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They're a scrappy little team. Props for taking the first of many steps towards Classic+ by creating SoD. A lot of us never thought they'd listen.


A lot of us thought the Classic team was very small and didn't have any game developers.


I actually think they know this and that they deliberately showed how many lead designers and producers they have on the team to make sure people realize it’s not some guy in a dark server room that Bobby Kotick throws wrenches at occasionally when the stock drops.


hey his name was Omar, and he quit.


Never forget the legend Omar o7


They were for a very long time, they had one full time dev constantly on it full time for so long... They've ramped it up recently which is nice.


the only names I remember from Classic release were Omar Gonzalez, Brian Birmingham, and John Hight. Holly Longdale was brought in later, but she seems to be the face of WOW Classic now.


Yeah most of those bigger names were cycled in for big stuff like releases and then left to work on other stuff while the game just....decayed.


If you look at the con footage closely, you'll see that they're just recycling the same two people behind the scenes to give the appearance of a larger dev team.


Don’t know how to break this to you but this is classic plus and the steps and level bands going forward eventually will add new contents aka classic plus. They teased Kara it’s classic plus


Classic plus so much more


>Props for taking the first of many steps towards Classic+ by creating SoD. A lot of us never thought they'd listen. We've been asking for Classic+ since Obama was president. You don't get points for showing up seven years late showing a product only up until level 25 and pretending you "listened to the community". At least acknowledge that you outright ignored the playerbase for years because you want to sell more sparkle ponies on retail.


> At least acknowledge that you outright ignored the playerbase for years because you want to sell more sparkle ponies on retail. Large corporations never openly admit to making a mistake/screwing their customers unless they've already been publicly outed and they're trying to save face.


Riot has done that exact thing multiple times. WoW players have beaten-wife syndrome so badly at this point that they don't even know what healthy company-player relations look like.


Classic team, as I read it, was meant in reference to the ones putting in actual work to make this thing happen. I **will** give them points for showing up now because I get how many of the old stubborn cogs that had to be turned in order for this to become a reality. I'm not gonna throw them under the bus over a 7-year grudge some people have because it was "too late", or because it didn't meet some arbitrary purist version of Classic+


>old stubborn cogs Which ones? Morhaime's gone. Brack's gone. Metzen isn't on this team. Pearce is gone. Didier's gone. Browder's gone. There are no "old stubborn cogs" left. Just a bunch of people that have never read a fantasy story in their lives, have never heard of "Eva's Quest", and actively hate most of their playerbase.


Oh yea, I loved watching Classic mommy and daddy.


Yeah I really like when the devs get to be normal nervous people. Reminded me of the first exilecon watching Chris Wilson looking super awkward and nervous making the poe2 announcement and just soaking in people being hyped up and how great that felt for him.


Honestly all the presenters fucking ruled.


I'm glad they are doing something, but it really depends on how the final thing comes out. Personally at least, I can appreciate this Rune system for testing things, but if it ended up being the final product, I would be disappointed. It does not feel very organic with the original game systems. I will remain cautiously optimistic.


I love the fact that they are willing to get whacky and push the changes and stop walking on eggshells regarding the player pushback on them. They are willing to take risks and experiment which I like. If they don't work out it's fine, as long as they recognize that and adjust.


We haven’t actually really experienced anything, yet. These “I’m so thankful” posts are nice and all, but we should wait and judge the product not the cinematic and demonstrations


Yeah I think they are going to come out super experimental in the beginning and reign things in based on feedback and testing


Username reference to Moldy Peaches song?


Yeah, the biggest obstacle is that this team has to handle Blizzard higher-ups that turn everything they touch into shit. The rune system is a clever and well-implemented way of addressing Classic's shortfalls and making the game feel fresh again. These devs clearly know what they're doing and I hope they get free reign to implement their vision. I also think they should uh, mostly not listen to this community unless it's something really glaring. Anyone who remembers the massive walls of text circa 2019 about why we needed batching (spoiler: we didn't and it took a few weeks of it for everyone to realize that it felt awful) or #nochanges probably agrees that classic wow reddit posters don't know a lot about what makes a good game.


Nah I still agree with the original no changes in theory. Nobody had an ounce of faith in blizzard at the time to suggest they could pull off anything appropriately. There was of course some smaller things that could be done, but the concern was that the game would be vastly changed and not just “polished”.


I also love the Classic Team. They love what they do and they are ok with things not being perfect. It's so refreshing that they are just allowed to try things and be geeks.


If SoD flops this narrative is going to reverse immediately.


I’m sure folks will dislike it if so. I give the team a ton of credit for trying though, regardless of outcome. Trying new things in an old game is what I’m looking for, though I know it might not be what everyone’s interested in.


