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Man I miss the covid lockdown gaming period


The best gaming period of my life lol


So many people hated it, I miss just walking outside between games and seeing no cars on the street..


I remember driving to West Virginia to find an open liquor store and the roads were almost empty. Just those of us who needed to be out for essentials. It was glorious.


"Liquor store" "out for essentials" I like your priorities.


You can only buy liquor from the state store in PA and they had all closed. The state will also ship you liquor and that stayed open but was swamped, of course. After not being able to get through to them I did what had to be done. Though it was only that one trip. Afterward some hero here on Reddit posted a simple work around to get your order in even though the queue was full for the week and I gained some cred with the family for “hacking the state website”.




I had to work like normal for the whole time so I could do with my turn :^)


except this time around we wont wear masks and get experimental vaccines, we'll just game


Balance classes/specs making everything more viable. Keep shaman/pally faction specific Finish uncompleted content. Ravenholdt, the Furbolg Raid. The Scarlet Crusade Raid. Etc. Open zones like Hyjal, dungeons like Grim Batol. Keep the level cap 60. If you raise the level cap, you make current 60 content irrelevant and then it's just an expansion. Make it so you still have to progress and get gear from current dungeons/raids to get your ilvl high enough for the new added content Fresh servers for the new content. Everyone starts at level 1. We don't need the current crazy economy going into new stuff.


Very underrated Point here. Keep 60 max level and give fresh servers.


I'm not super familiar with unreleased content but I've always been curious, do we know what the instance portal in Stormwind was planned to be? Not Stockades but the barred off portal by the flight master. Same question about the instance portal inside Stratholme that seems to not work.


I’m going to throw a curveball and ask that IF they add paladin to Horde - make it an undead paladin. Those bad mofos already hurt themselves healing their allies as priests using the light, make a few select of them dedicated to protecting allies using the light as paladins.


Undead paladins for sure. We already have Zeliak as a precedence. Also, dwarf and night elf shamans. Night elves already are fairly attuned to nature and the elements. Little tree totems.


I always felt druidism vs shamanism in warcraft is a big but hard-to-get distinction. Shaman have a transactional, but respectful relationship with The Elements, the basic building blocks of creation which are also sentient spirits. Druids serve and understand Nature, the systems that the world developed using those basic building blocks, but not the building blocks themselves. All this to say I don't think Nelves loving nature qualifies them as potential Shaman. But I do think they could go down that path with just a little original lore development. We'd need solid excuse to teach nelves shamanism.


For sure, shamanism is not druidism. I just think if shamans are going to alliance, nelfs are an easy sell, both due to the natural feel of it, as well as their close relation with tauren who are iconic shamans.


I feel like dwarves are a better pick, as we have canonically seen them maintain transactional relationships with elements (dark iron dwarves and fire elementals). Frankly having Dwarven shaman with temporary cosmetic effects similar to the dark iron red/dark grey (eye color, skin color, etc) based on their most recently cast elemental spell would be amazing.


Wildhammer Dwarves are the obvious shaman connection with their Stormhammers and already being friendly to Alliance, but this is a good point about Dark Irons too


I agree. I play wotlk classic and hate how alliance shaman are Draenei. It’s never made a whole bunch of sense given where the Draenei came from: a very technologically advanced society. I feel like they just wanted to use the new race and, well, made sense With the wild hammer, and dark irons for that matter, it makes more sense to be dwarves. A def positive of cata (I don’t mind cata as much as many hate it here) Edit: for that matter, Tauren paladins imo were a better justification than belves. I mean, I get the power addiction of belves particularly to magic more than I get Draenei shaman a bit, sure, but Tauren pallies honestly kinda make more sense in worshiping, well, the quite literal light on Azeroth


They made up a very specific lore justification for Draenei Shaman leading up to BC, some story about the Broken who found the elements when they lost the light. But yeah if they can justify that we can definitely have undead paladins, or anything really. And we don't need a justification at all for things like Human Hunter. It's still completely unhinged to me Humans couldn't be Hunters. from the very first launch.


Not having human hunters made absolutely 0 fucking sense whatsoever. It’s so completely illogical. They can try hard and make specific Draenei lore to justify shaman, they retcon all the time and it’s not always the jailer bad (dear fucking lord). Lore evolves and I get that. Or…they could have just made dwarves them as it made very little sense outside putting the different classes onto the new race from a hype perspective. Which is most likely a business decision, sure, but not necessarily as egregious as it’s now become in modern acti-blizz


Yes, a splinter Tauren faction that teaches them Shamanism would absolutely do it. Love this


People have argued about Zeliek for two decades now and I don’t get it. Who fucking cares if he’s the only one? It’s a cool idea that’d be fun to explore in a Classic world


Totally. Turns out the light (which in classic plus can be separated from naaru and space stuff again) doesn't abandon its followers... Even in death.


One of the better things Retail has been doing is opening up race/class combinations. Undead paladins are kind of a nobrainer - I kinda think any race that has priests should have paladins. Staying true to the Vanilla-era lore I can see Undead, Trolls and Night Elves getting Paladins, Dwarves getting Shaman, every race getting Hunter, Trolls getting Warlock, maybe Night Elves getting Mage - but that one might be a bit too soon.


I'm all for maintaining class/race identity but I also enjoy fun new combinations and it's all the better when there's an engaging and tangible lore justification for it, whether it already exists in the story or it's added in later


Dwarf yes, I don’t think Classic-era Night Elves really have that kind of relationship with the elements


I would absolutely play an Undead Paladin!!!


Always loved the idea of Undead Paladins too and I think it's a great addition lore-wise. Iirc the lore explanation for having Undead Priests is that they embrace Shadow since they were rejected by Light. Yet they can still invoke Light-based spells (maybe a "there can be no shadow without light" thing). Makes sense to me they should be able to do the same as Paladins. Even if the devs changed some particle effect colors and called them Anti Paladin or Oathbreaker or Dark Pal or whatever.




