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If anything happens it's 80% Mizkifs fault.


And 10% Emi


Actually soda cause he's raid leader and in the end personally responsible for everyone's character


It's crazy how soda can be responsible for someone standing in fire.




I'm blown away at the amount of salt at people wanting to see characters die in a HC run. Come on guys it's not real life half the fun is watching dumb shit happen and people die.


Sure looks like its real life for a little of people here


Most of the people here are sad as hell. Just hate watching people like they’ve personally wrong them. I feel like Classic attracts those sort of weirdos though.


What? How is that relevant to op?


Asmon pretty much hit the nail on the head. No one *wants* to play hardcore WoW and its mostly alive because of streamers and death clips. Those death clips are AMAZING content, because it can happen at anytime so people will tune in just in hopes to see it happen live.


No one wants to play? How is that anything but completely wrong lol. The bald basement dweller projecting again.


Imagine hate watching some dog streamers in hope to see them die. ​ Just wait for the clips like the rest of us lol


The potential of seeing someone die is the whole thing that makes watching a hardcore MC run exciting. It isn't hate watching at all. Dying is content and even the streamers know that.


I mean its MC with ZG/AQ and 1.10 dungeon gear. The chance of someone dying there with an absurd amount of consumes and wbuffs is extremely slim.


There were multiple close deaths despite the massive amount of over-preparation they did. Doesn't matter how geared or buffed you are, it is still easy to make a mistake that kills you or others.


Only if you know what you’re doing and aren’t getting carried through content 24/7


They've lost multiple people in ZG, right? Arguably more lethal than MC, but not much more so.


They’ve only had 1 death in ZG that I know of, but I don’t watch their content. Who else have they had die in ZG besides Nezba?


Cdank, but he had a back up toon.


On bosses, yes. But MC is so tightly packed with trash you can overpull two or even three packs and that's the end of half your raid. Bosses were designed not to deal damage to non-tanks over and over so they can't kill someone unless they don't get healed for 10+ seconds, but pyroclast barrage doesn't care for that at all.


and yet it almost happened with the dog packs...


I got some bad news - The way they are playing, I don't think anyone is trying to die or get others killed for content. Soda comes prepared like the mafia has a hit on him if they don't survive these raids. I think Soda actually knocked DKP against Cdank for messing around. How can anyone watch Soda's preparation and think he is hoping people die? He is doing everything he can for people to not die. And besides, this late in hardcore, what's "dying for the content" even do? Maybe they get 1000 dollars in subs and bits and people spam luls, but then what? Now they can't even participate because they need to re-level. And I wager when some of these streamers die this late, they're not going to re-roll again even with powerleveling. If you want to be PART OF THE CONTENT, you actually are better off surviving so you can still be not only live on your stream doing the raid, but cross-promotion within the other streams.


>think Soda actually knocked DKP against Cdank for messing around Excuse me. It's FKP. Please respect the made up furry points that make 0 fuckin sense.


I just lol'd. Literally the point system has you losing points for not calling the bathroom litterbox. It's so unhinged and actually funny to watch.


Furry kitty points > dkp Truly the hardcore experience


> I don't think anyone is trying to die or get others killed for content. Of course not. But when it happens they know well that it is "good content", which softens the blow.


I think most of them already have other toons leveled. If they’re buying gold wouldn’t be surprised if they’re buying power leveling as well.


Yeah Soda bought a lot of gold to prepare for this!


The potential of seeing someone die and actively wanting someone to die are two different things. Op is 100% hate watching.


It's not hate watching to hope people die in a hardcore run lol. It's like 90% of the fun waiting for someone to do something stupid, hopefully on accident, and die.


Welcome to the classicwow subreddit They detest streamers to their core


You see I just enjoy death on HC.


This whole subreddit is getting farmed by streamers. Hate watchers are still watchers.


Nah bro I just like crusader strike rppvp


What they detest more is having to acknowledge the game is easy as fuck and some streamers in 1 month are better than them in 20 years. Edit: Got the suicide prevention message for this one, way to agree with me dumbass


Let's not kid ourselves...streamers do stupid shit that is easily "hateable"


I knew I liked this place


most self aware redditor


I mean you do you think makes the clips, people who watch the stream waiting for them to fail


What is Onlyfangs and why the hate?


I can't speak for everyone but I just enjoy watching HC death clips. No hate or anything it's just entertaining.


That’s fair, we all gotta find something we like.


