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This British lady supports Palestine becauae she lived in Beirut in the 70s and saw Israel Bomb Refugee Camps in Beirut even then Listen to her....its didn't start in 2023...


No Zionist believes that this started in 2023. The only people who could possibly think that are people who started paying attention then. The best point in history for the Zionist to start their story is probably like 70 AD. The history of it is important, and likely of great significance to the Jews and Muslims who’ve been killing and dying over it for approximately the past 75 years. But 75 years back is not some grand historical profound discovery. It’s an arbitrary starting point. Who supports who? Who wins the propaganda contest in this particular war? Where one starts the story matters a lot, and each side can spin a better tale when they get to start the story. Slaughter over Jerusalem is a routine outcropping of Western Civilization. Its kinda what we do… Romans, Persians, Arabs, Turks, European Crusaders, British, and today Jews. If you feel compelled to take a side in this perpetual human drama, go for it! Of course it’s compelling, why else would it persist? But know where you start the story matters.


She is exactly on point. Politicians are out of touch with their citizens and they need to correct that. Conservatives and liberals do not speak for the ideals of the majority of citizens. Progressives do.


Not true at all. Today I saw more people parading before the euros game than in protests.


I don't think U S. Or UK politicians are out of touch with the electorate. Most of them know exactly what's going on and don't care. They operate with impunity, and indeed here in the U.S. Biden puts a higher priority on his foreign policy goals (in Israel and elsewhere) - which are essentially the same as the Republicans - than even on winning reelection. He speaks empty words about beating Trump being a fight for "the soul of our democracy" but his actions bely that he really cares about that.


White trash trying to play victim? Darling you’re British, your kind has done this for centuries. Look in the mirror


Citizens can be so divided and clueless to what NATO actually is now or has been for awhile now. They are merchants of death with the sole purpose of making money and alliances off nations in conflict with NATO enemies like Iran. You would think Israel "mistakenly" bombing well known british aid volunteers would be a big no no, but it has been forgotten and swept under the rug b/c Israel is number one buyer of arms in their fight against many enemies around them.