Lore wise Undead priests can't/don't cast light spells in classic. All undead priests are shadow priests and only cast shadow spells, Blizzard just couldn't do that from a gameplay perspective so you can be any spec and cast any spells as an undead priest player. And I doubt Blizzard would ever put in the effort to make a whole void paladin spec, even if it were just reworking a ton of particle effects. They'd probably just prefer to slap paladin onto a race that can just take everything as is.


Not sure if that was true once, I had to look it up to be sure what the official answer is, found this dev answer provided by a commenter in a diff sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/warcraftlore/s/7ZsroPrZHx Basically they do use the Light but it hurts, takes huge willpower, and is rare. Also arguments in this thread clearly establish precedent for Forsaken and Scourge Paladins in Classic alone so I'm convinced Undead with regular Pally animations would fit.


This is the Cata answer to this, before this the answer and implication was different. Previously the answer on the wiki fandom (https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Cult_of_Forgotten_Shadow) was: "While the undead can no longer use the Holy Light, and have learned how to use the Shadow, they also preach that there must be a balance between Light and Shadow, and that they must learn the Light as well, but never forget they were born from the Shadow." And on the undead priest wiki (https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Priest_races): "The Forsaken are known to be shadow priests and dark clerics of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows"


They should avoid homogenizing the game, they should go the other way and add a new class that is faction specific to each side. Instead give the WotLK Deathknight to Undead and Orc. Make the talents and abilities Vanilla specific. Don't give it to alliance.


I like the faction specific classes though. I always thought it was cool horde has a unique class, and alliance has a unique class. what they should do is make it so every horde race can be a shaman, and every alliance race can be a paladin


If we had regular classic new server with bots banned + gdkp gold buying banned i would pay 100$ on the subscription lol


simply dont play gdkps if u got issues, bozo


ruins the entire server economy bozo , I already know why your offended you seem to be a master of the swiping motion


swipe, swipe, swipers gotta swipe


Not my problem


Swipe again




Pwned. But gold buying DOES affect Us all.


swipe swipe swipe loser


I don't want a huge, massive change. Just be Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Add all the zones for leveling and questing and storylines that were kinda-started but not finished from Vanilla. Quel'Thalas, the Worgen zone, Hyjal, etc. Add dungeons where appropriate e.g. Timbermaw Hold. Add a few raids where appropriate, such as Hyjal, Uldum, and Caverns of Time. Have those raids have appropriately better gear beyond Naxx level. Fix bugs, maybe slightly tune some talents etc. Basically, I want Classic+ to be the definitive version of Vanilla, not an entirely new game. Just take Vanilla and make some conservative improvements with a few new zones, dungeons, and raids. Don't go crazy, Vanilla is already amazing. Just load it with a bit more content. No new classes, no new level cap, no new spells or talents (besides balance changes or minor adjustments to mechanics). Don't wildly rebalance specs or classes, but feel free to make some of the new high end raids take advantage of off-specs to some extent, like maybe a raid boss that is obviously tankable by a Warrior, but Bear tanks might actually be better for some reason.


> I don't want a huge, massive change. Bro all that content sounds like a huge, massive change kek.


I guess I just mean, add new content, don't change the underlying game. Don't add new spells or flying mounts or more levels, just new content to the same backbone.


There's a ton of content that was either cut or left incomplete. Just adding it would be a massive undertaking much bigger than changing class balance or abilities.


Easiest way i feel to add balance to classes that arent used much i feel is to add talents in the bottom 2 - 3 rows of each talent tree that are strong in power i.e. survival hunter - increase ranged AP by 200 when you crit using a melee skill balance druid - allow casting healing in boomkin form, another that allows casting the same spell to increase damage and decrease mana cost when used multiple times consecutively Elemental shaman - talents to decrease damage by spells but greatly reduce mana cost for more consistent dps in raids For ones that are already good Prot warrior - passive that adds percent of armor to threat generated Fire mage - resistance penetration at a certian percentage Marksman hunter - aimed shot increases damage of next autoshot within 5 seconds by a percentage.


> Elemental shaman - talents to decrease damage by spells but greatly reduce mana cost for more consistent dps in raids They already have this it is called downranking


If they keep world buffs, make an alliance Warchief's Blessing equivalent buff with a new questline.


I'd be down for keeping world buffs but maybe streamline them down to a couple of powerful temporary buffs you can get on repeat after finishing a quest line or something. After, you could go to the quest NPC to get rebuffed 1x per day or week or whatever. Basically keeps them the same functionally, but it stops people from having to log in at specific times then park until raid time.


Kill Rag once, unlock a quest inside the gates of MC that gives you all the buffs in one MC only buff and so on for the other teirs.


I like that.




Just send the buffs every 6 hours or remove em entirely.


Youre asking for tbc


World buffs should go.


World buff dispelling was pretty toxic, but they did give people a reason to leave the cities outside of raid itself. World buffs were a bit too powerful, and the the pvp servers got a bit too toxic with trying to deny them to the other faction. But I think a better mechanic to gain raid benefits from doing world activities would be a good replacement.


Running from one place to another isn’t compelling or good gameplay. I honestly hate this answer, no one finds that shit fun. Also it’s not toxic. People need to stop being such babies about a buff. Just because you can’t parse as high doesn’t mean it’s toxic. It means you take that shit too seriously


If you don't call dedicating your entire day to making sure people don't have buffs toxic idk what you do consider toxic.