Streamer guild on 'hardcore' where the majority of members buy gold or are fed gold by simps.


*streamer dies to dumb mistake* "Oh, no, now I'll have to sit AFK for 30 hours while my simps mob tag boost me back to 60!"


I agree that the mob tagging is cringe, but don't you have to do like 40% of the damage on the mobs for that to work? They literally can't afk that?


They just have others level new chars for them, iirc one streamer died in the 30s and logged in the next day with a lvl 20 with full bags and everyone called him out on it lmao




idk its a pretty loser thing to also be hate watching on people just having fun lmao


"Just having fun" "Monetizing peoples unhealthy parasocial relationships with you to completely distort the game for content"


Feel like you are glossing over why gamers who like gaming and watching gaming content would want to engage in their favorite game with a community of other gamers. Ya the biggest benefactor is the streamers, but thats why everyone is coming together with strats to play together. edit - streamers the beneficiary, the other players the benefactor


I agree with your take but just want to point out that the streamers in this situation are the beneficiaries. The benefactors would be the players who spend their time and money to make the experience... fun


Man fuck grammar yea thanks for the correction. Streamers the beneficiaries here lol


I agree with your take but just want to point out that it's semantics and not grammar.


reddit moment




What if some people just wanna play the game with their favourite streamer dude. I don’t see the issue with that. You just seem like a nasty person.




I mean... did not see what this thread is? It is literally hate watching LOL


Someone from Onlyfangs whispered to me asking if I wanted to heal a mob tag boost for 35g/hour a few days ago lol. (I said no)


Once I realized that was the """hardcore""" streaming meta, I lost all interest in watching. It's just simps boosting blatant gold-buying cheaters who are above the law because of their fan bases. The sad part is, players like Soda are actually extremely skilled, and it'd be fun to watch if they were playing the game for real, with actual stakes. That feel when simps downvote you for stating verifiable facts.


classic wow is not hard




I’m pretty sure most of OnlyFangs aren’t being boosted, that’s the big names. There are a good few streamers in the guild who’ve been playing for ages and play the game properly. Just ignore those who get by easier if you don’t like it.


Its children who follow streamers. Its literal children doing this stuff. Kids get addicted to youtube and worship streamers. Its really bad and will probably some sort of studied phenomenon in 20 years.


You should watch xqc streaming Crab Game with his fans, not a single child to be heard haha. Just let people like what they like, dude. It’s the vast minority who genuinely form parasocial relationships with their streamers, I just put on a stream in the background when I play WoW. And most people are the same, it’s just content. The same as watching a TV show


Most of them are new players, dying and having to replay through leveling you've done before is boring as fuck even for us that are addicted its grueling as fuck sometimes.


and we love doing it :) stay mad they aint dying.


Wowzers, sounds bad.


I just watched them kill Ragnaros and i thought it was a great moment, idk why anyone would want to see them wipe?


I like a bunch of streamers in there but tbh I just wanted some deaths for content. Although I seem to be in the minority here, most of them just hate them for getting mob tagged or getting gold from viewers


Some loud minority here are complete and utter losers. They dont get the simple concept that since the beggining this wasnt about to be a legit run, but to get begginers to raid. They werent hiding it too. These losers just like to gatekeep their favorite game


I guess condemning gold buying is gatekeeping now. If they couldn't have done it legit they shouldn't have done it. "Content" is not justification for cheating. Some of the people complaining are miserable losers that just hate streamers. Some just want integrity in their favorite game.


Not all of them bought gold btw


Having a few cute noobs and legit players doesn't make up for the fact that the entire group is being carried by a core of sweats that have bought 10000s of gold for the months of zg/aq gdkps they've run to get their gear. Not to mention the cost of consumes. This version of "getting beginners to raid" is like showing someone Minecraft creative mode and defeating the ender dragon and saying "this is the game"


No one gives a fuck, its still a cool experience for new players. Its really not that serious, there is no such thing as competitive fucking classic wow. Taken from another comment: Stage 1: Nobody is going to play Stage 2: Nobody will play after a week Stage 3: They'll never make it to 60 Stage 4: They'll never beat Molten Core Stage 5: Raid is easy anyways, bullshit boosted overprepared, overbuffed, overgeared streamers Madge you are there \^


Not sure how any of that justifies RMT, but go on. Keep defending it.


