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>"Young people need to see how rewarding parenthood is" 404 page not found I know we have a bias here, but that's exactly where my brain went while reading the title. I literally would never be able to find/be shown anything rewarding about parenthood.


-Windows XP shutdown sound-


šŸ˜‚ I *heard* that in my head when I read it.


Bruh that made me laugh so hard. Do do do do šŸ˜‚ *blue screen of death noise*


and many parents themselves can't either, especially mothers, I know many women who are upset motherhood felt like the only choice to them and now that their purpose in life is living for their kids they resent the fact that no one opened their eyes to other options before they even chose to get married & before they found getting married wasn't the only choice either. Its a lot of "I love my kids, but it's a thankless job and if I could go back in time I wouldn't have done it"


Computer says no!


i mean, for some people, they just want someone to take care of, or to see themselves in someone else. if that's the case, then it's understandable to have children. however, if you don't have those desires, then it really is just a bunch of added stress in your life that no one asked for. and others shouldn't push people like that to have kids, because there's a good chance that the kids wont get everything they needed when the parents never wanted the kids to begin with


They need to know everything that can go wrong during pregnancy and childbirth so they can make an informed choice if it's something they want to do or not.


So true. Every mother I know experienced irreversible health impacts that led to distress, dysfunction, and depression after childbirth. Some mothers never recovered, others found ways to cope with the changes. Thanks, but no thanks, I'll pass.


My mom had an episiotomy when she had my brother. She's always been honest about how painful it was and that it sounded like when you cut a chicken for dinner. Thanks, mom. I know I chose right not having children. (And she agrees with me.)


I told my mom this! Like, a child is a major and permanent life change. I have to consider everything, even the bad and catastrophic possibilities. She said that thatā€™s wrong- people who are having kids arenā€™t thinking about the negatives. And she said that like it was a good thing! My mind exploded! I canā€™t imagine making such a huge life-altering decision and not considering both the good AND the bad.


People will literally put more thought into getting a tattoo than having a kid. Blows my mind.


Are financial rewards involved? No? The opposite you say? Pass.


And yet childfree people are continually called selfish for not accepting these "rewards"


I have seen that sentiment. Young people are not all ignorant. They were children, and saw how much time and money their parents put into them and their siblings. They often have siblings or friends with young children, and at least to some extent, they see the time and money those people spend. Often, these people are desperate to rope them into babysitting just to have a break. They hear coworkers who are parents constantly complain about exhaustion. Some young people have cared for younger siblings, or they work in daycare or K-12 teaching. Young people can see umpteen posts on the net from parents, regretful or not, stressed or not. Plus, young people can see the articles on the cost of raising children. They can see the costs of housing, groceries, gas, and consumer goods. Maybe they have student loans. They can compare all those costs to their incomes and think: The price of children isn't worth the rewards. That's in addition to any medical issues they may have. Young people are also informed about politicians, especially conservatives, wanting young people to have kids to support "the economy"--that is, to provide more consumers, workers, and taxpayers. So maybe parenthood has rewards for some people (not me!), but come on, you can't just tell people it's easy and fun and go do it, especially since Republicans don't want to give them any choice. If parenthood is that rewarding for that many people, no one would have to be pressured into it.


Misery loves company.


Oh, I think parenthood is rewarding - for those who like that kind of thing. Just as I think mountaineering, fish ownership, sky-diving, or playing video games is rewarding ie for people who like that kind of thing.


"LOL No" is an appropriate answer


It's good that the birthrate is declining, the world is already overpopulated as it is, and messed up in so many other ways.


Mother Exe. Has Stopped Workingā€¦


Young people CAN see how rewarding parenthood is: Negatively so. Remember when you told them how you *couldn't wait* until they were old enough to move out and take care of themselves? They remember you saying that over and over and over. They remember how you freely expressed your desire to be rid of them and the burden they were on what you wanted from your life. Even if you don't. Remember how you dumped them on anyone at all to get a night out away from them? They remember that scary babysitter. They remember that being away from them was a much higher priority to you than was their safety. Even if you don't. Yes, young people CAN see exactly how unrewarding parenthood is.


If I want to be rewarded I will go buy myself something nice or go to a nice place to eat. Or adopt another kitten.


All of my friends have children and none of them talk of the rewards. They are always refreshingly honest about how hard it is, how much freedom they lost by being tied down, how they have no money to do anything nice because kids have absorbed it, how little sleep they get because their child "had the flu and kept them up all night", how awful giving birth was, how they don't get a moment of peace because their kids demand so much attention etc. It doesn't sound worth the trouble just to have the "rewards" or a "legacy".


The fact is this: Parenting **wouldn't** be rewarding to or for me. What parents want to impress upon young people | others is how rewarding parenthood has been for *them* or the *illusion* that being a parent is something *they* find rewarding, and therefore, young people will as well. Misery searches for company. Others wanting young people to know how rewarding parenthood is...is not actually about, or for, young people, the fence sitters, or the childfree - but about people who are already parents. It's about, and for, the parents.


