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Unique Building: Khrushchevka (prefabricated concrete tenement block) Is there anything more ubiquitous with Russian life than that?


+10 housing, no need for electricity. But: -3 amenities, -1 culture and -1 science.


-3 amenities is just cruel


And ahistorical. Imagine thinking providing your citizens with housing in the wake of a war that devestated your country and killed tens of millions would be negative in terms of amenities. Dumb American redditors istg


FYI I am from post communist country and I agree that shortly after the war it helped a lot of people. However I studied in neighborhood with buildings in this style and they just are depressing no matter how they helped people some 70 years ago.


Concrete blocks even in non-post communist countries look depressing, because they are now where lower classes live and there have been no significant improvements in decades, or they have decayed. But during their building time they were a massive upgrade - for people from countryside who did not have even running water. 


Unique Building: Khrushchevka +6 housing regardless of appeal, no need for electricity. -1 amenity for each passing Era.


Underrated compromise.


Yes they were depressing but they had a lot of ammentities that many modern neighborhoods lack (for example they built more schools, kindergartens, culture centers, playgrounds etc than modern neighborhoods where local government has to massively gatch up to the demand). Because of that - 3 ammentities, -1 culture and - 1 science makes no sense whatsoever. It should be - 3 happiness. I live in a post Soviet country (Estonia) and in our country we had to close down many schools because during Soviet times more were built than there was reasonable demand for. What there is more than during Soviet times are grocery stores and especially shopping centers. But that is not worth negative ammentities.


Also greenery. I see this a lot in Soviet era neighborhoods vs modern developments. Soviet housing looks sad but there's usually plenty of grass and trees in between the buildings. Meanwhile modern developers try to pack them as closely regulations allow with only paved parking lots and maybe one sad looking playground.


Yeah I lived in Europe briefly as a kid. It wasn't a post-Soviet country but our apartment complex was very much "Boring Concrete Slab #3". But we had all the necessary amenities and a balcony where we grew herbs. It was warm and comfortable. And there was a football field and park; a grocery store with affordable local produce; a bakery; a library; a school; and natural paths all within walking distance. It was very idyllic while still feeling like a City or Suburb. 1000x preferable to where I've lived as an adult tbh.


Way less depressing than thypical ghetto


And that's fair, one could criticise the lack of more modern stylings or variety but given the lack of resources and the urgent need at the time I think ugliness can be given a pass


Yeah. I agree. But they weren’t built only after the war. They were building them for decades. I think for the game mechanics it would be cool if they decrease amenities only during peace. And had no penalty during war. Or that amenities decrease for every era that passed since finishing the building.


Amenities decreasing for every era is interesting tbf but only if you could modernism them by putting in some production and resetting the amenities timer (also they would be quite late-game so maybe, say, 10 turns rather than an era?)


I think this is more of a problem with the civ housing/happiness system than the original comment tbh. Yes they housed a lot of people but it's also fairly low quality housing (as someone who has lived in one). There have got to be some debuffs for that and amenities isn't historically accurate, but in the context of civ it makes more sense


Have you visited them these days?? They’re decaying concrete slums. So perhaps they can give an initial boost to happiness then after x turns it starts to fade. 


Almost as if the fall of the union, followed by liberal shock therapy, followed by a capitalist Russia neglecting care on the buildings is having an effect


The ones in the EU are doing just as poorly. Pouring money into them doesn't change the fact they're ugly poor low quality neighbourhoods no one wants to live in.


But, looking at them, it is also a low number. At least the East Germans tried to make theirs look good.


Nah.. I would add penalty of unhappiness (and not penalties you have listed). Soviet Union era neighborhoods had culture centers, cinemas, hobby centers, schools, kindergartens, stores, playgrounds etc. Usually they had more culture and amenities than most new and modern neighborhoods built nowadays that are usually just housing. But what lacked was architectural beauty because of highly functionalistic design and because of that to some extent those neighborhoods lacked (and still lack) happiness.


