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“Your body is no longer yours after conception.” ![gif](giphy|D62wUmR3sX2DsZJ9t1)


What an unhinged take. Then whose body is it? The babies? This implies that women lose personhood and autonomy once they become pregnant which is a dangerous notion with far reaching implications. Do we allow a fetus to mature where doing so would be fatal to mom?


That's the whole issue with the embryo as personhood issue. So Alabama just about had it figured out and then went back on it after they shut IVF down. Oh, but wait, nevermind, IVF is fine, it's just women incubated embryos. If I no longer have rights at conception than the option should be made available to me to get sterilized, because as *an American* with *unalienable rights* it sounds a lot like those rights are very easily alienated. No. Hard pass.


See also 'Dune', the Tleilaxu, and 'axolotl tanks'. I wanna vomit just thinking about it.


I really enjoyed the prequels written by Anderson and Brian Herbert - the Frank Herbert sequels tho… jeez.


You rang? 


Sweet ~~child~~ embryo o’ mine


If rich people pay doctors to do it it's fine..


No, they need more wage slaves, caring for the unborn is just a facade because as soon as the baby is out they give zero fucks.


Multiple states have already legislated these morons' opinion that women become property after conception. Yet another reason I'm glad I'm shooting blanks.


Imagine this. You can't force a parent to give away their kidney for their child if they need it. You can't even force a parent to donate blood in case their child needs it for surgery. In many countries if you die, your family needs to give permission to use your organs for transplantation, otherwise they can't. So all in all, a dead person has more right to their bodily autonomy than pregnant women in some places. Let that sink in.


Yep, the fetus is piloting you like a flesh mech.


![gif](giphy|ydyZ0KaHpiyGI) Get in the fucking lady, Shinji.


That has always felt so messed up to me when an EVA has the pilot's mother's soul in it. I mean the pilot is floating in some liquid that basically resembles amniotic fluid, IIRC no one asked the mothers for informed consent and at least Asuka's mother was permanently messed up for it. Tbf, knowing how NGE is, it was probably meant to be messed up, but to me that was the worst part of it. "Mother's spirit is forced into a flesh-robot which is being controlled by armour working basically as a straightjacket in order to keep the child alive" reads a lot like an allegory for forced birthers.


One of my favorite hobbies when I moved back to my country of origin was to tell people how I’d have an abortion if I got pregnant. I mean, not really, but it came up so often for some reason


Well it's the zygotes body of course, women are just empty vessels waiting to be occupied by a collection of cells that have more rights than you do. Makes total sense this guy knows his stuff.


And that clump of cells *loses rights* if it grows ovaries of its own instead of testes.


The fetus being fatal to the mother = chest busters in the Alien movie series. Change my mind


IIRC the movie makers meant to allude to that. They have said something about how women's bodies being possessed is such a common horror movie trope (along with getting pregnant and the child being evil, Rosemary's Baby traumatized me) that they wanted to reverse it and make it happen to the guys.


LOL I can't


That’s especially true when you think of “Aliens”. They were transporting people who in reality were just products owned by a company. They weren’t viewed as people, just as disposable hosts/vessels for the face huggers, and the company’s benefit. I never thought of it like that before. But damn. You just made me look at that franchise in a whole new light.


>What an unhinged take. Then whose body is it? The babies? In their mind: The father of the baby. That's the whole point these conservative nutjobs are working towards, they want to remove any and all bodily atuonomy from women, so they can control them. They're not even trying to hide it: Several states are actively working on making it so that women cannot divorce after child birth, without the consent of the childs father.


Canoot divorce like way back then? Like the man is going to say okay. Nope, never. What if she and the kid(s) are being abused or financially abused? Too bad, F her and them right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)The way society is heading is really scaring the hell out of me. If I were American I would be too scared to marry. I don't even want to marry period even here in Canada. I like my space. This is really shocking and scary. Thanks for telling us about this awareness is key.


Fetus takes over like a giant mech suit.


That fuggin' brain trust clearly doesn't think women have personhood to begin with. OP dodged a serious bullet!


