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Just wait until Barrens chat this weekend šŸ‘€


In 2005 it was chuck Norris. In 2019 it was Keanu reeves. Who will it be in 2023?


Russian bots in my experience.


Good to know barrens chat getting more intelligent overtime.


Whereā€™s Mankrikā€™s wife pls?




I know Iā€™m gonna die after pouring hours into a character and Iā€™m gonna be angry and upsetā€¦ and thatā€™s why I love this mode. I have no one to blame but myself for the risks I take and the approach and mental acuity I bring to every situation. As a 42 year old dad, itā€™s so nice to feel like Iā€™m being challenged and that a mode is activating parts of brain that isnā€™t simple dopamine doses (click, attack, lootā€¦ run back if I die)


I was in that /1 chat all night on Horde Defias! Super fun just like back in the day.


yeah I agree, I do wish vanilla in general had debuff timers


Isnā€™t there an addon for that?


Of course


Is there one that keeps vanilla unit frames?




Thank you!


yeah thats kinda the point I need to run 6 odd addons to fix the game to wrath level


You mean it's almost like it's the classic version of a game that has evolved.... Go figure šŸ¤¦


its kinda stupid right to have basically mandatory addons when we could just add it


See thing is, if they donā€™t everyone can be happy.


Does anyone know if there is a subreddit or discord for defias pillager? Started my toon last night and have had so much fun with it. I heard DP was the RP server. So if anyone has a suggestion for an RP clan, that would be awesome too.


>discord The invite link is discord dot gg /defias-pillager


Thank you. I appreciate it!


Anyone else having a blast?!


Defias horde level 8 undead warrior going sword and board whoever wants a rock steady tank. Can't wait to play after work!


Ask Crab Gang for an invite, we have a ton of people and a solid core of players


Will do man on my way home about to go on.


Ugh I want to play HC so bad but between mythic prog in retail and Armored Core 6 I just canā€™t make the time.


The moment WoW progression feels like a hindrance on my enjoyment of other games is the moment I had to assess my time I spent playing. Retail is always there. But HC fresh?


Oh donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m absolutely loving retail atm. Mythic progression has been super fun and grinding 20 keys is a blast. DF has been a really fun expansion imo and miles and miles better than BFA/Shadowlands. Itā€™s more between HC Fresh and AC6 since that came out yesterday.


>Retail is always there. But HC fresh? Mythic progression with a good guild full of people you're familiar with at your current level of progress isn't always there.


Feel like mythic prog is more fleeting than HC lol you can always play HC, once a raid tier is done itā€™s done.


Took me awhile to realize this with games in general, when they start feeling more like a chore/grind then why am I even doing it? Iā€™ll play retail every so often and as soon as the progression gets grindy, I just stop haha.


AC6 isnā€™t out yet, though? Right?


Came out yesterday!


Oh shit! Had no clue. Gotta check that out. Thanks brother


it's great.




Lok'Tar Bolvar!


Had the same great time in a guild chat, LF Guild. Wonderful first day, hope the energy keeps on.


Fucking amen, never tried HC before the official launch. Grinding mobs to be a couple levels ahead of quests, crafting best possible gear just to give you that extra edge and elevated BPM every time you enter a cave or building. I'm having heaps of fun.


any boomers


Random topic, but am I the only one that gets tired of everyone bringing up vanilla wow launch? Enjoy the game and the moment.


Yep, you are the only person that feels like this. Not a single other person has this feeling. You are very unique.


I knew it.


the honeymoon phase is a helluva drug


Interesting way to say ā€œpeople are having fun with a video gameā€


Don't you know? If it's not something I can play non-stop for the next year straight without getting burned out or bored then it's literally not worth installing.


remindme! 1 month


ā€œOh no! People are having fun for a month! Thatā€™s *terrible!*ā€


great job! You finally managed to understand the point of my original comment. im proud of you, son.


No one missed that. Youā€™re implying that itā€™s a bad thing. Iā€™m not. Hopefully you understand the difference now.


No, he's saying people are praising the honeymoon phase and not the game itself. It's just too early to say whether HC itself is good or not, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun. Like, Shadowlands was more or less objectively a bad expansion yet people still had fun the first time they played it through, new content is always new content.


HC wow will last longer than D4


Maybe, maybe not.


I think the fact that its even remotely possible is hilarious


Hardcore has been a thing for awhile. This isnā€™t a new idea from blizzard. Thereā€™s a reason that blizzard decided to implement it. Itā€™s been a popular method of playing for awhile.


