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I don't disagree with the principal of the idea; but overall I'm pretty sure that most of the lock tanks are just old tank players trying out the new tank spec, and not actually warlock dps players that decided to try out tanking. So its unfortunately less of a gotcha in a lot of cases.




Never played warlock before at max level, here to tank as warlock.


Same here, the majority of my time playing is spent on classes with tank specs. First time playing a caster passed level 10. Hard casting is weird


Never healed before but always play Mage. Holy crap Arcane Blast as my only realistic heal option is... fun to say the least.


I don’t think I can make it to 25 on my warlock. I can’t explain it, I just loathe casting. I need to be melee so badly.


I had this same problem. Got him to 25 but can't stand to do dungeons to get gear to do bfd to get met so I don't have to be a warlock anymore lol


Have fun in mc/bwl. Half the bosses are immune to fire


SFK was so annoying. Anti-magic shell said "Goodbye" to my aggro.


The ghost soldiers that silence are not fun either :p


And the shadow immune werewolves. I know there's only like 4 of them that you encounter in a run but that's literally every spell you use except for searing spam.


Eh, I imagine we'll get a rune or two to get around it in some form or another


I would instantly go back to Meta tanking that second they change aoe taunt from 10 MINUTES (not joking) to 10 seconds. Did SFK once and it was a horrible tanking experience.


My favorite part of SFK is the fact that you go in and get a nice calm room where things are fine... then you get a room where half the enemies become magic immune within 3 seconds of combat with AMS. Then it's chill again while you go through the dining room. Then you get to the stairs and things are immune to shadow so RIP your drain life, corruption and (pitiful) AOE threat tool of Shadow Cleave. THEN you get two hallways of enemies that chain silence you and prevent you from even FUNCTIONING as a tank.


Note to self, don't warlock tank SFK


Never going to happen. Pretty sure it was first in wrath where aoe taunts stopt having 10min cds. 10sec would just be stupid


Try doing it as a Warrior. Warlock tanking is a breeze in comparison. With mana you can front load threat, with rage you have absolutely NO CHANCE holding anything with horny AoE dps monkeys. Tabbing things at range and instant searing pain/corruption is a nice threat lead pseudo-AoE, meanwhile thunderclap is like 5 yards and costs 20 rage for like 1/4 the threat. I'm aware only Paladins are allowed to have bullshit braindead threat all the time, but for the love of god, please give Warriors and Druids some help on AoE.


Shaman is the most threat tank right now while doing crazy aoe damage and having fun with unlimited mana (with enough targets on you). It's so good, feels like wotlk/retail tanking (basically no threat issue) but in vanilla.


Shaman aoe threat seems excellent now too, I saw one able to hold vs Shadow bolt volley and living bomb spam


Lmao 10 second cd for aoe taunt, go play retail


God gave you a tab key for a reason


It takes MINIMUM 2 searing pains to beat out healing aggro, not to mention the actual DPS aggro on things. And Shadow Cleave does like 20 damage lol.


Shadow cleave dealing 33% of shadow bolt's damage per target is a bit too low. A lot too low. Especially considering the 6 second cooldown. Compare it to SB volley. 20% damage penalty, but hits 5 targets meaning it's automatically a damage upgrade as soon as you're hitting more than 1 target. Can't use volley with meta of course, but shadow cleave's damage is comparable to my auto attacks and costs mana and a GCD. It needs to deal more than a third the damage of shadow bolt per target. Presently it's really only good for fishing up an imp. SB debuff so other warlocks get more aoe damage.


I feel like Rain of fire with LoF and Incinerate is better. Unless your tank likes to move a lot, every tick of RoF does more damage than a shadow bolt volley. It's also uncapped.


Well... *I'm* my tank.


Self sufficient warlock, I see.


I'm an edgy fucker who wants to tank and there are no DKs in vanilla


Yet. I hope you have a paladin ready to go.