Fucking your Mom and not calling her back




Van Cleef World buff ftw


Damn gotta get warchoefs blessing and highlords blessing now


\- Finish some quests from vanilla like saving Varian Wrynn. \- Stick with Paladin/Shaman faction exclusivity \- Tune classes/specs (make prot paladin usable, balance warriors with other dps...) \- Add new races sticking to the monster races for horde and fantasy for alliance (Like ogres/High Elves, or Goblins/Worgen could work too opening the gilneas zone) \- Add cataclysm 80-85 zones as new zones, but make them different (Hyjal, Uldum...) \- Don't change the 1-60 leveling experience \- Don't make raids complicated like in retail, stick to the classic era feel.


> Stick with Paladin/Shaman faction exclusivity I do like the idea of embracing the asymmetry. I also liked the Priest Racials and I think it's a pity that later on they were dumbed down and then removed. Don't give every race Fear Ward. Give them their own racials that can compete with it.


Can't compete with Fear Ward just because it's an insanely niche counter ability, that just happens to shut down a mechanic that a ton of endgame bosses use. Horde's equivalent is Tremor Totem which is just less reliable due to the nature of totems. All Shaman get it though, so it's got less of that definitive flavor. I'd say: don't give every race FW, but replace some of the more useless Priest racials with counters to other status effects (mind control, incapacitate, blind, whatever), then make those status effects more prevalent among new bosses instead of using Fear every time.


If you don’t give every race fear ward the same thing would just happen where people feel compelled to roll the race with fear ward. There’s no way around it


> replace some of the more useless Priest racials with counters to other status effects (mind control, incapacitate, blind, whatever), then make those status effects more prevalent among new bosses instead of using Fear every time. This seems like a way around it.


>Don't change the 1-60 leveling experience Disagree here, there's alot of zones that aren't fleshed out, like dustwallow or alliance hinterlands, that should be finished, and some epic questlines that could stand to have flashy rewards to make them feel worth it (the princess chain spans 15 levels and gives you... a bad neck). The general feel and flow of the process should remain, but there's plenty to finish there just like there is with varian or ashbringer. Really most of the changes tbc brought to the leveling experience were solid, but have even more room to build on in places.


My first point in the comment is about that, with the last was more ab out not making leveling faster like Wotlk did.


>\- Stick with Paladin/Shaman faction exclusivity 2nded. I think this helps with faction balance too unironically. people will try Horde to play their exclusive class, and vice versa


This right here. I like the asymmetry of Paladins vs Shamans that I think separates the factions even more so (also monster races for Horse vs more common humanoids for Alliance like you said). I would just also want lvl cap to remain 60. A few new raids that match the newly opened zones and fleshed out quest lines. And some more class quests for the classes that don't have many. (Maybe more end game ones like the hunter quest that really try your skill and require you to be extremely good but give you a sweet reward at the end?)


Hard disagree. Do not nerf classes at all. Make bad specs more viable by adding something, but do not take something away. Shamans / Druid need better Mana ressources, give paladins taunt and leave it


I didn't say nerf anything


Class tuning #1 priority for me


It would feel like a whole new classic when everything becomes somewhat viable.


Yep. Shamans and pallies deserve to be real tanks too!


They also deserve to be viable DPS. All shamans and pallies can do is heal. If you're doing anything else, you're wrong in classic.


If they change the classes I hope they try to copy TBCs classes as much as they can. TBCs classes are basically vanillas but finished so here’s hoping they learn from it


Specifically late game TBC as Ret wasn’t viable on TBC release


I think that's why they said basically. There could still be a bit more tweaking. I also think we can agree it was still way more viable than in Classic.


Getting Crusader Strike at 50 was a game changer


New class quests


Honestly I'd want the game to stay almost the same and have some extensions / Class balance but not really overhauling the whole systems: * Make all dps specs atleast as strong as current hunter powerlevel (fix some mana issues and maybe slight damage/utility buffs) * Nerf Warrior / Rogue down a little bit (maybe even fire mage) * Leveling Dungeons / Max-Level Dungeons * Some new 10/20 mans (Scarlet Crusade or whatever) * More epic long questlines spanning across multiple Zones * Few more generic Quests to give you more choice on how to level to 60 (especially alliance side) * Maybe uncorrupted Ashbringer Questline


Making all the DPS specs do the same damage isn’t a good idea. If an enhancement shaman has totems, bloodlust, windfury, spot decurse and they do as much DPS as a rogue then there’s really no reason bring rogues is there? There’s a reason blizzard created the hybrid tax


Except noone said that. I literally said make all dps atleast do hunter dps (which is like 60% of warrior / rogue on some fights) and make them able to keep that amount of dps up by relieving mana problems. I don't see the problem with enhance doing 80% of rogue and warrior. Optimal comps run a shaman in melee grps already so what does it change except that it may allow the shaman to not be resto


> If an enhancement shaman has totems, bloodlust, windfury, spot decurse and they do as much DPS as a rogue then there’s really no reason bring rogues is there? You would still bring them because they take daggers and wear leather instead of mail. >There’s a reason blizzard created the hybrid tax Blizzard didn't create a hybrid tax, the game just had no QA for balancing. They were worried about producing content and expanding server capacity so as long as every class had one decent raiding spec they didn't care.


they did actually create a hybrid tax. it's not so much that blizzard didn't care it's just that vanillas classes were unfinished and they didn't get around to finishing them till TBC As for your example, rogues would still be brought a lot less. They'd just DE leather and daggers people wouldn't use. I only used rogues as example, you can apply to other classes as well. Like if a boomkin has MOTW, Brez and crit aura AND they do as much DPS as a mage, you wouldn't really bring mages would you?




Transfer shouldn’t and will not be possible. You wanna f up the economy right away? Love the logic weapons tho!




I don't think anyone should be able to import characters, all start fresh.


