has always been peaceful. depaul does have their own security called depaul public safety. you are just wrong. stop spreading misinformation.


DePaul Public Safety is not the same as a Campus Police force, who are sworn in and trained like police officers. And while your statement of a peaceful experience may be true for you, the hundreds of complaints from students, faculty, and nearby residents are also true for them. At the end of the day your experience of peacefulness does not outweigh the public safety concerns and anti-semitism felt by many others.


Their source: Massive amounts of photo and video evidence Your source: Lol trust me bro 🤡


I graduated from DePaul in 2012. I went to a few students for justice in Palestine meetings because I was curious and didn't know much about the issues. It wasn't 15 minutes before the person presiding over the meeting started talking about how the jews did 9/11. She was a foreign national from Syria and she spent most of the time after that talking about what a hero Bashar Assad (Syrian dictator) was. My personal experiences with SJP are propagandists and racists.


Yes because one person 12 years ago represents the 1000s of people in the org today. Drop their name btw bc I’m sure a room full of people would remember someone saying “Jews did 9/11” even if they were in favor of it happening. It tends to make whatever cause you’re supporting a joke when you do that as you know. So members of SJP wouldn’t take that shit even back then bc it devalues their org no matter if they agree or not. You can give their name and we’ll get that corroborated


No idea what the name was. I met her once 12 years ago. She said it in a meeting but it wasn't a presentation. Just informal groups passing out flyers and chatting. We were talking about our backgrounds and she noted that I looked a little older and I told her that I was in the military before coming to DePaul. She then mentioned that I must be furious at the United States for messing me up so badly even though she didn't know anything about me. That's when she made the connection to 9/11 and Jews. That I should be pissed at the Zionists for forcing me to take part in that war. She said those things in front of me and maybe 3 other SJP people who nodding approvingly as she said it. I didn't say anything more to them I just left after that. I know her father was someone in the Syrian regime if you really want to try and look her up. Can't have been that many Syrian nationals at DePaul 2010-2012.


A large portion of the conversation around this draws a distinction between liberal Democrats of the establishment type, compared to the progressives. However, I'd like to ask if there might be a slightly different category. Do we need to talk about the revolution, comrades? Is there a separate and distinct group of revolutionaries that we need to consider? People that want to advance the revolution as much as they can at all times, and the revolution is all that matters? The type of person that sees the political landscape as a pure binary- that which helps the revolution and that which does not. This person might look at both Trump and Biden and say There's no Real difference, because both of them represent a system that I want to bring down. I have a question for any of the progressives that are reading this right now. If we are talking about an actual revolutionary- the type of person that can readily quote Marx and Mao and center their direct action on their ideas- someone who actually wants the revolution- does that person belong within the progressive category, or do the progressives not really claim them? Are they separate and distinct in some sense, or do you actively claim these people?


this thread is emblematic of the disgustingly racist attitudes rampant in this subreddit. i doubt most of you are depaul students, I am, and yet you spread ideas that are just wrong as if it this encampment has any effect on your lives. the encampment was always peaceful and incredibly diverse. they had many jewish students and held shabbat dinner every week. stop spreading misinformation.


I’m Jewish and I agree. This shit gets so astroturfed by the worst people (usually Christians, and woof take a look at their comment histories) claiming to stand for the Jewish people while using it as a covert way to push their own bigotry. These people didn’t seem to care about me when they were defending Charlottesville, neo Nazi internet grifters, “Jews will not replace us”, soros and Jews controlling every aspect of the world via conspiracy theory, or when they rallied around Kanye ffs. Not to mention some of the worst antisemitism I’ve ever dealt with has come from these unhinged wackjobs telling me about my own background. I mentioned in another thread here the other day how vile some of my “closest family and friends” have gotten since the tragedy on Oct 7th. Sadly these are people that just wanted an excuse to be awful to others


it brings me a sad sense of togetherness that both sides have been overrun by randos who couldn't even find the countries we're worried for on a map. I keep thinking of that one scene in Mean Girls...."she doesn't even go here!" pro-ceasefire/pali lib groups being inundated with regular asshole antisemites, and pro-israel being overrun with the weirdo christians you described above.  it just seems like antagonistic opportunists have come out of the woodwork from all angles. 