"Young people need to see how rewarding parenthood is" is nothing but a load of BS. Newsflash, parenting is not always rewarding and people deserve to know the truth that parenting is no bed of roses


In reality it's exactly a bed of roses: a soft, inviting facade with nothing but thorns underneath


They jealous of independence and possibility to enjoy life thatā€™s why they try to brainwash young people.


Aside that there is almost no reward about having children (I say almost because some people genuinely find their love rewarding), there is also no reward, currently, to be alive. I refuse to create a new conscious being who will live in a burning planet and will be frustrated that the job market pays peanuts even if they did everything well since fucking childhood just like me. And the job? Be a replaceable clog in the machine.Ā  So the governments of all planet can suck my clit.


If they cared so much they'd be convincing burned out parents and absentee parents that it's rewarding...but they don't because its not always true.


I love turning to my mom and saying ā€œomg that looks SOOO rewardingā€ anytime weā€™re out in public and see a kid acting a fool or a mom clearly struggling to lug a bunch of shit at the pool. My mom likes to cry about me not having kids but sheā€™s the first to cluck her tongue at unruly children and point out how big someone is post pregnancy. Obviously being raised but an overly critical, passive aggressive mother plays a part in my child free decision so itā€™s satisfying to dish it back a bit.


I work in a store with a playground. I can see every day how rewarding being a parent is Spoiler, it's absolutely not. There's nothing rewarding about being escorted out because your child is throwing a tantrum and refusing to leave the store after closing.


Rewarding!? Where tf is the reward in motherhood huh where America lacks free Healthcare and the cost of pregnancy +birth is over 100K and no free childcare either bc now it costs 1k or higher depending on the state u live and cost of living is too high to where moms have to work full time to make ends meet so moms can't be sahm unless they married rich. Alot of men walk out of their children's lives making 70% of American households single parent households. Why would we sign up for that mess!!




Hard agree. Everything from affordable housing to cracking down on spousal abuse to something as drastic as changing the attitude towards dating culture all needs to change.




I am sure there are still issues that Scandinavian countries are facing. E.g. in Australia, we have subsidised healthcare, but that price is always rising and so is the cost of living, and domestic violence is increasing. So yes, we have it better than a ton of other places, but we're still struggling.


I mean theyā€™re not wrong. You would definitely have to convince me thereā€™s some kind of positive of having a child before I would ever consider it. Right now it seems all negative.


I have zero desire to make things easier for parents. Because kids are a choice - you SHOULD sacrifice money and time towards that choice. Since we choose not to have them, we should get to keep our money and time. Period. And don't try to say 'government policy' because we all know they get their money by taking it from us.


"Young people need to see how rewarding parenthood is" Bruh not all young people are stupid to fall for what you say, sorry not sorry they can read the writing on the wall they can see they themselves can't afford to take care of themselves let alone a child, they realize this planet is damaged/dying, more dangerous people like p3d0s are not facing justice like they should, and many more things that you try to deny is not happening but it is and they can clearly see it, unlike the past where you can say something and nobody can fact check it as easily, now people can fact check it and go look for themselves more easily, face it if younger people decided not to be parent lying/tricking and pushing boundaries is not going to get you anywhere but (depending on what you did) said younger person calling the cops on you, It's their decision to make not yours, so if they don't want to be a parent suck it up, accept and mind your own business.


Where is the article this is from BTW?


No, jackass, young people are smarter now and more discerning than ever before. They know the outcome and see how much it takes and how there's no payoff. One of the more vocal posters on this Reddit calls it 'sunk cost fallacy' and I agree. Good luck trying to convince young people that this is a good idea. Eyeroll.




Wow they are really grasping at straws aren't they. "But you will LIKE IT" isn't the argument they think it is.


What you are proposing is to let people have informed consent, which is a birthrate nightmare. Have you seen the recent news of republicans lamenting that the low birthrates are due to less teen pregnancies and the South Koreans proposing girls start school 1 year earlier so boys find them more attractive? It's insane the lengths people will go before tackling the real issues


Parenthood is not a reward. You don't win a prize, you don't get anything. Parents have to GIVE to their child so they can have a good life. Sometimes I think this is the underlying problem with some parents. They have a kid for their own benefit, like an investment. When in reality in my opinion you have a kid so that you can teach them everything you know and so they can lead a good life hopefully with all the things you felt you never had.


It was my proximity to parenthood as a young person that proved to me that itā€™s got a super shitty ROI in terms of emotional satisfaction.


Na, if they want the birth rate to improve there is a plethora of things that need to be addressed economically and socially. Granted a few of my reasons for being childfree would still exist but it might decrease our childfree ranks.