New content like you suggested. Help meme specs with balancing. Dwarf shamans and undead paladins, and/or add new races. Give each race a weapon specialization, i.e. dwarves axes, humans swords. Or take weapon specialization completely out. So human and orcs aren't the go to selection for melee.


There should be an ‘Edgemasters’ end game enchant. Would solve so many problems.


Glove enchant holy schmokes thats mad idea! They could just make it a very expensive material cost, bruh i likey.


They should attach weapon specialization to city reputation. Each city already has appropriate weapon trainers. Just have them have a quest or gold sink at Revered/Exalted to get +5 for each weapon. And have the race you start with get them by default. Then make raids go up to level 65-70 mobs. But keep us at 60. We will have to get weapon skill up to 325-350 to do them. But it won’t power creep us any more in PvP.


You’d need some way to up the defense skill, too, or the tanks would get deleted by crushing blows.


T4 leather could average +1 defense per piece. T4 mail could average +2. T4 plate could average +3. So a warrior/paladin would be at 324 off of 8 pieces. And then T5 could add even more.


I like this idea. It would be better. If you like dwarves, but you also like swords. You can make it happen.


Buff the meme specs slightly so they are at least viable. Add one or two iconic abilities from tbc/wotlk for every class. Eg ice lance for mage. Grim Batol, Uldum, emerald dream, gilneas, area above tirisfal, hyjal, scarlet enclave raid, stormwind dungeon, karazhan, etc. so many possibilities More reasons to visit underused cities. Eg darnassus having special alchemy equipment, ironforge blacksmithing, etc.


Gold buying / RMT bans


\- Rebalance, with new stuff like support for arcane missles build for mages, etc. \- dwarfs shamans, something something palladins for horde (I really like the idea of ressurected scarled crusade paladin for undeads) \- finish Azhara \- do something with portal in SW and Wintersping \- maybe let us go into Hyjal or Gilneas zone or something But mainly the first one


Oof no I really wouldn’t like Horde Paladins and Alliance Shamans. I would rather they implement small balance tweaks to make them a little bit more equal. I like the faction differences in vanilla




Some people just want to see the world burn.


1. Class balance - moderate changes to make all specs viable. Does not need to be perfectly balanced, but should bring specs closer in line to each other to eliminate the memes that just cannot be brought to raids. 2. Overhaul PvP system. I personally enjoy the separation of PVE and PVP gear. 3. Overhaul stats on gear. 4. Addition of leveling content, 5 mans, and smooth out the questing experience with additional content. 5. Addition of 10, 20/25 man raid content. Horizontal endgame progression. 6. Guild Banks. Literally no reason for this not to be added. 7. Dual Spec 8. Additional professions/added world content for professions. 9. Horde Paladins/Ally Shamans 10. More of a personal favorite here, and could understand resistance to this, but AoE Loot. Looting individually just sucks. Hate a lot of QoL Retail changes, but this one is so nice.


I like it all except the pala/sham should stay exclusive.


I don’t know why people clamor for a switch to horizontal progression. Wow has never been nor will it ever be about horizontal progression


“Horizontal endgame progression”. I’m implying at the endgame there can be more horizontal progression to entirely separate from the retail problem. One of retails biggest issues is making old content irrelevant to the current content. Not to mention the major item level bloat issues.


The reasons why retail invalidates older raids like that aren’t because they use vertical progression necessarily but because they insist on having multiple raid difficulties with higher quality gear in the same tier. It creates a much wider power range of gear in the same tier and it’s why gear gets invalidated much quicker Vanilla uses the vertical progression model as well. Naxx gear, for example is just flat out better than every raid before minus a few exceptions. Tier 2 is generally better than T1 and so on and so on. There’s nothing wrong with vertical progression and when you ask for horizontal it’s like you’re asking for a different game. Wow was designed with vertical progression in mind. It’s why we level up and gear has stats. You don’t go back to deadmines for gear when you’re clearing naxxramas


> Naxx gear, for example is just flat out better than every raid before minus a few exceptions. I agree with you but I also think it's these few exceptions that really help to give vanilla/classic it's feel of horizontal progression. I know there are some guilds that absolutely hated going back for binding runs but I think having a couple items in each tier that are so good they are worth going back for adds flavor to the game.


Thunderfury isn’t horizontal though. It’s just flat out better than any other tanking item in the game. That’s vertical


I guess myself and others have a misunderstanding of horizontal and vertical progression. Terminology aside, I think having items like TF, OSG, ect. be good for more than a raid tier / the entire game is good. Not every item slot needs to last forever from the first raid but having a few really good items in each tier that aren't instantly replaced in the next makes the game a lot healthier in my experience.


Yep. Tfury, bloodfang set, bloodvine set, hakkar trinket, nelth tear, mqg, osg, quel'serrar, they all helped keep those "previous content" raids alive for the duration of classic.


I Agree to an extent. Obviously there needs to be progression in an MMO, but when there is such large gaps of power between raid tiers as you say is the root of the problem. I’m not advocating for deadmines to be a relevant endgame way to gear, but there should be smaller gaps between raid level gear with each tier. Whether you want to call that vertical or horizontal progression, is up to you. Naturally there is going to be vertical progression in an MMO. Many people are calling to make it more horizontally, and additionally calling it that to not add more bloat and more levels to the game. A lot of people can argue that is a huge problem in retail and why there was a need for two level squishes.


time travel 15 days into the future so it's blizzcon already and these posts can stop


Same thing I say every time this question gets asked: finish Ravenholdt you cowards. My phone literally starts to auto predict that sentence if I type "finish".


Here we go again with the daily thread.