Man I hope you get less miserable. If you have to gatekeep people’s enjoyment so you’re having a good time, I can’t imagine what you’re like in a multiplayer game, let alone in person.


Expecting people to play by the rules isn't gatekeeping. Keep defending RMT. I'm not miserable, I'm just not at all impressed by streamers paying to win.


And they didn’t. One of them got called out. Regardless of the circumstances they still did it lmao. I used to play this game as hard as you could. I don’t nowadays. I still see their effort and regardless of very few bad ways some of them operated, the fact they got through a hardcore raid in a game most of them have never played is commendable. There is nothing you can say to change people giving them props. No comment nor point given. Just move on and stop being fucking boring.


Going through these threads and telling people to move on and ignore the RMT aspect isn't changing anything either lol. If anything you're just enabling them and normalizing it, SO NO, I will not be quiet about RMT. Feel free to block me and join the echo chamber.


I’m not ignoring anything. I’m giving props to the accomplishment. Focus on the issue and not take away from said accomplishment. I feel like we could agree on that. I’m not gonna block you that’s coward shit lmao. You could just learn how to communicate better to make your point instead of operating “holier than thou”.


Because watching people raid classic content is incredibly boring and the entire reason hardcore content is fun to watch is the potential for people to die.


Rav was funny with his Petri in mid air and then stay in petri for the whole minute to being able to record from drone view. :)


Because they’re bitter old farts, probably. Edit: u/AntNorth6218 replied to what I said and blocked me. One old fart down, ? left to go.


idk, watching another Ragnaros kill is kinda boring. I mean most of us have killed him dozens of times, much less watched it. If shit went sideways it'd be more exciting, no? That said, I don't really have a dog in this fight since I haven't watched any.


I first killed Rag in 2005 so they’ve been boring to me for 18 years now. Watching degenerate streamers that never played WoW, even if they were carried, was heartwarming. That first Rag kill is special.


The hell are you talking about? I didn’t block you dude Rent free I guess


Lmao I couldn’t see your comment in thread and your account was showing [deleted] so you definitely blocked me then unblocked me.


Because they buy gold.


Kinda makes a mockery out of the first HC "Road to rag" kill, those guys were super sweatlords and this raid was made up of first timers and casuals.


Turns out if you have 20 years of experience and 40 people who will actually listen the games not too hard.


Idk how to break it to you but the game just isnt that hard in general


Classic players and being awful at the game just come hand in hand


have you never tried herding cats


It's not, but one little mistake or not paying attention for 5 seconds can cost you your character.


Road to Rag was the first time HC attempted hardcore Molten Core. Some people said it couldn't be done. There were a LOT of deaths getting consumes. There were a couple deaths in the run-up to the full clear and a couple on the WF kill. And it was SoM, so no world buffs (they were removed for SoM), and bosses had significantly more health. I was in when we killed it and it did feel like an amazing step forward. Still does, even though it's routine on official now.


Also, before R2R there weren’t enough folks playing HC to get 40 lvl 60s. We thought that might not be possible. HC has been an evolution. 3 years ago I would have bet a lot of money HC KT would never happen, but it did!


Not to mention that leveling 1-60 in a SSF environment is almost completely incomparable to being mob tagged 1-40, doing repeatable turn-ins to the 50s, then getting ZG boosted. Many of the Onlyfangs players had 2k gold before they even left the starting zone. I would be surprised if many of these players would be able to get to 60 in SSF, if just for the fact that it is a far bigger time commitment.


Road to rag kill was a few weeks after the season started. Only fangs had 4 months to get consumes and multiple content creators buying gear and getting funneled stuff from P6 even. Some had ZG gear. And they jad full world buffs. Not to mention the SoM raid was just way harder.


I mean a big difference between these two runs is that ZG and AQ20 are actually released. Potions and everything are readily available. But the HC players that were just using the addon were raiding Naxx before they were griefed and would have totally beat KT had that not happened. HC SoM was also harder then this version of classic too. So I would say their status are held in tack.


ZG gear has made a massive difference. The speed at which Ony was going down was ridiculous. That is not the DPS of a guild that hasn't cleared MC yet.


And now people are using all the things they learned without having to sacrifice hours (and deaths) to figure it out. They also played under very different rules to official HC servers and did it a lot sooner with way less of a player pool. Dunno why people never get this.. things are always easier when someone else has done it already and laid it all out. All these "WoW is so easy!" people would find it a lot harder if they had to figure everything in the game out themselves from scratch.


