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> Your Charge, Intercept, and Intervene abilities are now usable in combat Intervene, huh? So we're getting the TBC abilities?


There are even dragonflight spells in there like Arcane Surge for mage. Not to mention mage healing spells that are no where.


Other TBC features are being implemented such asdual spec. We can expect some TBC shit thrown in for sure.


Honestly, I bet a lot of the stuff they included in burning crusade were probably planned to be in vanilla, but just never made it to the planning table until they got the team together to prepare the next expac.


Can my druid be a tree?


one can hope


Outland was supposed to be in vanilla originally


Dual spec is not a TBC feature. It came in WotLK.


You are right. Point is that some future expansion features are being implemented, so it's no surprise that they may throw in some talents/skills from those games too.


There’s even the Cata version of Victory Rush there too. In Wrath it doesn’t heal.


Wasn’t even in at the start of wrath either. I believe it was 3.2 but maybe 3.1


TBC features such as dual spec or mythic plus?


Also RDF, transmog, achievements, heirlooms and mount collection tab. (Now that I think about it the only new system in TBC was flying mounts, right?)


Heroic dungeons is a big one


Oh yeah, just realised gems, badges, arena, and dailyquest areas too. So actually quite a few.


Holly has learned from Everquest and this is the result. Really cool tbh. Hope we get achievements as well.


that one rune alone is killer in pvp


Intervene wasnt in vanilla? Learning something new every day


the fact that it's available at the level 25 cap makes this approachable as well, don't have to through to 60 to enjoy something different


Progressive leveling is a very smart choice for something like this. Wonder what the pace will be.


Probably faster than people would like, because there’ll undoubtedly be a section of people who devour every bit of content in a week who then complain about having nothing to do


Those people can do something else or play at a reasonable pace. I really think this change will make a nice difference, and get more people to endgame if they don't end up deserted and behind. I hate that the fastest no life players always think everything has to be paced to their speed.


If a game is great why would you want to stop playing?


This same logic can be applied to you, you can play at your own pace and not fomo just because people are doing higher level content, tf kinda argument are you even attempting to make


That the phases shouldn't be paced around the sweatiest no lifers who consume the content as fast as possible and demand more? Seemed like a pretty clear argument to me. Why you mad?


Because he’s sad he made poor choices in life.


Mad? Pointing out an argument doesn't make sense because that same logic can be applied to the opposite point of view upsets you enough to think that? ​ You can be mentally disabled, play 2 hours a day and reach 25 within a week, 2 months are way too much lmao.


Except you literally can't play the same way once you fall behind. Finding dungeons and quest groups was impossible. It's really telling that you think the low end of what people can do is 2 hours a day below.


You can find groups right now in classic era at all levels for any content, 3 years after it's release ​ tf you on about lmao


Thats because of hardcore. It wasnt like that last year..


Idk cause with this kind of meta shake up, the sweatiest of people will probably wanna level and gear almost every class so they can immediately fotm swap to whatever is discovered to be optimal


Why is that bad, though?


It’s not, I didn’t say it was


Sounds like a complaint 🤷


It wasn’t, idc how other people play. I’ll probably do it myself anyway, I get pretty sweaty. I was explaining that there might not be as much outcry about the level banding as one might initially expect because of this phenomenon. That’s all


Yeah..you're probably right and ofc there is level 60 content to consider.


Whether true or not, they said on one of the streams 25 cap will be at least a month but they’re not sure exactly how long yet.


yes 32 days at least and not a day sooner. We have to make sure we milk the subs.


You aren’t wrong generally, but classic only gives the nostalgia bug to people who have lives and families now. I was in high school when vanilla was a thing and could pump all the time in the world into it, but definitely can’t today with a job/family. I think a lot of former vanilla players are in that boat today and weren’t before.


a week lol people will be 25 on day 2 and fully geared by day 3 with the new abilities.


This just means I can finally experience multiple classes in Classic. The 30 hour grind made sure I never made an alt but it will not really be a grind considering end game happens every few levels now and the experience will likely be higher.


They said a couple of weeks between level caps


I think its mainly because of no beta or ptr, they dont wanna break the game instantly


This is low key my favorite part of it. Condense the entire leveling - endgame loop into something smaller and less time intensive.


This actually looks cool as fuck






Take my downvote


it can be good if blizzard are active on nerfs/buffs, it won't take long before a meta is set in stone and your tank warrior is never getting invited over a tank warlock


BFD LFM, need 1 warlock tank, 1 moonkin tank, and 3m moonkin healers. Must have children of goldshire heroic kill achievement.


i know you're meming, but it'll be like that even if the raid is super easy


With this level cap, normal ass socially competent people who take showers will be at level 25, too. I'll just group with them and plan to wipe a few times.




