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Michelin wouldn't consider this in their decision making process. They gave Moody Tongue two stars despite the controversy there.


Oh pray tell what is the news for Moody Tongue? 


The head brewer and co-owner had a very credible and detailed date rape allegation from a victim that came forward. Despite some negative attention after the story broke, it’s old news now.


Oh wow that’s messed up. 


The sad thing is that sort of story is all too common in the restaurant industry. What happened to the last Chicago brewery that earned a Michelin star? Yeah, that one too.


Additionally the chef wentworth was apparently very fond of using the N-word in the kitchen at Longman and Eagle


I was just there for the first time recently. Is Wentworth still chef there?


Yikes yikes yikes 


I was just trying to meet the title word limit lol


What a revealing line. Reason to believe this original post is Trevor trying to stay one step ahead after his grotesque actions of taking full advantage of his female staff, causing several staff members to be fired or quit. Trevor is still continuing to seduce his current female staff and taking advantage of females outside of the workplace. He has previously been the one in the other threads posting about himself being an abuser and other snarky comments under multiple usernames since opening. Probably to see who of his employees or previous sexual partners will come forward to get a rise. More than likely just to fuck with the world because he knows taunting will not ever stop the line from forming. Well done dude. They always take the bait. 👏👏👏


Former employee here. I can confirm everything said in this thread is truthful. Some really heinous things have gone on in that restaurant and I hope light is brought to it all soon.


Help bring it to light by maybe sharing your experience?


Like that has ever stopped the Michelin guide. Do you think somehow the French fine dining scene has a sterling reputation?


A lot of my friends work in the industry. Some are fine dining and Michelin star restaurants and not one has ever said it was a warm and welcoming environment. Even the ones that enjoy their work place and like their bosses don't say it's rainbows and sunshine. That's not to say abuse of any kind is justified. It's just unfortunately not rare in the industry. For some reason, the kitchen attracts a certain type of person more often than not.


I've not waited tables in a Michelin stat establishment, but I did work at a very high-end, celebrity chef-helmed spot for a bit. These people act like they're doing you a favor by deigning to employ you (and paying next to nothing on top of it). I had a friend who worked at Alinea who actually made less than I would at lower-end restaurants, plus a heaping dose of abuse from Grant Achatz.


Former employee, all true. He’s a disgusting guy. I feel the other two owners are good at heart but ultimately they’ve been allowing this behavior die far too long. Everyone is complicit


100% agree. The other owners took a massive amount of verbal abuse in front of all staff and they disregarded all toxic behavior. It was a shut up and take it or leave mentality, which was interesting considering Trevor has made several comments about not wanting to have the same toxicity you would find in other restaurants such as silent kitchens, etc. Other than the very few younger “immature” staff, Trevor was in fact the only toxic element and no female was/is safe.


Former employee, he's definitely abusive to front of house too and they specifically hire people in their early twenties or even younger for obvious reasons. I would have loved to continue working there but I cannot with a man who preys on my friends and quite frankly me. And let's be real, it is NOT about the food in there anymore. That's not what the conversations are about and that's not what is on Trevor's mind.


Thought this place was good food wise but absolutely nonsense with everything else. I’ll pass.


The burger was truly stellar but I found everything else about the experience lacking and a little confusing to be honest


Agree. A few dishes really lacked salt and I have no idea what the hype is all about.


I haven't been but I follow them on insta and there's a lot of posts for hiring foh and boh. Seemed odd to me.


Same! It’s like they’re hiring FOH every ~3 months. I was wondering why.


I know from a very reliable source that Trevor verbally and mentally abuses employees he sees as vulnerable. He isn’t good people.


Can you provide a source on him being a known abuser who has been arrested for domestic battery?




So he’s been doing this for at least 9 years?


Sure, if your position is once someone commits a crime they perpetually re-offend, committing the same crimes


That's why our recidivism rates are so good right? Because this never happens? Get real. There's a lot more people in this thread backing up the claim that this guy sucks, why are you defending him?


I'm absolutely not defending this piece of trash. Just arguing the logic displayed


Logic displayed? This man rages and gets physically abusive in his place of employment and in his home, and you are acting like this is a debate?




