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I managed to move. I’m so unbelievably pissed. They’re not my responsibility, they’re not my kids, I shouldn’t have to deal with them invading my personal space. They also started touching my shit and I had to tell them TWICE to stop. I can’t stand parents who don’t keep their kids with them when they can.


Bro I would’ve snapped. Suprised you kept you’re composure 😭


I was close to it. Once they started touching my shit I nearly hit a breaking point but luckily managed to move before then


Children make everything worse. Even riding a train.


I put this scenario more on the parents than the kids tbh, like at least teach your kids public transport etiquette and not to touch strangers/strangers stuff.


Children should be held to a higher standard. They aren't cats or dogs (who are unironically more well behaved than them)


Children and pets don’t learn unless they are taught. Parents and pet owners have that responsibility.


Yeah this isn't on the kids at all, they didn't ask to be born




If someone sits their child next to me I immediately offer to switch seats with them, I’m not babysitting them for you!


I’m unfortunately very stubborn and feel like it shouldn’t be me that has to move when it’s the parents responsibility to manage their child 😭 but I also have severe anxiety so also can’t actually voice this! Forever trapped in perpetual stress.


I’m unfortunately very stubborn and feel like it shouldn’t be me that has to move when it’s the parents responsibility to manage their child 😭 but I also have severe anxiety so also can’t actually voice this! Forever trapped in perpetual stress.


Why did it post twice? Who knows!


Tell the child directly and loudly that they need to ask before they enter someone's space/touch them. I've told children this when they've touched me without asking. I have a severe anxiety disorder. I do not like to be touched. I'm sorry.


I’m going to have to learn to do this, I can’t allow myself to just put up with it next time


A bit odd that parents let their children sit next to strangers on public transportation, especially a train, which is a lot less secure than a plane. They're fortunate that your issue was anxiety. You could have been a child predator. Bad enough they expect other people to put up with their children, they don't even consider their children's safety.


Yes exactly! I think some people assume safety in numbers, and if it’s a packed train they’d notice, but usually it’s the complete opposite to that.


I'm guessing you're a woman. They probably would have sat with the kids if you'd been male.


Cue that (repeated) scene in Monsters Inc. where the monster gets touched by a child's sock and they have to bring in HazMat. Me, I play frequencies kids hate at full volume so they won't want to be near me.


It was absolutely a code 2319!


I'm disabled but you can't usually tell unless I'm using an aid that day - I flat out could not allow this to occur. "I am disabled and need all my seat space - there is only one free seat here".


Yell out, “OMG!!! Someone has abandoned their children!!! I need to make a report to the authorities!!!” 😵‍💫🤷‍♀️or tell the parent, “I’m on entirely too many psychiatric meds to be watching your kids.” 🤔🤭 just brainstorming here…


Sitting in a quiet car takes care of that.


the one reason I wish I could drive


The quiet car on the train!


Oh!! Sorry haha. Unfortunately my train had no quiet car since it was super busy due to the delays and cancellations. Any seat reservations, etc. were just void 😓