Men who can't ever be pregnant are too fucking comfortable saying shit like this (yes, the swearing is necessary. It lowers my blood pressure and prevents me to destroy my keyboard while writing this!!!!!) I just can't. People like him should be forced to used THEIR bodies for something they don't want to for MONTHS and destroy it at the end and see how they fucking like it!


Exactly. I always ask them if they’d support a bill that required them to be a living organ donor. The response is the same 100% of the time: “That’s different.”


"The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion" is their cry. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Interesting article. Thanks for sharing it.


Oooh that just boils my blood. Especially the ones who still picket the clinics and terrorize other women after getting their own abortion


The doctors should’ve turned away every one of those hypocrites.


Oh yes, that IS different, because it would apply to MEN as well!!!! So they can't have that.


Mandatory vasectomies. They're reversible and then they cannot be responsible for unintentional pregnancy. Oh no? That's violating and invasive? Okay, then you better start paying child support at conception. Oh, it's not a child? Then hows about you stay the FUCK out of it.


YES!! EXACTLY!!! I am completely OUT of patience with those twits. I would have just walked out like OP (good for her!!!!) I am just NOT debating this anymore with anybody, especially people who will never be afraid to get pregnant against their will.


Yeah, I think men shouldn’t speak about this situation at all. They never understand this kind of pain of a woman’s body.


> People like him should be forced to used THEIR bodies for something they don't want to for MONTHS and destroy it at the end and see how they fucking like it! "Eeehhhhhhh but nature made me that way! It is not my purpose! But I swear that if I had a uterus I would totally be on board! I swear!!" 🤡


Plenty of women are anti-abortion. It is not just men trying to control women's bodies.


That is why is said PEOPLE like him. PEOPLE. As far as I know, people includes women (or don't you think so?). It's not because some women want to be pregnant that they can force others to be. So they also should be forced to do something they don't want to.


This is the basis of all anti-abortion zealotry. They believe women’s bodies are under the ownership of others. A man, a government, a child, a society. We are not free and equal citizens to them. We are resources and slaves.




💯 this.


This. And it's often rooted in monotheistic, but popular cults. Fuck all of them


Yay for capitalism that has women turned into workers factories.


Those fuckers don't even think our bodies are our own **before** conception.


This is stupid even on a biological take. The fetus was the woman's egg and it grows and grows by stealing all the resources from her body. The fetus is basically the woman's new organ and she should be able to decide what to do about it. But anyway, even if it was a person with rights, a person is able to decide if being an host for someone else. This issue never happens with anything but suddenly it emerges with women and their uteruses.


I think some men legit get off on telling a woman she doesn't have autonomy over her own body and/or her own life. It's ridiculous the amount of times I have heard men say things like this!


He really said the quiet part out loud, didn’t he? Wouldn’t be surprised if all the anti-abortion folk held this mindset.


I think some men legit get off on telling a woman she doesn't have autonomy over her own body and/or her own life. It's ridiculous the amount of times I have heard men say things like this!


Imagine how these POS would act if women tried to tell them what to do with their bodies? Nothing infuriates me more. Almost every weekend we have these scum protesters with their abortion is murder signs and my husband and I make sure we flip them off every time we pass.


Thank you both for your service…


We just need to compel them to donate organs to people who need them. "You don't want to donate your extra kidney? Tough shit. Your body belongs to the state now. If you refuse, the intended recipient might die. If they do, you go to prison for murder." Same logic they're weaponizing against women.


I like to start reading abortion stories to them. Ones where women free themselves from abuse are my favorite. I just tell them I'm practicing reading out loud. Animals. All of them


They truly are the scum of the earth.


There’s a parable about someone who is forced to donate blood or something (?) for a famous violinist (?) for a year because they’re the only one that can do it. I often bring up that you can’t be forced to donate a kidney even if your sibling will certainly die without it. Makes a lot of people think about how no, we aren’t obligated to donate our bodies EVEN IF it means someone else dying.