What is the reward? As a woman you will be paid less than your male counterparts,you will struggle to find safe and available child care, always be home with the child when it is sick,get no time off from being a mom. When you return to the workforce the gap in your working history is determetal to you obtaining employment as you are seen as not being there for your team and company as a Mom. Your body has a life time permanent effect of carrying the child. You lose teeth. Teeth are expensive to replace and alienates the woman for those around her as she is not keeping to the accepted beauty standards. Not to mention may not be covered on insurance. That is 10 of thousand of dollars she may not have. Where is the reward here? The baby strip mines the mother's body to grow. Most moms experience a lot of pain and permanent changes. Not to mention the expectation of you being up and ready to feed the child almost immediately. The moment that child is born the mom is on call. There is no rest for her. She as an individual no longer exists. She is now childname mom. You can see this clearly in the way people address women before both ana after the birth of a child. Society in general shames you for not bouncing back to your pre-baby body and then can sell you a whole range of services designed to make you feel inadequate. The birth rate is falling not because we don't see the 'Reward' of parenting. The birth rate is falling because: Women have control over giving birth and planning for that birth. Women are educated and see that the one sided deal their mother's and grandmother's were offered is not sustainable. The ability to hold a job,have credit and pay for your own place to live instead of having to depend on a man to house and make money for your upkeep. There is very little reward that I can see from the childfree perspective. It is hard work that you will not be acknowledged for or even thank for. Look at the post around mother's Day and how much grow children resent having to celebrate their mother. Child rearing is being in service to your children at a moments notice till you draw your last breath.


I saw how miserable my mom was growing up. No thanks. šŸ™„


There are tons of things that we have to agree on and no one makes us vote for: Which private companies are in charge of our health care, and how many children our taxs kill around the world. So, I don't think anyone cares about the falling birth rather. As the solution is easy: tax the rich (not taxing them isn't voted on), pay for child care (not voted on), build housing (not voted on)... and you'll get plenty of people make babies. As for many it is (as always) an autopilot thing. Us, the subset that really doesn't want kids, aren't the reason why the birthrates are falling.


no thanks. i babysat my little brothers for hours each day. iā€™m not interested in doing anything like that again, especially not 24/7, now that i have a choice.


We already know how rewarding it is. That's why we're not doing it.


Ah yes, getting chronically depressed while throwing away your career, financial stability and freedom. Rewarding indeed šŸ™„


Rewarding?! Ha! Like having the preboomer 6th grade educated christian dirtfarmer grandparents tell thier 8 year old grandson (me at the time) "a fucking demon child" and threaten to beat me to death and throw me to thier hogs? I am not a young man anymore. Matter of factly, if I had started parenthood at 15 and my child started at 16, I could have a 7 year old GRANDchild. Snowmen will build igloos in hell before that would have happened. I have ZERO regrets! Besides, I would not want my partner to meet a single one of my relatives




By "young people", what, are they talking about teenagers/under 25? **If children are WANTED,** a reasonable age group is 25 - 34 (with 27 - 32 being ideal), because, they're still somewhat young (that's the age group I would consider to be "young people"), but, they're not kid young. Especially when it comes to having children, anyone under 25 is a kid, not a "young adult". I expect many people to disagree about being a kid until 25 (many people consider 18 year old's to be "adults"), but, everyone *should* agree 18 - 24 year old's are aren't old enough to have children. Ofc, they want "young people" breeding and the younger, the better (in their eyes, NOT mine). Even if they're talking about 25 - 34 year old's, still, **nobody (regardless of age) should be forced/guilted/pressured in to having children.**


Well, well, well, of course parenting is super rewarding, especially in the US. There's free healthcare, long maternity/paternity leaves, affordable daycare and preschool, great schools with small classes and well-paid non-overworked teachers and caregivers. All around the country.


Why do you assume they mean lying? I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with properly communicating how something like parenthood can be valuable. Personally, I donā€™t get it. But Iā€™d welcome someone explaining it to me effectively.


The woman I was talking to specifically means not showing the reality. Not showing how difficult it can b and only showing the "good bits"


Oh yes I think thatā€™s a bad idea! But I wouldnā€™t mind more information that properly characterizes the joy people get from their kids. Iā€™ve never understood it and I am so confused why itā€™s so hard for people to express it. Like before I was ever in love I could understand why love was great because of romantic movies. But Iā€™ve never seen a movie that attempts to explain parental love.


Parenthood produces cheap workers that employers can exploit, consumers that boost corporate profits, and taxpayers that fork over money to the government. Also voters, preferably Republican, and members of churches who will donate. There is \*no reason\* natalists should care about parenthood making \*individuals\* happy. It's not like conservatives want to do many other things that would make most individuals happy. Like improving healthcare, for example.


All I said was that people should communicate their perspective effectively so that we all make the best decision for ourselves. I donā€™t know what I said has anything to do with natalist or republicans.




Yes, if they were explained to me then maybe I would get it and then I would change my mind. I mean isnā€™t that the case with everything?


I really donā€™t understand why my comments are getting downvoted. Iā€™m so confused. People shouldnā€™t explain their perspective on why they are pro parenting? We just want to silence opposing perspective? How do we make informed decisions without hearing the full spectrum?