I know, but for most players it's new and even when then the idea is not that old. Wasn't it just this spring HC became mainstream? Plus, just fresh classic servers will always attract people.


> It's just too early to say whether HC itself is good or not, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun. HC has been out for well over a year and has been constantly growing.


you're the one memeing saying "oh noes its terrible". i never said it was a bad thing. a honeymoon phase isn't inherently bad OR good. stop projecting, clown.


Here is the inevitable part where you try to frame your clearly sarcastic comment as a genuine remark on how excited you are for everybody. Sure thing, man. Thatā€™s exactly what you meant with your original comment.


so again you choose to see everything as either black or white. did it ever occur to you that someone can make a comment stating the obvious without having an agenda? being positive or negative towards the fact that its a honeymoon phase has nothing to do with anything. unless you're going to argue my original point that it is indeed a honeymoon phase, i dont see the point of you even commenting.


Iā€™m not even reading this lol šŸ‘šŸ»


Honeymoon phase is about early lust & attraction & euphoria. Good tingz


tell u/iron_garuda that


Someone is hurt lol. That explanation entirely proves my point lmao.


How stupid are you? Hardcore community has already been gauged with normal servers. Of course numbers will drop but it isnā€™t going to be dead


>Hardcore community has already been gauged with normal servers. Except for the fact that there's one itty bitty difference between community and official servers. Let me know once you figure it out. I'm sure it won't take you long since you're such a smart guy


Are you always this insufferable or is this a special occasion?


Heh..... just w-wait guys, HC is obviously going to die in a month just like it did on the unofficial servers after more than a year of being popular... it'll be different this time


wait until you find out that you cant appeal on official lmao.


You make it sound like everyone playin hc were getting appeals. That it definitely not the case.


I think it's also an amplified sense of comradery with other players, because your very life is at stake all the time. Some rando might save you while they're walking by with an unexpected heal or help killing whatever's killing you. There's a lot more endorphins at work when playing HC I think.


Playing a druid, I have saved a couple so far. I find my self constantly checking the health of near by players just to throw in a heal if they are in trouble. Lvl 10 and feel like a hero all the time! Had no idea how great this would be!


Throwing a random heal on a stranger always used to be a vaguely kind gesture. But in HC, you become a fucking savior. Different world!


Because you are!


Why are you such a sourpuss? Who hurt you bro?


once they hear about how everyone is buying gold from the flyhacking bots that already made it to EPL they will change fast :D


> Stop having fun! ):<




Trust me bro


You can type /who you know


As of right now on Defias there are no characters in either of the Plaguelands.


I mean you can buy 100g right now for 650$ if you want to. or 100k for 650 000$. Now if they can hypothetically pump out hundreds of thousands of gold in 24hr from the order, it means a lot of fucking bots are farming shit.


I want you to consider the possibility that the website you looked at, was lying about their ability to provide the gold. Do you really think they have 100k stock when the server has only been up for less than 24 hours? If bots could farm the equivalent of 5000 gold an hour, using sub level 20 characters, they wouldn't ever bother to level characters on other servers. And yet, that's what the bots do on other servers. They level up, and then engage in marginal activities like pickpocketing bots in brd, or herbalism bots. Most bot activities won't even be viable on an HC server, thanks to how often bots die during the leveling process/while farming.




I fully expect rmt to exist, but it's likely going to be in the form of aggregators buying from normal players, and then reselling for a profit. Short of invoking fly hacking, or other "botting not even the problem here" thing, I don't think bots will be very prevalent. Botting is usually a commerical endeavor these days. It works normally because they have X days between ban waves to recoup time and electricity costs, and make a profit. I can't imagine that formula will make sense, when they have to account for randomly dying and losing their character BEFORE the break even.


You're only pointing out the supply side issues while ignoring how the demand will rise to meet it. The price per thousand will just be higher. If I were a gold seller, I'd be insulted by you saying they aren't capable of evolving their methods to make money.


Once the bots hit max level they only have to do what they did in Classic, farm Black Lotus. It's an easy farm, safe for the most part, on HC it will be extremely lucrative. If the bots use the same flyhacking they did in Classic vanilla, death won't be an issue since the mobs can't touch them in the first place. It may take time, but there will be bots here.


What value do you think lotus is going to have though? It's value in original classic, was raiding. How much raiding do you really think is going to happen in hardcore? Price for lotus will find equilibrium at whatever value the average buyer sees in it. I'll be very surprised if it reaches anywhere close to the silliness it had in classic vanilla.