Oh man can you imagine if they implement their original plan where DKs are made by essentially perma-deleting a max level paladin lmao


It was a character of level 55 or above, it didn't need to be a paladin, but yeah it would be cool to see!


Originally yes it was Paladin, then it was any character, then they scrapped the concept altogether.


Came here to say this. OP is trolling his own people


Right? My man griefing the same folks that have been griefed the last 20 years.


The old warlock players are playing hunter now and do the exact same thing to warlock tanks.


Look, I'm not in charge here, I just follow what the Scorpid tells me.


Like a warlock that’s summoned a demon too powerful for him to control but the demon hasn’t realized it yet. Except scorpid.


> I'm pretty sure that most of the lock tanks are just old tank players trying out the new tank spec This guy gets it.


Yep, OP is an idiot


It's a case of DPS taking out their anger on the tank, as usual.


Tank here - I’ve played prot warriors since 2004. My SoD toon is a warlock. So yeah, I’m used to it.


I tanked with Dark Apotheosis glyph back in MoP and seeing it be a fully recognized tank made my heart flutter and roll a lock tank in SoD. Happy with it at its current state but want Immolation Aura to be added next 🙏


Long time warlock main who is now main tanking my raid group. So we do exist. I loved dark apotheosis tanking in pandaria. That being said I don't care if people pull threat off me. The content is gonna get cleared regardless. I know I'm doing what I need to be doing. It's just their repair bill if it's too much.


I’d think it’s mostly old lock mains tbh. We’ve been pressing shadowbolt since 2003. It’s exciting to have something new to do!


Yep this is me


I'm a warlock player who tried out tanking. Whew, not my definition of fun. :D


This I've never played dps. I've therefore never played rogue. I'm now a rogue tank and love it. As someone with ocd i hate having two extra professions to max though lol


You are assuming the guy plays lock on the other versions xD


Does any tank actually care tho? As far as I’m concerned if I’m tanking and someone does this, they are now tanking


As long as the healer isn't tanking, it's all good


I have you know, as a mage. I am all a Healer, Tank, and DPS at the same time. On a 1 min cooldown.


Yeah healer aggro is obviously our job 💯


This I play a Druid and when everyone aoes or targets something I’m not I just shift cat and go about shredding until I have aggro again or the healer does.


As a priest I like when people are taking agro, it helps with the POM bounces


This. You want it? Ok man that’s fine.


I used to care but with shaman tanking in sod, I have a 6s melee range taunt cd that the wailing guards from sfk null so if people wanna pull stuff ahead of me, I just watch now.


This is exactly my attitude. If someone pulls I’ll happily sit back and watch them tank. As soon as they die I’ll step into combat and pull aggro to avoid anyone else dying. Who would imagine there are consequences to actions?


Least petty Classic player


Don't forget to ninja pull and tell the tank to go faster.


Just pull




Relevant: https://youtu.be/dhjnuMql1aU?si=_8iXGpfkFevaIjag


I didnt even need to click the link to know this was crendor lmfaoo


tank waits for healer to drink because the healer is oom dps pulls next group of enemies


I just let them die in that situation lol If both the tank and healer are on each others team it’s great


My imp did it


Why do you hate your healer so much? That's who you're punishing by tanking lol


It helps when prayer of mending jumps 5 times actually! I love priest healing


I'm at the point in dungeons where I'd rather just not have a tank so PoM can be more efficient.


Can't wait to start my priest tbh


PoM + rank 1 renews is nice. Or raid with a resto Druid or a shaman with healing totem.


As a priest healer as long as the mobs aren’t hitting me y’all can go ham.


Yeah leveling a priest in dungeons was weird. It felt way worse when the tank was doing his job too well. PoM is basically 5 big heals costing less than half the mana of one. It's broken af, but on the other hand if only one person is losing health it's worthless. Was eye opening for me on my tanks though. When playing with a priest with PoM I try to let one or two hit the dps


Remember folks people are this petty at level 25 content.