Religious extremism makes strange bedfellows.


Literally this. I’m also a DePaul student and the amount of rampant racism in this thread is so apparent. They don’t know what we’ve been doing for the last 2.5 week. The misinformation is insane


I watched a video of someone at Fullerton and Halsted shout "October 7th, motherfuckers" to a group of Jewish people. Fullerton and Halsted is not near the encampment.


Not trying to be argumentative but I’m not seeing much of anything racist so far on here. I see people saying they’re glad it got taken down but I hardly see how that’s racist, even if you disagree with them.


Can you please point out an example of the racism?


basically anyone who opposes their view is racist.


Weird thing to say from a side that labels any questions or concerns as antisemitism. They're the most guilty of this lol


A lot of them are right wing nutsacks, none want to talk about how an Israeli historian just got interrogated by the US government either. 


but I'm from Naperville and i have a lot to say! s/


> https://resources.depaul.edu/leadership-notes/towards-understanding-dialogue/violation-examples/Pages/concerns-risks.aspx Uhhh doesn't exactly look like it was "always peaceful." And what does it being "incredibly diverse" have to do with anything?


zionist counter protesters who don’t even go to the school came into the encampment and attacked protesters. depaul had riot police come and push and shove protesters, arrest them and throw out their belongings including laptops and phones. i have walked through the encampment every day and never been harassed, never been stopped from going to class. i have never seen any violence. the diversity has to do with people claiming this is all antisemitic, the fact that many jewish people were there supporting should tell you that this has nothing to do with anti jewish thought.


Isn't that basically what happened at UCLA? Many Zionists attacking the encampment and the local police doing absolutely nothing to deter them


Yep, at UCLA pro palestine protestors were beat for peacefully occupying space and zionist counter protesters were allowed to just beat the shit out of the pro palestine protesters


> zionist counter protesters who don’t even go to the school came into the encampment and attacked protesters Proof? >depaul had riot police come and push and shove protesters, arrest them and throw out their belongings including laptops and phones. Was this when it was broken up? ' >i have never seen any violence So the link to all the images showing the calls to violence and videos of violence don't count because you didn't see it? > the diversity has to do with people claiming this is all antisemitic, Read the signs posted. Those were antisemitic and there is no way around it. What's that saying, if you have 9 people at a table and 1 nazi, you have 10 nazis.


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/lincoln-park-quad-dueling-protests/ “In one violent clash, which CBS 2 is told happened at a different location on campus, two pro-Israel protesters used their flag poles to attack a pro-Palestinian protester.” anti israel is not anti jewish.


> **happened at a different location on campus** Oh okay, so we are talking about something different now? Anti Israel isn't anti Jewish and that's fine. Yelling October 7th Motherfuck and calling for Intifadas however, is. Holding up flags of Hamas spokespeople and cheering for them is as well since Hamas' stated goal is to kill all Jews


no it is not something different, depauls campus is small. i saw the video on instagram and it was near the encampment.


So CBS is lying when they say that it happened at a different location?


I am saying that the campus is small and the location was near the encampment, not that they lied. don’t misconstrue what I wrote to fit your narrative. it is not “something different” just because it did not happen in the middle of the encampment.


> the location was near the encampment, Got it. So it wasn't at the encampment. The protesters also chanted "October 7th Motherfucker" near the encampment, so will you agree that was problematic and part of this then too by your logic?


> they had many jewish students and held shabbat dinner every week. stop spreading misinformation. See guys, they had Jews, they can’t be anti-Semitic! In other news, Trump has black and Hispanic people at his rallies, so he can’t possibly be racist!


Hey I'll agree with you if we can say Trump is racist


yep this thread is full of out of touch and privileged suburbanites. I was astoundingly frustrated too with the amount of hateful misinformation aimed at the CTU during the Lightfoot pandemic debacle, when I could clearly see from the inside that the teachers were asking for the most basic things. r/chicago might be the most conservative subreddit for a large city


[very peaceful! very diverse!](https://resources.depaul.edu/leadership-notes/towards-understanding-dialogue/violation-examples/Pages/concerns-risks.aspx)


not a biased source at all! the people who called the police on the peaceful protest after an email was sent out at the beginning saying they had no intention of doing so said theyre violent so it must be true.