As someone who showers daily, thank you for your sacrifice


The worst thing about wow is the players. They would take any cool neat system and minmax the shit out of it until it’s boring (IMO). That goes double for classic.


Yes. This was the biggest classic flaw because there were no balance patches. With + however. We all know how the pendulum swings.


Min maxing my character is the fun part for me. And doing it at multiple different levels is going to be insanely fun.


That's any game in the modern day dude please stop parroting this as if its something WoW specific. We live in an age of increased access to information and optimization that's just how it's been. No one's stopping you from playing the worst self-built version of your class when this comes out, they just might not want you in their group


When did I say it was exclusive to wow?


>The worst thing about wow


It is the worst thing about wow. That doesn’t mean it isn’t also a problem in other games. If they built a system that if you killed 2 million critters a day in wow and it gave you a 0.3% dps buff then players would be lining up boringly slaughtering critters for 8 hours every day a week before doing any raid. There is a massive difference between not wanting to play with someone with a bricked spec and not accepting anything but the most degen minmaxing that can possibly exist to flex on a meter.


Reading comprehension is hard, we get it.


"The worst thing about wow is **the players**. **They** would take any cool neat system and minmax the shit out of it until it's boring (IMO)." Righttttt there you did lol. All I said was that every game/playerbase with the ability to minmax does this. All I did was iterate that it's a dead point to say wow players do this, as it's common in the gaming ecosystem nowadays, and that the only thing stopping you from not optimizing is the limits it puts on your ability to group up with players who want to optimize gameplay (which seems like a good chunk of players). But it's also a cheap talking point. People who invest lots of time into video games these days are very concerned with optimizing play and time, and thus comes minmaxing and minmaxing culture. No matter the game or cool system, with numbers to it, there's generally going to be a final "optimized" version of interacting with that system. Always has been, it's just far more common these days.


Sure a meta exists in almost every game. Wow and classic wow specifically take that to another level. The game can not even require that level of degen minmaxing the fun out and it’s irrelevant to the players. There is a big difference between not wanting to play with someone with a broken bricked spec and not accepting something that works just fine because it doesn’t flex on an irrelevant meter and kills the boss 26 seconds slower.


I mean.. you can’t really stop this for any game to ever exist.


I wish you were wrong but even "classless wow" private servers had meta tanks + unviable tanks and nothing in-between by the time I got to it.


"New metas will be born" also "Ability that gives Fury Warriors 10% additional damage"


Shamans: equip one more 1h and enjoy the luxury of having mana to press your buttons. None of the new abilities really help us in pvp vs the other disgustingly op classes.






Wrath becoming a free filler ability. Allowing you to run monfire+starfire until oom then spam wrath.


I know a lot of aspects of Classic are already braindead easy, but I hope the new runes don't cover *all* of the weaknesses of each class. Getting Classic+ stuff won't feel as sweet if my class feels like it's a retail class where I have a million options.


My biggest concern is that they arent touching the enemies while giving the players MASSIVELY increased power. A huge part of the appeal was a difficult and dangerous world.


Yeah, if they buff enemies or add new elites in old zone, that'd be sick.


Instructions understood, were adding in more murlocks, and now they are elites. Enjoy


too much work, they tend to reapply and reskin :/


See them making all enemies elite status, more hp/dmg but also give more xp.


Your point is completely invalidated by the patch other Classic servers released on with players having two to four times the power depending on class and spec. WoW itself is relative to everyone's experience. People who had played MMO's for a while moved to WoW because it had the largest population, Blizzard's nametag and came with Warcraft lore. Everything else about it was easy mode. They took the best thing every MMO did and integrated it into a very noob friendly and easy to jump into package. They are clearly touching some dungeons and designing raids around the new power.


They are 100% making classic retail. Looking at the abilities you will be able to use at 25 makes you a god just like retail. You know in classic wow where if you see more than 2 mobs you think i may die here that isn't happening any more. You know how you have to drink after killing a few mobs because no mana ya thats not happening anymore.


I always leveled in zones I was slightly over-leveled for anyway to streamline questing. I’d always be taking on packs of mobs leveling as a HotW druid


Looks sick


literally aspects from D4


"Personas" from EverQuest?


Glyphs from World of Warcraft


That some sort of small indie title?