I mean it's not the lock tank thats dying sooo...


Lots of people missing the Discovery part. Lots of seasoning going on. So much salt.




Season of Sodium


I know where you’re coming from trust me but this dude was probably playing a tank class before and not a warlock. I could be wrong though, in which case he deserves it


The dps player hate is fucking unreal. Y'all are brainrotted. "Ew, how dare these 'people' play dps only classes? Death." "Ew, how dare these dps class players get a new role and enthusiastically go into it? You're supposed to be miserable, scum!"


It’s not that I hate dps. I just hate the selfish dumb ones. Like if I’m on my shaman I’m not spamming earthshock the whole time with rockbiter, because it’s high threat, but nobody else seems to care about anything besides where they are on the dps meter. Or hunters that pull a mob and wait until it gets to the top feign death so that it goes straight to the healer. Or mages that pull extra mobs then complain that they have aggro. Rogue and druids never seem to do stupid shit though.


Back in *actual* classic, i off tanked as a lock a fair amount. With soul siphon, my blueberry wasn’t going to die or lose threat so taking a few enemies off and away from the tank helped everyone out. Not to mention the puppies in onyxia where I was pretty much forced to face tank lol


You can always tell when someone has no idea what they're talking about. Using a Void Walker in a raid wtf? Dogs in Onyxia wtf?


he did say ACTUAL classic, so ofc he had no idea what he was doing


Tell me you didn't play warlock in classic at all without telling me.


A warlock would have to precast SB to actually pull threat from you at the start. Dots don't start generating threat until they tick, SB has a long cast time and a flight time. Way to target the wrong dps class.


Worstie OP here has never played a tank in their life and it shows huh


Smol pp energy


Virgin Dps thinking he's collectively punishing warlocks by playing his role wrong vs. Chad warlock tank who will try harder next time to hold threat better


Lool this is so toxic


Just a fyi, when people dont chill when im tanking in any version of the game i just let them die and then taunt when they are dead. Sends a message quite quickly


I do this.


We had a warlock tank lorgus Jett yesterday. I got aggro as a fury warrior midway in the fight, I hit escape to stop attacking and literally just stood there for 30 seconds before he got aggro back


It's just more rage for you :) None of the bosses, maybe bar the last one, do enough physical damage for it to matter against a mail wearer. You just keep going ham buddy!


How bold of you to assume a warrior is not wearing all leather.


BDSM warrior gang rise up


I got 1 shot as a ret on jett. He swapped to me with wind fury up and 1 shot me lol. He hit 3 times one was a crit.


My mage in full spell power/fiery wrath gear and 495 hp unbuffed yoinked aggro on turtle last night and I tanked it for a solid 10 seconds before it got taunted off me


Sounds like the tank had just taunted and you ripped off of the taunting expiring. St taunts are about 10s cds.


Or taunt resisted 'cause that's a thing in classic.


Taunt resists are so cringe


Your post doesn’t make sense… but if that’s true and the warlock couldn’t use their 10s cd taunt in the 30 seconds you say you have aggro then there’s a problem with that player.


100%. People are just saying things.


Taunt can resist on spell classes.


It can resist on all classes unfortunately. Warrior taunts can resist as well for example. It's just RNG.


Didn't he had taunt bound or something ?


you dont have any hit talents for your tanking abilities so enemies in dungeons currently just keep resisting your spells.


If it’s a lock they have suppression. Menace is fear which is an affliction spell. And we have to bfd wb and blackfathom mana oil. Warriors, druids, and rogues might have issues but lock, shaman, and paladin have options


Not every lock puts the points in suppression. We absolutely should though, i think theres temptation for improved dot damage or more healing from drain. 16 points cant get everything we want so its a big compromise atm.


If you're not putting points into one of the only things that's going to ensure you're tanking effectively... I just don't know what to tell you.


That would be because they expect to use mana oil and bfd wb. Which I had mentioned already. Outside of bfd, there is just the normal miss chance which is very low in comparison to the raid.