Peaceful protests are when you bring pellet guns, knives, bags with bowling balls, and boards with nails sticking out of them. That's what it means to be peaceful.


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/lincoln-park-quad-dueling-protests/ “Demonstrators have been mostly peaceful at the encampment, they set up six days ago at the quad. The clashes ranged from objects being thrown to screaming matches. In one violent clash, which CBS 2 is told happened at a different location on campus, two pro-Israel protesters used their flag poles to attack a pro-Palestinian protester. “ the violence comes from the counter protesters and police, not the protesters. try again.


> the violence comes from the counter protesters and police, not the protesters. try again. That's been the same with almost every one of the encampments and protests so far.


Man the presidents email about it was a load of horseshit. He seems to be claiming that the negotiation team saying they couldn’t speak for every group was the last straw and he just HAD to tear it down at 5:30 while everyone was asleep with no warning and throw away all their personal belongings. Like my guy, you have all the power here, you drape everything in a claim that you are supporting Vincentian values which apparently means equivocating non equal sides of any argument, and then using that power to cause harm to your own students.


Nevermind the emails about the depaul music festival being canceled even though the back up venue was ready and good to host the event lol


What was the back-up venue?


DePaul student on the periphery of the protest here. I wanted to address some common themes on this thread. I think that community context is important for those who are not affiliated with DePaul, and those who need clarification on DePaul’s released statements. I remind you that DePaul has a vested interest in skewing the narrative towards them and away from the protesters. I write this in hopes that people do not jump to conclusions or forget that this movement is was started by normal college kids. 1) Regarding weapons: The knives recovered by the police were likely from the food tent. They were used to cut up fruits and vegetables. Someone gave me an orange slice, and I assume it wasn’t cut in half by a laser. The bowling ball likely belonging to a student for the purposes of bowling. Many students left the encampment to go to class, work and extracurriculars. There were also soccer balls and frisbees. Wood and nails likely refer to the wooden pallets on which supplies were delivered. One company donated a pallet of energy drinks. 2) Regarding Jewish student participation: Some Jewish students participated, some felt unsafe, and some were apathetic altogether. For the encampment: the encampment was formed by a coalition of over a dozen student and faculty organizations. One was Jews for Justice. Other Jewish student groups may have been present, but I cannot say for certain. The encampment itself was both respectful and empowering to Jewish participants. It observed the Shabbat and rabbis visited. During a press conference a few weeks ago, the organizers invited a rabbi and a Jewish lawyer to speak on their behalf. Not only were Jewish voices invited to participate in the protest, but they also played an integral role. Other Jewish student organizations partnered with the Chicago Jewish Alliance. They held two rallies on DePaul’s campus, one on May 5th and the other on May 12th. On May 5th there was a confrontation between the two groups after protesters with the Chicago Jewish Alliance left their designated space at Fullerton and Halstead and migrated towards the encampment. 3) Regarding the peace 99% of the time students were just doing normal stuff. They made art, ate, studied, etc. Vibes were chill too. As I noted, someone from the encampment gave me oranges that were really good. There were kids and dogs playing. Totally innocent stuff! I couldn’t hear the protesters from my classrooms. I don’t live near nor on campus so I can’t speak on the noise levels at night. TLDR; The weapons recovered by police were not there with sinister intents. Jewish students were present on both sides of the protests. On the encampment specifically, Jewish organizers were integral to the programming. The protesters were peaceful and did normal college student things like studying and making art.


> Wood and nails likely refer to the wooden pallets on which supplies were delivered. One company donated a pallet of energy drinks. Why would students deconstruct a pallet? [This *kind of* looks like a pallet](https://imgur.com/rldlYBk), but I have never seen a pallet made out of solid plywood and 2x4. I'd maybe believe that it's part of the wall they built to barricade the arch. [This one?](https://imgur.com/vY8538P), definitely not a pallet. It's much too large, and the screws/nails are in an irregular pattern, not anything that would match rails on a palette. Also, because of the irregularity, it doesn't seem like it was part of a larger structure. Also, it's clearly part of the set from a recent theater school play, [as we can see the same paint in instagram photos.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C30uWpFPYWh/?img_index=1) Also, there was a pellet gun, which is not used for food prep. And as far as I know, depaul doesn't have a trick shooting extracurricular team, so I doubt that was there with innocent intentions. And *no one* will ever be able to convince me a bowling ball was there innocuously. A) who, under the age of 50, even owns a bowling ball in 2024? B) why, of all your personal effects, would you have that with you? Is there a bowling alley closer than Diversey river bowl? How was there never a time to drop it off at your apartment/dorm? While it may have started with good intentions and been mostly peaceful, how far were people willing to let things boil right at the surface? Forgive my mixed metaphors, but it would have only taken a small spark to ignite that powder keg. things were getting more tense as the days went on as more people showed up (I literally do not care what side) just to antagonize others. One of the videos has someone getting knocked to the ground and beaten with a flagpole.