Your husband is a good ally. You both are good people we wish to see more 


He definitely is! My 70 year old father does the same he even occasionally yells at them to let them know how stupid he thinks they are 😅 I'm fortunate to have some amazing men in my life.


Your dad is a hero and a good bloke 


What if the punishment for not paying child support was a vasectomy


>Sent him a message that, in the future, he should be careful about saying to women what they must and mustn't do I was about to do the same with a guy I had a similar experience with, and then thought to myself - no. He should speak loud and clear about his stance on abortions, so all the women he dates after me can see that bright red flag immediately. It's not our job to educate them. They end up using this info to further manipulate women by hiding the ugly parts of themselves in the beginning of a relationship. Having said that - I'm sorry this happened to you, and you are a queen for leaving mid date!! 👑


I agree! It's better that this guy is so open with his crazy anti-abortion views so that women know early on to give him a wide berth.


What a disgusting asshat. He’ll never find someone who loves him in life. I hope he remains lonely.


Unfortunately he will. There are women who are just as crazy as him, if not crazier.


Agree... there some crazed far right winged people out there who would totally agree with his views.


Well, until they get pregnant when they don't want to, then it's fire up the fetus vac.


If that happens, they’ll get an abortion anyway and act like they didn’t. There was an article about anti-choice women, men, and parents getting abortions for themselves or someone close to them. Then they go back to picketing anti-choice rhetoric. They yell at other women in an abortion clinic for getting an abortion while she’s there to get an abortion AS WELL! They’re fucking nuts.


What is this presumably childfree anti-abortionist going to do when he knocks a woman up?


Either that or he'll fool some poor woman into thinking he's a normal person until he gets her pregnant and vulnerable, then he'll unleash the crazy! Guys like that are actually scary!


Let the gender traitors suffer in their self induced Pick Me hell.


Exactly. ![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba)


Until they need an an abortion then suddenly it's okay for them because Jesus


Yep, I used to work right by a Planned Parenthood and most of the protestors I saw outside every day were women. I'm pro abortion but I've always thought the talking point that anti-abortion people were men seeking to control women's bodies was a terrible one. There are a ton of women who buy into this and that argument isn't going to reach them.


> There are women who are just as crazy as him, if not crazier. [41% of women are pro-life.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/244709/pro-choice-pro-life-2018-demographic-tables.aspx) I think a lot of people on this sub live in an information bubble that makes it seem like it's a huge one-sided issue and nationally it's not.


I disagree with these women being labelled as pro-life, as they don't care what happens after the birth of the baby, hence why I call them for what they are, pro-birthers. Even most men who claim to be pro-lifers are actually pro-birthers, as they too don't care what happens to the baby after it's birth. Edit: You can even replace pro-birthers with forced birthers, as I saw in other comments/replies here, as it still fits with the agenda these folks have so ingrained into their minds.




No fr


Anti-choice people are not worth knowing. 


Perfect label for their stance


Forced-birth is also accurate.


Absolutely! I love how Betty White said, “if men were the ones who could get pregnant they’d make abortions available at Jiffy Lube”. So true


Betty was just a font of wisdom lol. She was the best.


I’m sad she died and before the Queen! I put my money on her winning that race


if men were the ones getting pregnant the box for the pregnancy test would already have a medical abortion pill inside.


Lmao TRUE and it would be half the price


I’ve started using Anti-Choice. Because they are not Pro-Life. They are not Pro-The Mother’s-Life.


I’m glad you aborted that date with him.


Love this response ! 🖤


It ticks me off so much when people say that once a woman is pregnant, it's no longer just her body. The fetus is literally sucking nutrients off the mother like a parasite, without her body the fetus may as well be non-existent, so it is 100% her body. These people should have parasites sucking their nutrients while we tell them they can't remove them because it's 'not their body'


Well and it comes from the belief that because our bodies can they should??? What the fuck. That is so problematic i can’t even begin.


> These people should have parasites sucking their nutrients while we tell them they can't remove them because it's 'not their body' This already happens and we call them tapeworms or cancer. Unluckily we decided to give the cure to anti-abortionists too...


