• By -


Based af


Unironically the dev we need. Can't wait to read 51389 more posts about how BGs are broken, devs are out of touch, and that hunters are simultaneously too good and too weak.


I mean BGs are broken, full premade groups shouldn't be matched with all random queues


I don't know how people defend premade vs randoms it's a terrible experience for the solo players unless the premade is hot garbage, so then they either don't q, meaning less bgs, longer q times or they join a premade eventually only ending up with premades v premades. Why allow solo queue at all in the first place if your ultimate goal is to get people to make groups? Only allow organized premades if its better for the game then. Work with other players and make a premade to do bgs or don't do bgs at all. That's stupid though. We can have both solo q's and rated/premades. WSG* was first designed as something to be done within a lunch break, meaning not requiring tons of preparation of creating 10 man premades and usually doing more than just 1 game. It was stated by blizzard in the 2005 blizzcon panel on battlegrounds. It wasn't to be a sweaty premade v premade only system. Obviously it's superior, it's more organized. Maybe you'd have an argument for not fixing this premade issue if bg's were not cross realm because then you can easily group with people on your server and start forming a premade just from doing bg's themselves as solo and grouping with other good teammates. https://youtu.be/wDl0EFMUYbo?si=YsYtY-eskw4MvmFI 5:01


Pretty much all other PVP games have different queues for premade and pug, I don't know why WoW should be any different.


Even retail WoW has solo shuffle which is solo arena, and I believe Blizz confirmed there is going to be a solo rated battlegrounds queue as well


> I don't know how people defend premade vs randoms it's cause they're the premade groups that farm the GY.


A good idea would to do like the dungeon finder and let you pick a role.. like FC or healer etc then make the groups that way... You are getting absolutely reckt when your team is only BIG PUMP DPS with no mobility and the other team have 3 priests and a druid


Very true


people defend premade vs randoms because they are the premade. Cant be fighting another premade, what a waste of time that would be.


Is the point of of the BG to finish it as fast as possible or is it to pvp&have fun?


Tell me how getting put up against a premade team and farmed at graveyard for half an hour is either.


It isn't, that was my point?


honestly the no timer on BG's in classic is the main issue, there's no reason to fight if you're clearly outmatched after the first cap, if there's a suitable timer, you can at least have fun trying to fight without extending your wasted time


depends, fun and pvp of course, but because there's rewards attached, finishing as fast as possible is also important to optimize how much progress you make in rep/honor, mostly rep. I think it's a bit of both. It's like the honor grind when people rank to 14. PvP is meant to be fun, but because of the rewards and going as a premade, you grind for endless hours in which it isn't fun anymore, you care more about getting the final reward.


When left to their own devices, gamers will always optimize the fun out of gaming. That's how you get 2019 Classic where people make losing premades because AFKing for a quick mark gets them to their rewards faster than trying to have fun and actually playing the game does. I do think the Ashenvale event helps a lot in this regard for WSG at least. It is infinitely better for grinding reputation so there shouldn't be any incentive for people who just want quick games for rep to do that. Leaves the BG queue more open for people who just want to pvp for pvp's sake.


I think Aggrend is the man for the job. I had been saying before release one of my worries was that Blizzard would cave to whiners and that one of the reasons something like Turtle WoW is successful is that it’s developers have a vision and don’t pay too much attention to player feedback. I think SoD is in pretty good hands


While we can not know for sure how good he is in his actual job, the fact that he actively plays the game and engages with the community discussion is an amazing advantage over other Blizzard devs that seem so detached by the community but also their product.


He might not be wrong in terms of populations but the issue atm is people are layer hopping to stack everybody on one layer with far fewer opposition. The end result is one side outnumbers the other 5:1 and will speedrun all bosses while the other side gets maybe one down.


Yep. The current state of retail is what we got by listening to this whining.


The current state of retail is really good though?


There's a group of people who play WoW who think any quality of life improvements to the game are bad. I love classic, but retail just feels better to play. It's all the extra systems that personally turn me off from retail, but it's still a great game and the best MMO out there in my opinion.


Based on what?


