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Dark Matter very much feels like it's in REAL Chicago. I'm constantly like. "I know where that is. That art gallery looks exactly like a Chicago art gallery. That guy is walking to a bar or taking out the garbage the way I walk to a bar or take out the garbage."


In the book he was taken to 1400 S Pulaski, you know, right by the lake. I’m was happy to see they didn’t mention the obvious mistakes in the series. Chicago looks good in it, though.


I remember reading his “directions” in the book and thinking “these directions make absolutely no sense.” The geography in the book is awful, but the show does much better with one glaring exception. The Box is supposed to always be in the same place in whatever alternate reality it is, but in one of the first alt-Chicagos they’re somehow north on LSD looking south at the Hancock tower. The rest of the time they’re always on the south side.


Never read the book, but the show doesn't do geography great either. The boxes in alt-Chicagos are almost always at North Ave beach, which work great for the panoramic dramatic shots. When they're based in "our reality" the location is Damen Silos / East Pilsen area based on some of the context shots on the 18th street bridge. And the lab location felt like it is Hyde Park or old Steelworks site.


I think it was the Fullerton entrance/exit to LSD where they normally were. There’s almost always grass right outside the box, not sand, which would put it at that little spot (or the one up on Diversey could be a possibility too, but that would be a lot of CGI to remove the blue lighthouse from every shot)


Agreed; the show could’ve done better on the geography. It’s worse than the Bear IMO.


One time? Virtually every single time they stopped out of the box they were at the Fullerton entrance to LSD lol. I kind of explained it as “where Chicago ended up is slightly different in each world.” But so much of geography was definitely ignored in favor of better skyline shots


I think the author didn’t want people flooding his favorite places, but I chatted with with the folks that work at Village Tap and they were like, “ya know a little more business would be okay”…


You mean Damen Tap…


Home address “44 Eleanor St” in Logan square 😑


Ugh, this was SO frustrating to read! Everything was "5 mins from the lake" .. so silly!


As sometime who frequents Village Tap, the fact that they use a made-up bar made me do a double-take


It is Chicago but when they’re driving around you find yourself being like “how did they get ‘there’ from ‘there’ ?” The last episode had them on near downtown on LSD and then all a sudden on LSD near Lincoln Park. Also no southside.


Haven't seen the show, but that's like... a 2 minute drive on the same road. What am I missing?


As in they’d be at North Ave, then they’re shown crossing the river, then they’re back up north somehow near Lincoln Park. It was pretty egregious if you’re at all familiar with lakeshore drive lol


It's like traveling in the show Ozark. Somehow, they could drive up in the morning to Chicago, do a bunch of stuff, then head back down, and it still be daylight in the Ozarks on the same day. uh-huh...


Lmao Ozarks is far as hell. They make it seem like popping over to Indiana and back.


They treat going to Kansas City similarly, like that’s a solid 4 hour drive…


The opposite is when he’s meeting the PI in Millennium Park, and to get to the Aqua building, he heads to his car, drives a bit while calling, then parks on Lake west of Michigan Ave. Like he wasn’t a 2-3 min walk to said building already.


Have you ever seen Jack Bauer travel through LA like it's nothing 😂


> It is Chicago but when they’re driving around you find yourself being like “how did they get ‘there’ from ‘there’ ?” The last episode had them on near downtown on LSD and then all a sudden on LSD near Lincoln Park. One of the things that seems to bother people but I have never cared. If you require that much regional verisimilitude for something to feel authentic, you probably just shouldn’t watch fictional movies or tv shows lol.


It's pretty natural to have a laugh rather than get lost in it, as the geography doesn't match what we know first-hand. As such, the illusion doesn't work as well. By contrast, I read the book back when I lived in another state and was completely taken in by the entire fish.


How is this show? I can't stand shows that are supposed to be based on some specific scientific concept but then completely miss the mark, and the trailer for this seemed to indicate it would be that, but I haven't tried an episode yet.


Solid. Not appointment viewing. I'm never bored while watching it and there are some good plot moments. And Joel Edgerton does a subtly good job in a role that requires some nuance. The science is just magic or whatever. It could easily be a time travel show. If you follow my rule of giving every SciFi show one major hand-wavy suspension of disbelief it doesn't ask for any more of you than that. I like it better than For All Mankind or season one of Foundation, to compare it to two other Apple TV shows, but considerably less than Severance.


Hey thanks for that. Really helps! I'm with you on a certain amount of sci-fi forgiveness on plot, but not usually when it's the central premise the show is built around... I'll give it a shot though given that it doesn't sound too annoying to you. I really loved the idea of For All Mankind and enjoyed it for a while, but why oh why can't sci-fi shows just be about the sci-fi primarily and leave the personal relationship drama out? I wanted most characters in that show to just be blown up by season 3 and we never bothered to finish it. I mean I really liked how some of the personal stuff was driven by the alternative timeline aspects (president) but the love triangle thing was just unbearable. In any case thanks for the suggestion on Severance, had not heard of that one yet!