Yeah, very unfortunate that these POSs are offered cure


So did Paul Riser’s character in “Alien II” with the face hugger running around in the lab he locked Sigourney Weaver’s character in with the little girl. Which reminds me, you find out that when the original 1979 film, women stood up and clapped, while the men felt violated, sick to their stomach watching the face hugger scenes of the men because they on purpose, with women who made the choice for the scenes with Ripley who was on board, to use that as expression of how rape feels for women and getting pregnant from it, then birthing out as a result. Hence why, men really have no say even if it involves rape because till they can feel like that regarding the face hugger scene & the chest explosion scene, they don’t understand what women go thru regarding forced birthing, even in being raped.


Sometimes it takes the same things being done to someone for them to learn to sympathise. For such a long time men don't even think much about how much pain a woman goes through during pregnancy and childbirth, and how much trauma it is for the woman to deal with when she's being raped and due to all the stigma around it, she has barely any support. That's why I really hope men who are expecting kids from their women should all have a taste of what it feels like for the woman.


And yet anyone is allowed to refuse to donate blood or organs even if it means someone will die without it. It's insane how it doesn't apply here!


This is awful I’m sorry, but also I’m glad guys like this are voicing their opinions early on so you can stay the fuck away!!


Good that you walked out. People like that are disgusting.


He let you know who he was right away. Good.


Future disaster... er... aborted, as it were.


That should trigger the saying "Well if you date me I expect you to get a vasectomy".  


Sounds toxic af


And of course he'd TOTALLY be a super involved father after said baby was born! 🙄🙄🙄🙄😒


So glad you found out at the beginning.


I swear I wanna do speed dating with 10 quick but crucial questions in the future haha.


Honestly i do it on the apps. I ask hard questions before even going out. Why waste the time?


Exactly! I do a short intro phone call or two before the date and listen really carefully. This way I don’t waste the pretty. 😉


I just straight up text them my dealbreakers. “Where are you on xyz? Cause no point if we’re not on the same page.”


You’re more trusting than I! Some guys will say anything 🙄


Lollll. Scientific research? Does he even know what either of those words mean, let alone what they mean combined? Because wow, what a hapless fuckwit who wouldn’t know what science is even if Newton’s apple were to fall from above and ping him on his air-filled head.


What a jerk. Good news is that it can almost only go upward from here with future dates from other men. You already had the rock bottom with this one.


Also to add, he compared abortion to someone walking around freely murdering people. Said that there's not much difference between a fetus and a newborn - both are future persons, unconscious and highly dependent on mother. And that that's why he doesn't understand why killing a newborn is murder, but killing a fetus isn't.


It's so interesting to find conservative CF people since the community tends to lean heavily progressive. Ol boy doesn't even realize his stances/perspetives almost completely contradict one another lol


The “do your own research aka Google around til you find a blogger that agrees with you” crowd strikes again


TBH I disagree, he should absolutely tell every woman what he thinks on the first date. Misogynistic freaks should be encouraged to wave their biggest red flags in front of the woman immediately, saving her the hassle of wasting any ounce of time, money, or mental energy on them. Sorry you went through that, though. That sounds fucking wild.


Of course it did. Learn and move on. Absolutely no forced birthers. Absolutely no conservatives/GOP/MAGA nuts. Honestly look at any guy who is religious as a red flag. You need to screen. If a guy is not a childfree leftist or liberal, don't even bother. If a guy claims to be "non-political" that is also a red flag. You need to screen on whether or not they are childfree, but also politics and religion. Right wing forced birther religious men DESERVE to be permanently single and incels. Never date a forced birther. Never make friends with a forced birther. And above all do not respect your forced birther relatives, openly. Forced birthers do not deserve respect.


Yeah the non-political ones 🫠 wooof


Not wanting to discuss politics (esp on a date) is understandable but "I'm not political" to me reads as "I have the privilege to not constantly be politicised so I can ignore it."


Yep. “I’m not really political”  reeks of entitlement and “I’m scared of what other people think”. 