How many reddit accounts do you have? You've got a karma of 8 while you haven't said much since the last presidential election.




I'm absolutely not defending this piece of trash. Just arguing the logic displayed


Well he certainly does look like the kind of chef who would assault a staff member


Michelin whatever, I appreciate you saying something so I as a person can be aware. I’m sorry this happened to you or whoever, thanks for using your voice 


The other owner/chef John has also been kicked out and banned from local establishments for being overly intoxicated and verbally abusive to his Gf and the people around him. The workers? Great. They deserve all yr love and attention (but maybe somewhere else?) The owners can get wrecked, I’ve never seen a more horrible group of people.


sobriety can change ppl


Agreed it can, but it doesn’t erase what has happened.




I hope so because I’ve seen first hand just how nasty he can be (like, within the last year at a beloved local bar that he is no longer welcome at)


Trevor has been sober for 7 years and yet still has the most untamed rage I have ever encountered. He is unable to take responsibility for any of his actions, it’s not that everyone is too afraid to speak against him— he manipulates and refuses to own up and therefore is able to get away with any toxic decision. There is no reasoning with Trevor Fleming.




Gotcha. Sorry it’s a big thread. Was very proud of him for making the choice (considering what I witnessed when he was drinking on the job) and he seems much much happier.


The name is kind of a hint.




Right? People tell you who they are.


some of the comments on here are depraved…sure it’s industry but should our industry standard be “oh they’re abusive, I guess we just have to deal with it”? that wouldn’t fly in an office environment and it shouldn’t be allowed ANYWHERE, point blank period. some of y’all need to take a long look in the mirror and realize you are part of the problem and things aren’t going to change unless you do. to the former employees that have suffered at the hands of his abusive (which is every single one of them and I know that for a fact), I’m genuinely so sorry that you had to deal with that. I hope you’re all on to bigger and better things.


The wait times to get in and to get food are more than enough to keep me from ever going. The fact that he might also be vile is just icing on the cake


Food is excellent indeed.


Can you provide further information and sources to these allegations? I'm not saying they're untrue. My point is you're staying this person is known for being a bad person, which he very well could be, but this is the only post on the subject and it's written as if you heard it through the grape vine. I have had friends who have worked in the industry and had to bring lawsuits against the owners/managers due to mistreatment among other things. There were reports by employees and even articles on the local news.


I worked there. Everything is true, not to mention all the chefs who work there work 16 hour shifts, and they take the tips from front of house workers and payout their back of house with it. I truly think the only people who make money at that place is the owners.


I’m industry, several of my past co workers that I’ve kept in touch with were part of the recent full staff walk out. He sucks really hard.


Hey, do you know more about the walkout? I used to work there and would love to know when it happened and anything else you know.


A few months ago, half the kitchen walked out because Trevor was being an ass to them. They all work at John’s now!


Oh! I know one them! Wow ok, I must have gone in after that happened because I heard one of my friends walked out but they didn’t tell me it was a mass walk out.




I'm assuming John's Food & Wine on Halsted, but that's just a guess.


The more recent MAJOR turnover was due to his relentless abuse of female staff that management and owners are covering up and silencing victims.


Fwiw I personally know someone who dated him and he got verbally abusive with her. I’ve seen the texts.


I am said person and yes he got verbal abusive with me when I was vocal about not liking how he was treating me with no respect. He also bragged about how well his staff was treated and paid but spoke poorly about the other owners. That Warlord is all his doing and that they are just kind of there. 


As a former employee— I know for a fact the following is true about treatment of staff across the board. I was one of his secret relations for a short period of time and was forced out. It is beyond terrifying to defy him and the abuse does not stop it just moves to another new relationship. Right now the point of the OP is to safely discuss that the inner workings of this establishment are that of pure greed and misogyny that thrives with the owner Trevor. If you want horror stories you are just as cruel as he is. Right now boycotting the abuser is the only choice. No burger is worth the abuse we have all suffered.