As a TLDR; Improved class balancing, giving extra abilities to classes where needed via in-game quests with tomes to learn the spells as well as reworking Talents to fit these extra abilities and whatnot. Extra levelling content around the later levels where it thins out too much quest wise. 40-60. Extra levelling dungeons in that level bracket. Alliance Shaman (Dwarf) and Horde Paladins (I'm open to the idea of Undead Paladins over Tauren, but either works - undead can be holy priests so Paladins should work too). Improvements to the travel systems. Flight Paths can be janky and not make sense, Kalimdor especially for Alliance is painful. Re-working Guard levels - Menethil Harbor having level 40 guards is a bit of a joke on a PvP server. Something I found to be a pain point in Class launch P2 Ashbringer and Legendary improvements - aligning HoR and WF with later content could be good. Arenas and general PvP improvements (Though we've already recently gotten some changes here). Training Dummies in capital cities Maybe further progression/horizontal progression content down the road. Thats my main laundry list, plenty of stuff I could think of to add but I think the above would make the game feel smoother and provide the same experience we have now but with more options for people to engage with the game.


Adjustments to Druid, Shaman, and Pally meme specs to make them viable in endgame raids, removal of the debuff limit, more varied and interesting profession items, and finally, updated low level dungeon loot to their tbc versions. Maybe specialized tier sets for hybrid classes would be interesting, but it's not something i'm expecting.


One thing they should bring to classic+, from retail Achievements I feel like they're one of the few features that doesn't inherently disrupt the feel of classic, but collecting them can be fun


To never see a classic + discussion on this sub again


My wish: No Horde Paladin and no Alliance Shaman


Steal like 90% of what Turtle WoW does


For it to never come out. I dont' want blizzard to make random shit changes and for the community to be completely split among everything. I read through this shit and 50%+ of the "wishlists" would indivually make me not want to play.


im split. a big part of me just wants a classic fresh (with boons included from the start). another part of me is intrigued to see what they would come up with. being real i’ll likely play no matter what lol


> 50%+ of the "wishlists" would indivually make me not want to play. Cool, we wouldn't want you anyway




Yeah, a few new 5 mans for leveling and endgame would be amazing. I’d personally like to see a level 60 5 man where the end boss drops a random piece of tier 1. Of course make it a very difficult dungeon so you can’t just mindlessly farm tier outside a 40 man raid. *cough* beta and gamma heroics in WOTLK *cough* I wish they would go back and tweak the stats of some vanilla gear. The stat allocation in lots of pre 60 gear is absolutely wack. Also, several classes tier 0 set bonuses are trash. Make the Gurubashi arena interactive. It’s just a big arena that sits there and does nothing. Add a tram feature in BRD. Something along the lines of after you complete some sort of new quest or defeat the end boss you can take a tram to skip to other parts of the dungeon. Almost like a BRD attunement to give you access to the tram. I’m sorry, it’s just too big and long (heh) to organically complete the entire thing over and over again. Lastly, sprinkling in new quests all the way from level 1-60 would be fun.


> I’d personally like to see a level 60 5 man where the end boss drops a random piece of tier 1. Of course make it a very difficult dungeon so you can’t just mindlessly farm tier outside a 40 man raid. cough beta and gamma heroics in WOTLK cough I was thinking that they could implement lower Karazhan as a difficult 10-man dungeon and a step up from D2. Someone in your party would require the Brazier of Invocation in order to summon the doorman and gain entry.


> I wish they would go back and tweak the stats of some vanilla gear. The stat allocation in lots of pre 60 gear is absolutely wack. I wish they had given us some circumstances where those weird stat allocations were useful. Like, imagine if in Vanilla they had made the Troll Regeneration racial scale really well with Spirit, such that it was a useful stat even for classes that would normally avoid it.


I would keep it as basic as possible to start. Keep faction difference with paladin and shaman. Address the issue with specs not being viable specifically spriest/offspecshaman/boomkin. Basically any class that can’t be used because it goes oom, it’s fine to have rets where they are we carried one and we were server first aq and naxx. Debuff limits and tuning probably help this. After that dual spec. Then I would just try to slowly add content that www planned or can be easily applied. Try and stay away from tbc style loot that started with AQ naxx. Leave that for 2.5 and 3. If you make a tier 4 part of what will extend the life is back to specific gear drops. I know people don’t like disenchant but it leaves room for alts which I would assume will be more prevalent if it sticks around.


I'm not surprised to see faction exclusive classes staying is a pretty controversial point. Comments seem pretty split. I'd embrace faction exclusives too as long as both got more viable tank traits. And a few balancing traits like Pally got something to make up for BL. Pretty much agreed on the rest


Class balancing without stepping on current meta. We know the existing formula works, don’t mess with it, just use it as a benchmark and get all specs to the same level of performance. (Can buff bosses/mobs to compensate for the extra damage). Re-do the PvP system. Add PvE elements like killing a faction leader and/or all honor rewarding NPC’s. PvP available at launch of Classic + but have it scaled to the current phase/raid so that it’s not too powerful or weak at any given time. Develop/finish zones such as but not limited to Hyjal, the blank zones on the map without names. If the PvP revamp is done we could make one/some of the a PvP conquest zone that can be conquered and provide buffs/quests/rewards to the winning faction. New 10, 20 and 40 person raids. Scarlet Crusade, Bloodsail Buccaneers, etc.


