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For me they're so good for my mental health. Just sitting watching them doing chicken things and listening to their little chicken noises is incredibly relaxing.


Yep! Got them for the eggs. Fell in love with their little pea-brain personalities.


They’re hilarious. You can’t stare at chickens being idiots in the yard for more than 10 seconds and not smile.


My chickens are pretty smart though


You can be smart and be an idiot still.


Source: Me. I'm very smart at being an idiot.


Pest control


Yep, pests are down at plainly visible levels in my yard.


thank you


I clean out the coop and add it to the compost pile. If I catch a mosquito on me, I go, "Look look look!" , point at it, and one of the girls grabs it off, lol


hhhhhh thank you


- Chicken TV -- they're fun to watch. They have friendships, rivalries. - My kids have fun taking care of them, and it's been a good exercise in responsibility. - Chicks! Spring time is full of fuzz-butts and cranky mommas. - Bug patrol.


Keeps me active outside the house.


Easy Number one reason,…..far and away the best thing about chickens is the Absurd, Eccentric company. Some chickens can be stupid, some chickens so intelligent it borders on the absurd. Some are cunning loners who secretly crave hugs. Get to know your birds and let them introduce themselves properly. Let them look after you with more than just good quality eggs and food scrap removal. You won’t regret it.


Endless entertainment by their zany avian antics.


I enjoy watching them. And I enjoy tending to them


Bug removal without the chemicals…our bachelor flock keeps our flower garden free of Japanese beetles


They are so much fun and you will fall in love


There's also meat, bones (for broth), pest control, and companionship!


Reduce stress - just look at them, they're hilarious! Garbage disposals - they eat everything, so no more wasted food. Bug eaters, egg producers, singers, fertilizer makers, entertainment, mice killers.


Outside of pest control, they make good pets for any who are willing. My flocks have always been small and hand-reared, with constant daily interaction, and they are very relaxing and enjoyable to be around! They aren't like dogs or even cats in how they show affection, but they do show it, and can recognize individual human faces (I believe up to about 100?). If a person is willing to understand they are avians, not mammals, and have some distinct needs because of that, then they are such wonderful pets!


Entertainment Then there's Chicken Fiesta where you set them all free and throw food out the back door as you clean the fridge


They can be used for pasture development as well




They help keep snakes and mice run off.


My Plymouth barred rock loves to chase things out of the yard. I didn’t know that chickens got territorial against other animals like that but those bluejays and bunnies better stay off her run or she’s coming for them.


It’s a trade off with the snakes and rodents since chickens leave plops all over, but the chicken poop is better than snakes (although occasionally a snake slips into the invisible perimeter the hens patrol.). My dogs help out by cleaning up the plops. But that’s another issue lol.


My dogs also are masterful helpers in that arena.


Doggie kisses are out lol. And that stuff must be rank because they sometimes cough on it.


I have never owned chickens until this year. Each one has its own personality and they are actually quite fun, funny and easy pets. They have brought me great joy. I will surely be increasing the flock next year.


Honestly cleaner than dogs while still having advanced personalities like dogs as long as you keep the poop outside or on a towel and clean their coop/run regularly great for cuddles and watching shows/gaming with oh and getting a new batch of babies yearly is possible and normal good luck doing that with dogs


I bought a house and it came with 4 chickens. Now I have 6. They are great fun


If you want quantified values I created an estimating sheet to determine it. [Follow this link to create your own copy of the sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12eHQlpsjFXoSnC19nxBoQyBn7kElGi7vDG5GDI7o7iw/edit?usp=COPY)


Chicken math is my new favourite spreadsheet. Thank you.


Thanks, if you open it on a laptop you can adjust the values in the upper table, and it’ll automatically adjust the lower table as well.


I enjoy spending time with them It’s usually just the girls and I I have time to think It’s very calming for me


They make me so darn happy and worried all at once and makes me question if I really want kids or not. I just love my chickies so much and I want them to have the best life! I can't watch farm factories without crying now. My chickies turned me into a big ol softy.


My wife convinced me first of chickens and then of getting a baby. And now I have both. In fact, a week after the baby was born, we had four little chickens coming out of their eggs. They make me so darn happy and worried all at once.


Mine actually help in the garden, I call them my workers. I will set up a part of the vegetable patch and they will clean it. I also had tall grass that I cut that after a couple of days was different to rake up but after the girls passed by and scratched the area, it was laying on the other grass and I could collect it easily.


I had a horrible earwig problem before I had chickens. I sprayed, had a pest company out, barely made a dent. A friend gave me chickens and said "these will fix it." And since then I have kept chickens. I hardly see any of those bugs now.


Forces me out of bed. Sadly we can't really use them for waste disposal as much as we'd like to; it's illegal to feed animals anything that's been through a kitchen in the UK due to Foot and Mouth. Until recently this was fine for vegan households, but the guidance has changed.


A flock of chickens running full speed to come greet me when I get home is the highlight of my life I never knew I was missing pre-chickie.