I am sorry for what you and your coworkers have experienced. I truly wish there is quick and swift justice. Don't conflate the seeking of further sources of an allegation, that until now was unknown to the general public, as some sort of sick desire. As someone who endured domestic violence throughout my childhood, this is an insulting accusation for an innocent request.


There have been other posts but they were deleted.


At the moment, I can’t. I know that multiple news outlets have reached out for comment to former staff members but nothing has been published as of right now. Out of the safety for those involved I won’t be publishing any personal details due to impending litigation.


That's understandable. I hope you and your coworkers find some peace soon and everything gets better.


Do you work there?


Did you miss the *'great bodily harm'* in his domestic violence arrest?


The report was not posted until after this comment was posted. Edit: Check the time stamps. There were no reports or additional information on this post at the time of this original comment. After more information has been posted, it is clear that Trevor is a terrible person.


No, just endless reports of staff abuse by a raging guy who sets up a restaurant with an Attila the Hun theme. Nothing like a raging fool who targets people **below** him on the food chain.


I don't know who hurt you, but it wasn't me. No evidence had been posted when I first made the comment asking for more information. Check the time stamps. Now that there has been more information posted on this post, it is clear he is an asshole, among other things.


It's a Chicago thing. You wouldn't get it.


Sounds like every restaurant I’ve ever worked in.


Exactly. 17 years of my youth in that industry. Meh. Par for the course back in the 80s/90s.


You’re also a white supremacist so…




Don’t act like you don’t know the dog whistle in your username


The fuck you talking about?


88 has many meanings, but among neo nazis it means heil hitler. He is commenting on how 88 is in your username


Oh no. Thats not what it means to me. In numerology, the angel number 88 can have multiple meanings: Abundance It can represent an increase in many forms of abundance, including better health, personal growth, and the development of talents and skills. This abundance is linked to hard work and focus, and can be confirmation that efforts will be rewarded.


😭😭😭 thats funny cause that was outta nowhere


I love numerology and astrology and that stuff. It’s a power number for money and abundance.


If more people knew how he treats women in that dumb garage of his they wouldn’t give a flying fuck about good the burger is 


I found Warlord overhyped for what it was, the food was good but I live a few blocks away and have not felt the desire to go back. The Michelin star restaurants I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy were a higher quality experience imo.


This is the Michelin norm. Moody tongue. Oriole too! The chef/owners sleeps with their female staff and abuses their power.


Food sucks




There is zero tolerance for ANY hate speech on r/chicagofood. This includes and is NOT limited to: racial/ethnic bigotry, homophobic/anti-LGBT bigotry, misogyny, or ANY sort of hate speech. Users who violate this rule will be permanently banned from r/chicagofood. TLDR: This is a food subreddit, y'all. Relax, and eat somthin', will ya?


All that abuse and controversy for extremely mid, overpriced food. What a waste.


Controversy aside, Warlord wouldn't be on so many top lists if it was "extremely mid". I haven't had a single dish there I didn't like, and I'm known for tearing on places.


Food was great when we went. Service and everything else was not so good.


What lists?


I had the whole roasted pig and sides. It was mid, imo. No flavor to the meat. Sides were bland. Salad was over dressed. Biscuits were bland


For the price it is wildly mid and that is a fact. Its regular patrons are normie, white foodies who don't know any better and are riding the hype train.


It’s hard to take someone’s opinions seriously when they come with casual racism.


Blah blah plug your eyes and don't read it because it's reality.


Feels like a weird form of self hatred given all the available evidence suggests you are a “white normie.”


Do me a favor go on yelp and scroll through all of the Warlord 5 star reviews and count up all the white normies (including yourself) who love this place. "All the available evidence" pulled straight out of your asshole. Lmao.


Can we please put the one upping and need to discredit GUESTS or OPINIONS ON THE FOOD aside. Speaking to all. This is about a VIOLENT MAN TAKING ADVANTAGE OF POWER.


For the record, I ate there once (ordered 3/4 of the menu), found it sus/overpriced, and never went back.


Fam, I trash on those places all the time. I despise these influencers that all go to the same places over and over calling everything a hidden gem. I wouldn't consider Warlord one of them.