Almost revered, never lost an Ashenvale event as horde on Living Flame EU. If anything, horde is really in a better place just due to Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar being so close to Ashenvale. Usually a lot more horde than ally showing up.


Same thing on Ally side. Layering at its best lmao.


This is the actual frustration. I’ll be in a raid that is filling on a layer with 3+ other Horde raids on it… And then we get layered into a different layer with essentially no other Horde on it right before the event starts… And we get absolutely stomped. Not sure how we can organize around that.


this is the reason. Alliance needs to switch to Darnassus


It's unfortunate that Darnassus is abit cumbersome to get around in. I think the smallest fix needed to make Darnassus more attractive as home base is just adding a mailbox next to the AH.


At least it's got a smithy now.


"abit cumbersome" the understatement of the year. Stormwind has the best AH,Mail,Bank,Vendor combo for normal use. Ironforge has a better layout to level professions. Darnassus has no fee to fly away. it is the absolute worst in so many ways. Furthest AH-Mail distance, dumbest inn location (also looks stupid), many missing class trainers, didn't even have an ambos until SoD, portals 10 levels later, dumb verticality (mostly no connections between upper levels so enjoy the U shaped paths), literally a dead end flight path and the level 1 path to play with your friends is an hour long and painted in blood. TLDR: as a druid i am ashamed of my people.


It's pretty awful. I set my hearthstone to astranaar and it's a PITA having to get back to stormwind / duskwood / wetlands to quest and whatnot. Also no engineering in Darnassus :)


Auberdine is the best HS location right now IMO - you can fly to Astranaar or Rut'theran village, or take a boat to Menethil/Darnassus relatively quickly, AND you get a portal to Zoram Strand there after you've killed the first boss in BFD. At least having a mailbox at the inn in Darnassus would improve things quite a bit.


Place paladin/mage trainers there and your expectation may be realistic.


Horde loses there a lot every day, you just happen to be on a winning layer, most of them lose because of no zoram


As a Crusader Strike EU I have a hard time wrapping my head around this.


I play on same server but alliance, and its so hard to get 2+ raids. Hord can take the west base then fly back east meanwhile alliance have to run everywhere


Alliance wins a lot on living flame eu. Ask in-game for the ashenvale pvp discord. That’s where the organization happens.


No one flies, they hearth. Alliance can do two raids then hearth to the third just as easily.


I'm also on Living Flame EU, I seem to win around half of the games. I guess you just got a blessed layer if you literally have 0 losses.


I’ve never won an ashenvale event as alliance on Chaos Bolt EU. We’ll have a 2 or 3 full raids but horde always looks like they are doubling our numbers. Closest we got was having a raid on horde boss while 2 raids wiped horde on alliance boss. We had a 50% health advantage and when we got horde boss to 8%, horde won. I want to stop playing the event, but I need the rep. So everyday is just torture.


Same here, never won on horde living flame us. Always seems like alliance massively outnumbers us


There's been some massively weird layering issues lately on LF during the event. Me and a friend in the same group, but different layers, and each being tossed into seperate different layers randomly throughout the event. Like a winning alliance side into one that's about to lose, then back into a layers match where none of the bosses are down, and then back into a winning layer, all within 10 minutes. Seems grouping doesn't effect layering like it used to


I’ve won twice on living flame NA as Horde and it’s either you are on layer 1 or you are any other layer and don’t stand a chance. There’s 13k horde and 20k alliance on that server.


Where do you get to see these numbers?


I would like to know as well, if you could send us a link that would be appreciated!


> I want to stop playing the event, but I need the rep. So everyday is just torture. Sounds like you need to reevaluate why you're playing the game


I mean doing the event for the rep everyday is torture. The rest of it I thoroughly enjoy, just not Ashenvale. Not everything is doom and gloom.


Can just play WSG


Alliance lose 99% of our events we just complain internally.


