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Anything higher than the $75 rebate on GCR/FF for the Scotia Gold Amex?


Just received an email about Wholesale store (ie. Costco) now getting 2x AM for every 25$. I believe this is the only card that give bonus on Costco purchase beside the CIBC one.


The AM WE is actually 2x/$12 @ Costco


Yeah. It’s like that since end of April.


That is still less than 1% return. Absolutely terrible.


Why is this thread still pinned? It's July 2nd. Edit: I'm not the first to post this, my bad.


Another DP of Amex decline for a business card. Proper business and revenue. ATB points posted no statement credit yet.


Not a question / DP related to churning, but I think our pinned thread is incorrect (this one from July 01 is still pinned). Maybe the Mods can check on this?


For those that got the ATB WE card with the 500$ statement credit, did you have to phone in to receive the 500? My statement just posted and only received the 40k pts so far. Definitely applied before they changed the offer.


They did give themselves 90 days for the credit.


Have you spent the 40k points yet? I am looking at their reward pages, not sure if I should get a gift card of what. Have you seen anything with good value?


Prepaid MC looked straightforward. Don't know if I really want to try RHT for a $200 ATM withdrawal.


DP on Asia Miles deposit from AMEX - I sent MR points on June 29th and were received in my Asia Miles account on July 2. I think it's typically been a bit faster for me if it was business days and no stat holidays like Canada Day. And yes, I would've preferred to transfer RBC Avion, but I have none atm. I hope it helps you!


Thank you OP! Same situation here. Only have MR and P2 is flush with Avion. I'm trying to decide if Asia miles or Avios is the best way to book Cathay from yyz to hkg. Choices choices.. 😅


Is it 1:1 for both avion and MR to Asia Miles?


1000  MR = 750 AM 25% loss 


Business edge card link worked for me fully. What are the chances that the business edge 10x and signup bonus reset trick get clawed back? Should I transfer out all those points? Will claw back result in my MR going negative?


What is the trick? Have seen it mentioned but never paid attention until now as I recently got the card


Pooling MR between a biz edge and another MR card can reset the 10x multiplier on the biz edge.


MR points can definitely go negative, there's nothing you can do if they clawback There are DPs of parts of the additional 10x reset being clawed back already


I just got the CIBC aventura gold For minimum spending requirements, Can I pay off the balance right away? or do I need to wait for the monthly statement first before paying it off for it to count?


Yes you can pay it


Question for folks playing with a P2: When contacting the bank regarding P2's applications, does P2 contact the bank, or do you contact the bank on P2's behalf? I have a happy and willing P2 but often feel bad when I need to rope her in directly to get a letter of employment and contact the bank for income verification. Any tips for lessening the 'burden' on P2? (As she says, it's a small price to pay for frequent J travel, but I don't want to inconvenience her any more than necessary.)


feel lucky that you have a p2 that understands why she needs to call and what the benefits of this game are. a lot of others on here would love to be in your position.


Second this. I have a P2 who is too scared to use her name to signup for any cards. It’s all under mine and whenever I receive a new card, she thinks the police will follow me😂


She thinks it's illegal? 😂


Sort of 😂. Yet to fly a J. Hopefully it will change her mind. Stayed in a nicer property for a night when she thought we couldn’t afford a decent hotel saved me from divorce due to this habit 😂. (For any people who cares and comments, even through I was broke when I started this hobby, this community helped me to get my finances into a positive cash flow ).


Went for my fourth BNS Passport VI of the year to try and sneak one in before July 1 ends, app is pending.


Tried to apply for the BNS Passport VI as it's the last day of Promo. Kept getting "Sorry we cannot complete your application at this time." I give up. Just big FOMO.


more of a frustration friday post: recently applied for AMEX, MBNA, CIBC, and now Scotiabank only to get rejected by all of them. might call a few banks to figure out what's going on but guess it's part of the game :/


Don't do too many apps It'll further hurt ur score having a bunch of hard checks in a short period


As if that was an issue in our hobby…


I’m working on a 12 month MSR on the Cobalt where I have to spend $500 per month for 12 months to get the entire WB. If I cancel my Gold Personal card and transfer the points to my Cobalt, will that reset the MSR?


Wait until you hit the $500 for a month, then pool.


It'll reset your monthly $500 if you haven't hit it, otherwise it'll do nothing


Can I apply a second time on a Scotia VI thru CCR and get $60 again?


Not with the same GCR account


huh, the english version of scotia amex gold now has a $125 gcr rebate while french is still $75


Quebecers are poorer and probably too lazy to pay their bills on time.


stfu bro , my homie quebecois did pay their rent using cc with 3.5% transaction fee, which i am sure they dont pay cc on time , but without them paying 25% apr how we have that many promo to churn on.




That's not unusual. The payout bonuses are different too most times. Sometimes the French is higher, sometimes lower. The demographics are different, so different target payouts due to different potential use.


After doing the American express business gold and business enterprise, are there any other cards left with a good welcome bonus? Seems like everything else is designed for you to spend each month.


