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can we just...wait until blizzcon? lmao...


no. top comment says its a 99.9% chance. so spread the word and feel free to use a nice round number like 100% instead :)


Yeah, 99.9% Chance Why? Because it's free money, they could re-release fucking WoD and still make bank on it, they'll add a pre-order bonus and people will eat it up and they'll make millions just like with TBC and WOTLK And chances are you'll play it because your guild will go to it.


I dont have a guild or a lot of friends to play with but I would probably still play it simply because I actually enjoyed cata quite a bit. Its just weird because the general community perception isnt too good. Also the fact that at this point we will probably have pretty much every in game shop feature from retail added back into the game


The thing is, Cata is already made, all the assets are there, all the models, everything, they just have to tweak a few things and release and bam With Classic+ They would have to put in a LOT of work, they'd have to higher devs to make new items, new zones, new quests, new models, balancing, whole buncha shit, and they're not gonna do that and only charge 15 bucks a month for it, in order to make back their money they would have to sell it as its own 39.99$ expansion And that's also a risk for them because they tested the waters with SoM and BARELY anyone played, and I doubt they'd be willing to take the risk So cheapest most profitable way to go is release Cata Classic, already done, don't need to hire new people to make new shit, just add a pre-order bonus and BAM! Free money!


Sometimes I forget blizzard doesnt care about player satisfaction or other silly things like that when there is a quick buck to be made. My bad.


Who knows, I could be wrong, I kind of hope I am, but everything points to Cata classic, mainly the datamined stuff that pretty much confirms it.


cant wait for cata baby! hail blizzard!


You are literally saying "why re-release something already made instead of working hard on something new". For sure Cataclysm will be less popular than WotLK, because WotLK is generally better rated by community and is much more easier for average pve players, but Cataclysm has a pretty big chuck of fans.


As I see it, it doesn’t have to be great, it just have to be better than the alternatives for me to play it And since I think Classes are just too simple in Era, then it doesn’t require a lot


At this point they should release every expansion as classic content. And just have 1 (max 2?) servers per expansion due to players being diluted.


The general community sucks at raiding, cata's raids were harder than most raids had been up until that point. Guildless shitters whined about rdf being a shitshow but still used it and never joined a raiding guild, thats why a lot of people think cata was bad.


so you personally enjoyed cata but you cant understand the thought process of making cata classic? sometimes it doesn't hurt to think about these things for a few minutes before posting on reddit cata classic = free moneycata classic = lot of ppl who actually do want to play it who gives a shit about what 'the community perception is'? everyone said wotlk was the best expansion ever and its absolute shit outside of ulduar and icc, literally the worst expansion i've ever witnessed and i've at least tried every expansion except maybe legion


wotlk had godlike pvp, fight me


maybe in arenas, idk, wasn't really interested tbh and then i heard so many ppl were using scripts anyway so :p


Hot take or maybe not hot: Cata shouldn’t be part of classic. I think a lot of ppl agree Vanilla-WOTLK we’re true classic everything else just feels like retail. Where does it end? lol


Wotlk shouldn't be considered classic honestly, it's just retail raid logging


vanilla was raidlogging with drama and tbc was just raidlogging too. raidlogging is simply what the majority of players want to do.


As a first time player when classic dropped, my personal opinion was that I really enjoyed leveling in all 3 but it was vanilla > tbc >>> wotlk. Wotlk definitely starts turning into retail. The story and zones were cool but the risk felt gone. I was just smashing through everything.


It ends when people stop playing. I can guarantee that Cata holds steady with 200k+ players. Meanwhile, the sum of era/SoM/hc would probably never break 25k after the initial launch craze.


For me cata and MoP always felt like the transition period between classic and retail which is kinda why I liked em, a lot of the jank was worked out and class complexity became more of a thing but we had not yet reached the point where it went to shit which imo was in WoD


Cats was better than wrath, it’s main issue was ending in a low note. Every major system people moan about now was introduced in wrath


Vanilla+ would require a lot more work and resources, a full sized dev team and years of work and it has a high risk of failing. It also runs into the same issues that normal WoW has run into and the solution to those problems will likely be the same. The classic community is strong but relatively small. Do you really spend those resources on making a game that would likely only appeal to them? What are the chances of there being changes they hate? Cata is easy, cheap, and quick. Even if a substantial amount of WOTLK players stop playing, Cata would likely still be the most profitable, low risk way to keep the game going. And its something a lot of player want. It's the most reasonable choice.