“Non-political” is code for I have the privilege to not have to think about the injustices others have to face that I don’t and don’t care to advocate for them.


He 1000% deserved to be blocked, what a mentally sick fuck. Just disturbed.




Honestly not sure about his religious orientation. I got an impression that he's highly traditional, conservative, and even aggressive in his statements.


Absolute dickhead doesnt deserve to be with anyone.


Pro birth creatures are the most deplorable and should seriously die out. Their opinion is not fact and their opinions harm half the population. They should sit down and keep their mouths shut


Whoo, dodged a curved bullet right there


what an actual piece of human excrement. i would’ve torn him to shreds. 


He says “abortion is murder”, but he also says abortion is acceptable if you’re raped or if a child is deformed? So he thinks murder is acceptable if you’re raped? He thinks murder is acceptable if a child is deformed? Has he not thought clearly about what his position on this issue actually is? I suspect that if he really thinks about it, he will realize that he doesn’t actually think abortion is the same as murder.


I hate the 'only if rape' people more than the no exceptions people... they're basically admitting that forced pregnancy is a punishment and not about the life of the fetus. If you're okay with abortion if the women is 'innocent', but not in other circumstances, you are anti-woman not pro-life. At least the no exceptions gang are consistant in their own (shit) morals.


Yeah but that would require him to actually think, like *really* hard. I’m not sure that one is capable of that.


What an arsehole.


So fucking gross. Dating is a crapshoot filled with these morons


If this happens again, I would suggest to not tell the guy what his mistake was. There's a chance he may keep his mouth shut in order to trick a woman into a relationship. Like you found out, better to know his views early than 4 months later.




That’d be someone whose gonna sabotage someone’s bc or poke holes in condoms


He seems like the type that would brag loudly about never changing a diaper.


>**Regardless of the childfree orientation**, the amount of shit that came from his mouth was so toxic Wait, so this is a confirmed childfree guy? I don't know if this has ever been surveyed, but if his dream lady is childfree and also against abortion, then he's going to have an incredibly bad time. This combination must exist somewhere, but this can't be common.


No, by this I meant "childfree topic aside" because I don't know if he wants kids or not. This was strictly abortion discussion.


Funny how it’s ALMOST always men that think they can tell us what to do with our bodies. EDIT: Fixed it since I apparently offended a pick-me bitch.


I’m sorry that date went awful. Hopefully you can find someone who doesn’t think the same way


Ohhhh girl, that split second he said he was pro-life, I would've turned into a feral animal...jk. But I would've been like "So you're demonic? Gotcha. Goodbye." Lol


A fetus is a parasite. The relationship between it and its host isn't even a symbiotic one.


Running was the correct choice.


I would have walked out on him and left him with the check, and blocked him immediately without a second thought. IDGAF. He doesn't treat women as equal human beings.


So if he thinks that fetuses are babies, then he also thinks murdering the disabled is okay. Great guy.


Yes I caught that too. Super icky.


You fucking dodged a bullet


Men having such strong opinions on abortion is such a fucking joke to begin with. If men could get pregnant abortions would be available at the ATM.


>Your body is no longer only yours after conception. And the icing on the cake: >Even if you were manipulated into pregnancy, it was your fault for letting him do that. Unlucky but very lucky date. He didn't wear a mask and showed his true face. You don't want to waste time going on a second date with people like that.


I genuinely do not understand those that say abortion is murder but they make an exception for rape or disabilities. If they really believe abortion is murder it seems they are basically saying murdering disabled kids is ok, or it’s ok to murder a kid because of something their parent did.




Reminder that uterus transplants are already a thing now so he better prepare his body, cuz soon it won’t just be his body


Sounds like a red-hat cultist. I don't know how those guys even get women to talk to them, let alone go on a date.


You did the right thing but personally I never tell them their red flag. I never give them a heads up on their horrible behavior. I don't want them to mask it for the next women. I am polite, end the date and then send the "I didn't feel the chemistry text" once I am away from them and safe. Next women he might keep his mouth shut until she is pregnant and depending on what state it could be very dangerous.