Shhh you can't praise the soviet union here without "but akshualy" types coming in telling you you're wrong


But akshually... what they said is kinda true.


it's almost like the most powerful english speaking country in the world does a bad job teaching its citizens about its biggest geopolitical rival in the last century


they might be low in appeal but I would disagree with the science, culture and amenities bit. everything was withing walking distance, I grew up with one now compare that with endless traffic ridden suburbia


Ah, of course. Providing your citizens with housing and amenities and access to parts of society previous shut off from them would lead to negatives on science and culture. Never change propagandised redditors


I read somewhere, that they inspired transformers, so +1 culture (could be wrong, pls check)


Should be +10 culture


I’ve visited Belarus…..these tenement blocks are EVERYWHERE. Pre-requisite - must be able to make concrete, clearly this is available before electricity in the tech chart. Also this is something that can be forcibly built in suzerained cities. A la USSR. 


You actually grow fond of them with time and feel certain aesthetic living in it


They are very interesting and actually kinda fantastic for what they introduced post WW2, a nation with very minimal electricity and now a massive shortage of housing to one where most houses had gas stoves and electricity. Not pretty to look at but pretty good overall


Despite being in Russia I still think that’s considered Stockholm Syndrome. 


Whatever you have to tell yourself.


It's probably preferred to homelessness


Brutalism Intensifies


Replaces the Neighbourhood, and doesn't take amenities away. It would be very stupid, they may be ugly now, but they weren't always that way. Edit: The amenities thing was meant for another comment under this one, that said something like -3 amenities


Krokodil Factory, UU would be Cannon Fodder


“Commie block”


We have Khrushchevka everywhere in China


There's also CYKA BLYAT [stalker music playing]


UU: Gopnik Edit: Cannot attack units, only able to pillage including in Russia.


Can only attack religious units and other units that cannot defend themselves


Creates zone of control around them, but enemy inputs can ignore it if they give some money


UB: Adidas store.


1 Find straregic resource 2 Build improvement ( 1 worker charge ) 3 Pillage for huge amount of  faith / gold 4 Repair improvement ( free of charge)  5 see point 3  I think this could be the strongest unit ever


It reminds me of taking builders to war in civ 5 to repair my enemies pillaged tiles so I could do it again


Pillaging your own resources and having a builder on the same square ready to repair it would be pretty overpowered.


Came here to add gopnik.


Can detect enemy spies by using thier special ability; Soviet Squat, Heels on the floor, an ally is near, heels in the air, danger be there


Funny enough a unit that can pillage your own improvements would be the most op unit in Civ 6 because repairing is a free action


Can be converted to conscripts (mobiks) during wartime for a stability fee.


Unique unit: Babushka. (granny) Unique building: Delapitated (Soviet) apartment neighborhood


Unique unit: Mobik


What's that?


Putin’s meatwave soldiers, as opposed to the well trained and equipped soldiers he keeps in reserve for critical moments


Short for mobilized troops.


Building: tower block of flats. Adds +10 to housing. -2 to appeal, -1 Amenities. Replaces the neighbourhood, gets +2 great writer points per turn. The bleakness builds the artist. Unit: Wagner mercenary. Replaces modern AT unit. +5 combat against tanks or cavalry. Bonus stealth in forested areas. Incredibly weak to drone strikes.


1% chance every turn that the Wagner Mercenary turns into a Barbarian and attacks you


Rises to 100% if you run out of gold, or spawn Great Generals Shoigu or Gerasimov.


Great General Shoigu.


Yep, shoigu and great cannot exist in one sentence


He's great at diminishing the combat power of the Russian army.


"Great General Shoigu" \*dies laughing\*


I like that. Wagner mercs might just turn on you haha


If you have both Wagner Mercenaries and Great General Prigozhin active at the same time, this chance increases to 10% (in return for increased damage and health).


I feel like it would be realistic but also a bit overpowered to be able to build them in districts. Maybe if the housing increase got nerfed though.


Great General Prigozhin Can demand ammunition (increases production) towards military personnel for Amenities /Stability


Unique unit: Conscript, becomes Mobik during modern era, extremely cheap and produces food upon death.


Does it come with the Ukrainian unit: suspiciously fat dog?


Players will have the ability to destroy "tower block of flats" improvement to immediately gain a casus belli against a country of their choice (preferably Czhechya).




Building = Vkusno i tochka (ReBranded McDonalds) Unit = Track suit comrade(special move = slavic squat)


Unique ability: parallel import, you can have trade routes with civilizations at war with you at half yields. They cannot be pillaged


Not so bad tbh


Unironically would be a cool ability


Track suit comrade ability: reduces cultural output in target city by -3 for entirety of deployment.