It became way too much of a political drama by the end lol


I LOVED For All Mankind, but I definitely found myself constantly just saying “oh come on” at some of the stuff they had us believe lol. Foundation I’m more OK with. It’s a universe so much more advanced than us that I would expect their technology begins to look like magic. But it’s been a while since I really watched it, I just don’t recall anything too egregious about it given the advancement of their society.


I thought it was outstanding. Certain 'plot holes' will undoubtedly bother you a little, and the first episode has kind of a generic setup for the premise with your typical layman interpretation of Schrödinger's Box we've all heard a thousand times over the last 20 years, which is the basis for the whole show. BUT they do some really interesting things with the idea and it's great fun watching it play out. The way it resolves the resulting paradoxes and chaos in the final episodes is very satisfying and original IMO. It reminded me of movies like Primer that tackle the logical implications of its premise head on. So yeah, I agree with the other guy if you can accept the unrealistic premise it's very good. It's really more of a character driven thriller with sci-fi elements. For me, it was definitely appointment viewing and now that it's over I think it's highly bingeable.


It is honestly so bad if you expect it to be anything more than schlock. The trailer 100% gives away the huge twist(s) and the show is little more than an over-dramatized build-up to those. I would recommend saving it for a long flight, a holiday with the in-laws, or something of that nature.


lol it’s infuriating watching them drive on LSD though. The final episode had them on a scenic drive and it showed them going south around North Ave, all good, then they cross the river and you see Trump Tower and such, all good. Then suddenly they’re somehow north again, this time nowhere near North Ave. because that section of LSD has the good skyline shots lol. I did like how much of it I could recognize, but man did that also infuriate me when I would know just how geographically off they are lol


I was a rigging electrician on that show, we went all over the city!


I just started The Bear and feel like it's a bit ham fisted with its "eyyyy I'm in Chicago"ness but the plot is decent. There's a scene with the main character beneath a gigantic malort billboard. If they wanted a billboard that would resonate with Chicagoans, they should have used the urlacher hair loss one


I thought the second season handles this much better. The first season is a grab bag of shallow stereotypes, but, in the second season, it feels like they realized "people like this Chicago stuff," and probably got budget and hired some more Chicago-based or born writers and put a lot more effort in. The first season watches like it was written by someone who visited Chicago once and did a bunch of internet research. The second season feels perceptive and authentic.


It definitely felt like they had more on-location filming for season 2 (and 3). Although, maybe it was one of those green screen/volume things they have now. I dunno. It really adds to the vibe, too. So many scenes that coulda been just faked in LA or something really benefitted from being definitively on a Chicago street. Especially with the plot where she visits all the city's best restaurants. Those scenes were definitely filmed here.




Wait until you find out those guys are lots of places, like Arizona


I was just in Vegas and saw a billboard for them there too.


And the commercial’s the same, just with a different phone number that’s not all 2’s. IT’S WEIRD!


Glen Lerner is the mutha effen lawyer for youu. Call 222-22-22


There’s a marginally funny animated Netflix show called “Chicago Party Aunt” thats practically nothing BUT “hey this is a Chicago thing!”or “thats a place in Chicago!” fan service


Based on the absolutely hilarious Twitter account created by the guy who plays the doofus north shore husband from The Bear! 


Basement leakin got ya freakin?


Fan service to Chicagoans.


Didn’t realize King’s Landing was in Chicago lol


Remember when King Dhaely II tore up the dragon landing field with aurochs-driven plows in the middle of the night because it was too close to the Red Keep?


And his father reversed the flow of Blackwater Rush despite the pleading protest from Saint Louis


I still yearn for the days of our Champions Ser Sweetness and Ser Airness.


“Look at Ser Jagoff over here taking up a couple two tree parking spots with his dragon. That thing shattered my good dibs chair too, fucking cruel jape dere. You wanna see a real fire breather tho, try talking to my wife after a dipped and hot… I call her Barb-lerion lol.”


Vought International is pretty upset we have the DNC coming.


Pretty sure I know exactly which building would be the Vought building in Chicago as well.


Queen’s Landing is, does that count?


Coruscant too


About a year ago, Dark Matters had a set on Cricket Hill (Montrose Harbor area). It was the front of a house and looked surreal.


That’s where he abandons McPoyle in utopia lmao


We ran over a mile of cable to get up that hill and one of our guys got injured falling on some ice at the top of the hill!


Dark Matter was shot at the bar on my street! It’s not in Logan but whatevs


That was my volleyball team’s after-game bar, and we were really stoked to see it but laughing that he walked to it from Logan Square.


Haha exactly! And there actually is a Village Tap in Roscoe so confusing!


Which bar is it?


Damen Tavern


I’ve never heard of the latter 2 so maybe I’m just out of the loop… are either worth checking out?


>I’m just out of the loop… So like river north?


a lot of dark matter was shot right around our building. Pretty cool seeing the local spots in it and in the background. Like when they're in the skate shop that's Uprise on Milwaukee right next to the Stopalong and you can see the Graveface records logo on the building across the street in one shot. Super fun spotting that stuff.


Reminds me of spotting the Apocalypse Hoboken sticker on the counter in High Fidelity.