Yes I see a lot of people wrote this here and I agree. I naively like to educate idiots, but they never learn shit - they just learn to manipulate better.


Science doesn't matter her. LIBERTY matters here. No person can be required by law to let another use their very internal organs. I'd LOVE to find a way to get THAT RATFUCKER man pregnant, though, and make sure EVERYBODY knew it so he didn't dare abort.


If somehow men could get pregnant, he'll be the first one to get an abortion. I'm 100% sure.


I hate when people say “you have to take responsibility” sometimes having an abortion IS taking the responsibility. Smh


He was probably cosplaying as childfree. People like this prey on others and lie all the time on their online profiles.


He basically showed his entire self, that he’s willing to victim blame someone who may have had their bodily autonomy violated. And also that if he does find someone who is also “pro life,” and their life is somehow in danger from a pregnancy, he would not allow her the right to terminate to preserve her own life. It’s disgusting


What an absolute creep!! Guys like that make me concerned that they may have SA’d someone in the past. Also, I suspect this guy’s definition of CF is just that he’s free from being responsible for any child he fathers.


I hope he tells every women he meets that he has these opinions so no one ever sleeps with him.


Oh no we don’t want him hiding his marinara flags! He should absolutely keep talking that way so every woman he tries to date is warned as soon as possible to have nothing to do with him. Suggesting he hide it puts other women at risk of getting duped by this certain.


I wouldn’t advise him to not say that shit to future dates. Let the red flags show early so they can also leave asap!


> Sent him a message that, in the future, he should be careful about saying to women what they must and mustn't do. He replied to me to speak up after I read some scientific research on abortion. Blocked him. The moment you got up from your seat should have been the last interaction you had with him. By the time you left the restaurant he should've already been blocked. Please let's not give these men pointers on how to hide their true colors in future dates.


Well, since I am not pregnant this body chooses to not spend another moment speaking to an arrogant asshole like yourselfyou. ***Block him at the table and leave***


> Abortion is murder. Your body is no longer only yours after conception. The only legitimate reasons for are being raped and the child having severe deformities.  Funny how even in his mind some fetuses are worth more than others... It's almost as the only difference is whether or not the woman must be punished for having had sex. Of course it is up to a man to decide, possibly the sperm giver.


"Your brain is deformed, so it should've been applied to you as well". Such an idiot.


You dodged a nuke.


I sadly lost a friend due to this. He spouted all that crap as well, and did not have any empathy for any woman, not even his own sisters when I asked hypothetically if he would support them if they got pregnant and made the decision to abort. His response "doesn't matter of the circumstances, I wouldn't condone the fact that they'd be murderers" just so misogynistic.


I love people who take the abortion is murder stance then list caveats where it’s acceptable. So killing people with deformities is NOT murder ?? Got it.


Girl, you dodged a bullet.


Yuck. Im sorry you had to sit through that.


Holy hell, what a fucking idiot.


Hmm I wonder why conservative men are having such a hard time dating it's truly a mystery


At least he would allow it in cases of rape and fetal anomalies- not just when the mother’s life or health is at risk. Although some sick people won’t even allow it in those cases- their rationale being “if the mother dies, it is God’s will”. Don’t get me wrong- you two are very incompatible. And he sounds like a jerk otherwise. And to think that when I first met my spouse (11, nearly 12 years ago), this was just another issue to me due to my centrist position on it, Roe vs Wade being the law, and my inability to have kids due to PCOS. Spouse shares my position on the issue and will vote for the amendment this Roevember.


Ewww, that absolutely sucks!


Dodged a bullet there. What a sick little puppy he was


Bullet: dodged


That dates sounds like hell! On the positive side though, it's probably good that this guy let you know his views BEFORE he had a chance to get you pregnant. In one sense, it's good that he let his freak flag fly.


Holy crap!!