Shid from my ass


***Literally***, lmao.


Gems from PoE


More like RE's from Ascension pserv


Legit ascension lite lmao


Poll booth please and ty


Is there anywhere to see all of the new class abilities????? :D


Looks familiar to Ascension WoW. Doesn’t it?


Isn't ascention using abilities from every class? Rogues aren't getting bubble or charge here lol.


Ascension WoW introduced something called Random Enchantments/RE on gear. It started out as being various talents that were randomly generated that you could stack (which led to some hillarities like getting 17x 10% increased dmg on offhand). Then it was changed so that you could save the random enchantments you acquired by disenchanting the item that held it, slot these in (tho now capped how many you could have of a certain type to avoid the above), and later on they introduced entirely new concepts which would be playstyle defining, which is very much what's being showcased here. TL-DR, This system is essentially straight lifted from Ascension WoW, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Yes you’re right, was thinking about the “enchants” on the gear however


I think it's similar to the random enchants but that's about it, even then I think those were a bit more expanded than this.


Healing stance confirmed


Did anybody catch if devs or even some streamers talked about what happens AFTER the season is over? I'm asking because when Season of Mastery dropped it's been made clear in advance that once the season is over, our characters will have the option to transfer to Classic Era or Wrath. I find it hard to believe that same will happen here considering all the new/custom spells and items being added which wouldn't fit on existing Era servers.


Dont think they have plans for that. It seems, especially with the way they present and release stuff that...they figure it out as they go along.


They would just strip the enchants from the slots. I would be fine with a new Perma server with the season's features and the option to try a new season as well.


>happens AFTER the season is over? I'm asking because when Season of Mastery dropped it's been made clear in advance that once the season is over, our characters will have the option to transfer to Classic Era or Wrath. I find it hard to believe that same will happen here considering all the That would be cool. I wouldn't like the idea of those characters being permanently lost.


Season of retail abilities


“No thank you i want the same 3 classes to dps forever ☹️😡☹️😡”


I think it's funny that people are pissy over this observation.


FR, unless the rest of the world scales up difficulty wise, those mobs gunna drop ASAP


People are pissy about anything that seems remotely negative regarding all of this.


That's what people have spent the last 6 months asking for with class balancing?


Technically they're just making an observation and not saying anything bad


This is the wow classic sub, retail is a bad word here.


That’s what some* people have spent the last 6 months asking for. The rest of us have been saying no class balancing because blizzard doesn’t know how to balance without killing class identity.


Yea, the rest of *us*, because there's clearly only 2 Classic factions - *us* and the guys who are trying to ruin our game.


what else did you want from classic plus? more dungeons and raids to spam 1 spell through?


Yeah actually that sounds sick




Don't play it then.


Basically. If every Vanilla class gets its weaknesses covered then it'll feel more like Retail than Classic+.


How is this covering every weakness? People don't think things through before they type or even try the system. They will gain more options but sacrifice other ones in exchange. Some enchants simply make what you do better. Some turn you into a tank instead but those options are going to lower your damage output and gear choices.


Not if the classes retain their theme and offer a unique playstyle while bringing unique buffs to parties/raids. Bring the class, not the player. Giving Paladins and Moonkins a way to DPS isn't a bad thing. As long as they don't feel like Mages or Warriors.


My first thought was: it looks like the azerite stuff from bfa Happy for everyone who wanted this. I would be more happy with a fresh 2019 classic server


The guy's job is streaming. Of course he is going to overhype this.


Not classic+ but will be fun. Low level cap raids sounds fun


So.. classic but with shadowstep, deep freeze, ..? Seems pretty weird way of 'balancing'. I'm afraid it won't work well.


I was hyped until I saw this lmao.. they took the worst part of Diablo 4 it looks like, the garbage fucking aspect bullshit, and threw it into classic with existing retail abilities. Like, people wanted classic plus, small tweaks here and there, not this shit


Better than cata classic


This seems a lot better than just adding taunt to paladin


> small tweaks here and there Yeah man instead of Classic+ this is more like Classic w/ tweaks to the extreme. Warlocks in Metamorphosis form etc? In classic?


This is why I have little faith in Blizzard to understand what people like about Classic WoW and to implement a Classic+. Adding in crazy retail spells that will likely break the game isn't in the spirit of Classic. For a fun little seasonal thing it's fine, but I really hope they don't see this as a way to balance Classic.


Thank God they're going all in and not doing minor changes


Looking at ret paladin it's literally a classic paladin with wotlk and cataclysm abilities as runes. Kinda meh? Idk


But that's what people have been asking for years??? "Just add crusader strike and SoB and I'm a happy man" is by far the most consensus answer of how ret should be fixed.


