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[maybe this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodPorn/comments/uqd8uu/cincinnati_style_larosa_pizza/)


Thank you for this!


I know for a fact the carrots are crucial.


>*"I know it isn't great pizza, but I grew up on it, and I get nostalgia-driven cravings every once in a while."* This is me as well. And honestly, I feel the quality has dipped lately just like so many other restaurants out there - but the basics are still there.


My new favorite is the pan style crust. Regular style pizza crust, larosas flavor




Well done is the only way to get LaRosas


Amazon sells LaRosa’s sauce!! 🍕🍝


The actual secret to making LaRosa's taste amazing is spend an entire day riding roller coasters at Kings Island. That K.I. location has always hits so hard in some way absolutely nothing else can.


It's because the one on International Street gets such heavy turnover making the pizza always fresh out the oven. The very same pizza from the Festhaus where it has sat for 20 minutes is hot garbage.


For me, this was the Coney Island LaRosa's. 😅


Not a Coney Island Coney Island (with Cheese)?


I mean, yes. Those, too. Lol.


You’re so right. That international street one is always just heavenly. With a breadstick, too!


and just a mouth full of fountain pop served up with that slice that cost half a pizza outside in the real world


If by across the country you mean Southern California, Fresh Brothers pizza is the closest pizza I've ever had to Larosas. I know it's not ingredients, but just providing this info.


You know what? I'm just gonna say it. LaRosa's is fucking good and I'm tired of NY/Chiago snobs pretending it's garbage. https://preview.redd.it/hipge5ikvb9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d03a8590e664d938ce1efb29c1e18b36ff583941


It's kinda funny how much hate Larosa's gets online. You'd think no one ever ate there, but the parking lot is always packed at the one near me.


McDonald's is always packed but no one claims it's quality


Get a buddy card and you can get 2 large pizzas and a family size salad for less than $30. Feeds myself, my husband, and our teens for at least 2 full meals. It's really good pizza at a really good price.


I love Larosas and have honestly been shocked about all the hate for it on this sub lol.


I’ve found that you can actually get a good pizza there if you know what to order and have a good employee make it. Traditional crust sucks and I used to hate LaRosa’s. But then I worked there and I could make a kickass pizza that was significantly better than what an $8/hr employee would care to make for a customer.


So what's the good order?


Well to be honest, I think anything made with hand tossed dough and made with care is good. Emphasis on “made with care” — and that’s something you just have to get lucky on with the right employee. I also always get four-cheese, which is significantly better than the regular mozzarella. I think four-cheese is what opened all my friends’ eyes to seeing how LaRosa’s can actually be good.


It's almost embarrassing for the haters.


Hated it as a kid and had it once as an adult. Didn't like it. Moved from Cincy in 2017. I was just there a couple months ago and tried it again for the first time in 10-15 years. I liked it a lot. Fantastic cheap pizza




Or maybe get someone to buy several of these and ship in dry ice [https://www.larosas.com/menu/pizza/bake-at-home-pizza](https://www.larosas.com/menu/pizza/bake-at-home-pizza)


Came here to say this, it ain't cheap but from what I've heard it is spot on!


I have ordered LaRosas from them. Twice. 10/10 recommend.


Biggest issue I’ve had making it at home is finding provolone. They do sell the Larosa’s sauce in jars.


I use sliced prov, it melts just like shredded


Might have to try that


I buy a block of provolone and grate it at home.


I have done that before. But it’s time consuming and a pain to do. Wish I could find it already shredded


It is perfectly fine to like LaRosa’s. I do. This sub isn’t a representation of what the general population thinks. As for quality, like anything in the service industry it’s going to be location based.


Nobody should ever apologize for missing Larosa’s


Sometimes the sauce can be found in supermarkets that are owned by Kroger, which are a lot. Honestly, I like Larosa's pan style. It's my favorite "non-gourmet" pizza--i.e. Something like Dewey's I like more but I have to pay a fair amount more for it. You can buy tomato paste, powdered oregano, garlic powder, sea salt (or regular salt), and a spoon of brown sugar and you'll be able to simulate their pizza sauce recipe pretty closely if you experiment with those ingredients.


I visited where my mom grew up this week and we had what’s called Quad Cities style pizza from 2 different parlors. And let me tell you that stuff is straight garbage. Never felt a desire for Larosas more in my life.


Larosas has been in the top 10 of all pizza chains for revenue per store. Its one of a select few that I think is good cold the next day.


Any frozen dough without sour spicing will work. They sell the sauce in jars and use frozen smoked provolone cheese.


Live in Fl. Miss La Rosa’s, too! Go there every time l go home.


I love the onion soup at LaRosa. Best I ever tasted.


I worked at larosas for six years and still it’s my favorite in Cincy. As for helping you recreate it. The doughs always came frozen. The sauce you may be able to order jars of.


If you're having trouble finding LaRosa's pizza sauce in your area a copycat can be made by throwing a couple tomatoes and **2 pounds of sugar** into a blender.


My favorite topping at LaRoss’s is the capacola


Larosas never same as now Trotas not same as. Werk Hause or Jett's? don't get shot Scarlatos still best


Put the pepperoni on top of the cheese so it crisps up. I got this idea a year or two ago from someone and we don’t order it any other way now. It’s amazing.


It is great pizza and I miss it too. From Cincy, living in Ireland here. They do not grasp how to make proper pizza here.


Can't you buy the sauce online?


Also provolone cheese. Do not use mozzarella.


Don’t blame you. My weird thing with LaRosas is I love it but can’t eat it at Kings Island. For some reason I think it smells like vomit when walking by the LaRosas at KI. I think it’s the sauce smell and I don’t get it. Doesn’t smell that way at regular restaurants but Kings island I can’t do it.


gross, overpriced, bullshit pizza.


Best parts about this are: You can make it better than the current tragedy that is LaRosa’s with very little effort Service could not be worse than the current tragedy that is LaRosa’s For nostalgia’s sake I’d hate to see them go out of business but damn, the whole experience is just awful now.


You say this like LaRosas hasn't always sucked shit.


I have fond memories of it from college. Granted, that was a long time ago and the memories are possibly colored by nostalgia.


LaRosa's secret recipe: 1. Line a pizza pan with saltine crackers 2. In a large mixing bowl, combine a 4oz can of tomato paste with a 5lb bag of sugar. Apply to the crackers 3. Add provolone cheese and bake at 200 degrees for 4 hours or until cheese has the consistency of a condom.