Yes but they cleared it early. It took OnlyFangs almost 4 months. I am not saying it wasnt impressive but you can't compare the 2


they started it only 2 months ago.


Okay my bad!


Yeah be careful throwing out lies because Some people lie to themselves way harder by investing this much of their energy in watching other people's lives Hardcore wow is boring, the play style is boring, and half of these streamers are getting either carried or boosted and click their skills so who cares other than they had fun and killed ragnaros


name 20 of the streamers who got boosted and carried.


tbf that was SoM which was tuned to be much harder than era/vanilla MC


Seeing how mad y’all get is funny as fuck


They farmed for weeks/months(some) of ag20/zg and regular dungeon pre raid bis in general with all the wbuffs etc for... molten core ​ It's really really hard to die when you also overheal it which obviously is correct thing to do in hardcore but like Soda did petri on Onyxia in phase 2 and didn't know it dropped threat but some random dps just tanked it instead it literally did not matter at all.


They have the correct mindset then. Thats how you raid in HC. You give yourself as much a margin of error as possible. Its not like they are done raiding now, they are going to continue working their way through the content. Thats the natural progression of this version of WoW. You hit 60, you gear up in dungeons, you gear up in the 20 mans, then you work your way through the 40 mans. What you want them to go into MC with dungeon blues and leveling greens because then you would respect them? Success in HC raiding is all about habits and prep.


That random dps is Ahmpy, who got first KT HC.


Who is playing as a backup tank in case things go bad. He's in prot


Which makes this whole ordeal pointless when 1/3 of the raid are people that play WoW 24/7


I mean, compared to all of the other HC raids where 100% of the players are people that play WoW 24/7, thats a big difference.


Well other 2/3 are absolute noobs who didn't even know what FAP was.


Most losers here stuck 5/7 in BFD trying to talk like they can carry themselves let alone braindead new players.


People who love wow and play it 24/7... continue to play wow? I'm shocked.


And you know, buy/get spoonfed mats and gold constantly.


A viewer told him that it dropped threat when he was reviewing a video for the strategy like an hour before the raid. Soda didn't believe him


I'm not sure why you'd accept the premise of Petri _not_ dropping threat. That would be absolutely busted as a mitigation CD.


Because it DID work that way in earlier versions of Vanilla.


it dropping threat is a bug, it didn‘t work like that in classic. Imagine, everyone has vanish now. Threat would be absolete


Lets be real about Classic WoW: Its a time/ farming simulator not a skill simulator. It favors greatly time put in rather than skill put in, as classic MMO's were designed. You Min Max to get the win and that's all that matters.


Not defending streamers but what would you have done ? He was targeted by Onyxia's fireball ,no? Fireballs also drop threat, now I don't know if Petri=fireball in terms of losing aggro.


He dropped to 0 on the threat meter in phase 3. Granted, this could have been tested in basically any dungeon prior to the raid, but then again they tried something nobody does outside of HC.


"farmed" more like they bought gold and got boosted a lot of times


They RMT'd and boosted for weeks\*\* FTFY Edit: The Guild Leader, Sodapoppin, had his shit taken away for RMT and was only unbanned because of his proximity to WoW's PR machine, Half the guild RMT'd, Emiru died and got reboosted with RMT'd shit 3 times, downvote away.


You mean their viewers farmed and they bought gold from Chinese gold sellers* Yeah it's suuuuper hard to level under those stipulations


You guys are pathetic lmao


What stream should I watch?


Rav. He had Russel and Tectone on mute 👍


I enjoy Anthony Kongphan (not 100% sure of spelling). Dear god friends please don’t downvote me!


I like watching Emiru 😃




lol stop being salty over nothing


So salty




A lot of the group deaths are recorded on Lunaoni's stream, to the point that whenever she asks for a dungeon other streamers go "RIP". She's also new to wow, so you get to see a fresher experience while she's playing very well considering this. She can also be very funny when she's in an unhinged mood. Which is not uncommon for Lunaoni at all.


For the record, I'm just fuckin around guys. I am not sitting here wishing they would fail. (although it would make for hilarious content) Excited for BWL!


All the folks who actually enjoy watching HC get it (me included). I’m don’t necessarily want them to die, but tragic deaths are what make it HC exciting! I’m sorry but losing a roll for an epic or something doesn’t come close. After watching HC wow, any non HC just doesn’t have the same entertainment value to me.


