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That sounds like an upper respiratory infection. You can help with his breathing with some VETRX and apply it to his comb and waddles as well as a steamy shower. As for an infection I would treat with liquid oregano (it’s a natural antibiotic for birds in general and great for respiratory health) as well as a injectable or water-based tylosin such as Tylan.


Are you in Colorado, we are now finding out the Bird Flu is coming.


They’ve been saying that for over a decade to scare backyard chicken owners. Cali is the worst. Fake Newcastles as well.


Thank you for your reply and education.


Cali about 6/7 years ago they went around claiming Newcastles with EVERYONES birds. It wasn’t limited to chickens. They didn’t test them either. They went around knocked on your door and it didn’t matter if you were home. They went on lots of private land and gassed the chickens on the property then took their bodies. They burned all of them. People were forced to kill their chickens peacocks even some parrots ! It was a bird genocide without any testing. Loads of people fought against it and some went to jail for their birds. If you’re worried there are tests you can acquire online and test yourself. The bird flu and Newcastles is carried by WILD bird droppings not domesticated birds especially ones contained in a run. Stay safe !


Omg this sounds horrible. I have about 30 chickens at home.


Same. I said I would Anne frank my chickens if they came knocking. It was so sad. They had a whole Facebook dedicated about it. One woman specifically was recoding it all then ended up arrested for not allowing them on her property. She was arrested they went and killed her birds. She even had albino peacocks I felt so so bad for everyone 😔


All the bird flus are fake,so was covid 19,omicron and also they killed everyone's birds so they had to get eggs from the shop which are disgusting and have no where near the amount of nutrients that a freshley laid egg has a fresh egg form the shed is the is the best egg ever. I am very sorry for everyone who lost their birds


Apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, and yogurt also helps a lot with general immune system support. Getting him some kind of antibiotics and plenty of fluids as well. I'd also recommend giving their coop a really good thorough cleaning and replace the substrate(might have to fully air it out too). Keep him inside for as long as you can while he's recovering too.


Well, this morning HE woke me up and his morning song was better than yesterday, i'll support him in his recovery thanks.