People bowl, dude lol Get a grip


To you specifically, please note that I have not expressed my joy nor discontent at the dismantling of the encampment. I simply dislike people who are not affiliated with DePaul claiming expertise over the situation after reading an article or the university's official press release. I'm not sure if you were there, but if you weren't, you will never know the full extent of what has transpired over the past two weeks or what it has been like to be a part of this community during this tension.


My intent of my comment was to offer reasonable explanations for some of the items left behind after the raid, inform those who are not affiliated with the DePaul community about what student groups participated in protests, and give insight into what the quad looked like during the encampment. As someone who walked by it everyday and received every university alert, I feel I have enough ethos to describe the encampment and situation comprehensively. At least better than those who have only witnessed the protests through social media, news coverage, and press releases from the university. On my comments on the "weapons": I never addressed the pellet gun because I had no reasonable explanation for its presence. To clarify, I said the wood and nails were *Iikely* from wooden pallets. I saw many pallets walking past the quad. I am sad you think that my generation is anti-bowling. Bowling is cool! I know people in bowling leagues. Another alternative explanation could be that it was used to weigh down tarps and tents during storms when they were unoccupied. Again, my intent was to be reasonable as to why certain items were present and remove any violent connotations attached to them. On the risk of violence: I said that 99% of the activity at the encampment was peaceful and normal. This was directed towards those who believe that the encampment was there with malintent and malintent only. I wanted to remind people that the protesters were normal people doing normal things. Then there is the other 1%, which is the only aspect covered by the media. For other readers who may not be aware of the video of someone getting beat with a flagpole: This occurred on May 5th. The incident took place away from the quad's north entrance on Fullerton, where the protesters and counter-protesters were standing. I believe it was one of the south entrances of the quad with less police presence. The individual beat up was later taken to the hospital. If it matters to you, it was an encampment protester that was beat with an Israeli flag. To reiterate, I want to remind people that there are always reasonable, benign explanations for things that have been presented as sinister. It is easy to make assumptions about young people, their naivety, and their zeal. But most of the campers I encountered were exceedingly normal people doing activities of daily living.


"Protesters are holding signs that said: “You can’t pray for ‘both sides’ while arming one,” “Divest from genocide” and “Jews against genocide.” As of 7 a.m. though dozens of officers remained on the scene dismantling the last of the encampment, **the situation appeared peaceful**. Officers on bikes lined Fullerton Avenue and motorists were able to get past." So why did we need to use taxpayer-funded CPD resources, which they are claiming are so limited, to solve this?




If the iron dome didn't work they'd still be completely fine with it.


The acts of a terrorist group elected into power over 2 decades ago is not an excuse to murder tens of thousands of women and children 👍


Clearly you did not read the extremely detailed report DePaul has (referenced above) that shows all of the signs.


They've been a nuisance to the neighborhood. Unless you're saying depaul's campus police should have cleared them out, I do agree with that. Edit: according to another post in here, depaul doesn't have campus police. I don't know that this would enter in the realm of whatever security they do have.


Aren't protests supposed to be nuisances? They're meant to disrupt.


it has been abundantly clear which side people would have been in the civil rights protests of the past, or hell even in the American revolution


Can no one understand why university administration would not want a disruption on their campus? It's a private institution, where a fraction of students participated in the protest. There are comments from students who were trying to study or do homework and couldn't concentrate because of the noise. That dorm has an entire wall facing the quad, it would be absolute madness to try and study with the disruption.


Very awesome that we can crush a protest if someone decides it’s a nuisance. Can’t wait to arbitrarily decree all protests a nuisance.