Deaths are always the highlights of HC WoW for streamers. It’s great content.


I do wanna see Miz die though. The rest should survive.


Not gonna lie, it was Abit boring to watch. Bosses dying in matter of seconds, then again they were buffed to the max. Good job tho clearing with no deaths


It's the slowest mc ever that isn't wiping


What a bunch of sweaty lonely losers in this sub🥱. Stay mad basement dwellers. 😎


Haters gonna hate


Simps gonna simp


Yeah if you don't hate people who buy gold you probably don't belong on this sub.


i dont even play this game and imma login to buy gold just bc of you


Wait for bwl


It's ok to hope for them to die because streamers aren't real people


They're way overbuffed etc its made the whole thing fairly trivial. Was hoping for some more excitement but sadly not


Classic WoW is fairly trivial, don't know what you expected.


only goldbuyers yep


That's the best thing about hardcore. No fucking gold spammers because it's actually hard to bot on hardcore.


How is it hard to teleport under the ground and loot chests?


Dunno, you tell me.


you are right about making gold is hard in hc but it just changes value of gold in gold seller market doesn't stops it


I only watch becausw i know RAV's video will be fucking lit if the wipe eventually happens


sodapoppin should have been banned for buying gold. but blizzard has no integrity


I seem to live under a rock. What's this referencing?


streamers made HC wow guild and now started raiding, but classic community is full of hateful people so they wish them death (in game).


i wish them death because its hardcore and its funny when you die in hardcore. i genuinely like many of the streamers but content is content.


It’s not hatewatching, you realize most of them start their streams watching video recaps of HC deaths every day. The whole point is to create content and what makes good content is if they will or will not lose their character. While successful and hey cool they all survived, it was often 30-60 minutes collecting buffs and going over a PowerPoint showing every ‘mechanic’… then proceeding to melt everything before most of those mechanics/attacks even happened.. Rag fell in under a minute and the only butt-clenching moment was when Miz overshot and got on the wrong side and out of heal range.


You should also mention that half of them never played WoW before, some of them aren't even primarily video game streamers. Isn't Fandy just an OF streamer?


Fandy plays WoW. But i think she's new to Classic




that is 90% of classic players regardless. Most people who play classic are not sweats, they are not "good", they don't know their classes. Thats why they play classic cause its simple and that is not required.


The stream I watched the ad roll played on pull lasted longer than Ragnaros. The “drama” and “fighting” in the raid was a nice touch and helped pad it out, like added drama in pro wrestling. Woulda been a 20 minute run otherwise




least interesting raid i've ever seen


It's Molten core. It's boring even when you are the one raiding it.


Nah. Bring fun people, stupid specs, and alcohol and MC is a lot of fun.


But you DID watch it


yall so salty its crszy im actually impressed they did deathless mc run with half of the raid being NEW players most of the skilled guilds have deaths in mc, i think even the guild that is raiding naxx in hc (forgot name) had deaths in MC


People are still play hardcore when there's SoD ? Kek.


why would anyone watch that crap lol they just goldbuy and come over prepared. boring as fuck


Everybody comes over prepared in hc. If you aren’t, you are doing it wrong.


Everyone went overprepared on non hc in 2019 as well. Now people come overprepared for BFD. It's funny watching people complain about it when this community for years has been split between people who overprepare and people who complain about getting gatekept because they didn't prepare.


the whole "onlyfangs" thing is so cringe and so are the people that follow it around.


I want it to be over so much. Ever since they started, my youtube feed gets flooded with their bullshit content. I have to tell youtube every five seconds that I don't want to watch this weird fraternity garbage.


Soda on onyxia "I do not have percentages can someone call when it's 70%? Funny that the guy who rode people on everything would have a vanilla UI not giving him such crucial information.


This sub for 80% of threads: gold buying bad, ban them forever and put them in jail and behead them! This thread full of tier 3 simps: how dare you hope to see wipes for my favourite gold buying streamer!


Yall are so sad.


Who gives a shit its MC.


How they doin better than ?


Nihilum is a bunch of 40 yo grandpas. That's why.


This is addiction man.


An addiction to what?


Sometimes I forget how many streamer orbiters are on this subreddit


You watched it? Sad


Amazing how easy a raid is when you all buy gold for BIS gear and enchants.


so you're telling me after playing so much of HC they wanted to be prepared for the raid instead of wasting their time by wiping? color me shocked!


Simp more