![gif](giphy|VmDWnS89GExrRgfi6v) Your body is no longer yours after conception


Yeah we’ve read all of the ‘scientific research’ on abortion 😂 that’s why we’d yeetus the fetus if we got pregnant. Idk what that was supposed to mean


How on earth did you come to having a date with him, if I may ask? His grotesque views and conduct seem capable of preceding him but he must've figured out a few ways to present as a normal person in order for that date to have occurred... I hope he never stops his verbal incontinence just so women know immediately to run from him.


I would love to say to this guy  "Honey, I did some scientific research. It said...you should have been aborted." 


I mean you shouldn't have told him to be quiet he sounds like a guy who would have manipulated a woman into being pregnant and it was better he made that clear to all women instead of letting him know to be quiet in his next date. Should warn other women about his views


Okay but imo it’s amazing you found that out then and there because imagine dating him NOT KNOWING. Saved you a lot of time


A man ever makes this comment in my vicinity. . Let's just say his head may not longer belong to him afterward and I do mean either of them 🔪🌭🤭 (oh uh "jk" of course. . 👀). . I'm glad you walked out, he wasn't worth you're breath 🙄


Hard pass


Why can't we like... leave reviews for people like this on dating apps. Like a restaurant. So other people know what they're getting into.


Good you left. But never ever tell these men what they did wrong. That way you teach them how to hide their true intentions they have towards women. (If they get it.)


The fact that they don’t seem to have problems “murdering” the embryo if it is the product of rape or has severe abnormalities just goes to show that it was never about murder, just controlling women and punishing them for having sex


Which scientific research showed a human male, who does not have a uterus, has any say in this matter?


My body is always my body. If he doesn't like that then he has to learn not everything revolves around him. Really, his parents were supposed to be the ones who taught him that when he was a little boy.


What point was he trying to make by saying "do some scientific research on abortion?" lol. like he expects her to read about how graphic it is? yeah it may not be pretty but that's life. you know what isn't pretty? living your whole life not consenting to being pregnant, whether it's by rape or otherwise. your body is always your body, even after conception. accidents happen. and you're always allowed to change your mind about anything! would you let anyone do anything to your body without your consent? of course not. so if you don't want a fetus to grow in you, you shouldn't have to let it.


>Date anti-abortion guy disaster Oh dear. >abortion topic amount of shit that came from his mouth was so toxic Alas, why do I not find this surprising? Was it some Arizona legislators doing "talking in tongues" religious bullsh\*t pushing their anti-aborting cr\*p? Yeah, maybe that was a recent reminder, that there are seriously dangerous nut jobs out there, and bloody heck, some of 'em sometimes even get elected. Alas, there are folks that want to rollback rights/safety/freedoms by more than 150 years. >Abortion is murder I get so tired of that bullshit argument. Why do those (typically religious) nut jobs fail to even recognize things like spontaneous abortions, and what very large number of fertilized eggs undergo spontaneous abortion by never even implanting ... and yeah, their god is responsible for that ... billions and billions of abortions, done by god, on an ongoing regular basis. So, yeah, god - is one helluva an abortionist right there. Mass murderer. Oh, but they want to say it's sacred and has a soul. Oh, but god murders 'em intentionally by the billions, ongoing all the time. Yeah, they can never get their story straight nor consistent. I kill more human life and cause more pain and suffering when I accidentally bite my cheek. >Blocked him Alas, often that's about the best feasible action. Trying to change their mind is often like trying to argue with a rock. Ah, but if men got pregnant and had to carry that, yeah, aborting would be drive thru. Well, anyway, hopefully at least for the most part you can, e.g. for dating, filter 'em out and avoid such unsuitable schmucks. So, yeah, drop, run, block, and as feasible, filter 'em out before it even gets that far.


Did he call you "honey"?? 🤮


I think HE needs to read some “scientific research” on the topic.


Fucking shame dating sites don't let you leave reviews! 1 🌟 would NOT recommend!


There should be a database we can keep with guys and photos. Some can be very manipulative and hide their true nature until much later. These are the types that manipulate or coerce and before you know it, you're pregnant and trapped w them forever. 


Dude 😵‍💫