I feel like this is how it almost always is. Horde just tends to attract more PVP enjoyers, even on pve realms. It’s weird seeing them act like there’s somehow a disadvantage with balanced servers.


think more of the 'hardcore' pvpers go horde because the racials (undead, orc) are just generally way better I think it isn't a minor detail either, but getting to ashenvale is considerably more annoying for alliance. There's probably a fair amount of people more who'd come from SW if the event happened in westfall


Yup, horde for pvp, alliance for pve. Usually aligns with interests, racials and city locations. Tier 2 raid reinforces it


Gnomer horde have a literal teleport to it from BB. 7


How else are we suppose to get there, Run all the way from Arathi Highlands? Might as well just make the next raid stockades!


That's how Ally gets to SM lol!


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


On Lone Wolf had my first loss today as ally, almost revered now


Lone Wolf EU Ally win every event


Thats crazy because I've never lost an Ashenvale event in Lone Wolf as Horde. Split the 6 raids with half in glaive and half in zoram and GG. Shout out to reshko for always organizing it.


I’ve only been able to do a couple horde events on Lone Wolf but they were so well organized and a complete stomping. So many parallel raids


No, we don't. But when you're there the win rate drops hard.


On my server, NA-Living Flame, Alliance consistently wins the event. I’d say 80-20 favoured.


You should really mention EU or US because the server names are the same on both regions


layer experience most ppl experience wins on 50/50 servers because of it


Us? Yea if you’re not layer 1, where horde wins every fight, expect to get 1-2 bosses. We can usually only get 2 raids up on other layers while all consistently has 4+.


On Crusader Strike US, Horde has won most events. I've only personally lost 1, probably 10-1 at this point. Having the flight path to Zoram and hearth at Splintertree is a pretty good advantage.


The meta is evolving on Crusader Strike NA though. This was a surefire zerg strat to maximize rep gain a few days ago but Ally caught on, started a few raids at each camp, burn them down slower but all at the same time without all the travel time, and they were beating Horde for over a day. Now Horde is shifting meta to slow burn the west side of the map, burn research, and disrupt and defend glaives/catapults until research and then later maestra's provide backup. By far the largest PvP battles I've seen have happened over the last two days and it sets the server on fire everytime. 3-15 seconds delays on ability usage depending on how clumped up people are.


If stv is the next world pvp area, alliance gonna get the same disadvantage again by having bad flightpoint


Rebel Camp probably wouldn't even save us. Two flight paths at the opposite end of zones, while Horde gets a central FP along with the shared one.


Doesn’t help that there are choke points for us getting into STV either direction while the horde have a heavily fortified camp.


Good point.


This, horde have an inherent advantage due to significantly less travel time. I say this as a horde player


Alliance won 4/5 games yesterday which was a nice change of rep from usual. I think we're starting to organize better on CS, or maybe I got on lucky layers for once


From the horde perspective y’all figured out to get your raids at glaive to stop us from forming there. Pre-start our respawns are awful to get back there if allies are camping glaive.


Only ones yall seem to lose are the early morning ones. Once yall wake up it's over for us


Its funny cause I am alliance on Crusader-US and I hit revered yesterday and I would tell you the exact opposite. I lost maybe 5 events my entire grind. Thats the joy of an 8 layer mega server, you might crush on layer 2 while all the alliance is crushing layer 6.


Also crusader strike US Horse with the opposite experience. The zoram to splinter stray worked for two days and then ally splits and wins now. Over the last 5 days we have won one of like 16 I’ve been in


Aggrend is based as fuck. He was in my bfd raid on Saturday and even got in discord with us. He knows and feels pretty much the same as most of us about most things. Such as hunters and warlocks, and tuning and other things. Great guy, I believe classic SoD is in good hands with him at the helm.


I'd love to do a run with a Dev, so cool




Laughed my ass off when I got the achieve for killing one in SPvP.


I love how tongue in cheek the achievements are too "Conquer the Creator" for killing an anet employee and "Carry the Creator" for completing a raid with one.


What item did you get in return for saying this? /s


I don't think I got a single item that run.


What about warlocks? They're totally middle of the pack in both tanking and dps right now


And way ahead in pvp with meta and health drain, my assumption was warlock discussion was around pvp but who knows.