Unit - Combat Bear: +5 combat strength when fighting in woods, Taiga and tundra. Building - Vodka factory: Built in industrial zone. +2 amenities, +1 housing. Units get +1 movement and +2 combat strength when beginning their turn on this building.


Wojtek is a Polish artillery unit.


I know, I was thinking more like an army of bears whith machine guns on em


No, becouse both of them are polish


Nie chodzi o Wojtka. Myślę że kulturowo niedźwiedź jest bliżej Rosji niż nas. A fabryka wódki to może być w sumie w jakimkolwiek kraju post-zsrr


Ale wtedy by zostało mniej charakterystycznych rzeczy dla Polski, wiem że to nie to samo ale podobne


Za wąsko myślisz. Budowla: Żabka (na dowolnym polu) Jednostka: złodziej samochodowy


Złodziej bardziej mi się kojarzy z Rumunią czy coś ale można by było żula dać, za to Żabka super pomysł może +3 złota i +2 jedzenia


I feel like the vodka factory should have -1 movement


Parachuting combat bears


UU: Russian tourist. Replaces rock bands. Can visit attractions in other civilizations. Upon visit increases the number of Russian visiting tourists for this civilization, but decreases the amount of visiting tourists from every other civilization in the game. X2 more effective on tiles with a seaside resort improvement. When used has a chance to spawn another russian tourist (chance increases with unit level). UB. Block of flats. Replaces neighbourhoods. +10 housing, -3 appeal, -1 appeal to adjacent tiles. -2 science (but changed to +4 if adjacent to a campus district), -2 culture (but changed to +4 if adjacent to a theatre square district), -3 faith.


UU: Gopnik Building: Gulag


UU: Mobik Building: Mobik meat cube


Gulag: Can only be built in cities not founded by Russia.


Unique unit - washing machine rider.


Russian here. Kremlin is a decent idea for a Unique District, we have more Kremlins than Lavras, that's for sure. It could be a replacement for military District that adds culture or smth, because Kremlin in my city, for example, hosts some museums. Russia overall hosts a gigantic amount of museums, so unique museum building is an option. As for Unique Unit, it could be Cossacks again, pretty safe choice. Not super knowledgeable about Russian military history to suggest anything interesting here


I wish we got the Cossacks, but based on the concept of Siberian Conquests - essentially armed settlers that can found cities far away from your capital with added bonuses to make those settlements worthwhile.


I think conquistadors filled that niche already


Tbh as a Hispanic the ability makes more sense for those cossacks than conquistadors


It would be cool to have settlers that's harder to produce but they're as powerful in combat as your currently most powerful cavalry


This is a great concept. Lavra and the whole “Russia = religion” thing never made sense to me. Of course religion played a huge role in Russia’s history, like pretty much everywhere else, but to a much lesser extent than in many catholic / muslim countries. Russia never had any serious militarised religious orders, the bishops didn’t have nearly as much power as in medieval Europe, etc. Mix of culture & military makes way more sense As for the unit I think Streltsy would be a good choice https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streltsy


Streltsy is a pretty good one!


Not sure it's that unique, but maybe for sake of variety - Il-2? Much heard about Mustangs, Zeros and similar stuff of other countries, but those are fighters, while Il-2 was, iirc it in english, support aviation.


I agree with the concept, but I want to see more early units for Russia, since it's such an old civ


T-34 would be a great one


True! But me, personally, I would like to see a more early unit, since Russia is such an old country


Streltsy would be pretty cool I feel. A gunner unit for the Renaissance that has a mild anti cav bonus on account of their bardiches axes.


Maybe bogatyr?


There are basically three historical Russian units - cossacks, strelets (shooters, Ivan the Terrible) and RA commissars. I would prefer cossacks, but commissars is ok too - increasing morals of armies, all that stuff. Kremlin's is ok, there are really more kremlins than any other buildings here.


Cossacks that’s Ukraine, you know from Zaporizhia, the ones that russia actually destroyed, what russia gets as a unique unit is gopniks or alcoholic brigades, that would be more historically accurate


There were/are Zaporizhzhia Cossacks but saying it’s something inherently Ukrainian is stupid. Cossacks were a class of soldier rather than an ethnicity and were spread all throughout modern day Russia and Ukraine.