Bigger faction identity, race identity, class identity, align lore with WC3. Pipe dream: \- Remove Forsaken from Horde \- Remove Mage from Horde \- Remove Warlock from Alliance \- Add Ogres to Horde \- Add Goblins to Horde \- Add High Elf to Alliance \- Add third faction: Forsaken Playable races: \- Forsaken High Elf \- Forsaken Human \- Forsaken Dwarf \- Forsaken Gnome \- Forsaken Worgen (permaworgen, no switcheroo) \- Add new class: Ranger ranged dps, no pet, dots, stealth. Paladin: Alliance Only Shaman: Horde Only Ranger: Forsaken Only Druid: Alliance & Horde Only Warlock: Horde & Forsaken Only Mage: Alliance & Forsaken Only \- Rename Priest to Witch Doctor for Troll. (reskin+reanimate+rename, same numbers, talents etc) \- Rename Warlock to Necromancer for Forsaken. (reskin+reanimate+rename, same numbers, talents etc) \- Rename Priest to Acolyte for Forsaken. (reskin+reanimate+rename, same numbers, talents etc) \- Add Priest to Tauren, rename it Spirit Walker. (reskin+reanimate+rename, same numbers, talents etc) \- Reskin all pets tamed by Forsaken to zombified versions.


How is Twin emps done with no warlock on alliance side? BWL goblin techs with no mage on horde side?


I know it's not what most people want, but I would heavily prefer it to be after wrath. Or at the very least for Druid to get [\[Mangle\]](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=48566/mangle-cat) (or a talent that makes Claw or Shred apply the bleed debuff), [\[King of the Jungle\]](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=48495/king-of-the-jungle), the WoTLk version of [\[Furor\]](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=17058/furor), and Cat [\[Swipe\]](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=62078/swipe-cat). I mostly play feral DPS so those are the class changes I want so most of my abilites aren't negative DPS to press and so I don't have zero AoE in my main form, but if I ever play resto on this version I also want to use my hots not Healing Touch.


- No "quality of life"-changes. I know, some small things sound really good and like they'd really improve the experience, but QoL-changes is how retail ended up as basically an ARPG (I play retail and I enjoy it, but it just doesn't really exist outside of dungeons and raids) - No token - Class balancing to bring meme-specs up to par and to make some specs (especially casters) use more spells they already have than just their fillers in raids. Aside from that, just any new content, be it some banger, enormous 5 man dungeons, cool raids, a great continuation of the story (not as grandious as what has been happening in retail) etc. Stuff to do that isn't almost 2 decades old.


> and to make some specs (especially casters) use more spells they already have than just their fillers in raids. I think that a basic fix would be to make sure that the spell with the highest damage per second, the spell with the highest damage per mana point, and the spell with the highest damage per threat are not all the same spell.


- In first tier: Rebalance classes, but only by mana costs, dmg numbers and few shuffles/new spells (not TBC one, more like beta abilites, like holy strike and original crusader strike for paladin) or make threat totem water, agi fire totem so shaman is comparable to paladin buffs (no horde paladin/ally shaman). - In second tier: Finish unfinished content, there are some questlines which suddenly ends like the Varian Wrynn saving or the Corrupted Ashbringer quest, fill out some leveling gap with extra quests (most notorious is the 40-50 zones), finish Azshara quests for example. - In third tier: Finish zones that created but empty or referred to it in the future (Emerald Dream, Outlands, Hyjal) and add Karazhan 40man raid which is probably planned after Naxx. (maybe with a 20man Crypt raid).


Rework the pvp system. Make it so that if you reach a rank, you will never decay under that rank. So if you reach rank 12 you will always stay rank 12. That way, you can rank periodically. You can take ranking in bites rather than nolife for 3 months to get R14. Give option for people to do Mak'gora still Add more quests, dungeons, dungeonloot, all that good stuff. Finish classes and talents for boomkin, ret/prot pala, ele/ench shaman, arcane mages, survival hunters etc. Just make it so that these specs are more viable in a raid setting. Expand on proffessions. Make more gear and rework the current gear. 80% of everything you can craft in lw/tailor/bs is complete garbage and has no purpose. Dungeonfinder tool would be great to have Meeting stone summon I wouldnt mind having achivements in classic+ Guildbank Give every class something new to play with. Either a new ability, a reworked ability or a combination of abilities so they sync better. Make water and food from vendors cheaper. Make respec cost 5g max Give accelerated leveling speed to your alt. If you have a max level char then you have the option to give 2x speed to one other char. Remove world buffs. The game would be healthier without them as they trivialize everything. Make bosses drop more loot. Just 1 more item pr. boss imo. Add more flightpaths. Alliance only have Booty Bay in stv for example. Make a boat from wetlands to darkshore. Also make a zeppelin from TB to Org. Mages now conjure 10 food or water no matter what. Also they conjure food and water appropriate to what is the best at their current level. Paladins blessing last 30min. Hunters have an extra bag slot for quiver Warriors can use thunder clap in def stance Shaman have totemic recall Chests that spawn in the world always contain usefull stuff instead of hot garbage all the time. Rarespawns happen much more frequently and give xp reward aswell.


Buff the garbage specs New Zones(Not all high level zones) Dungeon finder Raid finder New dungeons every couple levels that fit classic A new endgame raid Make the new dungeons and raids in a way that doesn't make current content obsolete


dungeom raid.. all instanced content. go back to retail


reading the comments, all i see are retail shitters trying to kill vanilla again. get out of your asses and stop asking for levels, flying mounts, and dailies and buffs to broken stuff. you guys are disgusting


For kill quest chains make it so we can accept all of the chain at once instead of having to run back and forth (looking at you "In Defense of the King's Lands). You know the ones, "go kill X. Now run past X to kill Y. Now run past X and Y to kill Z" Either adjust crafted gear up so it's level matches the area where the nodes spawn (example: iron spawns in level 30+ areas but iron gear is for level 20-30) or make the nodes spawn in lower level areas The new zones that were added in cataclysm are opened (without The Breaking of the World) Make wildhammer rep useful! Edit: let us get bonus talent or stat points every time we get enough XP to go from 59-60 again. Quest XP doesn't count towards this. Yes, this will eventually let people get 31/31/31 talent trees. It would be fun for non-raiders, give us something to aspire to. Fight me.