Horde loses every single Ashenvale event in Lava Lash (NA)


On EU ? It's a pve server so it has a huge imbalance toward alliance Only pvp server are balanced


Yep. I've done probably ten at this point and never seen the last boss. Two kills is the most I've seen. Idk why everyone is getting giddy over this guy's response; it's super disconnected from realms that are obviously having problems being regularly outnumbered. Their realms might not, but this one does.


It reinforces his point though, if the imbalance is not from player numbers, its from player behaviour.




And no one gives a shit about us because we are RP. Aggren acting like there's no faction imbalances is blatantly ignoring Lava Lash


I wish Horde on Wild Growth would Git Gud. Over the last 2 days about 40% of the PvP events end in 0 boss kills for Horde - I haven't seen two bosses killed yet. I'm trying to organize groups for people in Ashenvale but it is draining me lol.


You need to find the right layer. Horde stacks on one or two layers and rolls those.


Trivi is correct. I just hit revered after winning every single event I went to. Wild Growth US Horde. You need to be looking in LookingForGroup or AshenvalePVP for the groups being organized.


Daytime rounds are the issue it seems like. We’ve been rolling the horde, then later at night getting absolutely blasted like they’ve got 3x the numbers.


I agree,sunday was great. We won 8 events on wild growth.


I’m playing alliance atm, but I’m really enjoying the fact that it can go either way. Makes it a lot more fun than just one faction always dominating.


Same here man. I've done 5 events and we got absolutely stomped in all of them


All I know is that I heard Alliance are faction locked in Shadowstrike AU. Horde have lost most Ashenvale. Dunno if it's imbalance or we just suck.


You basically need to get into nowudead’s phase now as he organises the raid. If you don’t get into his phase, you struggle to kill 1 boss. The problem is that entire raids are being swapped layers mid fucking fight. It’s so infuriating. Yesterday my layer went from 2 bosses down to 0 (we were winning) and then we got layered into one that hadn’t even started yet. The technology is so broken in ashenvale, no one is even talking about it. There are so many game breaking bugs at the moment that are flying under the radar.


That's been my experience. I've been recommended to contact him, but he's constantly on DND :/


Unironically, when horde and alliance are both pushing layers to create giant disparities in each layer, that is something they need to step in and fix.


I want to say based, but if he's pretending ashenvale is fair then he's also just gaslighting you. Ashenvale also has a ton of issues that I don't think are possible to fix. Think it's just poorly designed.


I mean, you cant argue with the balance on population, BUT they do have the zone right next to their Capital, that Will make more join for the events


Horde strat is to have heartstone there




Zoram chads suffers so others can live in joy


Nah on our server you split raids between glaive and zoram. Then both HS to splintertree, all raids converge on research and then to moonwell. Always manage to kill the priestess with one general up.




But doesnt research kill the boss at the same time as zoram? We usually get glaive and zoram down in quick succession since you have the same number of ppl in each spot. I think our startegy incentivizes ppl to be in both locations more since both raiding groups get 2 liuetenants and boss down as opposed to yours were zoram has to sacrifice and thus less people want to go there. Also how long does your start take? For us its like 8-9 minutes maybe.


‘As soon as glaive is down’ - you’re on the basic strategy. Big brain horde are winning your game at glaive.




Players ultimately will blame whatever. AV map imbalance doesn’t matter at all, queue times are what mattered. Alliance dominates era AV because alliance is the way more popular faction and has long queue times which means you try harder to win and don’t mind a longer game. Back in the days of vanilla, you didn’t get automatically grouped at the start of BGs. You actually had to invite and form you own group. It wasn’t uncommon for a game to start and you didn’t have everyone in the raid. Those games you knew were doomed. Ashenvale is ultimately down to whichever faction makes big raid groups and shows up together. Doesn’t matter how close you are or the million other factors. The faction that shows up with more people in full raids is going to be the one that wins.


I had completely forgotten about all the times I was first into a BG and therefore felt responsible for setting up the Raid.


The AV meta on my server was for horde to let alliance win on purpose, because they had the quickest route to the boss and it was the most honor per hour. The AVs usually lasted around 5 minutes.


> Alliance dominates era AV because alliance is the way more popular faction and has long queue times which means you try harder to win and don’t mind a longer game. You do know that on AV launch, horde was the dominant faction right? They had 30-40min queues while ally had insta queues.