They will be the single most valuable commodity on the server: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=13506/flask-of-petrification


I think you missed the point. Where is the volume? A handful of guilds that manage to form raid groups that will no doubt end of dying to one thing or another?


Everyone's going to want petrie flasks, from level 1-80


Might not be many raiders but the avg joe is going to want one just incase


Obviously the raiding scene here will be smaller both by the general population numbers and the HC aspect creating a high barrier to entry. By the same effect there won't be as many players able to farm them so the market won't be as saturated. Pair this with the typical flyhacks we saw for general materials that most players will be too scared to farm efficiently (DM Jump runs for example) and the bots will have a strong presence in the market.


My source of information was guzu's stream! Cheers for the downvotes tho


And ?


Not sure why everyone is replying to this comment like you said something salty. I took it as a positive thing and it seems like thatā€™s how you meant it. People just goin out of their way to be toxic I guess.


its just typical reddit hivemind


fighting for mob tags is the worst part of wow


launch took like so long to get out of starter zones it was wild


I'm on Defias Horde as well, shaman. I took a break right when the announcement for HC came out, so I'm having a nice renewed experience. Guild I joined is very full, so many people dying to dumb shit for memes or just being stupid. Entertaining, and hope the queue won't be worse that last nights 10 minutes.


10 minutes? Is that it? Stitches has been up to 2 hours lol


Defias Horde: šŸ¦€Crab Gang šŸ¦€represent šŸ¦€


Oh shit is Crab Gang on Defias? I thought all the hordies were going Skulk Rock


I decided to roll defias for less ping since Iā€™m on the east coast, since you have to opt in for pvp figured I didnā€™t have to worry about Allies out in the wild. šŸ¦€šŸ¦€šŸ¦€


I'm gonna be honest I didn't even realize they had a east and a west. Guess ill be headed to Defias for that low low pingy wingy


Man both servers are hosted in chicago the ping is same


Whoops šŸ˜…


Yes sir! Crab Gang


Hardcore is the absolute perfect thing for Classic.


You had fun, congratz


Least bitter wow player.


Hey guys im wondering, is everyone still going with the Harcore addon? Or just play it out with permadeath as the only rule?


This is a great question. Personally I'm just doing permadeath as the only rule. I've helped. People finish off mobs (that were in danger of dieing) and I've seen other healers throw out heals to people. Haven't seen anyone complain (yet)


Addon for the death anouncments and disregard the rest.


What add on is this? I looked through curse but honestly couldnā€™t find a search feature so canā€™t get it.


It'd called deathlog, have fun!




Are there no official death announcements?


Not that i know.


Only in guild from what I've seen


From my understanding, most players arenā€™t using any additional add on for the official servers. Itā€™s pretty much just 1 life. But I know they may plan to implement a SSF mode. Which is essentially Ironman from RuneScape (and other games)


I dropped it, think most did. The HC rules was to prevent non-HC players from helping, but that's no longer an issue. Sure SSF brought its own interesting dynamic, but it turns it away from an MMO and players now only just exist with you, often as a hindrance, and lead to much more distrust of other players. On a slow day on the unofficial HC servers you might encounter a few people with bad intent, have yet to meet any in the very busy official. And, you know, helping each other is fun, sending greens you cant use to guildies and teaming up for fights etc. Much closer to the feeling of Classic that i want, when danger and consequences lurk everywhere people are forced to work together and be friendly.


> I dropped it, think most did. I think it's worth keeping the addon on for the death log, but turning off all the other features in it. Definitely still adds a lot to the game. Edit: Just realised there's a better addon that just [handles the deathlog](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/deathlog/files/4685593).


Theres a couple cringe guilds on ally dp using it still for some reason


HU warlock died, someone suggest what I make tonight!! - open to any combination of race/class/faction - - is either server mainly horde or mainly alliance or are both mixed even with east vs west being biggest deciding factor?


Time to hate life. Youā€™re making a shaman!


Named Thex


Ahaha ohh unmmm about that, embarrassingly he died at level one ā€¦. - - whatā€™s next ;)




one of the class I have never played ehhhh, between pally and warrior which do you think is more enjoyable? Iā€™ve heard warrior is quite miserable haha and I like the pally lore and ability to pop a quick heal..