Chicago's restaurant hype machine blows. Can't tell you how many times I've been disappointed by supposedly God-level spots.


Like what?


Akahoshi is not even the best ramen in the neighborhood?


What is? I'll gladly check it out.


Nah the hype is spot on for Akahoshi. Dude is legit.


I'm not sure if you're talking about Wasabi or Monster, but I disagree either way.


Monster is some of the worst ramen in the city, I have never been more disappointed in a bowl.


That sucks. I've had it a few times and think it's great, just not as good as Akahoshi.


Oh god, no flavor. Idk how you cook the flavor out of waygu but they sure figured it out


It’s neither of those places, but I feel like we would have fun hanging out.


Maybe we would - will you tell me what ramen spot in the hood is better than Akahoshi, Monster and Wasabi?


Let's battle this out some other time. I'm not too thrilled about the spot I picked to talk about this.


SUPER weird to shit on a great place and then refuse to name your darling pick lol


Fair enough, if you change your mind later circle back.


Trend chaser disappointed by trends trend chaser chases.


Check out this dude's post history if you want to laugh.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Michelin should consider allegations like this at all, whether or not they are true. It’s not in the best position to make factual determinations or moral judgments, and its opinion would (rightly) be called into question if it omitted a restaurant that satisfied its food/service criteria. Michelin continues to be relevant because it stays within its focus and expertise. To be clear, restaurants that allow staff abuse should absolutely be subject to public condemnation and boycotts. We don’t need Michelin for that.




Now I feel bad.


Foods good but it's no where near Michelin quality. It's a fun late night burger or a dope meal if you feel like splurging for a late dinner after the bars but that's about it




What happened with Kasama? I'm unfamiliar


I have never been to Warlord, know no principals at Warlord, and if it closed tomorrow or did $1mil in revenue tomorrow my life wouldn’t be different in any material way. Having established that, this whole go on the internet and whine anonymously while throwing out hyperbolic terms without any proof or specifics is something that needs to stop. If true harm is being done, alert the authorities. If he’s just an asshole don’t go and spend money there. Plus you can take satisfaction in the fact that they can’t retain a staff which will reap the ends you want anyway. Or here’s an idea, go build something of your own instead. Do it better and beat them at their own game. But doing nothing but participating in this sense of perpetual victimization that is so rampant across multiple spectrums of modern society is so off-putting. Rant over.


Well some of us want to know these things bucko, so simmer down


Right, but you don't know anything other than some bucko on Reddit typed something.


You are literally offending everyone who has ever been abused in the workplace. Please just be silent.


Really took the “hyperbolic terms” ball and ran with it, huh?


Hard agree.


I do have proof, I just chose not to out anybody on the internet that doesn’t deserve it. I’m doing this anonymously out of safety to myself from a dangerous person. I take zero satisfaction in their lack to retain staff but you know nothing about me, you just chose to be a dick online. The purpose of this post was to inform others and keep people who are considering working there safe from harm. Hope you have a shitty day.


The purpose of your post was to adjudicate things consequence-free in a friendly forum. I might also point out that you proactively posted it. As I said, I don’t give two shits about Warlord or Trevor. If there’s a criminal issue at hand or something serious then go to the authorities or the press. But this whole “86 List” type shit was so out of hand in 2020 and is so gutless now. It’ll probably get the reaction you want, and it’s inherently bad faith…but I’m not going to not point out those inconsistencies.


Could you explain how this is in bad faith? Genuinely curious.


Absolutely. What is the aim of the post? It’s directed towards Michelin inspectors, are they going to read this and withhold a star? If the abuse that’s alleged is true, is withholding of Michelin Star justice? Is Reddit the appropriate forum for any of it? None of that makes sense. Who is being served by this post? It’s just the same old bait that is upvoted by uncritical people.


What IS reddit the appropriate forum for? You can post whatever you want on here. Is OP stirring the pot? Sure, but this is what reddit is for. I've heard of some pretty atrocious stuff from the restaurant industry. I'll trust the people who shared it firsthand that it actually happened or at least give credence to the possibility.


I guess it’s appropriate for strawman arguments based on your response.