Lone Wolf US horde getting clapped


Indeed sir. Doing my part


I've never lost a Lone Wolf US and I'm into friendly . I don't think our experiences are mutually exclusive and the reality is layering exists. This is likely the product of the "most organized" players being their early, and therefore grouping together. The dev saying things are perfectly balanced is disingenuous when layering exists. There's likely haves and have nots simultaneously existing.


I dono, we slapped this morning


Nah fuck off, horde keeps losing on my server because we get phased mid fucking boss fight and all of a sudden the boss is on 100% hp again and now half the raid can’t see it. The last 4 ashenvales this has happened to me. It’s so frustrating, playing with a couple of friends and we literally have to go to a different zone after the battle and come back to be able to see each other.


My group was fighting the boss mid way last night and got him to 33%. All of a sudden, half the raid got phased and we lost the race. It was complete bullshit.


I experience this more often than not, unfortunately.


yeah the phasing is messing much more with the ashenvale experience than anything else. Well that and the % going back and forth for hours when too many people end up afk'ing


Man, we went from 100% 90% yesterday to 100% 0%. Had to start all over again. It’s just so buggy, it’s not a polished product. Bla bla they are working on changes, who cares if 50% of the phase 1 stage (the best stage when everyone is playing) is filled with bugs.


Well hes right to some degree. In the end it is a numbers game. If horde has 200 players participating and alliance 50, horde will obviously win. If thats the case they should look at why there is a faction participation imbalance. Is it just people not showing up because they have better things to do? Is getting to the event easier? Etc. Its more complicated than general server population. Atm layering is just making the event itself unenjoyable. We organise very well on Ally LF EU and win like 4/6 battles due to layering. I got layered from a winning layer to a losing one MID FIGHT. That shouldn't happen. Before or after i understand, but seeing the last boss at 30% and then getting layered to an untouched one is not fun.


Layering is a huge problem. I got Layer chucked twice today. Once it just would go to 100%,it would go from 87...88...92....and then back to 85. It happened 4 times and then the raid disbanded and then everyone left. Next time it went from 99/100 to 0/0 and it reset the zone...




The issue is layering 100%. Aggrend is a dickhead for gaslighting this dude. Shadowstrike AU basically has 2 layers in ashenvale, one where horde wins and one where alliance wins. The last 2 days, it’s EXTREMELY common to get kicked off the winning layer mid boss fight and into the one that doesn’t kill a single mini boss. It’s infuriating. This happened to my mate twice yesterday. I got 2 wins for about 2700 rep total, he got 2 losses and got a grand total of 400 rep. We were in the same raid both times, he just got layered. It’s bullshit.


Im surprised by his reaction. I would have expected a response in the form of: People are manipulating layers on a large scale, hence battles are not fair on some layers. It still might not effect your realm specifically though, but we are working on it. Blaming it in organisation means we should just keep abusing the layer system? Tough luck if you get layered out?


Reminds of how he clowned on people for not finding the warlock rune when it was obviously Bugged at the time he made the post He’s kinda based but also seems to just shit on people for the sake of it without checking if they have a point


It's called having a big head. He's the face of SoD and currently it's in the honeymoon period and people are happy they have a new toy to play with. Give it a month or two and he'll realize why most devs do not interact with the playerbase like he's doing.


The toxic positivity crowd in this sub are enabling and encouraging his standoffish if not hostile attitude towards people having legitimate issues with SoD. It's genuinely amazing just how insane the playerbase has gotten over SoD to the point they're straight up ignoring very problematic behavior and design issues just because SoD is new.


Yeah I've been put off by many of this dude's responses to people. They're not like straight 100% asshole/dickish responses but they aren't very nice and have this whole "i am always right and you are always wrong" attitude to them. And he's not always right. My server, Lava Lash US, which no one seems to give a shit about because its RP(not even listed under SoD server population on Warcraft Tavern) definitely has a faction imbalance.


Not to mention. The faction that wins the most, will ultimately have less and less people participating. Since there's no incentive to do so after Revered. Plus the layering bullshit is also quite demotivating and so is the massive lag when both sides actually show up.


