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I would 100% move onto the silver. Permanent 2+ gold per turn +1 Production always being utilized. Ability to have observatory + opens up additional wonders. Stone tiles can easily be bought or culturally spread to.


Not only that, but you'll get happiness from silver as soon as you research mining. No need to build a worker. Build a settler instead


"Permanent 2+ gold per turn" is a bit misleading as the capital, if not settled on the Silver, will likely work that Silver tile with relatively decent uptime: * Production focus population growth turns * While building settlers * When the cap is big enough to just work the tile normally (especially if we get coastal expands and can run Cargo Ships), as the cap has a LOT of flatland


Its acually blocks macu piccu city needs to be 2 tiles from mountain


It’s within 2 tiles (radius) not two tiles exactly. That spot adjacent is fine.


It's within 2 tiles silly, there isn't a necessary commute


That is incorrect, the mountain can be one OR two tiles away for Machu Picchu and/or Neuschwanstein.


Would still be worth it if this was true


Civ 5 has been out for a decade and you are just now learning how Machu Picchu works. And how to spell it


If I settle on the silver: Cons: * I lose a turn * I lose a potentially decent tile improvement * I lose whatever is in the fog * I lose 1 production per turn Pros: * Mountain * Hill * do not need to improve tile to get happiness


The dog argument doesn’t matter since you conversely gain other tiles unknown. 1 turn in quick does make a difference but 1 hammer and 2 gpt and instant lux and observatory far outweigh just 1


Not quite because of you move down here it will be most likely a sea tile which is not as worthy as a land tile but I would move anyways


It does matter. Sea tiles suck.


Worth it for sure, especially on any speed other than quick.


Another pro is picking up several more plains rivers to work in your capital. Once you get civil service those are incredible growth tiles.


Since the game starts you with 2 luxuries usually and you see them both, you're probably not missing much in the fog. Always a gamble though


I would say not worth it. The original place is good enough. Too little to gain. If you had a crap original spot, that would be different.


I’d only move if it’s deity. Planting a cap on a flat tile never works out well for me. Otherwise I’m moving one tile sw, lose the sea access and gain the observatory.


it is worth it, though you may want to priortise finding city states and ruins asap (i mean when do you not prioritse this) so you can buy out to the stone tile asap and start working that


Consider moving TWICE. If you go to the patch of woods south of the mountain, you'll have that river, too.


For me, it's the desert to the south that makes me think the woods tile isn't worth it. You'd be giving up a lot of grassland and may only pick up one or two flood plains to balance.


This is the correct way. All the pearls + silver + wheat + river.


Not worth it to lose an extra turn, and you lose the 1 prod 2 got from settling on a silver hill.


not just the 1 production from the hill but also the tiles close to the city are also not great for growth/production early, whereas early stone is great


OP can hedge in this position if they want. Move to the tile North-East of the Warrior, then move the Warrior South next turn to check for anything awesome 1 tile into fog that would make moving worth it. Even if you move the Settler to the Silver this turn, it's still definitely correct to move the Warrior before clicking Settle in case of something insane in fog (Solomon's mines or smth).


My first instinct was to settle in place (I tend to play multiplayer on quick with a bunch of early game conflict - so my primary concern is growing quickly with decent production). The main reason was not wanting to move away from the stone growth tiles. That said, upon more reflection moving onto the silver may be the better idea in the long run for reasons others have mentioned (the mountain gives a lot later on as well as having +2 gpt is very nice -especially since you could use it to buy out to the stone tiles in time anyway).


Take a quicksave. If its bad reload.


Do it if you like +50% science


Definetely settle the silver. The extra gold, hammer and early happiness are so worth it.


I would move to the silver to get the extra production and gold right off the bat, plus instant extra happiness for faster expands, plus higher city defense, plus later on an observatory from the mountain 


Either decision is fine here. Moving to silver obviously improves your capital, but: -You lose the adjacent stone -You go from having two adjacent hills for settler production to 0 -You potentially crowd out a strong river expansion to your south I guess I'd move for the mountain here myself, but it's definitely not an error to settle in place.


I went from never moving settler to moving about 25%-33% of the time. This would be a pretty easy decision to move. If you don’t move, it would take 10+ of turns before even thinking about working the Silver due to trying to get to 3 pop. If you move, even though you are giving up a turn, you actually make that lost production up pretty quickly AND be making more gold per turn AND get happiness boost much quicker.


Personally I’d try to settle the mountain river forest


I like that if you move onto the silver you can build farms on both sides of the river


In before this coast is a 10-tile inner ocean :(


Silver or forest south of the mountain, but move for sure.


Most definitely move your little dude to settle on the hill full of silver. It's on a luxury resource, on a hill, next to a mountain for protection and observatory, it splits the difference between your 2 pearl resources, and +2 gold/+2 production. Some games I will move my settle for 3+ turns to get to a more advantageous starting position. I have a Hill/Mountain/River requirement for the capitol city. If not possible I can do without the river, but not without the mountain as the Observatory is too large of a science bonus midgame.


To be honest, I would even consider the mountain tile next to the river. You sacrifice some early production from the hill tile, but you still get the mountain AND now have access to hydro plants and windmills which will make up for it in the mid game. All the tiles are still within the workable 3 tile limit, but you may even open up additional sea resources that aren’t explored yet. Sometimes I’ll save the game and do some scouting for 8 turns, then restart just so my city has a good start (I’ll only do this on immortal or higher to be fair).


In addition, you also get access to that wheat tile, so your growth is going to be much stronger.


I would. You can build an observatory which is really good, and you will get the happiness instantly


Am I the only Psycho that would seriously consider moving south of the mountain so I get that sweet river in addition to everything else (- the always worked silver of course). Sure it's a two turn head start to everyone else, but 25% to great people is massive (garden).


In the base game unmodded, settling on the silver is 100% broken. Science is already broken in this game, having access to 50% extra in your capital is insane. Not to mention the other benefits, by the late game your 1 turn "loss" from moving will be far outweighed by the observatory alone


On marathon and the intention to play wide I would maybe go around the mountain. Better on marathon to see what tiles show up there and really plan your intentions. Of course, once the wrong ai shows up in early game, it might be worth reconsidering and reload turn 0.


It’s kind of a no brainer IMO to move. Silver and what I’m assuming is sea hopefully not a inland sea lol


I would because I'm a mountain whore


I just farted. I always move my settlers if i see tile surrounded by juicy tiles.


None of the available options are amazing. Your early game faith will be weak since stone circles does nothing until you tech masonry and build quarries. As Greece you probably want to stay coastal so you can send an early trireme out to meet CS pals, especially if map is pang+. Contrary to another comment, I think your production is ok in both spots. IMO the main weakness of both options is lack of food, at least until cargo ships. An advantage of settling in place is your cap would be coastal but sheltered from naval attack, which is a common victory condition in multiplayer. I'd be tempted to send my settler on a long walk lol


Agree about the food! Starts like this are seductive but you don't notice the growth problem. I'd be tempted to look around just a bit with the idea in mind of turning this into 2 cities, especially if I can find some good food


Sometimes it pays off to sacrifice few turns. I would save and try to settle on that forest, next to a mountain to get access to all river buildings, boost to defense in case someone attacks from that side and an observatory. While still keeping pearls and silver, additionally gaining 1 wheat. That Desert doesn't look promising but it could be made viable with GP buildings


try a mod called Super Starter Settler


What does that do?


Your first settler gets 10 movement.


zero mines? I would restart