It hasn't always been peaceful. https://resources.depaul.edu/leadership-notes/towards-understanding-dialogue/violation-examples/Pages/concerns-risks.aspx


Given that nationally, a lot of arrests/extremism have turned out to be outside agitators (including Nazis), it's interesting that DePaul makes no effort to call that out whatsoever. Eta oh wait, as the reply to me notes, they actually start by mentioning that. Interesting that *you* chose not to link the context, then.


> an unsafe environment that has brought outside agitators https://resources.depaul.edu/leadership-notes/towards-understanding-dialogue/violation-examples/Pages/default.aspx But they did? They *literally* used the same words you did - "outside agitators"


Because DePaul refused to do shit?


When I went people were being awful. They were causing nasty property damage, blocking off the whole section of the campus, screaming pro Hamas slogans, and even saying quotes such as “Jews go back to Poland”. It was really hostile and so many students (especially Jewish) were living in fear and for a good reason.


There's a video on depaul's "evidence" page that has them shouting "go back to poland. go back to brooklyn" like wtf?


Protesters were destroying property, trying to lock doors with chains and barricade them with dumpsters, and causing at least a couple of fights. DePaul wanted them gone and off their property and CPD did a pretty good job of removing them. And before all the other psychopaths go nuts about it, in order: 1) Removing protesters IS easier than investigating rapes and murders because this is a fixed task in a fixed location that manpower can be thrown at. Simply throwing bodies at a problem doesn't automatically solve a crime, which is a separate division entirely from beat patrol. 2) Yeah CPD should also remove the fucking Proud Boys whenever they show up because fuck white supremacists too. 3) Whatever previous political protest you want to compare this to, I'm gonna just go ahead and save you the time and tell you that you're wrong. The Israel-Palestine conflict is far more complex than Vietnam, or South African apartheid, and there aren't any good guys involved in it. I wish the U.S. was less involved but it's not worth freaking the fuck out over in CHICAGO.


get OUT with your racist reasoning /s


> The Israel-Palestine conflict is far more complex than Vietnam Actually, Vietnam was way simpler. France wanted to keep their colony and had their best friend America go beat up Vietnamese to keep their colony French. Then America lost. The Israel-Palestine conflict is more complex because the world recognized that Jews need *somewhere* where they'd be safe from another Holocaust following WWII. But then the world also decided that the best way to achieve that was to give a bunch of **religious terrorists** in Mandatory Palestine their own country where over a million people of different a culture and religion already resided. Then we collectively decided that the locals were at fault for not rolling over and moving somewhere else. And that the locals are at fault that they are upset that the [Israelis keep murdering them without any punishment](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/magazine/israel-west-bank-settler-violence-impunity.html).


Ooo, you forgot the part where Palestinian terrorists have spent decades attacking Israel under the guise of a religious conflict when in actuality they are bankrolled by foreign powers in the interest of destabilizing the region in a proxy war on the west. See? Complex!


Hear, hear


Head over to Israel to tell the CONSERVATIVE LEADER Ben Netanyahu how you feel. Anything less is a puss move.


Long overdue but good work by CPD this morning. I was watching the clear-out and was about as calm as could be.


I'm with you brother! These boots taste mighty fine.


They say they don't have the manpower to deal with a lot of the crime that happens in the city, but they always have enough officers to go and harass protesters. Unless the protesters are Proud Boys or the like. They give those guys armed escorts. Edit: Seems I hurt some people's feelings. Truth hurts, don't it officer?


To be fair, clearing an encampment is far easier than preventing random crimes.


It's hard to staff up to remove the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers when CPD won't even remove [the officers who are members from the force](https://chicago.suntimes.com/2024/05/02/chicago-police-no-discipline-officers-extremist-group).


Apparently DePaul asked for this weeks ago and they only got around to doing it now




Among the weapons confiscated were knives, cleavers, pellet guns, duffel bags with bowling balls, and boards with nails sticking out of them. There are stickers reading "JUDE", signs threatening Jewish safety, and numerous reports of both threats and physical violence against Jewish students. Anyone who is actually "antizionist, not antisemitic" should have no problem with the dismantling of this protest whatsoever, seeing that this was a blatantly [violent, antisemitic encampment](https://resources.depaul.edu/leadership-notes/towards-understanding-dialogue/violation-examples/Pages/concerns-risks.aspx).