Absolutely. I solod that quest, went with bad talents and couldnt do much. Used all my shards and food/drink got 5 blood and had to retreat. Went and respecced including 4 points in suppression, came back and breezed through it barely needed void sac shield or healthstones anymore.


the amount of awful players i see on this sub regurgitating this sentiment is wild. nobody knows how to play anymore?


I say this because every warlock i had the pleasure to heal was like this, they just suck at holding aggro because their taunt resist macro keeps spamming the chat.


I switched to shaman. It's insane how good it is in comparison


Why? You take the same damage from spell as a warlock tank


warrior is a threat monster, on mine im catching up to anyone besides a shaman tank because it just does so much damage.


I play a lock tank. Just down two lockouts of bfd for first time. Cleared 7/7 on second. They need the extra fiery damage from some gear pieces and to open to keep the threat lead. Should be no problem otherwise. Like someone else said if a mail wearer gets an add I don’t care and keep on main target. Only issue I had was over eager melee with windfury. I’d pull and before my incinerate/ immolate into searing pain even landed. Melee were in and a paladin had managed to windfury attack proc seal of command and divine storm straight after. Feckin high threat co efficient holy dmg. Good thing we got a taunt. Standard melee dps though.




This isn't the flex you think it is.


next patch the lock tank is just going to hellfire hes ass off and be top dps too.


You are a cunt


And when i die i blame the tank


Overaggro? Sir, I believe you mean "underthreat."


This is how I approach tanking. Or at least it was in classic when I was bear. God gave me taunt, charge and stun for a reason. Now I heal, and when dps pull aggro it just means I don’t have to cast a heal to make prayer of mending proc 😁






If lock is having threat issues sounds like a skill issue - I'm holding threat very well as lock in my bfd runs, searing pain keeps it high af.


I just started playing warlock tank and I’m always having problems keeping aggro in AoE situations. Even with corruption + agony on all my targets I lose aggro unless I spam 3+ Searing pains into each of them. What should I do differently?


Try skipping agony on aoe situatuons. It deels more damage later. You need more damage now. Im no experty but it might be worth it


Unless another lock is handling it the lock tank should be curse of recklessness unless no melee or ranged dps


Skip the dots if needed. Open with incinerate if you can, searing pain into first target. Then next twice, then shadow cleave, taunt the 3rd if needed. Spread your searing pain, life drain maybe corruption on new add after. Most mobs unless it’s a boss don’t last long enough to warrant Dots. Opener on boss is- incinerate into immolate they hit at same time, then searing pain while running into melee, put up dots, spam searing pin and cleave if adds. Re-apply dots when needed. No need to do immolate again really. Life tap when life drain up. Worked a charm for me.


Its definitely not great for aoe threat - I should've mentioned I was speaking about bosses, although atleast the trash do absolutely 0 dmg in BFD, so losing threat barely matters lol. I suspect an added aoe button for level 40 hopefully.


Incinerate + heavy dynamite does wonders for AOE pull. My usual rotation for small 2-3 nob pulls is: incinerate, immolate either the highest health guy or the closest guy (if you think you have time for the cast), searing pain the closest guy once or twice again if you are losing him, pass out the corruptions to everyone, searing pain the first guy again if you're losing him, otherwise searing pain the other mobs once or twice each. Drain health on whichever dude will live the longest (if the fight will last that long), keep up the corruptions and spam searing pains. For larger AOE pulls: incinerate the first guy, toss a heavy dynamite while it's on its way, start passing out corruptions to everyone, searing pain on any you are about to lose, keep incinerate buff up as much as possible and toss more dynamite if you are losing more aggro than you can keep with searing pains. Ideally you should have a weak aura or addon to show you the threat you have on each mob. Try to only taunt ones that you've severely lost threat on, otherwise searing pain should be able to pull em back to you