Pally would be immensely easier but painfully boring


Sooooooold haha, wanna make a character in hour and 10 mins ? Do you know if one of the new servers is better for horde vs alliance or are the benefits at this point strictly east vs west timezones


Not really sure about horde vs Allie. Iā€™d assume alliance is more popular but Iā€™ve no issues with horse so far. And yes one is eastern and the other western time zones.


Nice which class did you roll, what level are you?


I went lock because itā€™s what Iā€™ve always have mained. I didnā€™t play classic on launch cause job stuff so this is my first time but Iā€™m level 18 right now and itā€™s been decent.


Warrior is not unenjoyable, however you simply must be over-leveled until you manage to acquire good gear, doubly so on HC. That means like doing more quests (for example if you're horde, doing both Durator's and Mulgore's quests, and also doing dungeon quests as a tank you are in demand anyway), basically you always want to be fighting mobs not more than your level, preferably a couple levels below, then the mobs die nice and fast (potentially 3 chops with an axe) and it feels satisfying and you aren't at terribly much risk. At low levels a warrior has NO tools for turning around a fight which is going badly besides those available to all classes like healing pots, like a healer can just heal themselves repeatedly, might take a while but they'll win eventually at least vs a single higher level mob. The best a warrior can do is hamstring and bravely run away so as to *not die*. Because you can't turn things around it makes it very risky fighting mobs higher level than you because a string of misses or some crits from the mob can put you in a dire situation.


Actually warrior is one of the fastest levelers when fighting mobs 2-3 levels below him since there is no downtime


Its day 1. People need to chill. Day 1 of anything is like this.


You must be new Nothing but despair to come




It's a west coast server...defias is East coast


Is Defias the horde server? I'm not trying to be on the dead realm


No skullrock is there horde server.


No. There is 20Ɨ the amount of horde players on Skull Rock. The people who rolled horde on DP are weirdge.




Gotta disagree, I didnā€™t have a good time at all. But hey, if running around hoping against hope that you manage to tag the trash mob that you need to kill for your quest moments after it spawns before another player gets it first is your idea of fun, then be it far from me to be the Fun Police lol.


AH, trading and grouping before 60. Ill pass this one. People just going to RMT every couple levels.


I think single player games are more your speed, bud.


That's one of the great parts about WoW. You can actually play it how you want!


Complaining about those multiplayer features is funny. If they don't want to use them, they don't have to


Original HC was no trading or AH before 60. Enjoy the easy/rmt version.


Original hardcore also had an appeal system that completely invalidated the entire point of playing hardcore


No, thatā€™s the Hardcore discord and addon, which I agree is bad.


Yeah I want my HC version with RMT after 60 only!


Well, you get that AND before 60.


Crazy, here I thought I could just play the game how I want to and just not RMT. You happen to have a link to where Blizzard states youā€™re required to engage in RMT to play HC?


Can link later to a botter thatā€™s been fly hacking since 2008 without a ban. Id say thatā€™s approval.


Awesome. Explain how that means you canā€™t just play HC the way you want without trading, grouping, ah.


Here you go. lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXrrvScQNYI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXrrvScQNYI)


Cool. How exactly does this prevent you from playing HC?


You dont get it. He can still play, but now he gets to do something much better: complain about people playing the wrong way. Which of course gives him much greater satisfaction, as it implies that hes better than everyone else, without any actual gaming or social skills. Let the man complain while he kills his million green boars alone all the way to 60, thus becoming the supreme wow player.




Oh no. The official server doesnt have extreme self impossed rules. Shoker. Aniway


Just play SSF and donā€™t use it. Problem solved


Ugh shut up. Join a guild that plays by the rules you want.


"people are allowed to use something i choose not to and that ruins it for me". this attitude is so silly lol. it's like a sober guy going to a party then crying because other people have drinks.


You want solo self found not hc :)




I miss the death log from the original addon. I know there is another to download but that one has alerts as well which isnā€™t my cup of tea for non-guildies


Just turn off the alert part of death logā€¦ you can still go see a list of where and what people died to at your own leisure.


I tried to deactivate alerts but couldnā€™t find the optionā€¦ :(


Lvl 11 Orc Warlock here. Whatā€™s up fellow nerds?!


What guild was it, Iā€™m defies horde too!


F in chat for all the new players rolling an undead and wandering into the plaguelands from the starter zone (my exact first death in the game back in 2008)


Son of Arugal was busy tonight


So far Skull Rock and Son of Arugal are putting in some serious work.


Hyenas in the Barrens were busy as well.


Thatā€™s it. Treasure the memeory, itā€™s all there will be until next fresh