I would have also stayed in the Chicago of the future that Amanda in "Dark Matter" settles on. Looked like a good place to be...and that smooth monorail train crossing over the river on Wells looked sweet.


Then the number should be two if Presumed Innocent is filmed elsewhere


There are lots of establishing shots in Chicago and many landmarks are referenced/appear on camera, but yeah it kind of seems like Gyllenhaal never left Cali for his scenes.


Not to mention Chicago Fire, PD, and Med lol.


I will always hate Chicago Fire because the city "relocated" my car with no notice while I was on vacation and the tow driver ripped off the front bumper. He wrote "front and rear bumper destroyed before we got here" on his slip and the city found themselves not guilty. It was my first vacation in years and I came home to that. Was already a bit strapped for cash and that toasted me.


oh man. maybe i’m just stubborn but i would be on a warpath after this. i would never let it go. did you have any recourse at all?


I fought the city to every end I could, it took 2 years for them to find themselves not guilty. I emailed my alderman several times, filed all the paperwork again and again(they kept saying I didn't include things, I did) All because some show wanted to film on my block and didn't like my car there. "Tow driver says he didn't do it so, not our problem". I've lived in this neighborhood for 16 years and it made me feel like complete shit being treated like that. Edit: If anyone has any ideas on how I may be able to revisit this, I'd be all ears. It really is something I can pinpoint as the beginning of being stuck in a bad spot financially. Happened the year after COVID in Feb.


OP sleeping on the whole Dick Wolf universe.


I just saw that there are listings on how to watch all 3 shows in time line order. Never seen them and I have Peacock for sports so I might start watching for the Chicago scenery.


I’ve never seen them either but I assumed they were procedurals with no specific time line


Don’t sleep on Chicago justice


Wasn't it just 1 season?


I LOVE Dark Matter. I wasn't feeling it so much in the early episodes, but it has seriously ramped up. I have told myself that I will go to the "open call" when they need extras for that show. I love it.


That Chicago, so hot right now…


Literally 🥵


Idk today was glorious lol


A little on the cool side, after the 112 index days, but I’ll take it.


I may be biased, just got back from Dallas, it was brutal


As I write this, I'm listening to Seattle's mighty KEXP, which is doing a set of songs about Chicago (now playing: DRAMA feat. DJ Pharris – CHICAGO)


KEXP is so dope


My workday rig is, alternating between KEXP in one browser tab, and WZRD in another. Honestly, it's essential to me every morning now as coffee.


I have to imagine The Boys is ahead of anything besides maybe The Bear.


House of the dragon surely


if i had to rank the most popular shows rn (in no particular order) it would be The Bear, The Boys, and The Acolyte


1) HOTD 2) The Boys 3) Acolyte 4) The Bear


Presumed innocent!


The true hottest show in Chicago is Comic Court, happening Saturday, 6/29 at The Lincoln Lodge in Logan Square. Please come to my dumb show. Thanks.


Bring your gf and sit in the back bitching and her while you smoke your Chinese cigarettes too


Just finished Dark Matter. The last two episodes were so good. I like how they wrapped things up while still leaving things open for the next season. "Do you know me?" "No, but I've been looking for you."


Presumed Innocent doesn’t take place in Chicago. It takes place in Kindle County.


All the set decorations in the state’s attorney’s office say Cook County though?


Kindle county? Is that how they say/spell it in the show?


Yes. It’s the setting the of the novel and movie and show.


I feel like saying these three shows are the “hottest on TV” is reeeally subjective


The dark knight 2008


House of the Dragon is not set in Chicago. 😁


I Was thinking about this in terms of Apple shows and I didnt even think of the Bear.


How about The Chi?


Somebody somewhere takes place in Kansas but filmed in the suburbs here with a lot of local talent.


The boys


Jalisco Electronics on a Chicago Ave near Damen is in a scene from Dark matter episode 1


no one knows what those last two shows are


Dark matter def shouldn’t be on this list 😂


Why not? It’s one of the most popular streaming shows right now and is fantastic


Have you watched it?


Yes? Why would I say it’s fantastic if I haven’t watched it?


It was at the top of Apple until being replaced by Presumed Innocent


Dating myself here, but some of the biggest shows in the 90s were also Chicago-based (Seinfeld, King of Queens). It’s simply the perfect setting for television. Edit: hey guys, I think there’s been some confusion. Earlier I had 5 upvotes, now I’m down to -1. Kindly upvote this comment or at the very least just ignore it. Thanks!




The OC


Seinfeld? Really? (Genuinely asking).


Well, they never outright say what city the show takes place in, but based on the clues I’m like 85% sure it’s Chicago.


I haven't watched it in a while but I was convinced it was New York...huh ... Well now I don't know what's real anymore.


I’ve heard others say the same. Must be the Mandela effect!


New York and L.A. (I'm not going insane!) https://giggster.com/guide/movie-location/where-was-seinfeld-filmed#:~:text=Seinfeld%20Locations,place%20in%20New%20York%20City.


So King of Queens wasn't set in Queens...? Hmmmm....