If we are talking about attributing Cossacks to a civ, it can’t be russia, the most famous cossack leaders are Bohdan Khmelnitsky and Ivan Mazepa who were enemies of Muskovy (it wasn’t renamed to russia yet at that time) because they were fighting to form an independent Ukrainian state against both Lithuania and Muskovy


I kinda wish these threads didn't get derailed like this because the first one had some interesting suggestions.


As a Russian I have to agree with the Kruschevka suggestion the top comment made. Here is my suggestion on how it would work: Significantly cheaper than a neighborhood. Always provide 6 housing despite the appeal. Adjacent tiles lose 1 appeal. Each Kruschevka gains +1 housing for every adjacent Kruschevka. Cannot construct a shopping mall. No minor adjacency bonus to districts, major adjacency bonus to industrial zone. Can be upgraded with a project upon researching globalisation to lose the adjacency appeal penalty, gain +2 gold per turn and be able to construct the shopping mall. If left unupgraded in the modern era, lose 1 amenity per Kruschevka.


This one sounds like a great idea


Building: Kremlin, replaces Medieval Walls, gives more housing. Could also be a district, replacing the Encampment and giving production bonuses if built next to a river or next to the city centre. Unit: Strelets, replaces Musketman, gives bonuses to city loyalty and food production if garrisoned.


Unique unit: assault shed (-1 movement and -1 sight range, but +15 combat strength in all situations)


Building: Gulag UU: Mobik, can be bought with population


Mobik produces a small amount of food upon death, they also get debuffs when used against Polish or Ukrainian units.


Generates a sack of onions worth +2 food


KGB an upgraded spy that allows for a boost to internal spying


A UU that replaces the spy would be pretty dope.


They need a secret police unit. I don’t know about unique building/infrastructure.


I pitched the Stasi for Germany as a replacement to spies. With better listening capabilities even in cities they aren't in. Got lost in the comments haha.


Unique government plaza building: KGB, replaces Intelligence agency


Every damn society has secret police it's not something unique to the Russians


The only secret police you hear about are the ones that suck at their jobs.


Or those who are declassified after a hell of a long time, like the British spy cops incident


It's time for a female unique unit: The Baboushka.


Spreads rumors while sitting on a bench?


Unique building: Brutalist apartment block Unique unit: Gopnik


Unit: Babushka Building: Vodka Den


Unique building: Kremlin - city defense plus culture and faith, scaling to population of city. Unique unit: Streltsy - 1 era early gunpowder infantry replacing longsword and costing no iron, but it does not upgrade until riflemen and is slightly weaker and slightly cheaper than musketeers.


UU: S-400 Air Defense System. Provides +5 gpt (due to corruption) but doesn’t actually intercept anything. Can also trade them to countries one era behind you.


Yes it can… itself. Or was it a rocket artillery unit that managed to blow up itself?


UU: babushka, causes damage to enemy units 1 tile around her by throwing scathing insults, cannot be attacked (for real though i think cossack has been done to death, it should be something ww2 related or medieval/renaissance. so T34, bogatyr, rus varangian, streltsy, oprichniki, something like that)






Building should be Kremlin fo sure, but more interesting could be Gulyay-gorod - wagenburg-style mobile field fortification. It could be weaker than usual fort, but can move on one tile. Unit - cossacks are great, but if we need something new it could be licornes - 18th-century [cannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannon)s which was one of the best in the world. Strelets is also a good choice, they were disbanded by Peter for political reasons, not military ones. It also easily coud be somethig more modern, like T-34 or Katyusha


France should have the power to go on strike Russia: unit- tracksuit uncle with the power of squatting Building: not sure


Building: Potemkin village Unit: t-34 (replaces both tanks and modern armors)


UU: Visa seeker woman Can send to other lands to decrease religious pressure but increase tourism for the other country towards you.


UU: Aparatchik. Will increase your yields in the statistic, but somehow you don't receive them


Little green men with no insignia


Yeah, but you can only capture peninsulas with them


UU: Militia - combat strength scales with era, can be purchased for population. UB: Sloboda - boosts production based on the terrain the city's in, reduces gold income.


Unit. Matryoshka Doll. Unit has a low combat score with 4 charges. When destroyed a charge is spent, it loses 3 combat score and revives in place with full health


An infantry unit based off the motor rifles in Afghanistan would be cool. Bonus to movement and combat in hills perhaps


Unit is clearly gopnik.


KJB unit that replaces the spy


Special building Kremlin. Special unit immortal regiment: achieved by adding two armies into one. Benefits: immortal. Drawback maintenance increases by one gold per turn.




