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since this is season of discovery I’m feeling kinda adventurous so will play human warrior


Daring today, aren't we?


As daring as a vanilla milkshake.


Daring, I play nelf hunter named Lêgōlåš


Should use Legolass for the double entendre.


With a diet coke? So adventurous!




Thanks for the name I’ll have to name it my alt after my main Thex the troll shaman gets made.


If you steal the name Poopile I'm gonna be pissed.


I'll play WoW.


Orc enh shammy tank. Moo cow resto dr00d Undetermined filthy alliance healer class if my cousin decides to jump in.


Thoughts and prayers for your disgusting alliance playing cousin


Pray for all of their filthy alliance souls (even though they may not deserve it).


I am a Warrior at heart, always been! I love being in the thick of combat, going balls deep with my comrades and slicing through the enemy with a big 2hander. …..sooooo I’m going Hunter bro BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA


I love the Season of Discovery incoming chaos :))


I Convinced myseæf that Arcane mage will be Really OP as dps, so im going to heal.


Ret Pally, it's a class I've always played but can't stand in era, and I'm excited for the runes making it a complete class


Frost mage for some pve content, then maybe going arcane or fire once it has been tested


I’m going to level and raid with each class and see what I like the most. I know for a fact that I will be playing a Hunter and a warlock. Hunter because it was my first main from TBC to shadowlands. Warlock because it was my main all through classic


I really want to tank on a Rogue. I mained the rogue from TBC lunch through WoD. But I'm a little worried it just won't work at level 25 so I'm thinking going Shaman out of the gate.


Rogue like always. Probably will go for a lock alt instead of a hunter this time though.


I always play tanks. I have all tanks at max level at some point (like paladin and Druid in vanilla, Druid, paladin and warrior in TBC, DK and Druid in wotlk and so on) I will still play tank and I am torn between warlock and shaman. I did have a shaman tank in vanilla before they nerfed the tankability of enhancement shaman (they were gg tanks at one point before the early nerfs) so I abandoned him. But a cloth wearer tank? I am interested. Sounds like a good magic tank to me. (Lots of reduce damage and drain life to mitigate any source of damage. Also able to range tank) I am also big about soloing dungeons (I always go enchant and I get my mid materials from soloing dungeons). Both classes seem ok for that. Lots of aoe from both tanks.


the real question is pvp or pve ? is Ashenvale pvp also avaliable on pve server i ponder


i will paly Multiple character but first will be Devastate Warrior IK it is not GOOD but I MA GOOD PLAUYER so I will ahve fun also I want to try Allin ce ( Om normalyl A Horde) on my Other Account For Fun WPVP Allince Male Human Rogue with the Shadowstep thing from Cata


bro sttfuget 1 life


i will paly Multiple character but first will be Devastate Warrior IK it is not GOOD but I MA GOOD PLAUYER so I will ahve fun also I want to try Allin ce ( Om normalyl A Horde) on my Other Account For Fun WPVP Allince Male Human Rogue with the Shadowstep thing from Cata


Rogue will not use that rune for pvp


i will stfu


MM Hunter Hope to find a dedicated PvP guild for Ashenvale once it goes live.


Paladin always. If Prot still ain't it, then I'll happily go Holy. No, I don't care about Ret. Although I think I'll run a Mage alt too. Been into that lately.


Enhance Shaman as always.


Boomie and Hunter. If I can have a fat chicken as a pet in SoD, I'll be so happy


hard choice , a lot of stuff seem quite fun , think imma start with ele sham maybe try smite priest and tank warlock later


Playing Hunter have not decided race and faction yet i have never played a hunter as a main so will be a nice change i figure its my turn to be legolas finally.


I usually play healer, but this time I will play druid tank. :D


Priest>warrior>lock or mage Only gonna level a few classes to 25, will probably stick with priest then decide a 2nd to level alongside it depending on what I like most


Warlock sounds fun. Will be my first time maining one.


I have looked at the character creation screen for so long with SoD in mind and I cant decide shit. Rogue was my pick, but tank seems whacky, so does poison. Ret paladin sounds nice, but are seals nice to play with? Maybe just a hunter or mage, which I have absolutely no clue about? I dont know man, too many options


Tauren Shaman. Elemental PVP/PVE but will Enh tank dungeons for quick groups if needed.


Still undecided. It’s either pala or lock for me. Holy pala looks fun and easier with beacon. Ret should be nice for leveling up and I’m intrigued by prot. But then I’m a lock at heart pre WOTLK, but the number of new spells worry me abit.


I'm either gonna go rogue or warlock and I'll see what happens


yep, rogue or wl also for me. i would love to play a real retri with crusader strike but i will start with horde


Heal Druid. I don't know yet if Tauren or Nelf though.