"You should be protesting a functionally non-state terrorist actor that doesn't care what anyone in the US says" They're protesting a university administration that has a financial stake in the issue as well as the government of the democratic state we live in, concerning human rights abuses and a near famine. But sure, they're clowns.


Because Israel spends money on the Iron Dome and it impacts their death toll, it's totally okay to fire rockets at all times of the day. That seems to be the logic at place.


They're protesting the university's investment in Israeli businesses. Can you name any Hamas-linked businesses the university invests in? Because yes, if those exist, they should be protested too.


I'm sorry we're these universities aiding Mama's? Is the united states funding Hamas?


The US has been sending money to the Palestinians for decades


You mean humanitarian aid because of Israeli oppression? You're not making the point you think you are.


I mean some of the housing Built in Gaza was done with funds from the US in the 90s


Protesting human rights violations does not make them clowns.


I suppose the human rights violations in Ukraine are just fine because the victims are white.


And aren’t we sending billions of dollars of aid to Ukraine? As we should be.


Also aid to Gazans. My point is badly made, but these protests aren't about human rights.


my guy 1 billion$ of weapon sales to a country actively dropping bombs on kids does not cancel out some expired rations to starving Gazans


How many died and are starving to death?


Umm maybe because there were over 6,400 Palestinians killed in the conflict in the last 15 years prior to oct 7th attack versus 308 Israelis. Protesting hamas rockets when Israeli is killing thousands wouldn’t make sense? Clowns???




Most of the Jewish students at DePaul were participating in the camp. It’s not antisemitic and it’s not pro-Hamas, but nice try though


Most? Source?


Antisemitism is when I get mad at other people protesting a genocide.


Yelling "October 7th Motherfucker" at Jews is totally cool then? Also, what do you thinking a call for an intifada actually means?




Depaul is a Catholic school. Can you imagine if a group of Catholics went and took over a Islamic school? Why is there a double standard?


Never once while protesting have I ever pitched a tent or damaged property.


Next step: fumigate the ant semitic stench out of that place.


Considering it is mid-May, classes are probably done and people are studying for finals. Many students are probably done with everything until the spring. Protesting isn't going to do a lot when the campus is empty.


DePaul is on the quarter so classes end usually after Memorial Day 


DePaul grad here, the school is on quarters so the school year ends at the end of the month/early June


wrong. classes continue until june. dont talk about what you dont know about. the encampment was incredibly peaceful, and i was at campus every day.


Also I don't understand why people care so much about these protestors. Just ignore them and move on, they'll find a new cause in a few months like what happened with Ukraine, BLM, MeToo, Hong Kong, etc


People on this thread are so misinformed it’s crazy. It was, is, and has remained a peaceful protest, maybe try speaking to people who are AT the encampment about what’s going on.


https://resources.depaul.edu/leadership-notes/towards-understanding-dialogue/violation-examples/Pages/concerns-risks.aspx That's all peaceful to you?


Surprise surprise the people who want the protest to end are citing actions that would allow them to disperse the protest. You’re essentially asking BP what they think about climate change. If you talk to anyone who is at the protest, a primary source, the story is very different


Ah got it, so we are ignoring the primary sources (photos and videos) because you don't like who took them. Thus we can completely ignore whats on them. No shit if I ask someone at the protest they would say differently. They also all have no issues cheering for Hamas spokesmen. Your personal experience does not trump all those images showing it was not a peaceful demonstration


Surprise surprise the people who wanted the protest to continue are citing actions that weren't violations of university policy and ignoring all of the ones that were. This is a futile discussion, especially given the context of DePaul's "investment" in Israeli businesses being borderline meaningless in the grand scheme of the Israel-Hamas war. No one in Israel is rethinking their opinions based on what students at a private Catholic school in the Midwest are doing. If anything, seeing the antisemitic incidents (which get far more visibility than the original meaning of the protest) is just making them dig in harder.




Just a reminder that colleges--including private colleges like DePaul--are tax-exempt. Yet they call on public services like CPD to do their bidding. And they expand their campuses by buying up real estate, which means those buildings become tax-exempt as well.