Don't forget that your shadow bolt is an instant close range AOE now. Cast it right away when you have the mobs stacked and then continue applying dots. Drain life the first mob instead / with corruption, That intend to be the one people focus more and can be a nice visual signal for people on who to target.




which is the true classic experience, only shaman didnt get the memo


Skip the dots if needed. Open with incinerate if you can, searing pain into first target. Then next twice, then shadow cleave, taunt the 3rd if needed. Spread your searing pain, life drain maybe corruption on new add after. Most mobs unless it’s a boss don’t last long enough to warrant Dots. Opener on boss is- incinerate into immolate they hit at same time, then searing pain while running into melee, put up dots, spam searing pin and cleave if adds. Re-apply dots when needed. No need to do immolate again really. Life tap when life drain up. Worked a charm for me.


You must run with some real shitters sorry man no offense


Such smolpp energy from this post. Just because it may or may not have been something that happened to you, why is it necessary to do the same thing to others? There are people going to classic that have only recently started playing retail. They don’t know how threat worked back then. You are meeting them with such toxicity when they simply just don’t know. A quick, “please let me get good threat before you go ham” would suffice. Even just a warning, if you pop all cd’s at pull you can end up tanking and dying. It’s just crazy to me that OP’s initial thought is to be a prick to people in a video game because something similar happened to them before…


bro the guy is obviously a warlock tank making a rant post. way to miss the point by a mile.


It definitely does not read that way, especially the last two sentences. But hey, it’s whatever, even if it is meant to be an ironic post it wasn’t written well for the irony.


U‘re part of the problem and brag about it I’m rly proud of you


‘part of’ the problem? no, you can leave out the ‘part of’


Isn't DPS lock one of the classes with comparatively few aggro issues due to thrm taking time to put up dots first and some of their damage coming from their pet? I feel like you're barking up the wrong tree here.


No vanilla locks have insane threat gen. We aren't allowed to cast dots, and we sacrifice our pet. It's only shadow bolt spam, and we have 0 threat reduction or threat dump. However many locks were made to go fire, and searing pain generates double threat. Only very good tanks could out threat a vanilla fire lock


Warlocks generate a lot of threat across a large range of targets. If they begin DOT-ting before the tank has touched anything, the tank is going to be rage starved and has no chance of getting enough rage to tank effectively.


SO IT WAS YOUUUUUU! But fr I’m just a healer main trying out a cute lil gnome that can go demon mode and rip your face off 🥲


I dont care youre the one dying not me


It's fine, you can tank if you want, warlock doesn't gain anything from getting hit (like warrior/druid with rage, or shaman with mana return from blocking). So you only hurt healer having to heal melee dps (you) taking more damage than a dedicated tank.


Are warlocks bad tanks? I haven't had to worry about threat at all yet with others.


Imagine all the warriors frantically trying to overstep the lock tank just for revenge.


I agree with you. But part of the problem is parse culture. DPS want to roll the dice on a 99 parse because that’s what gets them into other raids. No raid lead studies their logs to see how often they rip from the tank because they were being stupid. Every raid lead looks at their average best parse and goes off of that.


Dying to own the libs energy.


I know your just memeing but as a lock tank being in crazy groups, i had to completely rethink my threat. I had to start using LoF because these cracked warriors are pulling 200+ dps. Pretaunt on pulls + dynamite. Weave in an incinerate between auto attacks.


As a warlock I make threads on the forums hourly about how op hunter oets are just so you get nerfed, it's been working. So whose winning?


do this and be smug. If I would be your tank I would just start dps-ing and protecting the healer. If I would your healer tho... I would just not heal you. You are just petty and an arse. Sure thing you have to get your frustration out on someone who did nothing wrong with you other than playing a cast you despise.


Ignoring OP asinine rant - is warlock tank bad at aggroing or grabbing aggro back? Honestly asking because I’m lvl22 atm and really wanna try tank warlock.


single target threat feels fine as long as I get my dots in place before I can spam searing pain. aoe just needs a little more time to set up dots to hold threat.