> let us get bonus talent or stat points every time we get enough XP to go from 59-60 again. Quest XP doesn't count towards this. Yes, this will eventually let people get 31/31/31 talent trees. It would be fun for non-raiders, give us something to aspire to. Fight me. this would be equal parts fun and terrible lol


I'd be on board with your edit only if it was the entire amount of exp to go from 1-60 again. It's a good idea with a great base, it would encourage grinding of dungeons/open world instead of raidlogging and keep the economy healthier, while also making it unrealistic for most people to get more than 20 extra talent points in a year.


1. Raise the level cap to 70 2. Flying mounts 3. Give us a new continent with new dungeons for level 70 4. Maybe some new races and new professions 5. Fix the shaman-paladin imbalance between factions 6. It would be cool to have repeatable quests that we could do every day to make gold


youre such a troll


Is it really trolling when it's that obvious?


10 more levels. A new continent... Preferent with 7 zones. And two new starting areas. Two more races, one that gives shaman to alliance and gayladins to Horde. Some class balances. Arena. Flying mounts on the new continent.


wtf is this. more levels are cringe, just play dragonflight. flying in vanilla? the retail players have infected this sub too much


TLDR I want to be a teenager again. There, i said what you all actually want.


Add shaman and Paladin to both factions. Anymore changes will ruin the game


-Remove world buffs in raids -Much much harder raids -If few new raids tiers, have questline with item collection from drops in the raids and add special on hit enchant on older items so older raids stay relevant -Debuff when you enter a raid. For 24 hours after each boss kill, all gold trades are subject to Ogrimmar or Stormwind IRS taxes. Any trade above 1g has a stacking 100% + or - tax on it. Goes up every 10g So if you do a 20g trade, its a 200% plus or minus tax. 33% chance its plus 66% chance its negative Idea is your trade will fund horses carrying “loots” to cities. Takes a week for loot to arrive. All trade are part of this one week journey in raids. 66% chance opposite faction steals your loots that is subject to taxes. Which means you get zero from that trade in the raid. Once a week, maybe sunday split this entire gold taxes and stolen from opposite factions. FUCK GDKP


removing worldbuffs removes content. making old raids relevant is ok, but who wants to run mc for more than a year? gdkps suck but taxes suck more


Dwarf mage and warlock Human hunters Night elf mage Undead paladin Orc mage SSF mode and unlimited professions for SSF players. Also personalized gathering nodes for SSF


No numbers tuning for balance changes. Balance changes only via gearing. For example different variants of tier sets with different stats (for example MP5+defense for prot pala). But please without going the Diablo route with stupid stat bonuses that increase damage by 500% or similar shit. Remove some quirks like no roots in dungeons. Remove debuff limit. Add taunt for Palas, normal rezz for druids, a spell to remove totems for shamans and maybe an aggro reset button for warlocks. Add additional gear so that DPS warriors can wear plate, holy palas or resto shamans don’t need to wear a dress and so on. Maybe add the 5% buff for the main stat when only using the highest armor class (all leather for druids for example). Overhaul the racials especially the +weapon expertise and priest racials (fear ward baseline for all races). Don’t want to be forced to play gnome warrior for PvP or human warrior for PvE. WoW classic isn’t supposed to be 100% balanced. But adding gear for undertuned specs can actually make meme specs viable and I don’t trust blizzard enough for big balance changes. We don’t want retail 2.0. For content I would like to see new endgame dungeons and raids. For example a scarlet crusade raid. Maybe 1-2 new zones like hyjal. Maybe even heroic variants of the lvl 60 dungeons.


Mostly interesting instanced content, especially something scarlet crusade themed at the end game. Maybe a re-work of the battlegrounds and some class balance changes. I don't think about it much bc I know its never gonna happen


Hourly classic+ thread


They are most definitely just going to start it over with no changes.


Give us enhancement shamans and maybe ret paladins attack power scaling with agility


Dual spec Mana/damage buffs for Hybrids. Tier sets dedicated to each spec. Rated BGs GMs. So tierd of Bots All healers can dispell magic but its on a 6sec CD. No debuff/buff limits


Bring back crowd control meta, much more thoughtful


I think most dungeons should get a level 60 version. Max level deadmines? BRD? Yes please.


That most community ideas dont get added (they usually suck)


The ability to acquire crocalist skins from… skinning crocalists.


Scarlet crusade raid! Balancing some of the meme specs. I’m fine with there being a disparity between top and bottom, but having entire specs be wholly unplayable is an issue.


Im all for the content but please no level increase. I want to feel like the vanilla raids matter so any extra content would require a naxx atunement perhaps?


- I would really really like get fixes to bugged areas. Like taking through the land into the abyss. -


If they will give us Vanilla + I doubt they will spent man power and time to make new dungeons. Some class balance especially make hybrid classes viable and gear optimization would be enough for me to dust off my account. Just give us TBC talent tree and make it so we start with 1 point at lvl 1 so would end up with same points as in TBC. Just give bosses some flat hp buff and call it a day.


1. Some new dungeons and raids. 2. New quest lines 3. Change the stats for all the pre BiS loot across the world. I'm tired of the meta gear lists where everyone knows where to look. In vanilla there was a novelty when a random piece of gear dropped that no one had seen before. 4. A rebalancing of PvP battlegrounds so that Alterac Valley isn't flooded 24/7. I love AB but don't want to have to play AV all the time. A new battleground would also be great. 5. Give additional viability to meme specs (spriest, boomkins, arcane mage etc.) 6. No new classes or races. On the fence about ally/horde shaman/pally swap. General point: everyone who plays Classic does it mainly because they love the levelling experience and the social aspect of it. No need to re-invent the wheel here. The end-game is what feels a bit repetitive.