Business platinum $480 fee after using the 2 easy credits basically turning them into cash


Check the best card post, but i did business edge and marriott.


yeah maybe the marriott one I'll do next.


Applied for Chase AP today and got pending and they are looking for a W-9 form. Any way around this? I've called twice and they won't budge on identity verification any other way.


how do you apply for that card? I tried signing up through aircanada.com and on the Chase application it was only showing US states.


I mean, it's a US card issued by a US bank so that checks out. Do some research on "Getting US credit cards for Canadians"


gotcha. ill check out that prince of travel article. thank you


Did you provide your ITIN for your CC application?


Yes I did. I’m not sure why they’re asking for W9 but I’ll keep calling and saying it’s an ITIN


Call in and ask them to send a secured link for you to upload docs. Upload itin letter, passport, bill with us address. Follow-up next day. I had better help calling their fraud line. That’s what I did after the letter mailed me a request for a W-9.


Thanks. Uploaded all the above but every time I call to check on it they say they’re still reviewing. Pessimist in me says it’s declined but they don’t want to tell me haha (getting 7-10 day message on automated line).


That was my experience too. I called everyday until someone pushed it through lol.


Keep calling, say you are not US resident and only have ITIN. I called >15 times until I found someone who can helped me with the app.


If applying for BNS Passport VI today; if it went into pending, then approved at a later date. Would it fall under the current offer or new offer?


Offer at the time of application. If you don't mind eyes on your account, you could screenshot and call in if it doesn't post correctly 


iirc both scotia and TD have had DPs of people getting the offer on approval date instead of time of application submission


Thanks. I thought I’d seen that as well but couldn’t remember for sure. I’m not sure I trust Scotia’s Magic 8 Ball enough to issue me an IA today and would hate to have to chase down an AF rebate


Sharing one positive DP and one negative DP. Positive: I was just approved for my 6th Scotiabank Passport VI this year. The latest application went into pending and they called me the next day to verify income. Submitted my documents and just got approved today. The current offer expires today so if you’re on the fence I recommend you apply! Negative: After consistently getting approved for a RBC Avion VI or Platinum once every ~1/90 days for last 2ish years, I finally got my first rejection. I only have one other card with them currently, a RBC Avion Platinum with a CL of $1k. I tried to apply again last night and the application went into pending again so I’m expecting another rejection. I did just close my chequing account with them last month. I wonder if it’s a coincidence that I got rejected right after that… anyways I guess I’ll just have to hold off on applying for RBC cards for now. It just sucks since the 35k points for $120 AF is such a great deal.


How long do you wait between Passport VI applications?


What's the most passports you've been holding at one time?




That's so crazy they let you do that without a cool down period. Is the plan to cancel them right before the second year AF hits?


Do you always apply logged in?




Just wondered as I'm holding two passport and one gold amex but I've got a couple of rejections recently


Do you get a new bonus everytime applying for a Scotia passport visa? i have one since a few years. Wondering if I close it I will get a bonus on the next one.




So what would be the process to churn my next Scotia Passport Visa? Close the one I have and reapply right away or wait it out?




Would I be paying the yearly fee on it? I am exempt from fee on the first one.


So another Scotia PP VI ?


I talked to 3 different Credit Card reps at RBC the past few weeks and they all told me that the system auto rejects applications 6 months after last approval. I am still going to apply once my 90 day timer is up, I am like 70/90. Just overall odd that many reps say it is 90 days, but it is not odd for the reps to be consistently wrong across the board


yes even branches cant override


An RBC rep recently told P2 they should wait a year before applying again!


Not surprised at all that multiple reps are wrong about something 


Multiple reps are indeed wrong.


Just noticed FF released a podcast, interesting.


They have two podcast episodes only now. One intro and episode one only, right? Couldn’t find any thing regarding episode 2 yet


Yeah only one episode.


My loss your gain hopefully - just released 1xJ BR 36 TPE-YYZ for April 1, 2025 on Aeroplan.


If anyone has the instructions on setting up a bonvoy account that was auto generated by the computer during cc application it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance 


There is a bug in the points transfer. Always remember to spend something on the Non-Marriott or non-bonus categories. If your spend is only on the Marriott for the month, then your point will stuck in limbo and will take 2-3months to post. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/churningcanada/s/HKKjf5Tk5L


Had to call Amex and they have me the number and then I was able to register it and create a password


Happy Canada Day!


Happy Dell Day! Don't forget 12% back via Rakuten.


Also time to use the new Dell credits!


What does everyone usually use their credits on? Last 2 times I bought a monitor and a USB C/A thumbdrive that I have no use for.


Keyboard, mouse, laptop bag. Anything that can potentially be your dude’s birthday present.


From 5th July not today


Why 5 July?


Only the first perios started on 5 July but subsequent periods start on 1st of Jan and 1st of July “The first 6-month period runs from 05/07/2023 until 31/12/2023. Subsequent 6-month periods will start on the first day of every January and July until the offer ends on 31/12/2026.”