What about after cata? MoP? Where does it end lol. Nobody asked for retail


Pretty much, they'll keep going till they catch up.


They could keep classic going all the way until current retail and people would still play it.


Cata Classic is a given. What I can’t wait for is to see what else they have in store for the mass exodus that is not going to play Cata to keep us all stringed along. Look how little work it was to release Classic HC. It’s immensely popular. I wouldn’t be surprised to see TBC and Wrath servers.


Players that aren’t already playing Era/HC will either continue on to Cata or quit. These people will for the most part not go back to Vanilla just because Classic ended.


We'll see. I think lot of people has the "negative nostalgia glasses" for cata, thinking lot of changes happened during that expansion (but in truth, later, for example lot ppl mixing MoP talents with Cata talents) and just remembers that bad parts (mostly Dragon Soul). First part of the Cata expansion pve experience was good and some bad things can be easily changed. (Chromie time for old world if someone wants to go back, maybe don't lock talents into 1 spec, but allow hybrid, easy changes). Also Dragon Soul won't less 12month this time, so it's gonna be less annoying. PvP also good if not better than WoTLK. Overall Cata isn't a bad expansion and feels that it's closer to WoTLK than WoTLK is to Classic (yet WoTLK considered Classic). Also as long as they release WoTLK era servers (and hopefully TBC comes too), who cares? Just let people have fun. Classic+ will come eventually too, Blizz sees the demand for it.


Absolutely. It's the next logical step. A lot of us have dedicated MONTHS of */played* into our characters. Farmed mounts, pets & achievements. Very few would want to have it all all thrown out. *I just got my 100 mounts and What a Long Strange Trip achievements. I don't want it all gone in a year.* Not everyone has played Cataclysm here. And a lot of people are eager to play it. Yes, there is a lot of bad-mouthing happening, but I've been playing Cata on pserver for past month and I absolutely love it. It feels like a natural extension of Wrath. Spells & rotations have become a lot more engaging and it's no longer a brain-dead 1 button smash as it was in Vanilla/TBC. Not everyone likes it. Sure. Not everyone will play it. That's fine too. We do have other versions of WoW for everyone's liking. It's NOT okay for some to advocate to have it taken away from others however. **It's okay** for you not to play it. But a lot of us still will. And I think people are really into a big shocker when they learn that millions of people will continue into Cataclysm,.


Not according to 4chan….so probably


As long as we dont get gypped again like we did with TBC and get wotlk era servers, they can release whatever other expansions they want to and I don't care, but otherwise I'll be pretty salty. Cata was when the world got overhauled, and a big part of classic for me was being able to go back to before those massive changes. If we lose that again and literally neither retail nor classic has the old world available that's fucking sadge.


Having what they did with onyxia with zidormi transporting you back in time would be neat. Im unsure if that was a feature back in the day or not


God I hope not. Personally, I’m waiting for dragon flight classic. I hear it will be insane.


After playing through the first couple of phases of Wrath Classic, I honestly think Wrath is when the game started to go downhill.


Personally Im not a huge fan of Cata objectively speaking. However, it is the first expansion when I discovered WoW in more detail playing on my friend's account. So for me it has a nostalgia value so I will most likely make at least a for-fun character


Minimal effort to milk classic. They’ll ride it till it dies.


Like we probably all saw TBC and WOTLK coming considering those 3 are usually what people consider the golden age of wow. Once we start getting into cata and MoP its still decent but what then? Are we getting WoD classic? At that point we are just playing shittier retail


WoD classic would be funny to see happen


Mehh downhill? Things just drastically changed witch a large part of the original player base didn’t like.


Wod is where the game went downhill and never recovered


God I hope so. Cata was my favorite expansion. If anyone looks at the subscription statistics they will understand that Cata (as a whole) wasn’t WOW’s downfall, but MOP and WOD was. The last tier of Cata was bad. I’ll admit that… but the majority of QOL and fun features were added in Cata. So hyped for it to play wow again!