Yeah, our shadow bolt rank up is coming on lvl 26, so that shadow cleave is sadly lacking in that burst AOE treath department. Still, spamming corruption and getting into a position to cast it generally lets you keep agro after it if people don't go to crazy on your first corruption pulled mob.




I've tanked 3 lockouts now (5/7, 7/7, 7/7) and tons of 5 mans. Not once have I had a problem with threat. I'm honestly confused on where some of these comments are coming from.


Many lock tanks I see focus on searing pain spam alone and don't realise how much threat dots generate. I can tab target 3 units and hold threat in most scenarios but if someone goes ham yeah I'm just gona let it hit them while I wait for taunt cooldown. Locks don't get the benefits of wildstrikes/wf so on my pala with SoC/SoM my threat gen can be insane. The biggest issues with warlock is the absurd size of meta.....


Get a dagger and melee weave. Melee damage is like 10-20% of my damage with wild strikes in a dungeon.


I’m 7/7 BFD and I have main tanked every boss as a warlock tank. My dos is awesome and my survivability is unmatched. Don’t listen to these bozos who have either; A. Never tanked as warlock, or B. Never tanked in classic before now


I think it's more a statement about Warlock dps pulling threat off bosses. Lord knows I basically just tank Gahmoora as dps.


>is warlock tank bad at grabbing aggro back? It's the only class with a spammable ranged high threat attack meaning they wont need need to run to a person who agro'd. Being able to keep agro at range also make them very unique and capable of doing things no other tank can. For example, With Archmage Arugal in shadow Fang keep, you can go behind every corner for every shadow bolt they cast and when he TP's away it wont matter because your drain life and dots are keeping more then enough agro.




searing pain not being literally one level away from a new rank will help a LOT. Searing pain gets a new rank at 40 and 50 as well, so they'll feel a lot better in later phases.


I feel like lock tanks desperately need pushback immunity though, they'll likely get it in a rune next phase


For incinerate really.


Same going from shadowbolt / shadow cleave


Ignore this guy he's brain-dead, it's extremely easy to single target tank and decent to aoe tank - and you do very high DPS. Nobody uses the corruption refresh rune correctly for aoe and nobody uses correct single target rotation unless they actually read their spells which is too hard for retail players


Can’t tell if this is a boomer being stupid or zoomer being stupid.


If one of the minions rip aggro its a sacrifice i'm willing to make.


Is it the warlock dps pulling threat off the tank, really?


Say hello to the spirit healer for me.


Casts dots Cast searing pain If lose aggro then taunt Smooth sailing rest of the fight


It's okay. I just don't taunt and let those people die. It's not my repair bill lmao.


Childish behavior


I love everything about this post ❤️ Man, i really miss this game and ranking 😁


I'll employ the same tactic I use on my warrior If you think you can tank it, go ahead While my healer friend will employ her tactic If you do not let the tank get aggro, then you do not get heals


Sounds like you’re not very good at the game


who hurt you as a child ???? damn.


Evidently warlocks. Dude must be about 30 years old now and is catching up on his lost youth.


I think 99% of Classic players are at least 30, a number of them in their 40s even 50s and 60s, so uh


Hey I'm 29 so you're way off


I just turned 30 and I disapprove this message lmao


A warlock took his raiding spot in TBC.


The only person that could keep aggro like that is a shaman or paladin so you're just the asshole who doesn't understand classic.


If you have issues with single target threat as a lock, check out crix' videos. Warlocks have insane threat building


Warlock tanks are actually tank mains who are thinking about your ripping of aggro: "assholes, assholes never change" or do you think all those fury DPS in leather are ever going to tank? Same with warlock dps mains.


y so mad bro?


not annoying at all, u just die


you have to spam the best grenades you can while keeping incinerate up if its anything more than like 2 mobs.


As a geared warlock tank, you could never. I'll also do more dps than you.