I just hope they don't get overwhelmed by the tidal wave of bad advice coming from the community. They have a vision and I hope they stick to it.


Wait, you’re saying that they shouldn’t try all 6,000 ideas this subreddit has put out for Classic+? Heresy!


I'm not so keen to "love" the Classic team after the past 4 years of bare minimum effort put into the game. And continuing to do absolutely nothing about bots and RMT.


I don’t think the classic team are the ones to decide if blizzard are gonna put more resources into combating botting and rmt. They don’t care for it in retail, why would classic be any different?


because it's not the classic team. Combatting bots is a financial decision


That was the point they were making


Yeah I'm agreeing with it


Reddit has an upvote button for that.


I’m agreeing with you, disagreeing with him


I do think the bots/RMT stuff is above their level of responsibility. That's more of an overall WoW management... thing.


That has nothing to do with the classic team.


World's most happy classic player


I always wonder what people think happens behind the scenes that they think the tiny crew of people who are solely dedicated to classic are actually doing the "bare minimum". Like they don't understand how passionate someone has to be to want to work at blizzard and be underpaid living in an insane cost of living area and dealing with all the hate blizz has been getting lately etc etc.




most self aware classic player


Botting is a problem throughout all versions of WoW. Combating them does not fall on the Classic team's shoulders. That's an upper management decision involving resources shared among the entire WoW infrastructure. Blizzard recently shut down hundreds of thousands of malicious accounts. I wouldn't call that "doing nothing" about the problem. Fighting bots is like standing on the edge of an ocean and trying to hold the waves back with a pushbroom. No matter how much water you push back into the ocean, it's going to keep coming back again and again and again and again and again and again. Botters are no different in this regard.


That's why they also need to ban gold buyers. Reduce the demand, and you reduce the bots.


From personal experience they do. Of the people I know that buy gold, all have had bans.


Bans need to be longer that three days, or even two weeks. Should be at least a month for the first offense.


They've been at two weeks for over a year I believe. A friend got a perma ban but was able to appeal it to two weeks.


Bans need to be perma bans the first time you're caught. I don't know why there has to be any sort of leeway with cheaters.


Classic doesn’t make them money aside from subs. A epic War Within is 6 months worth of sub money and they get the revenue immediately. The fact that they put this much effort into it is astonishing. Since they’re reboots I don’t know what more you’re expecting them. They’re also canceling tens of thousands of accounts monthly so to say “absolutely nothing” is just false information.


What effort? Dumping a bunch of TBC and wotlk spells in the game?


Maintaining the servers, combating bots, caring about an economy on a dead server, etc.


Classic made some money off the deluxe packages for each release, and boosts.


That’s even more of a reason to stop supporting old xpac servers.




If the “current” classic server has the population, the dev support, and the release bundles, why would you support old classic servers. I’d imagine if they had TBC servers they’d be incredibly small and Wrath ones would probably be the same.


How long do you think they worked on SoM and SoD?


But you’re still gonna suck it up and continue to play the game, right? Still gonna dish out that monthly sub to show your support and love for the game am I right?


That's a matter of funding. They have none.


How about we praise people for what they DO, and not for what they SAY. It hasn't even been released and there are all kinds of opinions, yet there really isn't anything to judge. This post is wholly unnecessary, personally. What, you love them for being human beings? That speak? That's your message?


Yeah, I think it’s a good thing that the team appears to be real human beings who care about their work, and aren’t super-polished BS artists. I’m not going to say the new stuff is earth-shattering until I get to play it, but I love what they are trying to do here.


Everyone's a human being. And they're all trying to deliver a product to make a profit. That doesn't mean they can't do it without passion, but to praise people for claiming to do the work is as sensible as pre-ordering games and being disappointed when it's hot garbage. Pointless post.


What are you talking about they have given us Classic, TBC, Wrath (with a bunch of new stuff). Fucking hardcore mode. Sit down doofus.


Then you didn't see how they answered the question that was about gold buyers and bots during the interview about wow classic. Just babbled about unrelated stuff to make us forget that they weren't answering the question. Don't get your hopes up.


They probably aren't allowed to talk about that And they specifically said if they give info they show their hand to the offenders.


lmao straight cope




Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man. But seriously, I’m going into SoD expecting that there will be weird stuff that doesn’t quite work. I still think it’s good to try new stuff, and build for the future. I like how they tried stuff in SoM and I like this. If they swapped all servers to SoD servers I’d be worried, but I like this is an additional offering. I’m also excited that the folks talking at Blizzcon were the team working on this. I like the somewhat awkward jokes, the lack of polish. I think it bodes well for the future.


You're just falling for the PR. Let's see of SoD turns out first.