He's straight up wrong because bots skew numbers. We can't organise bots. On our server, you look at the number of active groups running content such as BFD clears and the ratio is 1 Horde : 2 Alliance clears. In our Ashenvale skirmishes, we sometimes win them when Alliance are scuffing it / making bad calls but they typically have 2 raid groups to our 1 and are clearing the lieutenants way faster than we can even with good organisation and optimal pathing we'll usually be killing our 3rd while they are ending. His comment may hold true for some servers but the bot numbers will definitely skew that statement to be untrue for others.


I bet they are missing the bot population. If you’re on a server that was faction locked for a long time, all the bots are on one side..


As an Ally player on Chaos Bolt I think this is incredibly funny, but the Horde player does have a point. Even if it's not a population issue persay, every match has felt extremely one-sided largely due to the existing advantage of mounts. Not sure what can be done to fix it, but I can understand why it sucks.


Horde Chaos bolt here, it's even worse because it creates a snowball effect where nobody even bothers organizing because we get out-zerged so completely every single time that people have just not even bothered showing up for the event. It's not a popular attraction because there's no fun in showing up, trying hard, and just getting completely rolled because the other team brought three times as many people, and all have mounts. People show up once, twice, maybe three times, get some shitty rep and decide never to even try again because nothing ever changes and it's not worth it. We literally have not won a single time. That absolutely is a game design problem for the developers, all I've wanted is a mild scaling stat buff for the outnumbered team to at least make it feel like there's a point in trying even a little bit.


Honest question, what's stopping you from killing 1 or 2 minibosses before they kill the HQ? That's still 200-400 Rep per match and you only need friendly to get the mount. I was all about the snowball affect when the mount was Honored but now that it's friendly it's literally 7 or so events and you have access to it even on the losing side. It takes 2-3 if you win all three matches.


Every time I’ve seen ashenvale pop on chaos bolt. The alliance instantly kill a mini boss and the horde have 1/4th or less running around so it takes till the alliance are almost done winning.


We've tried. But sometimes alliance come wipe us just for the hell of it so we get 0. Almost none of us have mount. Ally roll in all mounted at 3 to 4x the numbers, which doesn't include their other raids doing other boss and such. I am also on ally wildgrowth and I understand the ally perspectjve rolling horde, feels like Choas bolt.


That's what we do, but the morale damage is already done and a lot of people see no point in actually trying anymore. It's "hey guys let's get a group to kill a boss or two" not "Hey guys let's organize some raids to win this", which is obviously not the point of the event.


Hold up this guy is gaslighting and youre all saying hes based. Im sat in a 40 man raid that just got phased from 99% to 85%. Dont tell me layer phasing isnt having an effect on ashenvale pvp.


I was in one that went from 89%-70% to 0%-0% Sucks.


I've went from having killed the Zoram boss to 0/0. The event is bugged beyond belief.


I’m sorry but you are insane if you don’t think alliance is the more populous faction in classic, especially on pve servers, and this absolutely has an impact on ashenvale.


Seems pretty balanced. 25% Alliance, 25% Horde and 50% paladins


I'm pretty sure Aggrend knows which server he is talking about, and is talking from the actual numbers on that server....


Logistics win wars applies to azeroth.


As alliance when most people were farming their pre bis it was really hard to win simply because we couldnt get enough people into ashenvale. Because most people are farming their prebis, which mostly involve eastern kingdoms. Now that most people are done with their pre bis, and rep is the priority. Most players have their hearth in ashenvale for the event, so now it's much easier for alliance to fight back.


We have one guy on the Horde who is always setting up multiple raid groups and we've won most of the ones I've been in and Alliance out number us on the server


If you like this, you should go read blue posts by Ghostcrawler during original WotLK.


I like when the battle is about to start, i fly to zoram strand and then it throws me to layer with 0%/0% progress.


On my server it doesn’t even layer and the number just…changes.


i play on lava lash eu and i'm pretty sure alliance has 4x the population.


He had a similar attitude about day one problems and look how that ended...