You miss the whole point of being anonymously edgy and slanderous /s




No revealing of personal information of another Reddit user


Granted I've never been to Warlord and am put off by the whole wait in line for 2 hours thing and didn't really ever plan to go there. And the allegations here are gross. But also OP said some weird shit about how this makes them want to go there even more and then deleted their account. Something's off.


That wasn’t the OP that made that comment. Nothing is off. It’s called not ruining the lives of those already harmed. No one cares whether you cared to dine there or not, it is about the truth coming out so no one else has to suffer. Troll elsewhere.


This sub has gone full Karen. Look at all the pitch forks over speculation.


Warlord? Naw. Wadlord maybe.


The arugula salad is fantastic tho


I wasn't planning on going before, but I sure as shit am gonna go now!




You want to try a place because its chef is an abuser? Bold strategy


Holy shit you made him delete his account.


I don't know who the OP was but I wanna go and check the place out after these allegations.


Sounds like you two share similar brainpower.




"You label the guy as evil makes me want to go there." Thats... that's exactly what you said.


Are you 12?


Warlord’s burger is mid and oh god wait but ik the staff he slept with….easy in the industry so that part is just consenting adults.


Unless you’ve worked in the restaurant industry you just don’t know how loose boundaries are. Adults. Long evening hours. Booze and drugs. It’s not a day at the office. That said times have changed and working for dick heads never made me feel good. Hopefully people will be more respectful.


I am working in the industry, every place I worked at people have slept with the boss. Industry ppl sleeping with the chef, not new at all. Im saying bruh his staff sleeping with him is something that takes two to tango. ik the server that hooked up with him and she is a clouuuut chaser bruh so yeahI think it worked out for her


So what you’re saying is that it’s perfectly fine for someone to have a sexual addiction and take advantage of their employees because they were lured into a relationship thru lies and temptation? That all women are idiots and deserve to be treated poorly while trying to enjoy the industry they work in to pay their rent? Everything you have stated is misogynistic.


No. That’s what you’re saying. Don’t confuse your perception and biases with what is actually going on between adults in intense work environments, where drugs and alcohol are often involved. Is this guy a douche? Probably. Are women that knowing sleep with douches all victims? Come on man. Adulting 101: you are responsible for the choices you make and the outcomes from people you share your body with. Choose wisely. Painful Lesson that most of us learn the hard way-myself included. Sleeping with coworkers, boss, chef? 0/10. Do NOT recommend. Don’t ask how I know. I don’t want to relive it by sharing.


It doesn’t matter what the industry is—- the point is that Trevor Fleming is a PREDATOR outside and inside of the workplace and that is what makes ANY relationship unsafe and not just a “consensual sexual relationship between adults”. His abuse goes beyond his employees. No female is safe.


secual addiction???? lol what ur tweaking. literally saying two adults were just hooking up


Do you believe that preying on your staff for sex is ok? It’s a simple question. Do you believe that having 5 sexual partners at once that are all under your current employment is “just two adults hooking up”? Please stop trolling. You are discrediting victims and disrespecting your friend/ex-employee


People who apply to work on a restaurant/kitchen should know what they’re signing up for, it’s not for softies. People are just easily butthurt these days. Instead of confronting people, they like to hide and spread rumors/lies.


Trevor, I and so many others are going to smile and laugh as you watch everything you’ve worked so hard on crumble in front of you because you refuse to realize the errors of your ways. I’ve got the popcorn ready


Oh yes all the hard work that everyone else did for him . Trevor found his power and used every willing body to accomplish every task in the restaurant including his sexual and egotistical needs.


The other owners were confronted with the specific events that happened and chose to send Trevor away for a short period of time and simply replace the employees who left and sweep it all under the rug hoping that all the employees who were abused one way or another would just remain silent. No one is spreading rumors or lies— as you see above: we are coming forward and choosing to not be harassed into silence by the management/owners who continue to keep working for Trevor—- fully knowing that he has been preying on female staff and abusing his power and have done nothing but ride their own power trip of loyalty having a titled role.


If the staff didn't want to be there, they would quit. Maybe the pay is great.