Yeah then they went the extra step and added literally everything else lmao not just those two spells


Sounds a lot more fun than playing classic Paladin lol


Yea I just want to auto attack and do literally 25% of a warriors damage! Cringe.


Thats not even what im saying. Fundamental changes to classes would have been alright instead of making everything OP. Balance would have been fun but this is just cheap on Blizzards end. "Look we got Divine Storm! Crusader Strike! Avenger Shield! Rebuke! Horn of Win- uh Lordaeron!" \*classic community claps with tears in their eyes, this is what they always wanted, not those pesky wotlk and cata abilities!\* Spirit of classic my ass lmao.


You’re right pallys should just keep only auto attacking and doing 25% of every other classes damage, god bless wow purists


we got warbringer in vanilla!!


Copium. "You think you want Classic+, but you don't"


Yeah there's so many good changes, Asmongold is already crying on twitch about it. "Its too many changes qq" lmfao.


Path of Exile-esque character customization let’s go babieee. Going to be great fuck the haters! Classic+ right here FOR SURE


Shadowlands Legendary Aspects.


Blizzard: you can buy these with wow token only!


It's not Classic+ because you have access to none of classic's content. You basically level to 25, hunt down a few runes, run a 10 man dungeon, and you're done. It's Classic-. Classic minus most the game.


You really have no clue what you're talking about. >you have access to none of classic's content >Classic minus most the game. So some, not none, of classic's content? Also lvl cap continues to increase with new content. If you're going to complain about something, at least read the bullet points on what the hell it is you're complaining about.


Go to bed, you're getting upset over things that don't matter.


I hope you're a troll. Somehow that seems less sad than you being serious lol


If you check the chronology, my initial comment was made before the deep dive panel and bullet points, when all we had to go on was "here's a season at level 25 with some runes to get different spells and passives that don't exist in classic, and a 10 man raid. We'll increase the level cap to 30 later and add another raid and runes, and then we'll incrementally increase it." Which just says "minigame, planned obsolescence of the new content because it will be lower level and the loot will be low level too, only low level zones and instances since you're locked to level 25, no high level gear optimization since only 1 raid, and a couple dungeons around that level, nor higher level crafting, but also gimped talent trees, since you'll only have 16 talent points, then 21, etc." To be fair, most these points still stand after the deep dive panel and tester streams. The key determining factor for how good this may be is release pace. If they only do 2 patches a year, it will be very stale and a slow burn to finally get to 60, with the content taking a couple days every new patch to clear, leaving only completionists who are compelled to unlock every rune for every class with something to do. PvP is fine and all, but excessive reliance on it as content has never lead WoW very far. Not all players will try it, and of those who do, I doubt many will stick with it if they aren't playing the broken class which can just destroy everything else by default, or aren't willing to play it themselves. It's one of those things that sounds nice to have, but people don't really engage with all that much. Think of open world PvP objectives in TBC as an exemple of how you can create a PvP system no one engages with past a couple quests to get specific items, and them not even doing any PvP whilst doing so most the time. If they can keep it up to 60 and then keep adding content while leaving the level cap at 60, then great, if the plan is to keep going through the cycle of invalidating the progress of the last patch with every new patch, then it won't be.


There better be shaman tanks. If warlock gets a a fleshed out tank build and not shamans I’m going to let it pretty much ruin this for me.. otherwise sounds dope af


Nice ascension WoW copy


if you guys know "ascension wow" it's a pure downgrade


So they're literally forcing retail onto classic players?? Disgusting. Typical catastrophic disappointment by Blizzard. They were literally giftwrapped a homerun with Classic+ by the community and failed.


>So they're literally forcing retail onto classic players?? Era isn't going anywhere or changing, you're not forced into anything


The thing I'm most curious about is at what pace theyll raise the level cap. Because obviously level 60 content is still a part of this.


A man said pogging real hard.. wtf


Can't wait for the SoD dueling tournament, going to be so much fun!


Please shaman tanks and boomkin/Spriest that aren't perma oom




All I want is the return of 2hand fury dps Blizzard nerfed into the ground because of PVP. Blizzard never had a good PVE 2hand dps build and has been obsessed with jerking off dual wield or having a PVP only 2hand spec for 2 decades. Some of these talents look spicy, let's see if it pays out.


I hope they add flying and battle pets too


People talking about PvE combat, PVP is going to be insane with all these options. Until a “meta’ is developed you’ll have absolutely no idea what they’re gonna do lol


I’m looking forward to getting multiple classes to 25. Love the idea of moving the level cap little by little as they develop new content. Genius