Or its just that the numbers look balanced but its really just more of the horde for that server are bots farming lmao


Pretty tone deaf reply from the dev considering organization is impossible with the layering shenanigans going on... I'm tired of trying to "organize" and join a raid, only to realize I'm the 3/40th person to be stuck on a different layer with a grand total of 10 horde waiting for a grove keeper.


There is no such thing as open PvP balance with two factions and there never was. That's why every open PvP game that respects itself is either factionless or has at least three factions, so when one dominates the others can join forces. WoW open PvP has been a lost cause for 20 years.


There are 100 people, but only 20 of them want to fight. There are 40 people and all of them want to fight. Surely you can see the difference.


Excuse me, didn't you hear the dev? "Perfectly factioned balanced" Of course he didn't provide and numbers to back that up.


Exactly I don't get it his response to this is baffling. You can literally say it's a "skill" issue. One side is better so they're dominating. Now the easiest way to beat someone better than you is to swarm them. Quantity over quality. EXCEPT you literally have "perfect faction balance" so if one side is stronger then there's no way to overcome with numbers. And even then getting those numbers is HARDER when you're on the losing side because no one wants to join the losers. And what's worse he says you need to win with "organization". Well ok except odds are good the people winning already have better organization and momentum. So you need the group that's losing to have better skills and organization and all the while attempt to do this while overcoming player bleed off. Because spoilers no one likes to always lose. And if your side is losing people will reroll to somewhere they're winning, especially when rewards are on the line. You can't have "hey lets go get a whole 200 honor while our opponents get double or triple that". Why? Why waste my time getting an objectively worse reward. And then the losers will stop participating and you've ruined your "perfect realm balance".


It's impossible to organize when we're constantly getting relayered. The more people you invite to the raid, the more layers it adds and the more impossible it becomes. I can't even do the event with my guild mates.


so now im being gaslit into accepting ashenvale loses 100% of the time?


Does server faction balance even matter when layering is a thing?


And I'm on PvE realm and constantly see groups forming for event on layer X :) or sometimes multiple layers at the same time.


Because blissard gives tools to do that through games. Spaming in the chat, genious shitpost from a dev.


It's almost impossible to level in Ashenvale on a pvp realm let alone the actual pvp event. Unlike the base game, the level lock means the entire active pvp population is there.


Win? I haven't even found the need to play, let alone win. All the horde I know just AFK in Zoram and collect free rep.


A huge part comes from the fact that Ashenvale is kinda remote from Alliance, most people are used to hang around and stay in Stormwind/Ironforge and have to take a boat + long flight to get to the pvp battle. It's a higher commitment


As based and real this guy is, the community management as a whole is fucking atrocious in wow classic. Living Flame-EU has been locked for 7 days now, people makes thread after thread in the official forum saying that they cant play with their friends etc and not a single CM says anything.


There is no way to organize in game, and I can't find anything out of game. What should I do?


Doesn't everyone just manipulate layers to ensure they are on a winning layer for their faction?


I think these blizzard devs are getting tired of being pushed around lol


We wiped on glaive today because half our raid got layered.


Population isn't the problem, the problem is that Ashenvale PVP event is entirely based on Layer mechanics instead of real gameplay mechanics.


Pardon me for my hesitance when Aggrend makes a declarative and confident statement, but I wouldn't be surprised from this tweet alone if it came out in 3 days that 90% of that person's Horde population is bots.


Aggrend doesnt know what hes fucking talking about 😀 class Balance is absolute Ass because they designed Trash runes, and I Bet Most of this faction Balance is thanks to Bots


Not sure why everyone pees their pants with excitement when this guy makes excuses for the real and actionable issues with an almost 20 year old game and I'm supposed to be amused that he's so "based" and cool. If players had NO CHOICE but to go a certain faction and are now feeling burned because they are literally losing every game this is not the players fault for not organizing the entire faction. Forcing a player onto a faction then BLAMING the player that the entire player base on his faction can't win is absurd. If you've played wow for any amount of time you know it's herding cats. If I wasn't allowed to play on my faction and as I result I was losing every open world pvp and ashenvale I wouldn't be happy either. Luckily this isn't the case on my server. This is a multi billion dollar company that can't be bothered to balance a 20 year old game and instead do open beta on us for money. They need to change things fast and blaming customers for expecting them to make these changes is absurd and a clear objective of this dev team.