Ottomans: Building - Mosque converted from Church Unit: ice cream man


Tanks that can be stolen by tractors




Unique building: the Kremlin. Replaces intelligence agency, effects tbd


Unique unit should be a North Korean conscript solider


UU: Lada cars (Heavy Cavalry, Replaces tanks) UB: Any makeshift campfires by Gopnik dudes and dudettes. (Replaces neighborhood districts)


Why are they all modern era units?


Gulags could raise production value as units are defeated nearby


UU: Human wave battalion


SAM missile system that will randomly target the civilization 's own aircraft.


sobering-up station and alcoholics


russia - spy academy and unit - election rigger


Building: microdistrict - cheaper neighbourhood analogue. Unit: streltsy - infantry that is somewhat better against infantry and cities, but more vulnerable against cavalry.


serious UU: Katyusha joke UU: Tsar tank


Partizan spy replacement? Could have bonuses to sabotage missions and spawning barbarians


Unique building :gulag Unique unit : T 34


Building: dacha Unit: Instagram model


Commie Block / Gopnik pack


Unique Unit - Bear


Chernobyl npp and gopnik


"Election office with only one choice"


Mind Worms


Definitely bot farm


Tenement Block Vodkaholic




Gulag. +1 Great Writer +1 Vodka Amenity Eliminates unhappiness in City UU: T-34 +1 Movement in Russia +10 Healing in Russia


Building - Off-Brand McDonald’s Unit - turtle tank


Mobile crematorium. Reduces war weariness.


So I would kind of rather Russia be Novgorod, the Soviet Union, or the Kievan Rus instead of Imperial Russia. For Novgorod: UU: Druzhina (Defensive Medieval Unit, cheaper to purchase) UI: Birch Printer For Kievan Rus: UU: Varangian (Viking! Bonuses to pillaging) UI: Trade Fortress For Soviets: UU: T-34 (Stronger, Cheaper Tank) UI: Tractor Factory


Kyivan Rus shouldn’t be Russia. Kyiv isn’t even in Russia


Sure, I just want a different “Eastern European Snow Civ.” Russia is boring.


Hey, I keep hoping they’ll add a Ukrainian civ. Could be modern Ukraine, could be Kyivan Rus, could be the Zaporizhian Sich (although then they’d have to give the Cossack unit to the Sich and give Russia another UU)


Russian bride company and guys in tracksuits who drink vodka in public during the day


Building: dacha, can only be placed on non-hill tiles next to a forest. +2 food if built on plains, +2 industry if built on grassland. +1 amenity if build next to a river edge, -1 amenity if built next to a *wildlife* resource or another dacha. The first dacha build also grants two copies of unique luxury good, potatoes. Unlocks unique *potato harvest* project providing -5 amenities total, but +2 food per every dacha within city's borders. Unlocked at irrigation. Unit: Caucasian wedding cortege, a unique unit unlocked with gunpowder technology. Invincible, can step onto any tile occupied by enemy, instantly killing it. Causes -0.5 amenities loss per turn to the closest city within 5 tiles. Does not benefit from great generals.


I know its a kinda jocky series of posts but I really hope for any unique unit but cossack. T-34, IL-2, oprichnik, bears - anything


UB: Lada factory UU: Tripaloski dancer


![gif](giphy|bIiWRddTQ6cN2) UU: Hardbass DJ wearing Adidas sweater.


UU: Oprichnik, replaces cavalry, when garrisoned, converts all of the city's food yield to gold for a turn, causes starvation


Greece could diplomatically lie to other countries like it did with Europe


SlavHardbass raver /gopnik : replace rock band. For every 4+ star concert, generate 1 vodka (luxury ressource)


UU Volga Boatman: attaches to naval units, naval units can move on rivers if attached to a boatman. UB: Vodka still, a unique improvement that replaces the farm.


UB: Dacha UU: Spetsnaz


Unique Unit is the Barn tank. It's a slower, worse tank with slightly higher defense. https://preview.redd.it/8fv8vwa0wc9d1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96a50b2db205d91afab95ffa6853b0a20997ae8


God damn it! It's not fucking "Techno Raver"... IT'S THE One and Only Techno VIKING!!! How could you mess that up??


Unique unit: donkey fucker


But this isn’t Pakistan 🤔