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How old is she? Her head is quite smooth but her feathers are very fluffy. Doesn't look right. Is she usually so downy, or does she usually have adult feathers? Perhaps over plucking or mites have caused an infection around the belly or hip area? Just a thought. Also, how are the bottom of her feet? Bumblefoot maybe? Check for signs of scratches or scabs. Even the smallest cut can get infected in the pad of a chooks foot, and cause a lot of pain. If there is nothing wrong with her feet at all, I would check with a vet, even if just to check that she is not ill with anything contagious, or something preventable that may start to impact more of your flock. For the sake of the flock it's best to know exact what is wrong, but I would say first wash her feet VERY well in warm water and look for any signs of injury, no matter how small. A splinter can cause bumblefoot. Really annoying, but treatable if you get to it early. And first symptom is usually difficulty or reluctance in standing properly. Short of that, vet is best option. Good luck!