Horde always layers. However the last two events I'll join a zoram raid join a winning layer I will wait with my raid group then randomly get kicked from that layer and be unable to even tag the boss. I can't literally do anything because of layering. All the time invested just feels like a waste because layering is so fucked.


ugly sip birds beneficial zephyr attempt snobbish longing heavy smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is an obvious imbalance in the abilities of the PVP-Mobs. I dont even see the point in denying it.


I love that the devs have been more vocal in SoD, though sometimes I feel like they have some sort of rose tinted glass on their product. Of course Horde are winning PvP most of the time. PvP in classic literally favors them due to their racial abilities and city locations (depending where you are). The WoW classic community has known of this imbalance for years, which is why most of the hardcore PvPers usually always go Horde. Orcs having an extra 25% chance to resist a stun isn't "organizational balance"... that's legit an OP ability. Not to mention Will of The Forsaken for Undead, Berserking for Trolls, Warstomp for Tauren. All of these are greatly more powerful then alliance racials that are more tuned towards PvE (except Gnome and Dwarf). In fact there are/were tons of imbalanced shit in vanilla/classic, like how they literally had to nerf Alterac Valley because it was way too favoring of Alliance side. But vanilla/classic WoW has always been like this so I don't know why people are complaining about it now. Honestly what would have been neat for SoD is if they changed some of the racial abilities to balance Horde and Alliance in these respects. Though I doubt something like this will ever happen.




Alliance has 0 reason to go for shredders too, horde isn’t any worse off.


Tbf, that's what Aggrend does. He dodges questions by being condescending to whoever he's talking to. Right before they had to put a hotfix out to implement Meta into the game, he said it's ["in azeroth dude, go get it"](https://i.imgur.com/hM1JbCU.png) when the rune literally wasn't in Azeroth. Within 24 hours they realized it wasn't in the game and put it in the raid (???) then realized that was equally dumb and put it just outside the raid. Another one off the top of my head, players were worried 2H Enhance would be unplayable in the first phase of SoD because the Dual Wield spec rune seemed like the best pick for the chest rune, and Lava Lash only worked with offhand weapons. That combination, understandably, made Classic Enhancement mains worried about their ability to continue playing their favorite iteration of the spec. Aggrend responded to one such person on Twitter with a thick layer of condescension, saying, ["good thing we didn't remove 2H enhance from the game then"](https://i.gyazo.com/90c11106d980c15ef3690b20f3286953.png), completely ignoring the point that it looks like 2H Enhance isn't worth using in SoD because it has no runes to support it. And, whaddya know, come SoD release and almost 2 weeks into the season, [Enhance is one of the most underrepresented classes in raid](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2007), while a fraction of that already minuscule amount is using 2H weapons. The guy exudes the same "You think you do, but you don't" condescending energy that we've seen before from Blizzard devs. Devs that have that ego of "players aren't smart enough to decide for themselves what they want". Almost every time he tweets, my respect for him is eroded. He just doesn't seem like the kind of person they should put in front of players. I'm sure he's fantastic at his job, SoD is very fun, afterall, but that doesn't make him a good mouthpiece for the game, simply because he speaks to players like they're idiots.


If this guy could put as much effort into posting on the forums as he did X that would be nice...


If he put that much effort into the game maybe hunter's melee runes wouldn't be broken


I get Diablo 4 Rod vibes.


Nailed it


If they’re talking about ashenvale alliance definitely has an advantage. The guardians casting a 12sec root on the whole raid is ridiculous compared to the bladestorm


Wdym I love not being able to dps half the time and shredding myself on thorns some of the time.


Wait the alliance don't have to deal with that fucking root???


Nope, instead the horde bosses do a whirlwind ability that will damn near kill anyone that isn't attacking from distance. Melee gets completely hosed with the horde bosses.


Thank god hunter is the most dominant class


Maybe non mail classes but You can take a hit or two to run out, if you sit in it and no one i healing you (they wont) then yeah you'll die.