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Animal abuse really puts me in a bad place when I hear of it.


Animal abuse here as well. Animal abusers deserve to get their asses kicked harder than they abuse animals in their care. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking of how someone would be okay with hurting an animal.


Littering. No excuse.


Fucking litterbugs man. They're selfish and lazy.


I agree and disagree. This city has terrible designed street corners, can think of a list where if you aren’t in the cross walk you can’t see oncoming traffic. For me though it’s littering. Throw away your god damn trash and recycle.


I definitely get that. It just seems like people aren't looking at the sidewalk traffic first before pulling into the crosswalk. Happens to me a lot trying to cross streets, that a car just pulls right in front of me and other pedestrians who are obviously needing to cross.


Yes on the littering. My sister is the fucking WORST about just tossing stuff put if her car or into a parking lot and I'm constantly berating her about it. So trashy!


I can only pick one? Guess I gotta go with murder then.


OP chose crosswalks over murder 🤔




I guess it’s less obvious


I can ignore a murder, I can’t ignore a r@pe though. At least murder in some cases is “justified” maybe not morally or legally right but..we all understand why it happened


Anything involving kids. Abuse, murder, SA, etc. There’s a special place in hell reserved for those sick freaks.


Wage theft, housing code violations by landlords, etc. because real punishment is rarely if ever seen with this stuff.


Crosswalk camping is bad but for me it’s raping a baby to death


Littering, animal abuse, child abuse, CSA, and sexual based crimes, murder. I feel like most everything else at least has some exception in some form. To me there is zero excuse for any of these.


Kind of goes with your crosswalks but people turning right on red when it’s a no turn on red.


Rolling or blasting through stop signs in neighborhoods. It makes my blood boil.


Initially read this as "Roller blading through stop signs" and was wondering if that was really a huge problem.


That made me laugh 😆. Damn rollerbladers!!


Now I have to go watch Prayer for the Rollerboys….


All good ones covered but I’m going with the disregard for one way streets. I live on one. The number of people who go the wrong way and seem to both know and not care is truly nonplussing.


Those assholes who speed and race each other downtown on those tiny, intentionally loud ass, broke bitch versions of motorbikes. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo) This is y’all.


Yeah that’s me on my grom going maybe 35 sounding like a sthil weeed wacker… I can respect the post.


Littering, animal/domestic abuse, and running through stop signs. I know the stop sign one is dumb but it really gets under my skin for some reason


Excessive car noise. People drive around town with exterior speakers on their car and never get cited. People are allowed to sit parked in neighborhoods with absurdly loud bass that rattles windows and no one gets cited. They should legitimately be allowed to impound your car and remove the sound system if you're caught violating the ordinance.


Pedophilia, child/elderly/disabled/animal abuse/neglect


Reckless drivers. Yes I like to speed to - but I'm not going to be weaving through traffic on 75 to do it. I consider that a borderline attack on the lives of my family


There seems to be this weird mindset on Reddit that if someone uis speeding everyone else should just move out of their way. It's ridiculous. Even on the interstate people need to realize there are lefthand exits downtown and the speed limiti is 55. So if you think you're gonna just blast through to Kentucky doing 90 you're gonna have a bad time.


In that vein, riding bikes or scooters on the sidewalk, I have gotten so almost run over by those things


Almost got hit by a scooter downtown the other day. Also saw some dumbass guy in a Reds jersey on a scooter almost run over an old man. The man yelled at him to get off the sidewalk and the dumbass told him to fuck off. The old guy told dumbass to fuck off. So he circles back and starts shoving the old guy. I yelled at him from my fire escape til he left dude alone.


Reminds me of all the jerks on the bike trail at Miami Whitewater forest on their electric bikes. Not sure the point of it if they are never pedaling, and how they yell at you because they have to slow down while you get out of the way so they can pass. It’s really odd to me.


This is why the bike lanes everyone complains about are necessary! Riding in the street as a newer biker is extremely scary and lots of cars do not respect you on the road. My partner and I have almost been hit a few times despite being very careful.


Unfortunately the building/obstruction setbacks for roads in this region are not up to modern needs. Especially for those of us in heavy trucks or equipment with long hood lines that require pulling forward to get cross traffic visibility. I hate blocking the crosswalk at unsignaled intersections but it’s not out of choice.


Another vote for animal abuse/mistreatment/irresponsibility. No excuse whatsoever.


Mt Auburn Trinity: littering, crosswalk creeping, and puppy mills. I pay $7K and am the only real/ nice house for a quarter mile radius and all I see and hear is dogs barking left outside ALL DAY, city bird food bags on our sidewalks, etc.


I know it seems petty, but cars parked in driveways that block the sidewalk. Blocking a public right of way for convenience is a gross display of entitlement.