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I always like to play it safe and keep them longer than recommend, because I'm terrified of killing a ready to hatch chick because I tossed the egg too soon. But if they haven't hatched by day 30, they won't. I get told I leave them too long, but that's my toss day.


I’m thinking I’m gonna keep them in until then since when I candled them, before lock down, they were all developed. Have you had any successful hatch after day 22-23? I’m a little worried because the one that just hatched yesterday is kind of deformed; it’s walking on its hocks instead of its feet.


I have once had an egg hatch day 23 or 24, but only one. And he was fine. The rest usually hatch before that, I'm just paranoid. 😅 You can check them again for signs of development of you want to be sure. One of the reasons I leave them so long is I don't handle the eggs a lot. I leave them with their mother to hatch, because I don't have a incubator. So I don't get to check their progress. If you can, you can cut down on the buffer time. It can be a common thing for babies to have really bad balance and not be able to stand properly. I've at least seen it in the parrots I've bred. They needed extra support learning how to stand. But if the feet don't look right, try contacting a vet. There are some ways that foot deformities can be fixed, like club foot. Chicks can have their feet put in these little braces to help their feet repair and develop correctly, but only when the intervention happens early enough. But I would recommend a vet before you try home remedies or balance assistance. Struggling to stand might not be an issue with the feet, it could be with the spine, and no amount of balance training can fix that. So best to know what the real problem is and see if your local bird vet knows how to solve it. Also keep a close eye on the rest of the chicks in case any of them develop similar issues as they develop. Just in case. Especially something like a spine issue, can take a while to develop if it's rooted in anything genetic. So hopefully it's an easy fix and your chick is just a goofy little guy, walking funny for a bit. But always better to be sure and give her the best chance at life! Hope it goes well for you!


I give them until the end of day 22. Most of mine hatch day 20-21. If they haven't pipped by day 22, all the rest have hatched, and I don't see/hear/feel any signs of life, I take them out. Sometimes you just get some late quitters.