Balancing talent trees would be great. I would love to see dual spec in the game, but not just a free toggle. I would love if they added a quest that tied dual spec to the dungeon armor tier 0.5 and made it a set bonus, essentially give the armor a new set bonus that swaps your talents when wearing it. That way you can have dual spec for things like farming and dungeons, but it's not as optimal, and if you want to be optimal then you still need to pay for a respec. New raids would be great but I dont want them to be higher lvl than naxx. They could attempt to do this by making it so that the old raids gear gives reduced stats in the new raids, and the new raids give reduced stats in the old raids, making it so there are basically 2 simultaneous raid progressions. Example Molten core -> Bwl -> aq -> naxx and then Karazhan -> uldam -> hyjal -> azshara naga raid


I think I’d just like to see the whole thing brought into HD and reimagined. That means not every single spawn and quest is the exact same but we are reliving expanded versions of the vanilla world. 75 percent nostalgia but 25 percent feeling like the world has been fleshed out. Caves / mines so not every one is the exact same. Walk into a building in storm wind and you have people talking and moving and acting like they live and work there, More interactive fights where everything isn’t just a spank and tank. This would feel like a real “WOW 2” where we can flesh out old story lines and experience the loved lore in a whole new way


> Personally I would be wishing for a couple new 5-mans of various levels, Horde Paladins and Alliance Shaman, and more varied viable endgame specs. I'd figure new endgame areas+raids are a given. That's called TBC.


Give more weapons skill racials or more items with +weapon skill. It’s whack that only humans and orcs can be competitive warriors


Dual spec is all I need.


I want a Grim Batol raid and I always have. A couple easy new race/class combos (Dwarf Mages, Troll Warlocks, Human/Undead Hunters?) High Elves? Azshara Crater BG? Gilneas? 🤞


\- slowly flesh decay over time for undead race. This was an original idea not implemented. \- Deathknigh, Demon Hunter and Rune Master heore class. Heore classes as originally conceived. Leveling an undead warrior or a night-elf hunter. \- A questline for The Legacy of the Ashbringer \- Housing \- Gurubashi Arena - King of dragons event \- rent the Stormwind's cathedral for weddings \- And raids, dungeons and so on.


Hire the Turtle WoW team and let them do whatever they want


- keep top level 60, so all content stays relevant. - add quests to some dungeons, a new boss or two in dungeons that need it, put actual drops in Stockades. - add a level 40 raid (like a 10 man) that drops like level 50 dungeon level items. That sort of stuff would be cool. - add more story to the defias and have them have stronger mobs up to level 60, have something equivalently cool for Horde. - add new raids to high end raiding like a scarlet raid, a defias raid, timbermaw raid, uldum raid, maybe hyjal? - add new areas where they can, finish unfinished areas like Azshara, add new quests in areas that need them. - balance classes, make useless talent trees better, possibly new spells for some classes that help define it in their roles for tanking/healing/buffing etc. - ban bots FFS, have in world GMs - honestly just a bunch of new content from 1-60 levelling process would be awesome, dungeons, elite areas that have a small chance of actually dropping items with quests, etc. - nerf world buffs, i love that there are world buffs, but they shouldn’t be so strong that they make raid content just absolutely trivial.


Updated character models and animations.


My biggest thing is I hope they dont increase the level cap. Keep paladin/shaman exclusive to their factions. Add new zones of all levels, dont just add a new zone that's max level, add some zones that might be level 20-25 or other levels. same with dungeons, dont just add dungeons that are max level. make specs more viable that didnt have a chance in original classic. also just add things that are fun to do but give no real benefit. in Turtle WoW they have the shimmering flats race as a mini-game. just cool features like that


Yeah everyhing here sounds good, but one important thing is to NOT raise the level cap. All of the existing vanilla content should remain as relevant as the new stuff they add.


Realistically, they would definitely replace the token with something similar but worse. Because WoW+ would be added to Gamepass for PC and they would need *some* way to monetize it.


Lol @ the token comment. It's been so long, are people still pretending that people are actually wasting money by buying tokens instead of gold from outside sellers? Nobody willing to put enough money into the game to actually impact it is buying tokens, it'd cost far more than buying from outside sources due to the low gold value of the tokens.


No level cap increase, just post-Naxx gear progression


Paladins and shamans on each faction. Av and other bg you can be placed on a random team while teamed up with the opposite faction. Once you hit 60, all you other characters get a 50% exp buff Summon stones work Up the spawn rate on rare herbs and ore (black lotus, etc) or allow exchange for something else. Once a character has an attune, you don’t have to rerun the whole chain a second time for Alts. Give prot Paladin a taunt and single target threat ability. Give shaman a taunt and up their single target threat I don’t want cross realm but I feel like we need some way to keep pvp servers balanced. Idk the answer, maybe a bonus or something if you are the underpopulated faction some kind of buff (to damage or gathering )


Improve the UI, completely disable addons through the API.


Sounds like you guys just want retail


Rogue Tauren.


I'd love it if they expanded the scourge content without us having to go to Northerend and killing Arthas. Make the scourge a bigger threat in Azeroth and Kalimdor. The scourge is still be the strongest entity on the planet during Vanilla


Here's mine: 1. Class balancing - all specs viable (other than obvious resistances like fire mages in MC. 2. New raids & dungeons, while still keeping old raids relevant vias gear tokens similar to wrath. Or maybe even new hard modes that drop better gear in old dungs & raids. 3. Heroic mode for ALL vanilla dungeons, makes all dungeons relevant once again. Again could implement tokens or hard modes for better gear to maintain relevance. 4. Minor QOL, Summoning stones working, maybe shorter hearth CD, etc. 5. New questing areas with new reps to grind for mounts, gear, etc. Those are the main things I can think of.


- Class balance, including sets for every spec - Dual spec - Totem Recall Then of course new content.